4.7. Fuzzy Reasoning Based on Quotient Space Structures

In this section, we present a framework of fuzzy reasoning based on quotient space structures. They are: (1) introduce quotient structure into fuzzy set theory, i.e., establish fuzzy set representations and their relations in multi-granular spaces, (2) introduce the concept of fuzzy set into quotient space theory, i.e., fuzzy equivalence relation and its reasoning, (3) the transformation of three different granular computing methods, (4) the methods for transforming statistical reasoning models into quotient space structures. The combination of the two (fuzzy set and quotient space) methodologies is intended to embody the language-processing capacity of fuzzy set method and multi-granular computing capacity of quotient space method (Zhang and Zhang, 2003a, 2003b, 2003d).
There are three basic methods for granular computing, fuzzy set (Zadeh, 1979, 1997, 1999), rough set (Pawlak, 1982, 1991, 1998) and quotient space theory (Zhang and Zhang, 2003c). In fuzzy set theory, concepts are represented by natural language. So the theory is a well-known language-formalized model and one of granular computing favorable tools. We believe that a concept can be represented by a subset. Different concepts reflect different grain-size subsets. A family of concepts composes a partition of whole space. Thus, different families of concepts constitute different quotient spaces (knowledge bases). The aim of granular computing is to investigate the relation and translation among subsets under a given knowledge base. The same problem can be studied in different quotient spaces (knowledge bases). Then the results from different quotient spaces are synthesized together to further understand the problem. We intend to combine the two methods and apply to fuzzy reasoning.

4.7.1. Fuzzy Set Based on Quotient Space Model

Fuzzy Sets Represented in Quotient Space
Assume a fuzzy set on X and its membership function is image. image is a quotient space of X.

Definition 4.4

image is a fuzzy set on quotient space image. Define its membership function as image, where image . f is a given function.
When the membership function of image is regarded as attribute function f on X, the fuzzy processing on quotient spaces is equivalent to the projection, synthesis and decomposition of attribute function f under the quotient space framework. Let us see an example.
A reasoning rule: ‘if u is a, then u is b’. When a and b are fuzzy concepts, the rule becomes a fuzzy reasoning rule image.
Assume that a and b are described by fuzzy sets image on X and image on Y, respectively. Then rule image can be represented by a fuzzy relation from X to Y, or a fuzzy subset on image denoted by image. We have


Using the above rule, if input image then we have image as follows


Assume that image is a quotient space of X. If regarding image and image as fuzzy sets on image, two questions have to be answered, i.e., what is the result obtained when regarding Formula (4.21) as a reasoning rule? What is the relation between the above result and the reasoning result obtained from space X?
image is a fuzzy set on X. image is an induced fuzzy set on image and defined as follows.



The quotient membership functions defined by Formulas (4.22) and (4.23) are quotient fuzzy subsets defined by the maximal and minimal principles.
For notational simplicity, in the following discussion, the underline below the signs of fuzzy sets is omitted.

Theorem 4.2 (Weakly Falsity- or Truth-Preserving Principle)

image and B are fuzzy subsets on image and image, respectively. image is a quotient space of X. image and image are fuzzy subsets on image and image induced from image and B, according to the maximal and minimal principles. image is inferred from image based on rule image. image is inferred from image based on rule image. We have



Formulas (4.24) and (4.25) show the falsity- and truth-preserving principles of fuzzy reasoning on quotient spaces in some sense. For example, if a fuzzy concept having degree of membership image is regarded as ‘truth’, otherwise as ‘falsity’, Formula (4.24) embodies the falsity-preserving principle of fuzzy reasoning. If image, then image. Namely, if the degree of membership of a conclusion (y) on a quotient space is image then degree of membership of the corresponding conclusion (y) on the original space must be image. Similarly, Formula (4.25) embodies the truth-preserving principle of fuzzy reasoning, where image, then image.
The definition of membership functions on quotient spaces can be defined in different ways. Then, the relation of fuzzy reasoning between quotient spaces is different. However, the fuzzy reasoning can always benefit by the truth- and falsity-preserving principle and the like.

4.7.2. Fuzzified Quotient Space Theory

Fuzzy concepts can be introduced to quotient space theory in different ways, for example, introduce fuzzy concepts to domain X, fuzzy structures to topologic structure T, etc. In the section, fuzzy equivalence relations are introduced to fuzzy reasoning.
From Section 2.4, the following theorem holds.

