5.5. Applications

In this section, the theory and technique presented in the preceding sections will be applied to two motion planning problems. One is the planning for a planar rod moving among obstacles. The other is the planning for a multi-joint arm (Zhang and Zhang, 1982a, 1982b, 1988b, 1990a).
Figure 5.28 r-Growing Boundaries
The main point for using the theory to a real motion planning problem is how to decompose the domain into homotopically equivalent classes. There are three kinds of boundaries which are used for the decomposition. Namely, the original boundaries of the obstacles, the r-growing boundaries of the obstacles, and some specific curves called the disappearance curves arising in the regions cluttered up with the obstacles.

5.5.1. The Collision-Free Paths Planning for a Planar Rod

Assume that the length of rod A is r. The obstacles are assumed to be composed of a finite number of convex polygons. One of the end points of rod A is regarded as a fixed point O. The activity range of point O is a region in a two-dimensional plane. The rod itself is regarded as a reference axis OT. The activity range of OT-axis is its orientation angle.
The state space of A is X. We regard X as an image of mapping image, where D is the activity range of point O and C is a unit circle.
The Homotopically Equivalent Decomposition of Domain D
Definition 5.16
Assume that the length of rod A is r. We define the r-growing boundaries of obstacles as follows.
As shown in Fig. 5.28, B is an obstacle. We construct new lines parallel to and at a distance r from each edge of B, and draw arcs with each vertex of B as its center and r as its radius which are tangent to the new lines. The boundary composed of these new lines and arcs is called the r-growing boundary of obstacle B (Fig. 5.28).

Definition 5.17

image and image are two obstacles (Fig. 5.29). image is a segment of r-growing boundary of B2. image is an edge of image. If image is inside of image in part then we said that image and image compose a ‘lane’.
Figure 5.29 A ‘Lane’
As shown in Fig. 5.29, at point image there exist the feasible orientations of OT along the direction of the lane, but at point image there does not have any feasible orientation since it is blocked by obstacle image. Under the edge image, there is an area where rod A does not have any feasible orientation along the direction of the lane. It is called a shaded area. The boundary of the shaded area can be computed as follows.
As shown in Fig. 5.30, we regard the boundary image as image-axis, the line perpendicular to image through point p as image-axis and the angle image formed by OT and image-axis as a parameter. The equations of the boundary S of the shaded area are shown below.



where, image is the coordinate of the points on S, image,image is the angle formed by image and image-axis, and a is the distance between point p and boundary image.
The boundary S is called a disappearance curve, since some orientation components will disappear when the rod going across the boundary.
Figure 5.30 A Shaded Area
The Decomposition of the Homotopically Equivalent Classes
The original boundaries and r-growing boundaries of obstacles and the disappearance curves will divide domain D into several connected regions denoted by image.
We will show that image is a homotopically equivalent class, where set image is the inner kernel of D.
Let image be the rotation mapping of A. Given image, it is easy to find image or each component of image.
Given image, using x as center and r as radius, we draw a circle C counter clockwise. C is divided into several arcs by the central projections of obstacles from x on C. Then each arc corresponds to a component of image.
As shown in Fig. 5.31(a), image is decomposed into three components image,image and image. As shown in Fig. 5.31(b), each arc image corresponds to a component image. c(d) is the point of intersection between obstacle B1 (B2) and radius ax(bx). Points c and d are called intersection points of component image on obstacles or simply the intersection points of image. As shown in Fig. 5.31(a), component image can be represented by (1,2) or (8,2), where numbers 1, 2 and 8 indicate the numbers of edges l1, l2 and l8 of obstacles, respectively. And the intersection points of image locate in edges l1, l2 and l8. Similarly, image is denoted by (3,4), (7,4) or (9,4), etc. By this notation a component may have different representations but they should be regarded as being the same component.

Definition 5.18

A mapping image, where image and image are metric spaces. If image, for image such that when image, we have





Figure 5.31 The Connected Decomposition of F
Then F is said to be continuous at image. If image, F is continuous, then F is said to be continuous on X.

