7.4. The Expansion of Quotient Space Theory

7.4.1. Introduction

The quotient space theory we have discussed so far is based on the following two main assumptions. (1) The domain structure is limited to topology. (2) The domain granulation is based on equivalence relations, i.e., classification without overlap. Now, we will relax the two restrictions. First, we consider the structures formed by closure operations that are broader than topological ones. Second, domain granulation will be extended from equivalence relations to tolerance relations.

7.4.2. Closure Operation-Based Quotient Space Theory

There is a variety of closure operations, so different structures can be defined by the operations. The domain structures described by closure operations are broader than topological ones generally. For example, the pre-topology defined by closure operations under the Cech’s sense is more universal than well-known topology defined by open sets (Cech, 1966). But the topology defined by Kuratowski closure operation is equivalent to well-known topology.
Now, we introduce some basic concepts about closure space (see Addenda A for more details).

Definition 7.27

Assume that X is a domain. If mapping image :image satisfies the following axioms, where image is a power set of X,




image is called a closure operation on image, correspondingly image is called a closure space, image is a image closure of image, and for simplicity, image is indicated by image.

Proposition 7.6

Assume that image is a closure space, then
(1) image
(2) image,image, if image, then image
(3) For any family image of subsets on image, image.

Definition 7.28

image is a set of whole closure operations defined on image, i.e., image =image is the closure operation on imageimage. Define a binary relation image on image as


If image, then image is called coarser than image, or image is finer than image.

Proposition 7.7

Binary relation image is a semi-order relation on image. image has the greatest element image and the least element image. For image, if image then image, otherwise image. And for image, image. Furthermore, any subset image on image and image, image holds, i.e., image is order complete with respect to ‘image’. The Construction of Quotient Closure and its Property

image is a triplet, where image is a closure operation on X, f is a set of attribute functions. Assume that image is an equivalence relation on X, image is its corresponding quotient set, and image is a nature projection. image on image is a closure operation induced from projection p with respect to closure operation image, i.e.,


Especially, when image is a topological closure operation, the structure decided by image is a corresponding quotient topology on image.
Assume that image and image, image is a nature projection, and image,image, is a quotient space having a closure structure, or simply a quotient closure structure. Since image, image is a nature projection from image to its quotient set image. image on image is a closure operation induced from projection image with respect to closure operation image. Thus, image (Cech, 1966). Generally, the similar result can be obtained for a chain of equivalence relations. Then we have the following proposition.

Proposition 7.8

Assume that image is a chain of equivalence relations on image.image is a nature projection. image, image, is a corresponding quotient closure space. image composes a hierarchical structure, where image.
The similar falsity-preserving principle in closure spaces is the following (Chen, 2005).

Proposition 7.9

If image is a connected subset on image, the image image of image under the projection p is a connected subset on image.

Theorem 7.6 (Falsity-Preserving Principle)

image is a problem on the domain of image. image is the corresponding problem on the domain of image. If image has no solution on image, then image also has no solution on X.
From Chapter 1, it’s known that a semi-order relation under the quotient mapping only maintains the reflexivity and transitivity but does not necessarily maintain anti-symmetry generally. For the closure spaces, we will prove that the quasi-semi-order structures are invariant under the quotient mapping (projection), with the help of the continuity of the mapping, but the semi-order structure cannot maintain unchanged under the mapping generally.

Proposition 7.10

Assume that image is a quasi-semi-order space. image is an equivalence relation on X, and image is the corresponding quotient set. Then, there exists a quasi-semi-order image on image such that the nature projection is order-preserving, i.e., image, we have



Since image is a quasi-semi order on X, define an operation induced from image as follows


It’s easy to prove that image is a closure operation on X. In fact, image is a topologic closure operation with the Alexandroff property. If from closure space image define a quasi-semi-order image as image, then image is the same as image. This means that closure operation image and quasi-semi order image are interdependent.
If image is a quotient closure operation on image with respect to image, then image is a topologic closure space. Define a quasi-semi-order image on image as


