4.5. Operations and Quotient Structures

There is a variety of operations defined on a domain. In fact, an operation implicitly defines an interrelationship among elements of the domain. Under different grain-size worlds, the following issues should be answered. The induction of a corresponding operation on a quotient space from an operation defined on its original space, and the synthesis of two operations defined on different grain-size spaces becomes a new operation on their synthetic space, i.e. a finer space.
Let us consider two simple examples.

Example 4.10

image is a set of non-negative integers, image is a quotient set of X denoted by image, where image.
Let ‘+’ be a common addition operation on X. Define an operation on image as follows.


Let image be a natural projection.
Obviously, for image, we have image.
It implies that the projection of the sum ‘+’ of any two elements x and y on X is identical to the sum ‘image’ of the projections of these two elements on image. Projection p with the preceding property is called a ‘homomorphism transform’ from image. Operation ‘image’ can be regarded as an induced addition operation on image from the addition operation ‘+’ on X.
Unfortunately, there is not such an induced operation for many operations in general.

Example 4.11

image is a one-dimensional Euclidean space, image is a quotient space of X, where image.
Now we discuss operation ‘+’ on X. We show there does not have any induced operation ‘image’ on image such that projection image is homomorphic.


By reduction to absurdity, otherwise assume there is an induced operation image on X1.
By taking image and image, from the homomorphism property of p we have


If taking image and image, then we have


This is a contradiction, and hence there does not have to be any induced operation such that p is homomorphic.
However, in what conditions does a homomorphic-induced operation exist? In modem algebra, for some structures such as groups there are some related results. A result is given below as an example.

Example 4.12

X is a group, image is a normal sub-group of X. Let image be a quotient group of X with respect to image. An induced operation is defined on image as follows.


If p is a image projection, then p is a homomorphism transformation.
From the example, it is known that only under certain conditions can an operation with homomorphism property on a quotient space be induced.
Assume that N is an operation on X and image is a quotient space of X. If there exists an operation image on image such that image is a homomorphism projection, then image is said to be a quotient operation on image with respect to N, or simply a quotient operation.
As mentioned before, generally, there is not a quotient operation on a quotient space. Similar to semi-order discussed in Chapter 1, we can adjust the quotient space by merging and refining approaches such that a corresponding quotient operation exists.

4.5.1. The Existence of Quotient Operations

X is a domain. image is the coarsest quotient space of X, namely, a quotient space regarding all elements of X as an equivalence class.
Assume that N is a binary-operation on X, namely


Given a quotient space image of X, obviously, we have image.
It is obvious that N has a corresponding quotient operation image on image as long as we define image.
If there is not a quotient operation image on image, the problem is whether the finest quotient space image exists such that


Or whether the coarsest quotient space image exists such that


If such quotient operations exists, image and image are operational lower and upper bound spaces of image with respect to operation N, respectively, image and image are lower and upper quotient operations of N corresponding to image, respectively, or simply lower and upper quotient operations of image.
Obviously, if image, then image is a quotient operation on image.
We next discuss the existence of upper and lower quotient operations.

Proposition 4.2

X is domain. N is a binary-operation on X. image is a quotient space of X. There exist upper and lower quotient operations of N corresponding to image.





Since image and image, i.e., A and B are non-empty, from Proposition 1.2 in Chapter 1, we know that all quotient spaces of X constitute a complete semi-order lattice according to the quotient inclusion relation. Therefore, there exist both the least upper bound space image on A and the greatest lower bound space image on B.
We only need to show there exist quotient operations on image and image, respectively.
From the definition of the least upper bound space, we can see that for image, there exists image such that image, where image is the projection from image. Regarding image and image as sub-sets of X and image, we have image. As stated above, it is known that image has a quotient operation image.
For image, let image and image, where image. From image, letting image, since image, we have image.
Define image. Since image, then given image letting image and image, image and image are unique. Therefore, c defined above is unique, namely, image is uniquely defined.
We next only need to prove that image is homomorphic.
Let image and image.
Since image is the least upper bound space of image, we have that for image,image holds.
Given image, let image and image.
Assume image. Let image and image. Since image is a quotient operation, we have image.
By intersection operation, we have


