2.3. The Extraction of Information on Coarsely Granular Levels

Solving a problem in space image means investigating the attribute function of each element and the relationships among elements of X, i.e., the structure T, through analyzing and reasoning on domain X. If the multi-granular computing is adopted, the same attribute function f and structure T will be gained by analyzing and reasoning on a certain coarse granular world [X] of X. Thus, [f] and [T] in space image must represent f and T to some extent, respectively. In Chapter 2, we have already discussed how [T] is induced from T when T is a topology or a semi-order. The construction of [f] will be discussed in this section.
Generally, constructing [f] from f is a domain-dependent problem. For example, when diagnosing an electronic instrument, our aim is to find the faulty element (or elements) of the instrument. The domain X is all electronic elements in the instrument. The attribute function f(x) is the functional parameters of each element in X. The aim of the diagnosis is to find which f(x) (or f(x)’s) is abnormal. In the case of the multi-granular diagnosis, the diagnosis first begins from a certain coarse granular level consisting of some components, for example, image {power-supply, amplifier, output-unit}. Thus, the attribute function [f] is represented by the functional parameters of these components, for example, the voltage of power supply, the amplification of amplifier, etc. How to choose these parameters in order to have more information regarding the fault of elements in X can be handled by an experienced troubleshooter easily. A knowledge-driven approach is generally adopted by many troubleshooters.
The construction of [f] still has some general principles. We next discuss these principles.
From the analysis of computational complexity above, we know that the relation between the goal estimation function and additional computation y is image, where the form of image affects the computational complexity directly. If constructing a hierarchical structure (or [f]) such that image, the complexity will be reduced to image by the multi-granular computing. Conversely, if constructing a hierarchical structure (or [f]) such that image, generally, only the polynomial complexity can be obtained by using multi-granular computing. At worst, if an improper structure (or [f]) is constructed, the computational complexity may not be reduced.
The preceding discussion implies that the multi-granular computing does not necessarily bring up high efficiency. The key is to construct a proper hierarchical structure. Generally, in multi-granular computing we follow the following principle. When a new problem space image is constructed from the original one image, we expect to get from the former as more useful information regarding the latter as possible while keeping the new problem space simple.
Here, we propose a general principle for constructing quotient space. It is called ‘homomorphism principle’.
Homomorphism Principle
If there is a solution of problem p in space image, i.e., p is true, then a solution of corresponding problem [p] in image also exists, i.e., [p] is also true. In other words, if there is no solution of [p] in image, then there is no solution of p in image either.
It seems that the homomorphism principle above is used extensively in our everyday life. Some examples are given below.

Example 2.7

Making an annual production plan, one first makes quarterly plans then monthly plans within each quarter and daily plans, etc., hierarchically.
Obviously, if there is an annual plan satisfying some given conditions, there exist quarterly plans, monthly plans and daily plans which satisfy the given conditions.
Conversely, if there is no quarterly plan, monthly plan or daily plan which satisfies the conditions, the annual plan cannot be worked out.

Example 2.8

In a find-path planning of an indoor robot, if the robot environment is rather complicated, it would be difficult to find a collision-free path at once by considering all the details of the whole environment. The path planning might have two levels. The first one, referred to as INTERROOM plan, is the planning of navigation from room to room without considering any details within the rooms. The second level, called INROOM plan, is the level of planning robot movements within the rooms.
It is obvious that if we cannot find a path from room to room, the entire path planning must fail.
We have seen that by the ‘homomorphism principle’, if we fail to find a solution in some parts of a coarse space, the corresponding parts of the original fine space have no solution either and can be pruned off. Clearly, through each granular level computing the search space is narrowed down. We now come to the key issue in our multi-granular computing. Whether the computational complexity can be reduced depends on how much search space is narrowed down through each granular level computing and how much additional computation is needed in order to have such a reduction. This is just the consideration that we need in constructing [f].

2.3.1. Examples

Before going deeply into the approaches to constructing [f], let us now examine some examples.