Finally, we show that image. In fact, we have




In summary, there exists a quasi-semi-order relation on the quotient structure of a quasi-semi-order space such that the corresponding nature projection is order-preserving.
The order-preserving processing processes of quotient closure spaces are shown in Fig. 7.3, where image indicates the closure topology induced from ≤, image is its corresponding quotient topology, image is a quasi-semi-order on [X] induced from image, image is a quasi-semi-order induced from topology image, and [cl] on [X] is a topology induced from cl.
The whole quasi-semi-order relations satisfying reflexivity and transitivity on a domain and the whole Alexandroff topologies on the domain are one–one correspondence. Especially, the whole semi-order relations, i.e., the quasi-semi-order satisfying anti-symmetry as well, and whole Alexandroff topologies satisfying image-separation axiom are one–one correspondence. So the order structure may be regarded as a specific topological structure, and a specific closure structure spontaneously.
Since image-separation axiom does not satisfy divisibility, the order relation image on quotient space image of semi-order space image that is constructed by the above method does not have anti-symmetry generally, although its nature projection is an order-preserving mapping. As in Chapter 1, by merging and decomposing, the original equivalence relation R can be changed to R∗ such that corresponding relation image satisfies the anti-symmetry in space image.
Figure 7.3 The Order-Preserving of Quotient Closure Spaces The Synthesis of Different Grained Worlds

So far we have shown that a new space can be constructed from given spaces through synthesis methods, when their structure is topologic. We also show that the synthetic space is the least upper bound one, and the projection from the synthetic space on the given spaces plays an important role. In fact, the synthetic principle can be represented as an optimization problem with respect to image, where image is a projection from the original to quotient spaces, image and image represent the domain, topological structure, or attribute function of the original and quotient spaces, respectively. The synthetic space is either the least upper bound, or the greatest lower bound space among the given spaces. In this section, we will consider the synthetic problem under the closure structures.
image are two different grain-size descriptions of a problem. image, image and image are the corresponding equivalence relation, closure operation, and attribute function, respectively. image and image are the least upper bound and the greatest lower bound spaces constructed from spaces image, respectively.
Define image. image is a quotient set corresponding to image, and the least upper bound of image and image in partition lattice image. Both image and image are quotient sets of image. image image are their corresponding projections. It’s easy to show that for each image, there exists image such that image is projected onto image by projection image, and quotient space image satisfies the synthetic principle, i.e., image is the coarsest partition among all partitions that satisfy image. Dually, define image, where image denotes the set obtained after implementing transitive operation on elements of X. Quotient space image corresponding to image is the greatest lower bound of image and image in partition lattice image. For image, image is the quotient set of image, and its corresponding projection is image. It’s easy to show that image satisfies the synthetic principle, i.e., image is the finest partition among all partitions that satisfy image.
According to the synthetic principle, image should be defined as the solution of a set image,image, of equations. If their solution is not unique, some optimization criteria should be added in order to have an optimal one. Dually, image should be defined as the solution of a set image,image, of equations which similar to solving image.
A new closure operation can be constructed in the following way, i.e., a new closure operation (or a set of closure operations) can be generated projectively, or inductively by a known mapping (or a set of mappings), respectively. The following proposition shows the relation between the two generation methods.

Proposition 7.11 (Cech, 1966)

image is a surjection from closure space image onto closure space image. If mapping image projectively generates closure operation image with respect to closure operation image, then mapping image inductively generates closure operation image with respect to closure operation image. Dually, image is an injection from closure space image to closure space image. If mapping image inductively generates closure operation image with respect to closure operation image, then mapping image projectively generates closure operation image with respect to closure operation image.
First, we consider the construction of closure operation image. image is a closure operation on image that generated projectively by image with respect to closure operation image. Since image is a surjection, image is generated inductively by image with respect to closure operation image. Space image is a quotient closure space of image with respect to equivalence relation image. Defining closure operation image as image, then image on image is the coarsest one among all closure operations that make each image continuous. Closure space image is the least upper bound of synthetic spaces image, but an explicit expression of image cannot be obtained generally.
Dually, the construction of closure operation image is as follows. image is a closure operation on image that generated inductively by image with respect to closure operation image, i.e., image is the finest one on image among all closure operations that make each image image continuous. Defining closure operation image as image, then image is the finest one on image among all closure operations that make each image continuous. Closure space image is the greatest lower one of synthetic spaces image image. The expression of image is the following.


