
Welcome to PostgreSQL 9 High Availability Cookbook! As a database, PostgreSQL is beginning to take its place in the world of high transaction rates and very large data installations. With this comes an increasing demand for PostgreSQL to act as a critical piece of infrastructure. System outages in these environments can be spectacularly costly and demand a higher caliber of management and tooling.

It is the job of a DBA to ensure that the database is always available for application demands and clients' needs. Yet, this is extremely difficult to accomplish without the necessary skills and experience with a common operating system and PostgreSQL tools. Installing, configuring, and optimizing a PostgreSQL cluster is a tiny fraction of the process. We also need to know how to find and recognize problems, manage a swarm of logical and physical replicas, and scale to increasing demands, all while preventing or mitigating system outages.

This book is something the author wishes existed 10 years ago. Back then, there were no recipes to follow to build a fault-tolerant PostgreSQL cluster; we had to improvise. It is our aim to prevent other DBAs from experiencing the kind of frustration borne from reinventing the wheel. We've done all the hard work, taken notes, outlined everything we've ever learned about keeping PostgreSQL available and written it all down in here.

We hope you find this book useful and relevant; it is the product of years of trial, error, testing, and a large amount of input from the PostgreSQL community.

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Hardware Planning, sets the tone by covering the part that the appropriate hardware selection plays in a successful PostgreSQL cluster of any size.

Chapter 2, Handling and Avoiding Downtime, provides safe settings and defaults for a stable cluster and explains the basic techniques for responding to mishaps.

Chapter 3, Pooling Resources, presents PgBouncer and pgpool, two tools geared toward controlling PostgreSQL connections. Together, these can provide an abstraction layer to reduce the effect of outages and increase system performance.

Chapter 4, Troubleshooting, introduces a battery of common Unix and Linux tools and resources that can collect valuable diagnostic information. It also includes a couple of PostgreSQL views that can assist in finding database problems.

Chapter 5, Monitoring, further increases availability by adding Nagios, check_mk, collectd, and Graphite to watch active PostgreSQL clusters. This chapter helps us stay informed, and find potential problems before they happen.

Chapter 6, Replication, discusses several PostgreSQL replication scenarios and techniques for more durable data. This includes logical replication tools such as Slony, Bucardo, and Londiste.

Chapter 7, Replication Management Tools, brings WAL management to the forefront. It talks about integrating Barman, OmniPITR, repmgr, or walctl into PostgreSQL to further prevent data loss and control complicated multiserver clusters.

Chapter 8, Advanced Stack, explains how to use LVM, DRBD, and XFS to build a solid foundation and keep data on two servers simultaneously to prevent costly outages.

Chapter 9, Cluster Control, incorporates Pacemaker into the advanced stack. Fully automate PostgreSQL server migrations in case of impending maintenance or hardware failure.

Chapter 10, Data Distribution, shows how PostgreSQL features such as foreign data wrappers and materialized views can produce a scalable cluster. Included with this chapter is a simple data-sharding API technique to reduce dependency on a single PostgreSQL server.

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