Example 2.9

In a national economy developing plan, if factories, mines and enterprises are elements of domain X, and image, x indicates the annual output value of these units. By hierarchical partition, some factories or enterprises compose a department A. The annual output value image of each department A, certainly, is defined as


If image indicates the productivity of each factory, the productivity for A is defined as


Example 2.10

When throwing a ball upwards, image represents the attributes of the ball's motion at moment image, where image is the distance of the ball from the ground, image is its velocity and image is a time interval.
If we are only interested in the qualitative attributes of the motion, i.e., whether the ball goes upwards or downwards, or static, then time interval image is partitioned into five parts as follows.


where, image.
Let image
where, image, and image denotes that the ball is on the ground, image above the ground, image goes upwards, image goes downwards, and image static. It is easy to have


Note that the range of function image is defined on some quotient set image rather than image. That is, partitioning Y into several equivalence classes and giving each equivalence class a symbolic name, the range of image is just a set of these names. Sometime, it’s called a qualitative description of image.
In summary, assume that image is known. image represents some attribute of element image. The point is how to choose the value of image that can properly mirror the feature of the whole set A representing by the attribute image and satisfies the homomorphism principle above. Generally, image may be a value from Y or [Y].
More generally, given some local information of a set, we want to find the global information such that it can depict the features of the whole set. For example, the feature extraction of images in pattern recognition is somewhat similar to the above problem, where image (color, gray-level) is extracted from each pixel x, while image represents the feature of regions or the whole image. We next present some common approaches to constructing function image.

2.3.2. Constructing [f] Under Unstructured Domains

Starting from the domains X where elements are independent or near-independent of each other, we call it unstructured domains.
In terms of statistics, this amounts to ‘mutually independent’ assumption for random variables. In topological terminology, it is equivalent to ‘discrete topology.’ So unstructured is a special structure.
1. image is a space, where T is a discrete topology and image, image is an n-dimensional Euclidean space. Assume that R is an equivalence relation on X. The corresponding quotient space is image. image is an attribute function on image.
(1) Statistical method
Since X is unstructured, image depends on image completely. From statistics, attribute image of X can be regarded as a set of mutually independent random variables. Thus, attribute image of [X] can be defined as some kind of statistics.
(2) Inclusion principle
If image, define image as a specific point within image where image is a convex closure of B. For example,
image = the mean of image on A,



image = the center of gravity of image, etc.
In Section 2.3.1, many examples for extracting image belong to the inclusion principle.
(3) Combination principle
If A is a finite set, image can be defined as follows
image where g is an arbitrary combination function, for example, image.
2. image is a set-valued function, i.e., image, image is a subset of Y.
(1) Intersection or union method


If Y is a complete semi-order lattice, then image and image or image and image are equivalent. The method is equal to the inclusion principle in 1.
An example is given below.
Assume that A={a set of quadrilaterals on a plane}=image
a1={a set of squares}, a2={a set of rectangles},
a3={a set of diamonds}, a4={a set of parallel quadrilaterals},…
image ={four edges are equal, four angles are equal, the sum of all inner angles is 2π,…},
image ={two mutually opposite edges are equal, four angles are rectangle, the sum of all inner angles is 2π,…},
image ={four edges are equal, two mutually opposite angles are equal, the sum of all inner angles is 2π,…},
image ={two mutually opposite edges are equal, two mutually opposite angles are equal, the sum of all inner angles is 2π,…},….
Now, we can use image to define image, for example, image.
(2) Quotient space method
Assume that image is an attribute function on X, image quotient space is constructed from Y, and [X] is a quotient space of X.
For image, define image as
image, where image.
Thus, image represents the image of image on image via natural projection p. The range of image is image.
From Example 2.10 in Section 2.3.1, we know that when throwing a ball upwards, image, image, where image.
In qualitative analysis, image is partitioned into image and image simply, image denotes as ‘0’ and image as ‘+’, respectively. R is partitioned into image, and image, simply, image as ‘0’, image as ‘–’, and image as ‘+’, respectively. Defining image, we then have the same results as shown in Example 2.10 of Section 2.3.1. Using the elements (or subsets) in quotient space [Y] to describe [f] is a useful method in qualitative reasoning especially. We’ll discuss the problem in Chapter 4.