The synthetic process of quotient closure spaces can intuitively be shown in Fig. 7.4.

7.4.3. Non-Partition Model-Based Quotient Space Theory

The quotient space theory that we have discussed so far is based on a partition model, i.e., a complete lattice composed by all equivalence relations on a domain, or a partition lattice. The quotient space theory based on the partition model that we called traditional theory is too rigorous. Many real problems do not necessarily meet the requirement, for example, classification with overlap, or with incomplete knowledge, etc. If abandoning the transitivity condition in an equivalence relation, then we have a tolerance relation. Tolerance relation is a broader binary relation than the equivalence one, but still has good attributes. So the tolerance relation-based quotient space theory is a very useful extension of the traditional one.
Figure 7.4 The Synthetic Process of Quotient Closure Spaces Tolerance Relations

Definition 7.29
image is a binary relation on X. If relation image satisfies reflexivity and symmetry, then it is called tolerance relation (Zuo, 1988).

Definition 7.30

For image, define image as a image-relevant class of image, i.e., image. The whole image is denoted by image, where image, for simplicity, image and image are denoted by image and image respectively, if it does not cause confusion.

Proposition 7.12

If and only if tolerance relation image satisfies transitivity, then image is a partition of X.

Theorem 7.7

Assume that image is the whole tolerance relations on X, and image is a set of subscripts.
(1) image and image are tolerance relations on X.
(2) Define a binary relation image on image as


image composes a complete lattice with respect to relation image, denoted by image. The intersection operation image and union operation image on lattice image are defined as follows.


where image and image are set intersection and union operations, respectively.
(3) image, image, image
The proof of the theorem is obvious.
A complete lattice image, composed by all tolerance relations on a domain, is similar to a complete lattice image, composed by all equivalence relations on the domain or a partition lattice image. Both can be used to describe multi-granular worlds but they are different. In partition, the classes are mutually disjointed. In classification based on tolerance relations the classes do not necessarily mutually disjoint. Tolerance Relation-Based Quotient Space Theory

image is a triplet, where T and f are topological structure and attribute function on X, respectively. image is a tolerance relation. We will discuss three basic problems, i.e., projection, property preserving, and the synthesis of multi-granular worlds, under tolerance relations.

Definition 7.31

t is a mapping from set image to set image. An equivalence relation image on image can be induced from t as follows


For simplicity, image is denoted by image. image, image, is an equivalence class with respect to equivalence relation image. image is the corresponding quotient set, and image is a nature projection.

Definition 3.30

image and image are topologic spaces. image is a quotient mapping. If
(1) t is a surjection
(2) for image, image is an open set on image
then, image is an open set on image. Accordingly, the topology on image is called quotient topology with respect to mapping t (Xiong, 1981; You, 1997).

Proposition 7.13

t is a quotient mapping from topologic space image to topologic space image. image is an equivalence relation on image induced from t. image is a quotient topologic space with respect to nature projection image. Then, topologic spaces image and image are homeomorphism, where homeomorphous mapping image satisfies image, equivalently, image.
The proposition shows that when image is a quotient mapping, image can be regarded as a quotient space of image. t is just the corresponding pasting mapping. In fact, quotient spaces and quotient mappings are closely related concepts. The nature projection discussed in Chapter 1 is a specific quotient mapping that satisfies the conditions (1) and (2) in Definition 7.32.

Definition 7.33

t is a surjection from image onto image. For image, define a topology on image as image. That is, image is the finest among topologies that make the surjection t from topologic space image onto image continuous.

Proposition 7.14

t is a quotient mapping from space image to image. Topologic spaces image and image are homeomorphism, where image is a pasting space induced from t.
Although image is not an equivalence relation, i.e., image cannot compose a partition on X, since there is no distinction among homeomorphous spaces in some sense, from Proposition 3.17 it’s shown that the traditional quotient space theory is still available to the tolerance relation. But since the elements on image as subsets on X are no longer mutually disjointed, the computational complexity discussed in Chapter 2 will not hold, likely increases.
The construction of quotient attribute image is the same as that of a traditional one. Therefore, if tolerance relation image and space image are given, the quotient space image can be constructed.
Similar to the traditional theory, we have the following property.

