Third-party extensions

In addition to the Balsamiq team working hard to bring you a great application, there are also some third-party applications that extend Balsamiq's capabilities even further.


If you recall from the previous chapter, Napkee interprets Balsamiq's XML code and produces some very interesting results. In addition to its capability with XML, Napkee can also export files as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and even as Flex Builder 3, all of which can be edited further via a code editor and presented in a web browser.

Just visit to get started. While you're there, download a 15-day free trial of the application and be sure to watch the overview video. See what Napkee can do for you.


If you recall, we used MockupsToGo,, in Chapter 3, Working with Symbols, to build the blog wireframe, project_mockup_3.bmml. As you may recall, MockupsToGo offers Balsamiq widget libraries, which are free to use. All they ask, should you decide to use their handiwork in a publication, is to give them a little credit.

As you will see, MockupsToGo offers all kinds of widget libraries for Android devices, iPhones, social networking, icons for Facebook, Discus, Google Plus, Twitter, web browser layouts, 960 grid systems, Mac OS X desktop controls, Microsoft application widgets, and much, much more. If you want to build it, chances are someone else already has and they are willing to share. Why reinvent the wheel? Browse the categories at MockupsToGo, download the free .bmml files and use those hours saved to create some great wireframes.

Reality Mechanic

Designing a mobile app in Balsamiq? Reality Mechanic's Mockups2Android application may just be what you need. Mockups2Android,, provides the ability to upload Balsamiq files directly to your Android phone for real-world click throughs, user testing, prototyping and stakeholder reviews. Now that's cool!

Be sure to check out their video tutorials as well, to understand how it all works.


Similar to Mockups2Android, LiveMockups provides similar viewing functionality for the iPhone and iPad.

Visit to learn more.

Wirify by Volkside

Wirify,, is a free app that turns any web page into a Balsamiq-like wireframe in an instant. Simply drag the Wirify bookmarklet into your browser's bookmark toolbar, find a site whose layout you want to wirify, click the bookmark, and voilĂ ! Instant wireframe!

Of course, if you want to edit what you just created, you will have to pay for it. But then again, you could just recreate what you see on the screen directly into Balsamiq and it won't cost you anything. If nothing else, Wirify is a great tool to see how some of your favorite websites might look as wireframes. It is also a good source of inspiration in terms of layout, spatial relationships of shapes, placement of elements, and so on. Give it a try.

Project management

As you have seen, Balsamiq makes sharing and exporting files easy. But, there are times when sharing files across large projects with multiple team members requires more careful tracking and greater organization than simply e-mailing files to one another. In situations like this, large projects are best served by using project management tools like Google Drive, Confluence, Jira, and Wiki. Balsamiq offers a variety of easy-to-install plugins that interact seamlessly with these tools, making file sharing across large projects very easy.

To learn more about these plugins and the project management tools they support, visit

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