2.3.3. Constructing [f] Under Structured Domains

Under the structured domains, the values of image that correspond to different element x are interdependent and are related to structure T. So from structure T, we can have some knowledge about image. Generally, structure T may be classified into three main classes below.
(1) T is a topologic structure. For example, X is an n-dimensional Euclidean space. Then the Euclidean distance is its topologic structure T. Generally speaking, any metric space is an instantiation of topologic structures.
(2) Defining a semi-order relation on X, we have a semi-order structure T. Anyway, we can introduce a corresponding semi-order to any system which can be represented by a directed acyclic graph. Hence, semi-order relation represents a wide range of structures in real world.
(3) The structure of X can be induced by some operations defined on X. For example, given a unary operator image, i.e., image, it implies that a relation between elements x and image is established. Linking these two elements by a directed edge, we define a directed graph corresponding to operator p. And, the directed graph determines a corresponding pseudo semi-order relation as well. If p is a multivariate operator on X, image, it can also be represented by a graph. For example, each image connects to y with a directed edge. And the n directed edges connected to y are linked by a curved arc. Then, we have a graph corresponding to p and it is somewhat similar to an AND/OR graph or a hyper-graph. From the graph, we can define its structure, T. So the relation among elements can be defined by multivariate operation p as well.
This section only tackles the problem of constructing [f] under topologic structures. For semi-order structures, see discussion in Chapter 3.
Assume that image and image are two topologic spaces. image is an attribute function on X. The continuity of f is a key issue in analyzing the properties of image. For example, we are given a premise image, in order to affirm if the conclusion image holds or not, our objective is to determine if there exists a sequence image of reasoning steps from image to image. If so, the conclusion image holds, otherwise, image does not hold. This is similar to the concept of ‘path-connected’ in topology. We show the concept as follows. If image, there exist image such that each line segment image belongs to A, then image and image are said to be path-connected in A. Therefore, by introducing a proper topology T into X, the problem that if image can infer image is transformed to that of whether image and image belong to the same path-connected component. In Section 2.5, we’ll discuss the problem in more details.
Generally, X is rather complicated. It is not easy to judge whether any two given points belong to the same path-connected component. By using transformation function image, the problem can be transferred into an easier one if the structure of Y is simpler than X. Obviously; we expect that if set image is a connected, the transformed set image is still connected. From topology, we know that if image is a connected set, the image image of A is also a connected set in Y when f is continuous. Once again it shows that the continuity of function f is a very significant property.
By partitioning image we have a quotient space image. From f we induce a function image on [X]. Obviously, we expect that [f] would still be continuous. Unfortunately, it is not true generally. Even so we expect that [f] still remains some weaker continuity than the strict one in favor of the analysis.
1. Constructing image
First, we introduce some concepts below.

Definition 2.5

Assume that image is a metric space. Let image, image.
image is said to be a diameter of A.

Definition 2.6

R is an equivalence relation on image. Let image, where [X] is a quotient space corresponding to R. image is said to be fineness of R. Intuitively, image can be regarded as ‘the maximal diameter’ of equivalence classes corresponding to R.

Definition 2.7

Assume that image, R is an equivalence relation on image, and [X] is a quotient space under R. Let image. image is said to be fineness of R with respect to f.

Definition 2.8

Assume that image. Let image. M is called the ratio of expansion and contraction of f, or simply REC.

Definition 2.9

Assume that image, where image is a metric space. Given a positive constant image, if image there exists an open set u(x) such that image. f is said to be image-continuous on X, where image.

Proposition 2.10

Assume that image is a continuous function, [X] is a quotient space of X. Define image as image, where image.
Suppose that M is a REC of f and the fineness of [X] is l. Given image, we obtain that image is a image-continuous function on X, where image is a natural projection function.


image, from the continuity of f, there exist image and image such that image.
Since the fineness of [X] is l, we can write the diameter of imageimage.
From the REC M of f, we have the diameter of imageimage
From the definition of [f], we obtain


That is


Given image by letting image be small enough such that image, we have that image is image-continuous at x. image is image-continuous on X.
Figure 2.1 image-Continuous Function

Example 2.11

As shown in Fig. 2.1, image is a continuous function.
Assume that image. Axis X is partitioned into several intervals equally, each interval image with lengthimage. If using a step function as follows
image, image, from Proposition 2.10, we can see that image is 2Ml-continuous on X.
Proposition 2.10 indicates that under quotient space transformation the continuity of the transformed function does not always hold but α-continuity, a weak continuity, is preserved. It implies that if viewing from a coarse granular level, the properties of the original function become rough (fuzzy). Intuitively, it may be likened to copperplate etching technique. The coarser the etching grain-size of a copper plate the rougher its image.
Generally speaking, instead of some attribute f in the original space, a new attribute image can be used for describing the corresponding one in its quotient space. In order to transform the original attribute function f into image, it is needed to redefine the function. As we know, the original function f(x) is defined on ‘all neighborhoods of x’ or ‘a neighborhood existed in x’, we now need to redefine image-f(x) on ‘a fixed image-neighborhood of x’ or ‘some fixed neighborhood of x’. This idea has also been used in the mathematical morphology method of pattern recognition (Serra, 1982).
We might as well try to analyze two basic operations in mathematical morphology from our granular computing point of view.