Proposition 7.15

If image is a connected subset on X, then image is a connected subset on image.
Now, we consider the order preserving property. Assume that image on image is a quasi-semi-order structure. image on image is an Alexzandroff topology determined by the quasi-semi-order image. image on image is a quotient topology with respect to quotient mapping image. Define a binary relation image on image as follows


where image is an open neighborhood of image.
Relation image is just a specified quasi-semi-order determined by image. Since image and image are homeomorphism, from Proposition 3.13, there exists a quasi-semi-order image on image such that image, if image then image. The following proposition shows that quasi-semi-order relation image has the order preserving property.

Proposition 7.16

If image and image, then image.


Since image and image are homeomorphous, the quasi-semi-order image on [X] induced from image and the quasi-semi-order image on image induced from image are equivalent.
Again from the order preserving of image, image on image has order-preserving as well.
The order-preserving property in tolerance relation-based quotient spaces can be shown in Fig. 7.5 intuitively.
image is a semi-order structure. image on image satisfies image-separation axiom. image is a quotient topology on image corresponding to quotient mapping image. image is a quasi-semi-order induced from image. In general, image does not satisfy the anti-symmetry.
When we discuss the order-preserving property, the homeomorphism of topologic spaces image and image plays an important role. Similarly, the above homeomorphous relation can still play a significant role in the synthetic problem.

7.4.4. Granular Computing and Quotient Space Theory

Quotient space-based problem-solving theory is a multi-granular computing model under the framework of set theory. We have dealt with the following problems. First, the projection problem is that given a quotient set, to find the representations of attribute and structure on the set, i.e., the descriptions of the coarse-grained world and the relation to the original one. Second, the synthesis problem is that given different views of the world, to find a new understanding of the world based on the known knowledge. Third, the reasoning problem is the reasoning over different grain-size worlds. The final problem is how to choose a proper grain-size world in order to reduce the computational complexity of multi-granular computing.
Figure 7.5 The Order-Preserving Property in Tolerance Relation
Now, we discuss granulation and granular computing from the quotient space theory view point. Granule, Granulation and Granular World

In quotient space theory, a ‘granule’ is defined as a subset in a space (domain). In the partition model, the subset is an equivalence class and an element in its quotient space, whose inner structure is determined by the corresponding partition. Each subset can be represented by a complete graph. For example, in a grained level {[1],[4]}={{1,2,3},{4,5}}, element [1] has three components (elements) {1,2,3} and can be represented by a complete graph. Similarly, element [4] has two components {4,5} and can be represented by a complete graph as well. Any two elements are mutually disjointed. In the tolerance relation model, the subset consists of all elements that have tolerance relations. They may have a center that can be represented by a stellate graph. They may have several centers that can also be represented by a stellate graph, when the centers are regarded as a whole. For example, in a grained level {<1>,<2>,<4>,<5>}={{1,2},{1,2,3,4},{2,3,4,5},{3,4,5}}, where ‘bold’ Arabic numerals indicate ‘centers’. Element <1> is a graph with component ‘1’ as a center. Element <4> is a graph with components {3,4} as centers, while components ‘2’ and ‘5’ do not have any connected edge.
In quotient space theory, the granulation criterion is equivalence or tolerance relation. The relation may be induced from attributes, or relevant to them. This is different from the rough set theory. When an equivalence or tolerance relation is given, we have a coarse-grained world. In the world, each element can be regarded as independent; while as subsets in the original domain, they may be mutually disjointed or have an overlapping portion. In addition, a coarse-grained world may have a structure, for example, topologic, closure or order structure. The structure is obtained by a quotient mapping from the original world. The continuity of the quotient mapping plays an important role that we have discussed in previous sections adequately. The Multi-Granular Structure

When a granulation criterion is given, we have a grained world. When several granulation criteria are given, then we have a multi-grained world. What relation exists within the multi-granular world? In other words, what structure the multi-granular world has? In partition model, all equivalence relations compose a complete lattice. Correspondingly, all partitions compose a complete lattice as well. In the tolerance relation model, all tolerance relations compose a complete lattice. Specially, a chain of equivalence relations or tolerance relations is chosen, we have a hierarchical structure. In addition, the existence of complete lattice guarantees the closeness of the newly constructed grained worlds. Granular Computing

