
The author would like to credit the following sources for permission to reproduce tables, figures and extracts of text from earlier publications:

The Committee of the Alvey Vision Club for permission to reprint portions of the following paper as text in Chapter 15 and as Figs. 15.1, 15.2, 15.6:

Davies, E.R. (1988g).

CEP Consultants Ltd (Edinburgh) for permission to reprint portions of the following paper as text in Chapter 19:

Davies, E.R. (1987a).

Portions of the following papers from Pattern Recognition and Signal Processing as text in Chapters 3, 5, 9-15, 23, 24 and tables 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and as Figs. 3.7, 3.9, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13, 3.17, 3,18, 3.19, 3.20, 3.21, 3.22, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.8, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 10.4-10.14, 11.1, 11.3-11.11, 12.5-12.11, 13.1-13.5, 14.1-14.3, 14.6, 14.7, 14.8, 15.8, 23.2, 23.5:

Davies, E.R. (1986a,c, 1987c,d,g,k,l, 1988b,c,e,f, 1989 a-d).

Portions of the following papers from Image and Vision Computing as text in Chapter 5, as Tables 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 and as Figs. 3.33, 5.1, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7:

Davies, E.R. (1984b, 1987e)

Figures 5, 9; and about 10% of the text in the following paper:

Davies, E.R., Bateman, M., Mason, D.R., Chambers, J. and Ridgway, C. (2003). “Design of efficient line segment detectors for cereal grain inspection.” Pattern Recogn. Lett., 24, nos. 1-3, 421-436.

Figure 4 of the following article:

Davies, E.R. (1987) “Visual inspection, automatic (robotics)”, in Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, Vol. 14, Academic Press, pp. 360-377.

About 4% of the text in the following paper:

Davies, E.R. (2003). “An analysis of the geometric distortions produced by median and related image processing filters.” Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, 126, Academic Press, pp. 93-193.

The above five items reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

IEE for permission to reprint portions of the following papers from the IEE Proceedings and Colloquium Digests as text in Chapters 14, 22, 25, and as Figs. 14.13-14.15, 22.2-22.6, 25.13:

Davies, E.R. (1985b, 1988a)

Davies, E.R. and Johnstone, A.I.C. (1989)

Greenhill, D. and Davies, E.R. (1994b)


Figures 1-5; and about 44% of the text in the following paper:

Davies, E.R. (1997). Principles and design graphs for obtaining uniform illumination in automated visual inspection. Proc. 6th IEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing and its Applications, Dublin (14-17 July), IEE Conf. Publication no. 443, pp. 161-165.

Table 1; and about 95% of the text in the following paper:

Davies, E.R. (1997). Algorithms for inspection: constraints, tradeoffs and the design process. IEE Digest no. 1997/041, Colloquium on Industrial Inspection, IEE (10 Feb.), pp. 6/1-5.

Figure 1; and about 35% of the text in the following paper:

Davies, E.R., Bateman, M., Chambers, J. and Ridgway, C. (1998). Hybrid non-linear filters for locating speckled contaminants in grain. IEE Digest no. 1998/284, Colloquium on Non-Linear Signal and Image Processing, IEE (22 May), pp. 12/1-5.

Table 1; Figures 4-8; and about 15% of the text in the following paper:

Davies, E.R. (1999). Image distortions produced by mean, median and mode filters. IEE Proc. Vision Image Signal Processing, 146, no. 5, 279-285.

Figure 1; and about 45% of the text in the following paper:

Davies, E.R. (2000). Obtaining optimum signal from set of directional template masks. Electronics Lett., 36, no. 15, 1271-1272.

Figures 1-3; and about 90% of the text in the following paper:

Davies, E.R. (2000). Resolution of problem with use of closing for texture segmentation. Electronics Lett., 36, no. 20, 1694-1696.

IEEE for permission to reprint portions of the following paper as text in Chapter 14 and as Figs. 3.5, 3.6, 3.8, 3.12, 14.4, 14.5:

Davies, E.R. (1984a, 1986d).