Definition 2.10

Assume that X is a domain. image, image, a corresponding subset image is given on X. image is called a structural element with respect to x. Define


D(A) is called a dilation of A with respect to B(x). E(A) is called an erosion of A with respect to B(x).
Dilation and erosion are two basic operations in mathematical morphology. Any morphological transformation can be obtained through union, intersection and deference of these two operations.
In topology, the minimal closed set containing A is called a closure of A denoted by image and is defined as:


where, image is an open set containing x.
Accordingly, given a set A, the maximal open set being contained by A is called an inner-kernel of A and denoted by image. Mathematically, the definition is as follows:


Either closure or inner-kernel operation can be used for defining a topologic structure of a space. Hence, closure and inner-kernel operations are two basic operations in topology.
It is clear that both image and D(A) are quite similar. So long as replacing ‘image ’ (in the definition) by a fixed subset B(x), the concept image becomes D(A). So the concept D(A) is equivalent to ‘α-closure’. The same is true for the relation between image and E(A). Thus, E(A) is equivalent to ‘α-inner kernel’.
We know that D(A) and E(A) are the rough descriptions of closure image and inner-kernel image in the coarse granular level, respectively. The aim of mathematical morphology is to extract some essential characteristics of images while ignoring their details. This is identical with the ‘α-∗∗’ concept. As J. Serra pointed out ‘The images under study exhibit too much information and the goal of any morphological treatment is to manage the loss of information through the successive transformations’ (Serra, 1982). The multi-granular computing is similar to the above idea.
The concept of ‘α-∗∗’ is an outcome of hierarchy. The similarity between the concept of ‘α-∗∗’ and the concept of dilation (or erosion) in mathematic morphology indicates that our quotient structure model can be extended to more general cases.
When space X is transformed to its quotient space [X], i.e., image, where p is a natural projection, the attribute ‘∗∗’ becomes ‘α-∗∗’. Similarly, when image, where image is a subset of X, the image (or image) becomes D(A) (or E(A)). In this case, if X is an original space, image can be regarded as a ‘quotient space’ of X by considering each image as an element.

Definition 2.11

Assume that image is a metric space. If X cannot be represented by the union of two non-empty sets A and B that satisfy the following condition (2.9)




then X is said to be l-connected.

Property 2.1

Assume that image, R is an equivalence relation on X, and image . The ratio of expansion and contraction (or REC) of f is M. We have:



From the definitions of image and image, we have the proof directly.

Theorem 2.1

Assume that image is continuous, X is connected, R is an equivalence relation on X, and image. The REC of f is M. Define


That is, we take on image at any point image as the value of image at point image. Thus, image is 2Ml-connected.


Let image. From Property 2.1, we have image.
Reduction to absurdity, assume that image is not d-connected. Letting image, there exist non-empty sets A and B that satisfy (Fig. 2.2):


Figure 2.2 l-Connected Graph
We first show that





That is,




Since image and image, by letting image, again from image and image, we have image.
Similarly, we have image.
From image. image and image are closed sets and f is continuous, we know that image and image are closed on X. Therefore, image, where image and image are non-empty closed sets and image. Thus, X is not connected, which contradicts the assumption that X is connected.
Consequently, image is d-connected.
The concept of d-connected can be regarded as a description of the degree of connectivity of a set. The smaller the d, the closer to true connectivity the d-connectivity is. In other words, regarding any two sets on X as being connected provided their distance is less than d, then we have d-connected. The theorem indicates that if the REC of f is fixed, the roughness of connectivity of images in the coarse granular level is inversely proportional to the fineness of R. That is, the finer the partition, the less rough (finer) the connectivity of images in the coarse granular level. Conversely, keeping the fineness of R fixed, the roughness of connectivity is proportional to the REC of f. That is, the larger the REC the rougher the connectivity of the mapped images. The above intuition can accurately be proved by our quotient space model.
Obviously, the concept of d-connectivity is an instantiation of the concept of ‘image∗∗’ that we mentioned before. After the partition, some information must be lost in coarse granular levels. Generally, it is hard to preserve the original attributes (e.g., continuity, connectivity, etc.) of the original space. By introducing the concept of ‘image∗∗’ attributes, weaken attributes, the original attributes will remain valid in a relaxed sense. This will provide a useful clue to the analysis of coarse granular levels.
For some concept such as connectivity in topology, a set either is connected or not. Either of the two facts must be true. By introducing ‘d-connectivity’, the different degrees of connectivity can be described. This is just like the concept of membership functions in fuzzy mathematics. The concept of ‘image∗∗’ attributes that we presented here virtually relates our methodology to that of fuzzy mathematics. It makes granular computing more powerful.
2. Constructing image
In the preceding section, we know that the value of image can also be represented in quotient space image of Y. We next present its properties.
Assume that image and image are topologic spaces, image is a one-to-one corresponding function, R is an equivalence relation on X. [X] is a quotient space of X with respect to R.