In granular computing, the computational and inference object is ‘granules’. Quotient space theory deals with several basic problems of granular computing. For example, considering the computation of quotient attribute functions in a certain grained level, since the arguments of the functions are ‘granules’, their values may adopt the maximum, minimum, or mean of the attribute functions of all elements in the granule. If an algebraic operation is defined on a domain, it’s needed to consider the existence and uniqueness of its quotient operation on a certain grained level. We have discussed this problem in Chapter 4.
The descriptions of a problem in several grain-size worlds are given, how to choose a proper grain-size world to carry out the problem solving? Quotient space theory deals with the problem by information synthesis that mirrors the characteristics of human problem solving, i.e., viewing the same problem from different granularities, translating from one abstraction level to the others freely, and solving the problem at a proper grained level. Information synthesis includes domain, structure and attribute function. Here, the homomorphism principle plays an important role.
Falsity-preserving property is very important in the inference over a multi-granular world. With the help of the continuity of quotient mappings and the connectivity of sets, and considering the structure of domain, the computational complexity can be reduced by multi-granular computing based on quotient space theory.

7.4.5. Protein Structure Prediction – An Application of Tolerance Relations

In the section, we will use the binary relation satisfying anti-reflexivity and symmetry, i.e., equivalent to a tolerance relation, to define the sequence adjacency and topology adjacency in the amino acid sequence folding. Furthermore, we will explain the enhancement method for estimating the lower bound of energy of a protein obtained by the folding of its amino acid sequence, using the concept of tolerance relations. Problem

Protein structure prediction is the prediction of the three-dimensional structure of a protein from its amino acid sequence that is a hot topic in bioinformatics (Martin, 2000). Generally, there are three methods to dealing with the problem, molecular dynamics, protein structure prediction and homology modeling. Different protein models may be established depending on the ways of describing the protein molecular and treating the interaction between amino acid residues and solution. The experimental result for small proteins implies that the primary state of proteins approaches the minimum of free energy. This widely accepted assumption becomes the foundation of protein structure prediction from a given amino acid sequence by means of computation.
Due to the complexity and large scale of protein structure, the simple models are adopted generally. A lattice model is one of the well-known models (Dill et al., 1995). In lattice models, each amino acid residue is represented as an equal size and is confined to regular lattices, the connection between them is assumed to be the same length. For simplicity, 2D rectangle or 3D cuboid lattice point representation of lattice models is adopted. We will only discuss the 2D lattice model below.
HP lattice model is a representative one (Lau and Dill, 1989, 1990). In the model, amino acids are divided into two categories: hydrophobic (H) and hydrophilic (P). The hydrophilic force is the important driving force behind the folding process. Under the impact of the force, after the folding of the amino acid sequence, the hydrophobic amino acids will concentrate in the center of the protein as far as possible in order for them to keep out of water. In Fig. 7.6(a) the inappropriate folding, (b) the appropriate folding of amino acid sequences are shown.
A sequence image of amino acids is given, where image, image. After the folding of image, we have protein image represented in a 2D-HP model as follows. Amino acids image and image are confined in coordinates image and image, respectively. For image, the coordinate of image is represented by the directions of image relative to image, i.e., forward, towards the left, and towards the right, respectively. Assume that the interaction of amino acids happens inside a topology adjacent pair, i.e., the amino acids in a pair are adjacent in their lattice but are not adjacent in their sequence. The interaction image of amino acid pair image with type image, or image, is defined as follows respectively.


Figure 7.6 Amino Acid Sequence with Length 24 and Energy -9, where ‘□’-Hydrophobic (H) ‘○’-Hydrophilic (P)
The energy of protein obtained by the folding of its amino acid sequence is defined as image, where if and only if image and image are topology adjacent, image, otherwise image = 0.
An amino acid sequence image with length image is given. Let image obtained by the folding of image and the hydrophobic amino acids concentrate in the center of image}. Under the widely accepted assumption, the protein-folding problem can be represented as follows.