From the definition of image, we have image.
Finally, we can write


Namely, image is a quotient operation on image. In other words, image is a lower quotient operation of X1.
We now prove there is an upper quotient operation of X1.
Let image be the infimum of B. For image, let


We now show that any two elements in d are image -equivalent, where image is an equivalence relation corresponding to image.
image, image is assumed to be an equivalence relation corresponding to image. image is a projection from image. image is a quotient operation on image.
Given image and image, let image and image. Since image and image is the infimum of B, there exist image such that


There is no lost generality in assuming that image, we have



Since image, we have image.
Thus, image.
As image is the infimum of B, from the definition of infimum we obtain image.
Similarly, for image, image and image are image-equivalent.
We conclude that any two of elements in d are image-equivalent.
Let c be an equivalence class on image containing d. Define image.
From the result above, c is uniquely defined and satisfies


Where, image is a projection from image.
It follows that image is an upper quotient operation of N with respect to image

4.5.2. The Construction of Quotient Operations

We have proved that for any quotient space there exist unique upper and lower quotient operations. Now we discuss the construction of them, namely, image and image, when X, N and X1 are given, especially, if X is a finite set. In this section, X is assumed to be a finite set.
Lower Quotient Operation
N is a binary-operation on X. image is a quotient space of X. image is an equivalence relation corresponding to image.
Define relation image recursively as follows.



Let image. Generally, define image.
Since X is a finite set, there exists a minimal integer n such that image.
Let image be an equivalence relation with image as its base. Namely,


Let X be a quotient space with respect to image. For image, let


We next show that any two of elements in d are image-equivalent.
For image, there exist image and image such that image and image.
From the definition of image, there exist image and image such that image and image.
Letting image then image. Since image, have image,image.
Especially, image, hence image.
Namely, any two of elements in d are image equivalent.
Let c be an equivalence class in X containing d. Hence c is an element of image.
Define image, from the definition, N is uniquely defined. Similar to Proposition 4.2, it can be proved that N is a quotient operation on image.
Finally, it only needs to show that image is the upper bound of a family of quotient spaces A defined in Section 4.5.1.
Suppose there exists a quotient operation image on space image and image is an equivalence relation corresponding to image.
Since image, image. Namely, from image, we have image.
By induction, when i=1, image holds. Assuming that for image image holds, we next show that for image the conclusion holds as well.
From image and based on the definition of relation image, we have two cases.
One is image, and then we have image. Or there exist image and image such that image and image. Then image and image.
Since image is a quotient operation, we can write


That is, image holds.
By induction, for any image, we have image. Since image is an equivalence relation with image as its base, we have image.
Therefore, X is the upper space of A. And N is the lower quotient operation of N with respect to image.
The above result is stated by the proposition below.

Proposition 4.3

X is a finite set. X1 is a quotient space of X. N is a binary-operation on X. The operation N defined as before is the lower quotient operation of X1, and X is the operational lower bound space of X1 with respect to N.

Example 4.13

Assume that image. Operation ‘+’ on X is defined as


Let image, where image. Find the lower quotient operation and the lower bound space on image with respect to operation ‘+’.


Let image be an equivalence relation with respect to image. Now we find image.
Since image, we have image.
Similarly, image.
It is easy to know that image. Namely,


Operation image defined on image is as follows
Upper Quotient Operation
X is a domain. N is a binary-operation on X. image is a quotient space of X. image is an equivalence relation corresponding to image.
Define image recursively as follows.
image and for image, image and image hold.
Let image
It is easy to show by induction that image is an equivalence relation.
Generally, define image. Since X is finite, there exists a minimal integer image such that image.
Let image. image is a quotient space corresponding to image. Now we define an operation image on image as follows.


