Implementing federated security using a Security Token Service

In a claims-based identity scenario, tokens are issued by an Identity Provider (IP) and the user can access resources from a Service Provider or Relying Party (RP) using such claims. The following diagram illustrates the process flow:

Implementing federated security using a Security Token Service

However, in the world of claims, it is possible that an RP doesn't trust the IP if they are in discrete security domains. This recipe shows how federation can be used to build a Security Token Service for the IP (IP-STS) and the RP (RP-STS) to create a realm of trust across the security boundaries.

Getting ready

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) exposes the WSFederationHttpBinding class to support federation (WS-Federation). We will use this binding in our recipe solution to create a federated STS. The documentation provided at will help you learn more about this binding configuration.

How to do it...

To create an STS, perform the following steps:

  1. Add reference to the System.ServiceModel.Channels namespace.
  2. Create an ISecurityTokenService service contract and define an operation contract that accepts the Message request ( System.ServiceModel.Channels) and returns a Message response with the claims assigned by the issuer:
    [ServiceContract(Name = "SecurityTokenService", Namespace = "http://RelyingParty/v1")]
    public interface ISecurityTokenService
    Message ProcessRequestSecurityToken(Message message);
  3. Specify the WS-Addressing action and the SOAP action for the reply message on the OperationContract attribute:
    [OperationContract(Action = "",
    ReplyAction = "")]


    The Action and ReplyAction properties must conform to the WS-Trust specification.

  4. Create an implementation of ISecurityTokenService for the IP. In the implemented IdentityProviderSecurityTokenService method, create an instance of RequestSecurityToken using the request message header:
    RequestSecurityToken rst = RequestSecurityToken.CreateFrom(message.GetReaderAtBodyContents());

    The RequestSecurityToken class should comply with OASIS web security WS-Trust standard specification. An equivalent XML representation will look like the following code:

    <Address> http://localhost:8080/SecurityTokenService/IdentityProvider </Address>
    <TokenType> profile-1.1#SAMLV1.1
  5. Create a proof token using the RequestSecurityToken key retrieved from the RequestorEntropy property and use the proof token, issuer token, and the claims to create a SamlSecurityToken object with an encrypted proof key to be held by the subject of the SAML security token. Build a RequestSecurityResponse instance using the SamlSecurityToken object:
    BinarySecretSecurityToken proofToken = new BinarySecretSecurityToken(key);
    SamlSecurityToken samlToken = Saml11Helper.CreateSamlSecurityToken(issuer, proofToken, IssuerToken, ProofKeyEncryptionToken, samlConditions, samlAttributes);
    RequestSecurityTokenResponse rstr = GetRequestSecurityTokenResponse(rst, keySize, proofToken, samlToken, senderEntropy, stsEntropy);


    senderEntropy is the RequestorEntropy key and stsEntropy is an alternate random key.

  6. Create a response message using the RequestSecurityResponse instance and message header action set to the WS-Trust reply action URI:
    Message responseMessage = Message.CreateMessage(message.Version, "", rstr);
  7. Ensure that the response message relates to the request message:
    responseMessage.Headers.RelatesTo = message.Headers.MessageId;
  8. Set the service credential certificate validation mode to PeerOrChainTrust:
    serviceHost.Credentials.IssuedTokenAuthentication.CertificateValidationMode = X509CertificateValidationMode.PeerOrChainTrust;
  9. In the service model behavior configuration, set the appropriate certificate reference under the serviceCredentials element:
    <serviceCertificate storeLocation ="LocalMachine"
    findValue="IdentityProviderSTS" />


    The binding element should be wsHttpBinding. Also, make sure that a mex endpoint is exposed for the purpose of metadata discovery.

  10. Repeat steps 4 to 8 to create an implementation of ISecurityTokenService for the RP. In the implemented method—RelyingPartySecurityTokenService, verify that the issuer is the IP STS:
    List<ClaimSet> claimSets = new List<ClaimSet>(OperationContext.Current.ServiceSecurityContext.AuthorizationContext.ClaimSets);
    ClaimSet issuer = claimSets.Find((Predicate<ClaimSet>)delegate(ClaimSet target)
    X509CertificateClaimSet issuerClaimSet = target.Issuer as X509CertificateClaimSet;
    return issuerClaimSet != null && issuerClaimSet.X509Certificate.Subject == "CN=IdentityProviderSTS";

    In a more realistic scenario, the retrieved claim sets will be compared for matched thumbprints; however, for our recipe, we will settle for the certificate subject comparison with the IP. Notice that ClaimSet is retrieved from the service's AuthorizationContext. Also, copy over the identity claims retrieved from the IP realm to create an instance of SamlSecurityToken for the response message.

  11. In the service model behavior configuration, set the appropriate certificate reference under the serviceCredentials element:
    <serviceCertificate storeLocation ="LocalMachine"
    findValue="RelyingPartySTS" />


    The binding element should be wsFederationHttpBinding. The binding configuration should have message security mode set to Message and the issuer/issuerMetadata address pointing to the endpoint/mex endpoint address of the IP. A mex endpoint should also be exposed in the RP service configuration for the purpose of metadata discovery.

  12. In the client configuration, specify the endpoint identity certificate:
    <endpoint name="" address="http://localhost:8080/RelyingParty/Service" binding="wsFederationHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="FederationBinding" behaviorConfiguration="RelyingPartyServiceBehavior" contract="IResource">
    <certificateReference storeLocation="LocalMachine" storeName="My" x509FindType="FindBySubjectName" findValue="RelyingPartyService"/>

How it works...

To allow the users of the IP realm to access resources from the RP, a brokered trust is established using an STS on either side of the realm. In our recipe, the trust is established by sharing a common contract between the IP-STS and RP-STS. The RP expects that the user presents it with the claims to access the resources that are issued by the RP-STS. On the other hand, the RP-STS expects the user to present claims issued by the IP-STS. The successful handshake is achieved by verifying the issuer at each step. The following diagram illustrates this scenario:

How it works...

The RP service can validate the client request using an implementation of ServiceAuthorizationManager and validating the claims in the CheckAccess method:

public class FedAuthorizationManager : ServiceAuthorizationManager
public override bool CheckAccess(OperationContext operationContext)

There's more...

A brief overview of the concept of federation is provided in the MSDN documentation at This recipe references the concepts mentioned in the article. A complete solution of the federation scenario sample can be downloaded from

Passive federation

Web browsers act as the passive requestors and there is no direct way of controlling the behavior. The WS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile provides a set of guidelines that can be used to make web applications provide identity services. Details of the guidelines can be found in the MSDN article at

Single realm STS

If the trust boundaries are not discrete, a single realm STS could be used, where both the IP and the RP trust the STS. The following diagram illustrates this scenario:

Single realm STS

In a single realm STS, the token service creates a token after authenticating the client credentials against an IP. The RP ensures that the issuer in the token is the STS and verifies the claims before accepting the client request.

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