It has been shown in Nayak et al. (1999) that this is a NP-hard problem. There exists an (or several) optimal solution, or only several sub-optimal solutions. The Estimation of the Lower Bound of Energy

Each anti-reflexive relation corresponds to a reflexive relation uniquely, and vice versa. Correspondingly, each anti-reflexive and symmetric binary relation corresponds to a tolerance relation uniquely. Therefore, in the isomorphism sense, there is no distinction between an anti-reflexive and symmetric binary relation and a tolerance relation.
Assume that image is an amino acid sequence. Protein image is obtained from the folding of S, and represented in 2D image lattice model. For simplicity, image is indicated by image.

Definition 7.34

Define image as image, or image.

Definition 7.35

Define image as image, image, where image and image represent the horizontal and vertical coordinates of image, image, in the 2D image lattice model, respectively.
Binary relation image is an anti-reflexive and symmetric relation on image induced from image. It indicates the adjacency of two amino acids with respect to image sequence, and is called a sequence adjacent relation. In the 2D image model, if and only if image and image satisfy that one of their coordinates is equal and the difference of the other coordinates is 1 unit, then image holds. Obviously, image satisfies anti-reflexivity and symmetry, and is called a structure adjacent relation.
Now, we define a topology adjacent relation in 2D HP lattice model as follows.

Definition 7.36

Define image as image, image and image.
Obviously, the topology adjacent relation is the difference between the structure and sequence adjacent relations, as they can be regarded as a subset on image. In other words, image, where image is a complement set of R.
From the widely accepted assumption, the energy of primary state of a protein approaches the minimum. While in the 2D HP lattice model, the hydrophobic amino acids is required to concentrate in its center as far as possible after the folding. Assume that protein P is located in the 2D lattice model with length l and width m, after the folding of an amino acid sequence with length n. In the ideal situation, an amino acid is placed in each lattice point, and the hydrophobic ones are placed in the center lattice points as far as possible. Let image and image be the number of elements in set ‘image’. Then, image satisfies




we have





From image and the definition of image, if and only if image and image are topology adjacent, image, otherwise image =0. Therefore, the Formula (7.17) is the estimation of the lower bound of image, i.e., image. The estimation does not eliminate topology adjacent that consists of amino acid pairs with P–P or H–P type. While the interaction among the amino acid pairs either with P–P type or H–P type is zero, and has no effect on the image. The lower bound obtained above is not satisfactory. It’s known that only the topology adjacent amino acid pairs with H–H type play a part in image. In more ideal cases, the topology adjacent amino acid pairs with H–H type only appear on the rectangle image that within the rectangle lm. Now, the number of topology adjacent amino acids with H–H type is at most


And, image.
Figure 7.7 The Results of Benchmark Sequence via GA
Let f be the number of amino acid pairs with H–H type in sequence image, including the head and the end amino acids of the sequence are H type. We have


This is also a lower bound estimation of image.
Fig. 7.7 shows the results that are obtained by the folding of HP benchmark sequences in Unger and Moult (1993) via genetic algorithms (GA). The results of the lower bound of energy obtained by genetic algorithms (GA) are shown in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1

The Results of the Lower Bound of Energy via GA

HP-2525P2HP2 (H2P4)3H24-164-12=-8-8
HP-3636P3H2P2H2P5H7P2H2P4H2P2H P210-2510-24=-14-14
HP-4848P2H (P2H2)2P5H10P6(P2H2)2HP2H517-3617-40=-23-23


The experimental results indicated in Table 7.1 show that the estimation of the lower bound by Formula (7.18) is better than (7.17). The reason may be that the estimation by Formula (7.18) is related to the whole sequence, but Formula (7.17) only considers the length of sequence.

7.4.6. Conclusions

In the section, we extend the quotient space theory from the aspects of the structure and granulation of a domain. That is, further consider the structure produced by closure operations, and the granulation by tolerance relations. The domain structure plays an important role in quotient space theory, and also is one of the characteristics of the theory. With the help of the continuity of mappings and the connectivity of sets, we have the falsity-preserving property that is very useful in reasoning. The order relation is a specific topological structure. We pay attention to the order-preserving property that is also very useful in reality. Fortunately, these good properties still maintain under the expansion.
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