Tackling the Perspective n-point Problem

It is possible to recognize 3-D objects from very few point features, even when they are seen in a single view. In fact, the pose of the 3-D object can also be ascertained from a single view. However, ambiguities of interpretation do arise, and this chapter discusses the disambiguation problem.

Look out for:

the distinction between weak and full perspective projection.

how the “perspective inversion” type of ambiguity arises under weak perspective projection.

how more serious ambiguities arise under full perspective projection.

how full perspective projection has the capability to provide more interpretive information than weak perspective projection.

how coplanarity can impose quite strong constraints on 3-D data, which can sometimes be helpful and at other times be an impediment.

how symmetry can help with 3-D image interpretation.

Although this chapter considers only one aspect of 3-D vision, it raises very important issues that are relevant right through the subject of 3-D object recognition.

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