Proposition 5.8

The image defined above is a homotopically equivalent class with respect to the rotation mapping F of rod OT, i.e., F is continuous on image.


image image is a connected component of image. As shown in Fig. 5.31(b), there is no obstacle inside the sector image. But there is at least an intersecting point between edge image and the obstacles. There doesn't lose generality in assuming that only one such point exists at each edge, i.e., image, where image, image and image are obstacles.
If arc image is degraded into a point, then x is a point at the boundary of some shaded area or a is a concave vertex of some obstacle. This is a contradiction.
If image is a vertex of some obstacle, then image. Otherwise, x belongs to a vertex of some r-growing boundary. This is a contradiction, too.
Thus, the length of image is assumed to be positive, a and b are not vertices of obstacles and sector image is at a positive distance from the rest of obstacles except image and image. Therefore, given image,image for image, we construct every rounds with y as its center and r (the length of the rod) as its radius. The sectors, parts of the rounds that locate between obstacles image and image, are non-empty. And the sector is at a distance from the rest of obstacles except image and image. Thus, the arc corresponding to the sector is a connected component of image denoted by image satisfying


Namely, image is continuous at x.
For each component image of image, we conduct the same analysis and obtain that when x changes from image to image in image continuously, each component image will change from image to image continuously, respectively. Thus, image is a homotopically equivalent class.
The Construction of Characteristic Network
(1) Domain image is divided into several connected regions by the original boundaries, r-growing boundaries of obstacles, and the boundaries of the shaded areas. The connected regions are denoted by image.
(2) To find the components of image on each region image, it only needs to find the components of image for any image. Then, we have a set image of components.
Where, image denotes the image of component image of image on image, and component image represents the component lied between edges image and image.
(3) Node image is constructed with respect to each image. We have a set V of nodes.
Assume that image and image are neighboring. According to different forms of their common edge, there are four different linking rules.
(a) image is their common edge, where image is the r-growing boundary of edge image. Assume that image is on the inside of image, i.e., image is located between image and image. Then image and image in image are linked with image in image.
(b) imageis their common edge, where image is a r-growing boundary of vertex p. image is on the inside of image. Then image and image in image are linked with image in image.
If p is a concave vertex, i.e., the angle corresponding to vertex p is greater than 180, then image in image is not linked with any image in image.
(c) If s is their common edge, where s is the boundary of the shaded area corresponding to lane image and image is on the inside of s, then image in image is not linked with any image in image.
(d) image in image is linked with image in image, i.e., the components with the same name in image and image.
Based on the preceding rules, linking the nodes in the set V, we have a network image. image is the characteristic network corresponding to the rod A.
Example 5.8
The obstacles are shown in Fig. 5.32. Find the characteristic network of rod OT.


D is divided into 13 regions shown in Fig. 5.32. Taking the number of each region image as the horizontal ordinate, and the number (double index) of each component as the vertical ordinate, if image exists, and then we draw a node image in the point where the horizontal ordinate is i and the vertical ordinate is image. Then, we have the characteristic network as shown in Fig. 5.33.
Figure 5.32 One-Dimensional Rod
Figure 5.33 Characteristic Network
If image, the boundary of shaded area, is the common edge of image and image, then image is not linked with any point in image, according to the rule.
If image is the common edge of image and image, where the two included sides of image are image and image, then image and image are linked with image, according to the rule. But image is on the inside of image, component image disappears. Finally, image is connected to image. Moreover, image is connected to image with the same name.
The same rules are applied to other components. Finally, the characteristic network we obtained is shown in Fig. 5.33.
From Fig. 5.33, we can see that the characteristic network consists of three disconnected sub-networks. This implies that rod OT can't move from a state to an arbitrary state, e.g., from state image rod OT can't move to state image, since there is no connected path from node image to node image in the network (Fig. 5.33).

Example 5.9

The ‘Piano Mover’ problem is that given a ‘piano’ A and the obstacles as shown in Fig. 5.34, find a path from the initial position S to the goal position G.
For simplicity, piano A is shrunk to a broken-line while the boundaries of obstacles B1 and B2 are enlarged by the size 1/2 d, where d is the width of the piano A.
Domain D, the XOY plane, is divided into 10 regions as shown in Fig. 5.35.
Its characteristic network is shown in Fig. 5.36.
The final result implemented by computers is shown in Fig. 5.37.