IFS Publications Ltd for permission to reprint portions of the following paper as text in Chapter 22 and as Figs. 10.1, 10.2, 22.7:

Davies, E.R. (1984c).

The Council of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers for permission to reprint portions of the following paper as Tables 28.1, 28.2:

Davies. E.R. and Johnstone, A.I.C. (1986).

MCB University Press (Emerald Group) for permission to reproduce Plate 1 of the following paper as Fig. 22.8:

Patel, D., Davies, E.R. and Hannah, I. (1995).

Pergamon (Elsevier Science Ltd) for permission to reprint portions of the following articles as text in Chapters 6, 7 and as Figs. 3.16, 6.7, 6.24:

Davies, E.R. and Plummer, A.P.N. (1981).

Davies, E.R. (1982).

Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences for permission to reprint portions of the following paper as text in Chapter 22 and as Fig. 7.4:

Davies, E.R. (1987f).

World Scientific for permission to reprint:

Figures 2.7(a, b), 3.4-3.6, 10.4, 12.1-12.3, 14.1; plus about 3 pp. of text extracted from p. 49 et seq; about 1 p. of text extracted from p. 132 et seq; about 2 pp. of text extracted from p. 157 et seq; about 3 pp. of text extracted from p. 187 et seq; about 7 pp. of text extracted from p. 207 et seq; about 3 pp. of text extracted from p. 219 et seq, in the following book:

Davies, E.R. (2000). Image Processing for the Food Industry.

in all cases excluding text which originated from earlier publications

The Royal Photographic Society for permission to reprint:

Table 1; figures 1, 2, 7, 9; and about 40% of the text in the following paper:

Davies, E.R. (2000). A generalized model of the geometric distortions produced by rank-order filters. Imaging Science Journal, 48, no. 3, 121-130.

Figures 4(b,e,h), 5(b), 14(a,b,c) in the following paper:

Charles, D. and Davies, E.R. (2004). Mode filters and their effectiveness for processing colour images. Imaging Science Journal, 52, no. 1, 3-25.

EURASIP for permission to reprint:

Figures 1-7; and about 65% of the text in the following paper:

Davies, E.R. (1998). Rapid location of convex objects in digital images. Proc. EUSIPCO’98, Rhodes, Greece (8-11 Sept.), pp. 589-592.

Figure 1; and about 30% of the text in the following paper:

Davies, E.R., Mason, D.R., Bateman, M., Chambers, J. and Ridgway, C. (1998). Linear feature detectors and their application to cereal inspection. Proc. EUSIPCO’98, Rhodes, Greece (8-11 Sept.), pp. 2561-2564.

CRC Press for permission to reprint:

Table 1; Figures 8, 10, 12, 15-17; and about 15% of the text in the following chapter:

Davies (2003): Chapter 7 in Cho, H. (ed.) (2003). Opto-Mechatronic Systems Handbook.

Springer-Verlag for permission to reprint: about 4% of the text in the following chapter:

Davies, E.R. (2003). Design of object location algorithms and their use for food and cereals inspection. Chapter 15 in Graves, M. and Batchelor, B.G. (eds.) (2003). Machine Vision Techniques for Inspecting Natural Products, 393-420.

Unicom Seminars Ltd. for permission to reprint:

Portions of the following paper as text in Chapter 22 and as Figs. 9.2, 10.3, 12.3, 14.15, 15.9:

Davies, E.R. (1988h).

Royal Holloway, University of London for permission to reprint:

Extracts from the following examination questions, written by E.R. Davies:

EL333/01/2, 4-6; EL333/98/2; EL333/99/2, 3, 5, 6; EL385/97/2; PH4760/04/ 1-5; PH5330/98/3, 5; PH5330/03/1-5.

University of London for permission to reprint:

Extracts from the following examination questions, written by E.R. Davies:

PH385/92/2, 3; PH385/93/1-3; PH385/94/1-4; PH385/95/4; PH385/96/3, 6; PH433/94/3, 5; PH433/96/2, 5.

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