Features of Cellebrite UFED Physical Analyzer

The following are the features of Cellebrite UFED Physical Analyzer:

  • Supports different types of acquisition
  • Extracts the device keys that are required to decrypt physical images, as well as keychain items
  • Decrypts physical images and keychain items
  • Reveals device passwords (not available for all locked devices)
  • Allows you to open an encrypted raw disk image file with a known password
  • Supports passcode recovery attacks
  • Supports advanced analysis and decoding of extracted application data
  • Provides access to physical and logical data extracted in the same user interface, making analysis easier
  • Generates reports in several popular formats, including Microsoft Excel, PDF, and HTML
  • Dumps the raw filesystem partition so that it can be imported and examined in another forensic tool
  • Creates a binary image file, in addition to the UFED shortcut file, for ease of importing into other forensic tools for verification

Let's now look at advanced logical acquisition and analysis.

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