We first show that any two of elements in d are image -equivalent.
For image, assume that image and image, where image and image, namely, image and image.
Since image we can write image and image
From the definition of image, it follows that image.
Namely, image holds.
By letting c be an element of image containing d, obviously c is uniquely defined by a and b.
Define image. We next show that image is a quotient operation on image.
For image, letting image and image, then image.
Moreover, image.
Since c is an element of image and image, then image.
Thus, image.
Finally, we show that quotient space image is the infimum of a family of quotient spaces B defined in Section 4.5.1.
Given image, image is its corresponding equivalence relation. Since imageimage, namely, for image, if image then image holds.
By induction on i, assuming that for i<k, if image then image. We show next that the conclusion still holds for i=k.
Assume that image and image. From the induction assumption, for image, image and image hold.
Since image, there exists a quotient operation image such that


where image is a projection from image.
We have image.
Similarly, image.
From the induction assumption, it is known that for k-1


From the definition of image, obtain image.
By induction, for image, image holds. Namely, image holds or image.
There is a quotient operation on image and image is the infimum of B. In other words, image is the upper quotient operation on image.
We have the following proposition.

Proposition 4.4

X is a finite set. X1 is a quotient set of X. N is a binary-operation on X. image defined above, i.e., image, is the upper quotient operation on X1 and image is the operational upper bound space of X1 with respect to N.
The approach for constructing image and image shown in Proposition 4.4 can be improved so that it is easy to be computed.
(X,N) is given, where X is a finite set. image is a quotient space of X. image is an equivalence relation corresponding to image.
Let image. Define a relation image as follows.
image while for image, have image and image.
Let image. Generally, define image.
It is easy to prove that image is an equivalence relation.
Since X is a finite set, there exists a minimal integer n such that image.
Let image and image be a quotient space corresponding to image.
image, define


Let c be an equivalence class on image containing d
Define image.
We have a proposition below.

Proposition 4.5

Under the definition and notations above, image is an operational upper bounded space of X1, and image is an upper quotient operation of X1 with respect to N.


The proposition can be proved in much the same way as that in Proposition 4.4.
Note that definition image differs from definition image (see Section 4.5.2). The former is that for all image, image and image hold. However, the latter is that for all image, image and image hold. Obviously, the former is a specific case of the latter. Therefore, finding image from image is much easier than from image.
Note that instead of definition image, we may use definition image and for image, image and image hold.
Assume that n is a minimal integer such that image.
Let image and image be a quotient space corresponding to image. We have the following property.

Property 4.1

For image, letting image, we can see that image is an element of image, where image is a projection from X to image.
This property indicates that the result obtained from operation N on image is uniquely defined on image. Sometimes, for example in qualitative reasoning, it’s only needed that the quotient space rather than its quotient operation corresponding to N has such a property. Generally, image, sometimes it’s only needed to find image instead of image so that the computational complexity will be reduced.
To illustrate the procedure of finding (image, image), we give an example below.

Example 4.14

Assume that image. Define an operation image on X as


Let quotient space image. Find the upper quotient operation image on image with respect to image.


Let image be an equivalence relation corresponding to image. Find image.
Let image and image.
Since image and image, image and image are not equivalent with respect to image.
Similarly, image and image, image and image are not image-equivalent. However, image and image. Therefore, image is decomposed into image and image.
Similarly, it can be proved that image and image.
Finally, we have image.
We observe that image. Namely, image.
Let image.
We have a quotient operation image on image as follows.
Note that since operation image is commutative, the table above is symmetric.
The above approach is only available when X is finite. When X is an infinite set, finding the upper (lower) quotient operation is more complicated. We next show some specific cases, i.e., X is a real set.
Quotient Operations on Real Quotient Spaces
X is a one-dimensional Euclidean space, i.e., real axis. Let quotient space image or simply image. This kind of quotient space is used in qualitative reasoning with numbers extensively (Murthy, 1988; William, 1988). We will discuss the structure of upper (lower) quotient operation of common ‘addition’ and ‘multiplication’ with respect to image below.
Common ‘addition’ on X is denoted by N. We find the upper (or lower) quotient operation of N with respect to image.
It’s obvious that the quotient space corresponding to the lower quotient operation N of N with respect to image is image, i.e., the coarsest quotient space.
We now show that the quotient space corresponding to the upper quotient operation image on image is image.
Assume that image. If a contains more than one element of X, then assume that image. Since image is a quotient operation, letting image we have