Definition 2.12

Define an equivalence relation image on Y such that:


That is, x and y are equivalent on Y if and only if the original images of x and y are equivalent on X. image is said to be an equivalence relation on Y induced from R via f or an induced equivalence relation from R.
Conversely, if image is an equivalence relation on Y, define an equivalence relation on X such that


R is said to be an equivalence relation on X induced from image via f or an induced equivalence relation from image, where f is not necessarily one-to-one correspondent.

Lemma 2.1

Assume that image and image are topologic spaces, image, R is an equivalence relation on X, image is an equivalence relation on Y induced from R. Let image and image be quotient spaces corresponding to R and image, respectively. Define


where image and image are natural projections. Then, for image, we have image.


Obviously, image.


We have that image is a set composed by elements of [X], where the element of [X] is a subset of X.

Theorem 2.2

Assume that image and image are topologic spaces, R is an equivalence relation on X, image is an equivalence relation on Y induced from R, image and image are quotient spaces with respect to R and image, respectively, image is a continuous function. Let image be image, where image and image are projection functions. Thus, image is continuous.


For image, assume that image is an arbitrary neighborhood of image. Let image. Regarding image as a set of Y, it is open. Since f is continuous, we know that u is an open set on X. From Lemma 2.1, we can see that u is a set on [X]. Thus, together with the definition of quotient topology, it implies that u is a neighborhood of a. From the definition image, we have that image is continuous at a. That is, image is continuous.

Corollary 2.1

If image is an equivalence relation on Y and R is an equivalence relation on X induced from image. image is continuous. Then image, for image is continuous.
Theorem 2.2 presents another approach for constructing function [f]. It has a wide-ranging application, for example, qualitative reasoning in Al. We next analyze the Example 2.11 in Section 2.3.1.
When an object is thrown upwards, its state at moment x can be represented by image, where image and image indicate its distance from the ground and velocity at moment x, respectively. Now only the qualitative properties of its state are paid attention to. The range image of image is partitioned into two classes {0} and image. While the range image of image is divided into three classes {0}, image, and image. image is regarded as a continuous function on image. The preceding partition corresponds to an equivalence relation image on Y. From Theorem 2.2, in order to construct [f], we need an equivalence relation on X induced from image.
image is partitioned into {0} and image, image is its induced equivalence relation on X. Then, image: image.
R is partitioned into image, {0} and image, image is its induced equivalence relation on X. Then,


where image indicates the inverse transformation of the first component of f,
image indicates the inverse transformation of the second component of f.
The combination equivalence relation of image and image is image and


Let image and image be quotient spaces with respect to image and image, respectively. From Theorem 2.2, we know that image, where image is a projection function, and [f] is a continuous function of image.
If the first component {0}, image of [Y] is named as ‘0’, ‘+’; the second component image and image of [Y] as ‘–’, ‘0’ and ‘+’, we have [f]((t1, t2)) = (+, ), [f]({t1}) = (+, 0), etc. These results are consistent with that shown in Example 2.11 of Section 2.3.1.
From our quotient space model, a strong property of [f] is discovered, that is, [f] is a image continuous function, if it is constructed in the way that we already showed. In the light of the result, we can see that this is one of the possible ways for partitioning X (or Y).

2.3.4. Conclusions

In this section, we have discussed how to establish a function [f] on [X] induced from f. When X is an unstructured domain, we presented four basic methods for constructing [f], that is, statistics, closure, quotient space and combination methods. If X is a structured domain, only topologic structures and continuous function f are involved. When [f] is a image function, we introduced the concepts of imagecontinuity and imageconnectivity and established the corresponding properties of [f]. When [f] is a image function, we presented an approach for constructing function [f] which guarantees its continuity.
So far we have established all three elements of problem space image. Further discussion will be presented in Chapters 3 and 4.
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