Basic Theorem

The following three statements are equivalent:
(1) A fuzzy equivalence relation on X
(2) A normalized isosceles distance on some quotient space of X
(3) A hierarchical structure on X.
From the theorem, it’s known that a fuzzy equivalence relation is equivalent to a deterministic distance so that a fuzzy problem can be handled under the deterministic framework. Second, in quotient space image, T is an inherent topologic structure of X and independent of distance d introduced from fuzzy equivalence relation. Third, quotient space image is composed by image. If we define a quotient space as image, then define a distance function on image as image, where image and


It can be proved that the definition by Formula (4.26) is unique for image and image. image is a distance function on image. image is a sequence of nested quotient spaces (metric spaces). If image, then image is a quotient space of image. Space image consists of one point.
image is a topologic space. Now a quotient topology image is introduced to each quotient space image of image. Then, image has two structures image, i.e., a multi-structure space, one induced from topology, one induced from fuzzy concept. Actually, for example, the interpersonal relationship is a multi-structure space, where the relationship of their place of residence amounts to T and their blood relationship amounts to image .
Fixed x, regarding image as a membership function of a fuzzy subset, we have a space image composed by fuzzy subsets on image. If the reasoning on image is the same mode as in common quotient spaces, then image represents the precision of its conclusions, i.e., the nearer the distance image the more accurate the conclusions.

4.7.3. The Transformation of Three Different Granular Computing Methods

Fuzzy set, rough set and quotient space-based granular computing have different perspectives and goals. But they have a close relationship.
In rough set, a problem is represented by image, where U is a domain, A is a set of attributes, image is an attribute function, and image is the range of a. When image is discrete, domain U is generally partitioned by image. By combining different image then we have different partitions of U. When image is continuous, image is discretized. Then, U is partitioned as the same as the discrete case.
In other words, normalizing the attribute function, i.e., image, it can be regarded as a fuzzy set on U. If given a data table, it can be transformed to a set of fuzzy sets on U. Then, mining a data table is equivalent to studying a set of fuzzy sets.
On the other hand, given a set image of fuzzy sets on X, for each fuzzy set image, letting image be a family of open sets, then from image we have a family of open sets. Using the open sets, a topologic structure T on U can be uniquely defined. We have a topologic space image. Then, the study of a family image of fuzzy sets can be transformed to that of topologic space image. The study of space image may use the quotient space method. Thus, the quotient space method is introduced to the study of fuzzy sets. The concept of granularity represented by fuzzy set is transformed to a deterministic topologic structure. So the quotient space method provides a new way of granular computing.
Conversely, given a topologic space image, letting image ={all open sets containing x}, image is called a neighborhood system of x. According to (Yao and Zhong, 1999), neighborhood system image can be regarded as a qualitative fuzzy set. So a topology space image can be regarded as a family of fuzzy sets. A neighborhood system description of a fuzzy set is presented in Lin (1996, 1997) and Yao and Chen (1997).
The three granular computing methods can be converted to each other. The integration of these methods is a subject worthy of further study.

4.7.4. The Transformation of Probabilistic Reasoning Models

In the section, we will discuss how to transform a probabilistic description to a deterministic model.
We have given reasoning model image based on quotient space theory (Sections 4.14.4). A function image defined on edge image is regarded as a probability, i.e., the conditional probability of b given a. Let image, i.e., image is regarded as a distance from a to b (a topologic structure image). The finding of a solution from A to goal p with maximal probability is equivalent to that of the shortest path from A to p under distance d. Assume that if image is the solution with maximal probability, then its probability is image, from image, we have image. So the maximal probability solution (the former) is equivalent to the shortest path finding (the latter).
Reasoning on a probabilistic model can be transformed to a deterministic shortest path-finding problem, i.e., non-deterministic concepts such as fuzzy and probability are transformed to deterministic structures. Therefore, deterministic and non-deterministic problems can be studied under the same framework. Especially, in multi-granular computing, under quotient space structures, the falsity- and truth-preserving principles, projection, and synthetic methods that we have discussed in the previous sections can be used in either deterministic or non-deterministic case.

4.7.5. Conclusions

In the section, the falsity- and truth-preserving principles of reasoning are proposed. The principles show that introducing structure into the quotient space model is very important, that is, domain structure is an important concept in granular computing. We also show that the combination of quotient space method and other methods will provide a new way for granular computing.

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