Namely, image or image, where image :image is a projection.
Since image, we have image. But image, this is a contradiction. Therefore, any element of image can only contain one element of X at most, i.e., image.
From the discussion above, unfortunately, the upper (lower) bound space with respect to image is the finest (coarsest) space. This is worthless. We will find a new way to solve the problem in the subsequent section.
Now we discuss the quotient operation of common ‘multiplication’.
The common multiplication on X is denoted by image. We find the upper (lower) quotient operation of image with respect to image.
Define an operation image on image as follows.
For simplicity, let image and image.
It is obvious that image is a quotient operation on image and satisfies:
(1) image, image thus image is an identity element on image.
(2) image is commutative and associative, so an integral power of an element on image can be defined as follows.
image, define image, where n is an integer. Thus, image, image. When image, for any a, image holds

4.5.3. The Approximation of Quotient Operations

In the preceding section, we have shown that in the quotient space image of real space X, the upper and lower space corresponding to ‘addition’ operation are the finest and coarsest ones, respectively. So the upper and lower quotient operations obtained are valueless in reality. But in qualitative reasoning with numbers, space image is widely used. We need to find a way to extricate ourselves from this predicament.
First let us see an example.

Example 4.15

A bathtub is shown in Fig. 4.8. image is the variation of input flow. image is the variation of output flow. H is the variation of gage height. We have


Let image, we obtain image.
From the preceding formula, it is known that the sign of H can’t be determined exactly by the signs of image and image. Namely, we can’t judge the value of H exactly on quotient space image.
Figure 4.8 Turn on the Water in Bathtub
If image is fixed, for example, image, then refining image we have image as follows


The elements of image are denoted by image and image, respectively.
Hence, we have


In other words, if image then the sign of H can be decided exactly by the variation of image on image. Or the value of H on image can be determined by the value of image on image uniquely.
The example shows that under some given initial conditions, when we analyze a system at image space, it is not necessary to find the upper (lower) quotient operation on image with respect to N. As long as image is properly refined, it can still meet the demand of a certain qualitative analysis.
Two refinement approaches are given below.
Successive Refinement Method
N is a binary-operation on X denoted by image. image is a quotient space of X. image :image is a projection.
Define an operation on image as follows. It is called a pseudo-quotient operation corresponding to N.


If in the right hand side of the formula, for image, image is an element of image, then image is a quotient operation on image, otherwise image is a pseudo-quotient operation. Now transforming the problem represented at space image to space image, if we find some results obtained from operation image are not unique on image, for example, image is not single value on image, then image and image are refined. After refinement, if some results of operation image we are interested in are still not single-valued, the refining process continues until all results we needed are single-valued.
If a problem represented at space image is deterministic, the refining process can go on until a proper space is obtained. If a problem represented at image is not completely certain, the proper space may not be found.
Let us see Example 4.15 again.
From image, when image and image, we can see that the value of image on space image is not single-valued. The equivalence classes image and image that image and image belong to must further be refined.
Generally, for the sum of image, if image and image, then letting image be an integer, intervals image and image are divided into image and image, respectively. Thus, the sum of image can be listed as follows.
After refinement, only two out of nine combinations are uncertain. If the values that we are interested in are not contained in these two uncertain classes, we will have a proper space image and in the space the sum ‘+’ can be uniquely defined. Otherwise, space image will further be decomposed.
The deficiency of the method is that we don’t have a clear and definite criterion for judging what the proper refinement is needed.
Next, we give a successive approximation of the refinement method similar to the approach for finding image, when X is finite (see Propositions 4.4 and 4.5).
Successive Approximation
Given (X,N). image is a quotient space of X corresponding to image. Let image be a sequence of elements on X
Define a relation image as follows