5.5.2. Motion Planning for a Multi-Joint Arm

Multi-Joint Arm
A multi-joint arm R consists of image axis and m arms image, as shown in Fig. 5.38.
Figure 5.34 Piano Mover
Figure 5.35 The Partition of Domain D
Figure 5.36 Characteristic Network
Figure 5.37 The Result of Piano Mover
Figure 5.38 A Multi-Joint Arm
The rotation angle about image is denoted by image. The rotation angle of each arm image around image is represented by image. The length of arm Li is image. The obstacles are assumed to be composed by a finite number of convex polyhedrons.
The problem is to find a collision-free path for the arm from the initial position to the goal position.
Rotation Mapping
Assume that image is the state space of a moving object and image is its rotation mapping. X is assumed to be compact. In fact, when D and Y are the subsets of Euclidean space, so long as X is bounded and closed X is compact. image are the homotopically equivalent classes of D. image are the connected decompositions of F.
Let image be the image of component image on image.
image and image are neighboring if and only if image, where image is the closure of D.
Some properties of the image of the rotation mapping are given below.

Proposition 5.9

F is a mapping from image. image is the image of F. Assume that image is compact and image, image has a finite number of connected components. Let image be a homotopically equivalent class of F. image is a connected component of F on image. Then we have that image is semi-continuous.


Let image and image be the closure of image. Let image be a mapping corresponding to image. Since image, image. image is a closed subset of the compact set image. image is also compact. From Theorem 5.4, we have that image is semi-continuous.
Again, image is a connected component of F on image. So image is a closed set on image, i.e., image. We have image.
Namely, image, have image. We conclude that image is semi- continuous.

Definition 5.19

image is compact, image and image, image, are two homotopically equivalent classes. Let image be a connected component of image. image is a mapping corresponding to image, image. If image and image are neighboring and image, we have image, then image and image are called regular neighboring, where image is the closure of D. image is the image of F on D.

Corollary 5.3

If image and image are regular neighboring, by letting image be the union mapping of image and image, then image is semi-continuous.

Proposition 5.10

Under the same assumption of Corollary 5.3, by letting image be a mapping corresponding to image, and image be a connected subset, then image is a connected set.


From Corollary 5.3 and dimension reduction principle, it now only needs to prove that image, image is connected.
From the definition of the homotopically equivalent class, it easy to show that image, image is connected. We now show that image, image is connected.
By reduction to absurdity, assume that for image, image is not connected. Since image is compact, there exists image such that image, where image and image are non-empty,image, and image.
Since image is semi-continuous, there exists image, image such that


We obtain


However, image and image are separated sets. Again, it is known that image is connected. image, image is connected and image is semi-continuous. Thus, image is a connected set, so it can only belong to either image or image.
Assume image, i.e., image, we have image. Hence, image. This is in contradiction with the assumption. We have that image is connected.
Similarly, image, image is connected.
image, we have image. Therefore, image is connected.
Similarly,image, we have image. Therefore, image is connected as well.
When image, since image and image, we have that image is connected.
Finally, since image is semi-continuous and A is a connected set, from the dimension reduction theorem, we conclude that image is connected.
From the proposition, we can see that if two images image and image are regular neighboring, then the problem of considering the connectivity of image can be transformed into that of the connectivity of image. If image and image are regular neighboring, then the connectivity of image can also be transformed into that of still lower dimensional space. This is just the principle of dimension reduction.
Characteristic Network
(1) image is the end point of a robot arm. All possible positions of image among obstacles are called the domain of image denoted by image.
(2) image is a mapping, image, image denotes all possible positions of the end point image of arm image among obstacles, when the other end point image is located at x.
In fact, image is the rotation mapping of x. The only difference is that image is represented by the positions of image rather that the rotation angle image. image is the rotation mapping of the robot arm on image.
image can be defined by image recursively.
Let image. i.e., image is a point image.
If image have been defined, then we define image as follows.
(3) The connected decomposition mapping image.
image is divided into several homotopically equivalent and connected regions image.
Assume that the connected decomposition sub-mapping image on image is image.
The image of image on image is image denoted by image. Moreover, let each pair image of neighboring images be regular neighboring.
When the moving object is a polyhedron and the obstacles consist of a finite number of polyhedrons, the homotopically equivalent set decomposition of D and the connected decomposition of F will make the neighboring images image become regular neighboring.
(4) Characteristic network of arm image
Using the same method presented in Section 5.4.2, we have the characteristic network of image denoted by image.
The Construction of Characteristic Network
Assume that image are characteristic networks corresponding to image, respectively.
We compose a product set image.
Let image and image.
Assuming that image have been obtained, we define



where, image is a connected component with respect to point image, image is a domain corresponding to image.

