Dashboard objects

Most of the objects are very simple. Drag and drop them on the Dashboard to use them. They can be either Floating or Tiled. Here's a list of existing objects: 

  • Horizontal/Vertical Container: Adding these is a great way to control the way the items are added. We'll focus on Containers in the Tiled, Floating, and Containers Layouts section.
  • Text: Adds free text. Great for titles, explanations, credits, and so on. 
  • Image: You can add almost any image files. Great for logos or to add some context to your Dashboard. Once you've added an image, you have a few options when you right-click on it, such as fit or center the image, or add a target URL when someone clicks on the picture.
  • Web Page: More useful than you think! Of course, you can use it to display a web page in your Dashboard, but you can also link this Web Page to a Dashboard Action to load different URLs based on your data. We will look at this in more detail in the Go to URL action section.
  • Blank: Inserts a blank (such as a void Text); you can use it to add some space.
  • Extensions (2018.2): A new feature that enables you to integrate and interact with data from other applications. A list of Extensions is available here: https://extensiongallery.tableau.com/.
  • Button (2018.3): A very recent feature to navigate between your Dashboards or Worksheets: It adds a button that you can, with a right-click, configure (to specify where to navigate) and personalize (change the image or add a Tooltip).

As you can see, most of the objects are easy to understand and use. 

To finish, let's discover the other Dashboard options.

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