And we have


Generally, define




We show that image is an equivalence relation below.
From induction on n, when n=1, for image and image, image.
Since image is an equivalence relation, we have that image and image, image. Hence, image holds.
Namely, R(x1) is an equivalence relation.
Assuming that for image, image is an equivalence relation, we show that image is also an equivalence relation.
We only need to show that the transitivity of the relation holds.
Assume that image. From the definition of image, we know that image. Since image is an equivalence relation, image. Again from image and image, we have image.
Similarly, image.
Therefore, image.
We obtain that image is an equivalence relation.
By induction, we conclude that image is an equivalence relation.
Let image be a quotient space corresponding to image. Hence, the results obtained from operation N on any element in image and one of elements image are unique. Namely, for image, by letting image, image or image is an element of image, where imageimage is a projection.
To a certain degree image can be regarded as an approximation of image. Here, a sequence of elements image is selected in accordance with specific conditions, for example, the initial values. The deficiency of the method is that image, image may not be ensured to be single-valued on image.
Since image the successive approximation method is regarded as a refinement one as well.
To show the refining process, we give a simple example.

Example 4.16

X is a real set. N is a common addition. image. Taking a sequence {–3, 2, 10, –8,…} of elements on X, find the successive approximation of N with respect to image.


image is an equivalence relation corresponding to image. From image and image, we have image : image.
From image and image, we have




A sequence image of elements on X is given. With image and zero as points of division, divide interval image into (n+2) open sets. It’s easy to know that image is just a quotient space composed by the corresponding (n+2) open sets and (n+1) points of division.
We summarize the methods for finding image , image and the approximation of image in Table 4.6, where X is a domain, N is a binary-operation on X, image is a quotient space of X, and image is its corresponding equivalence relation.

4.5.4. Constraints and Quotient Constraints

In many reasoning processes, we are confronted with a variety of constraints. Therefore, in a hierarchical reasoning process, the constraint propagation across different grain-size worlds must be considered.
The Definition of Constraints

Table 4.6

The formulas for finding image and the approximation of image

X is a finite setFind imageimage
Find imageimage
X is an infinite setGiven a setimage. Find the approximation of imageimage


Definition 4.2
If C is a subset of a product space image, then C is said to be a constraint on X and Y. When X=Y, C is simply called a constraint on X.
From the definition, it is known that a constraint C on X and Y is a relation on X and Y.
For image, let image.
C(x) is said to be a section of C at xX.
Similarly, a section image of C at image can be defined.
For example, image is a function.
Letting image, then C is a constraint corresponding to function image.
Again, given inequality image, by letting image, then C is a constraint corresponding to image.
If N is a binary-operation on X, letting


then C is a constraint on image and X. In other words, an operation can be regarded as a constraint.
We next discuss the representations of constraints at different grain-size worlds.
Quotient Constraints
First, we consider the quotient space representation of a product space.
image is a product space, image and image are quotient spaces of X and Y, respectively. Their corresponding equivalence relations are image and image, respectively. Define an equivalence relation image on Z as


image is a quotient space of Z corresponding to equivalence relation R. On the other hand, the product space image of image and image can be proved to be equivalent to image, when viewing image as a quotient space of Z. Therefore, in the following discussion we will use image to represent the quotient space corresponding to R, and R is the equivalence relation of image.

Definition 4.3

C is a constraint on X and Y. image and image are quotient spaces of X and Y, respectively. Their corresponding equivalence relations are image and image, respectively. Define


image and image are said to be outer and inner quotient constraints on image and image. If image, image is said to be a quotient constraint on image and image.

Example 4.17

image and image both are intervals [0,d] of real numbers. image, where image, image, image, image, and image, where image, image, image, image and image are quotient spaces of X and Y, respectively. C, image and image are shown in Fig. 4.9.
When using image as a quotient constraint on quotient spaces image and image, the strong point is that the homomorphism principle is satisfied. Namely, if a problem on X has a solution satisfying constraint C, then the same problem on image must have a solution satisfying constraint image. If set image is much larger than C, under the weak constraint image the solution on image may not provide a useful cue for solving the same problem on X. Therefore, some stronger constraint image may be used to narrow the problem-solving space on X but it doesn’t guarantee the satisfaction of the homomorphism principle.