Definition 5.20

Given image, if image then v is a node of characteristic network image, i.e., we have a set V of nodes, image.

Definition 5.21

Given image and image, where image. image and image are called neighboring if and only if image, image and image are neighboring in image.
Linking each pair of neighboring nodes in V with a line, we have a network image, or N for short. It is called a characteristic network of a multi-joint arm R.
Next, an example of motion planning for a 3D manipulator is shown below.

Example 5.10

A manipulator and its environment are shown in Fig. 5.39. The initial and final configurations are shown in Fig. 5.39(a) and Fig. 5.39(b), respectively. Based on the dimension reduction principle, we have developed a path planning program for a three-joint arm among the obstacles composed by a finite number of polyhedrons and spheres, using C language. The program has been implemented on SUN 3/260 workstation. One of the results is shown in Fig. 5.39. The CPU time for solving the problem is 5–15 seconds in average.

5.5.3. The Applications of Multi-Granular Computing

In motion planning for a multi-joint arm, the concept of multi-granular computing has been used for solving several problems.
Figure 5.39 Motion Planning of a 3D Manipulator
In the construction of characteristic network image, we regard image as a subset of the product set image. To find a connected path from the initial state image to the final state image in image, a connected path from image to image in image is found first, then a connected path from image to image in image is found such that the path merged from these two is a connected path from image to image in the product space image. The process continues until a connected path from image to image is found, or the existence of collision-free paths is disproved.
This is a typical application based on multi-granular computing. Since image is the projection of image, however, ‘projection’ is one of the multi-granular computing approaches as mentioned in the above chapters.
The dimension reduction method itself is an application based on the multi-granular computing technique as well. The original problem of finding the connected structure of a set image is transformed to that of finding the connected structure of image and image, image, where F is a mapping corresponding to E. Since image and image both are the projections of E on different spaces, the multi-granular computing technique underlies the dimension reduction method.
In the proceeding applications, the multi-granular computing technique is used mainly through the projection method. Next, other methods are discussed.
The Hierarchical Planning of a Multi-Joint Arm
R is a multi-joint planar manipulator composed of m arms. To find a collision-free path from state image to state image among the obstacles, the motion planning can be made in the following way. First, a primary plan is found by some heuristic knowledge. Then, the plan is refined.
As shown in Fig. 5.40, R is a multi-joint arm moving among the planar environment consisting of obstacles image.image and image are the initial and final positions of R, respectively.
To plan the primary path, we compose a loop from image along the direction image. i.e.,image, then from image to image, finally from image along the direction image back to image. i.e., image. If there is no obstacle inside the loop, then the manipulator can ‘move’ from image to image directly without collision. Therefore, in this case only a limited portion of N(r) needs searching in order to find the path.
If there are obstacles inside the loop, as shown in Fig. 5.40, obstacles image and image are inside the loop. Then, to move the manipulator around the obstacles, the initial positions of end points image of each arm must first move from image to the left of obstacle image. In other words, from a high abstraction level, we first estimate the primary moving path of R by ignoring the interconnection between arms. Namely, the end point image of arm 7 first moves along the direction image from image to the left of obstacle image, i.e., point image, then moves to image, finally moves to image along the direction image.
End points image move in a similar way.
Figure 5.40 Motion Planning of a Multi-Joint Arm
Figure 5.41 A Rod Moves Around an Obstacle
If the end point image of arm image needs to move from one side of obstacle B to the other (Fig. 5.41), then the end point Ai1 must move from the inside of the r-growing boundary to the outside of the boundary and then back to the inside of B. Namely, the moving trajectory of point image is constrained by the trajectory of point image.
By using these kinds of heuristic information, the primary moving path of R can be worked out. Then under the guidance of the primary path, a final path can be found.
In three-dimensional case, some proper sections can be used. The two-dimensional characteristic networks can be constructed on these sections. By using the neighboring relationship between the nodes on the neighboring two-dimensional characteristic networks, the characteristic network of the three-dimensional case can be constructed.
As shown in Fig. 5.42(a), we construct the sections image. Let image be the two-dimensional characteristic network on section image.
If image on image is a connected network, image is said to be a connected section. Therefore, when net image is a connected one, section image does not intersect with any obstacle.
Assume that image and image are two neighboring sections of image. If one of image and image is a connected section, then when finding a connected path from state image to image on image, we first transform the state image to a state image on image, then on image move state image to state image. Finally, image is transformed to state image on image.
Figure 5.42 Three-Dimensional Characteristic Network
Thus, the three-dimensional case can be handled in the similar way as in the two- dimensional case.

