Go to URL

The Go to URL... action allows you to open a website directly inside the Dashboard or in a new window. If there is a Web Page object in your Dashboard, the website will open inside it; if not, the site will load in a new browser window. But there is more: you can create dynamic URLs based on the fields in the Worksheets to open different web pages based on your data.

The following screenshot is an example of a Go to URL Action that you can easily reproduce (just put the Profit by State Worksheet on the left, a Web Page object on the right, and follow the configuration window):

In this example, when you click on a State in the map, you have a menu saying Open State Wikipedia page. If you click on the link, the Wikipedia page of the State opens on the right, in a Web Page object.

When you add a Go to URL... Action, a new window opens where you can configure it. Here's the configuration window of the preceding example: 

In the configuration window, you can specify the following:

  • The Name of the Action Open State Wikipedia page here.
  • The Source Sheets—in the example, we have only one Worksheet, Profit by State.
  • The trigger—in the example, a Menu that opens when you click on a Mark.
  • The URL—you can write any URL you want, and add, thanks to the small arrow at the end, fields from the Worksheet. In the example, we wrote https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ and we added the State field at the end. You can use the Test Link button to verify that your URL is working.

There are also two options. The first, URL Encode Data Values, needs to be set if the field's value contains special characters (such as &). The second needs to be set if the URL accepts a list of values as a parameter. If you check the second option, you'll also need to specify the Item Delimiter and Delimiter Escape escape.

Before Tableau 2018.3, those were the only three actions available. In the new version of Tableau, two further Actions are available. Let's get started with Go to Sheet.

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