Example 4.18

In qualitative reasoning with numbers, Kuipers (1988) presented a concept of ‘envelope constraints’. We next show the relationship between his notion of ‘constraint’ and ours.
Assume that image and image, where image, image, and image is a real set.
If image is a set-valued mapping from X to image and satisfies


then image is just the envelope constraint of x and y defined by Kuipers. image and image are called upper and lower envelopes, respectively and denoted by image.
Figure 4.9 The Quotient Constraints of a Constraint


From our definition, C is a constraint on X and image, and it’s just the envelope constraint image. It is obvious that the envelope constraint is a specific case of the constraint defined in this section.
Kuipers also presented an envelope constraint propagation approach. We cite it here.
The upper and lower envelopes image and image of the constraint between x and y are given as shown in Fig. 4.10. Let image and image be the variation range of y and x, respectively. Now, we find the new variation range of x, when range image propagates across image.
According to the envelope constraint propagation method, projecting the lower endpoint of image across envelope image, we have a point b2 on X. Similarly, when projecting the upper endpoint of r(y) across envelope image, we have image. Finally, we obtain an interval image on X. Letting image, we have image. This is a new variation range of X.
From our viewpoint, a quotient space of image is defined as




Finding the projection image of C on image and the section image of image at image, we have image. Namely, image.
The section image indicates the variation range of x under the constraint C when image. By intersecting image with image, we have an interval image. This is the same as the variation range of x obtained by the Kuipers method. Therefore, the envelope constraint propagation presented by Kuipers is a specific example of the quotient constraint construction methods.
Figure 4.10 The Propagation of Envelope Constraints
The Relationship of Constraints
Projection of Constraints
C is a constraint on X and Y. image and image are quotient spaces of X and Y, respectively. Now, we find a constraint on image and image corresponding to C.
We have defined the equivalence relation corresponding to quotient space image of image. However, C is a subset of image. The constraint on image and image should be a subset of image. Naturally, the induced constraint of C on image and image is defined as p(C), where p is a projection from image.
It is easy to know that image, where image is the outer quotient constraint of C.
The combination of Constraints
image and image are two constraints on X and Y. If the combination image of constraints image and image has to satisfy both constraints C1 and C2, then it’s denoted by


If the combination constraint image is only expected to satisfy either image or image, then it’s denoted by


The Synthesis of Constraints
image and image are quotient spaces of X. image and image are quotient spaces of Y. image (or image) is a constraint on image and image (or image and image). We now find the synthesis of constraints image and image.
The synthesis of constraints image and image is defined as follows.
Let image be the supremum of image and image, image be the supremum of image and image, image and image be the projections from image to image and image, respectively.
Let image and image.
Define image, image is said to be an inner synthetic constraint of image and image.
Define image, image is said to be an outer synthetic constraint of image and image.
According to different situations, any image can be chosen as synthetic constraint of image and image.
The synthesis of image and image can also be constructed in much the same way as that stated in Chapter 3. To illustrate we show an example below.

Example 4.19

X and Y are real sets. Lebesgue measures image and image are defined on X and Y, respectively.
Let image and image be quotient spaces of X and Y, respectively. Assume that each element of image and image, i=1,2, is measurable on image and image , respectively.
image is a measurable set on image, i=1,2. A measure image on product space image is defined as a product measure of image and image.
Let image be the supremum space of image and image. image be the supremum space of image and image. Since all elements on image and image are measurable on X and Y, respectively, the elements of image and image are measurable as well.
Let image, i=1,2, be a projection from image.
Assume that image is a measurable set on image and satisfies


Where image indicates the symmetric difference between A and B and is defined as


image indicates the measure of A on image.
Namely, the synthetic constraint of image and image is defined as a set image on image such that the sum of the measures of its symmetric differences with image and image is minimum.
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