5.5.4. The Estimation of the Computational Complexity

Schwartz and Shatic (1983a) presented a topologic algorithm for two-dimensional path planning. Its computational complexity is image, where n is the number of edges of polygonal obstacles. Schwartz and Shatic (1983b) also presented a topologic algorithm for solving ‘piano-mover’. Its computational complexity is image, where n is the number of obstacles and d is the degree of freedom of moving object.
Reif (1979) and Reif and Sharir (1985) presented a revised algorithm. Its complexity is image, and proved that the general ‘piano-mover’ is a PSPACE-hard problem, i.e., NP-hard problem at least.
In a word, the complexity of collision-free paths planning increases with d exponentially even though by using topologic approaches.
Next, we estimate the complexity of the dimension reduction method by taking motion planning for a planar rod as an example.
Fig. 5.42(a) shows a rod AT and its environment. When the end point A of rod AT moves from the initial state image, there are three possible moving directions, i.e.,image and image, or (8, 4), (4, 7) and (7, 8) for short, as shown in Fig. 5.42(b). There is no path along the direction (7, 8). Along the direction (8, 4), from point 1 there are two possible moving direction (8, 1) and (1, 4). Along direction (1, 4), from point 2 there also exist two possible moving directions (1, 2) and (2, 4). But direction (2, 4) is a blind alley, etc. We finally have a network shown in Fig. 5.42 (c). It is called a characteristic network of point A denoted by image.
Network image represents the connected structure of the domain of point A. Each edge image represents an area surrounded by obstacles image and image.
Based on network image, the movement of rod AT among obstacles can be planned.
Although point A can move freely along each edge of image, rod AT may not. For example, when AT moves from point 1 to 3 through point 2, i.e., turns from direction image to direction image, if we consider the entire rod movement, the movement may not be possible at the intersecting point. Therefore, we must consider the movement at each intersecting point.
Figure 5.43 Path Planning of a Planar Rod
Whether rod AT can turn from one direction to the other may be judged by finding the boundary of the shaded area, presented in the above sections. In the example, the boundaries of each shaded area are shown in Fig. 5.43(d) by the dotted lines.
From Fig. 5.43(d), we can see that turning from direction (4, 7) to (2, 6), from (8, 3) to (5, 3), or from (3, 2) to (6, 2) is impossible. The others are possible. The characteristic network is shown in Fig. 5.43(e).
Given the initial state corresponding to direction (8,4) and goal state corresponding to direction (6,2), we now plan a collision-free path. From (8,4) we search the collision-free paths as shown below.
Finally, we have a collision-free path from S to G (Fig. 5.44):


Figure 5.44 A Collision-Free Path From S to G
Next, we estimate its computational complexity.
Assume there are n convex polygons. By using the concept of dual network and the Euler formula concerning the relationship between points and edges of a planar network, it can be proved that the number of edges in network image is less than or equal to cn, where c is a constant.
Each edge in image represents a direction image, or a ‘channel’ surrounded by obstacles image and image. Strictly speaking, if image and image are r-growing areas of obstacles image and image, respectively, then image is the channel surrounded by image and image.
To make the turn from the channel image to channel image possible, the necessary condition is that image must intersect the r-growing area of image or image, i.e., the channel corresponding to edge image on image intersects image, where image is an edge of N (A), image is the r-growing boundary of image. If the complexity of each judgment is regarded as 1, we have the following proposition.

Proposition 5.12

If the environment consists of n convex polygons, the computational complexity for planning the motion of two-dimensional moving rod is image, if using the above hierarchical planning method.
Certainly, this is just a rough estimation. It is shown that the multi-granular computing strategy has a potential in reducing the computational complexity.

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