1.4. The Relation Among Different Grain Size Worlds

Generally, we treat a problem under various grain sizes. Thus, it is necessary to establish the relationship between the worlds at different granularities.

1.4.1. The Structure of Multi-Granular Worlds

Semi-Order Lattice

Definition 1.8
Assume that image is all equivalence relations on X and image. If image, then R1 is said to be finer than R2, and denoted by image.

Proposition 1.2

Under the relation ‘<’ defined in Definition 1.8, the family of quotient sets corresponding to image, or simply image, is a complete semi-order lattice.
Note: Definition of complete semi-order lattice (Davey and Priestley, 1992) is the following.
A semi-order relation ‘image’ is defined on X (X may be infinite). image, if A has the supremum and infimum, i.e., there exist image, for image if image, then image (supremum) and there exist image, for image if image, then image (infimum), then image is called a complete semi-order lattice.


For a family image of relations, define image.
image there exists a finite sequence image and image such that image, simply image.
Now we prove that image is the supremum of image below.
First, we show that image is an equivalence relation. Its reflexivity and symmetry are obvious.
We show its transitivity. Assume image. Assume that R satisfies image. Then, image, i.e., image. Thus, image is the supremum.
Now we prove that image is the infimum of image below.
First, we show that image is an equivalence relation. From the definition of image, its reflexivity and symmetry are obvious.
From image and
image, we have
image, i.e., image. image has transitivity. Thus, image is an equivalence relation.
Now we show that image is the infimum. Assume that R is any lower bound of image, i.e., for image, image. Assume image, i.e., image such that image, image. From image image and image, we have image.
From its transitivity, we have that image and image are R equivalent, i.e., image. Again,image, image, then image is the infimum.
Finally, image is a complete semi-order lattice.
Obviously, when image, image is a quotient set of image, where image is a quotient set of X corresponding to equivalence relation R. The proposition shows that given a domain X, all its quotient sets compose a complete semi-order lattice based on the inclusion relations of the sets. We can implement various supremum and infimum operations over the lattice.
In Fig. 1.3, if under the equivalence relation R0, the whole factory is regarded as an equivalence class, i.e., all elements of X are equivalent, then image is the coarsest relation among R. If the factory is decomposed into several equivalence classes such as machining, assembly and welding workshops, etc., we have a new equivalence relation image. Similarly, each workshop can be further divided into fine-grained cells, and so on. Finally, we have image such that image. This means that image is the finest relation among R. And we have


Generally, assume that G is a tree with n levels shown in Fig. 1.4. Let X be all leaves of G and image be a node of G. image denotes all leaves of the subtree rooted at p. Let image be a set of nodes at depth i. Then each Ai corresponds to a partition of X, i.e., for image, image is an equivalence class and corresponds to an equivalence relation image.
Obviously, image.
Conversely, a sequence of monotonic relations image can be represented by a tree with n levels.
If a function f (x) is assigned to each leaf image, then a heuristic search of G can be regarded as a hierarchical inference over a sequence of monotonic equivalence relations, that is, a heuristic tree search can be transformed into a hierarchical problem solving. We will further discuss it in Chapter 6.

1.4.2. The Structural Completeness of Multi-Granular Worlds

In Section 1.4.1, we show the structural completeness of a family of quotient sets, i.e., given domain X, all equivalence relations defined on X compose a complete semi-order lattice. This is a structural completeness theorem of a family of quotient sets. We’ll extend the theorem to a family of quotient spaces, i.e., the structural completeness theorem of multi-granular worlds.
Figure 1.4 The Hierarchical Relation of a Tree
We’ll discuss the properties of three different complete lattice structures in a family of quotient spaces. And we’ll show that the three complete lattice structures correspond to the closures of three main operations on quotient-based granular computing, respectively.

Definition 1.9

image is a topologic space. image is a set of all equivalence relations on X. For image, if image, image is said to be finer than image denoted by image.

Basic Theorem (Completeness Theorem)

Under the relation ‘<’ defined in Definition 1.9, the family of quotient spaces corresponding to image, or simply image, composes a complete semi-order lattice.
Compared to other methods such as rough set theory, quotient space theory pays more extension to the concept of ‘structures’. So it is needed to investigate families of all quotient spaces composed from topologic space image and to establish the corresponding structural theorem. We will establish three different complete lattice structures of families of quotient spaces and their properties, relations and applications below. The Basic Theorem of Families of Quotient Spaces

A topologic space image is given. Let image be a set of all possible quotient sets on X, and image denotes its element.
image is a quotient space, where image is a quotient topology on image induced from topologic space image. In the following discussion, in order to differentiate from other topologies, symbol image with square brackets [ ] is used to denote a quotient topology induced from a corresponding quotient set.
image, where image is a set of all quotient topologies induced from quotient sets.

Definition 1.10

Assume image. If image is a quotient set of image, then image.

Theorem 1.1

Under the Definition 1.10, image composes a complete semi-order lattice.
From the basic theorem, we have the theorem above.
If the topology on quotient sets is unrestricted, i.e., it is not limited to the quotient topology induced from quotient set, the theorem does not necessarily hold. This means that the supremum (or infimum) of a family of topologies is not a quotient topology induced from quotient set. Namely, there exists a subset of U such that it does not have the supremum (infimum) within U. The following example shows the fact.

Example 1.7

Topologic space image is given, where image and image. Let image and image. We have image and image, the induced quotient topologies from image and image, respectively. Thus, their supremum topology image.
In the other hand, the supremum of image and image is image. The induced topology from X3 is image. Thus, image.

Definition 1.11

A topologic space image, if image is another topology on X and image, image is called a ‘lower topology’ of T.

Definition 1.12

Assume image, where image is a quotient topology on image induced from image. image is a set of all lower topologies of T on X. Define a semi-order ‘<’ on image as follows: image, if image and image, then image.
First, two lemmas are introduced below (Eisenberg, 1974).

Lemma 1.1

Assume that image. There exists a maximal (finest) topology among all topologies that makes each fa continuous on Y.

Lemma 1.2

Assume that image. There exists a minimal (coarsest) topology among all topologies that makes each image continuous on X.

Definition 1.13

Given image. Let image, where image is the supremum (infimum) of image, T′ is the supremum (infimum) of image. Define


Definition 1.14

image is any subset from W. Let X′ be the supremum of image. Construct a mapping image, where image is a nature projection. From Lemma 1.2, it is known there is a minimal topology image on image such that it makes all mappings continuous. Define image as the supremum of quotient spaces on A.

Definition 1.15

image is any subset from W. Let X be the infimum of {Xa}. Construct a mapping image, where pa is a nature projection. From Lemma 1.1, it is known that a maximal topology image on image exists such that it makes all mappings continuous. Define image as the infimum of quotient spaces on A.
It’s noted that for any subset on V, based on Definitions 1.13 and 1.14 we can also define its corresponding supremum and infimum quotient spaces, respectively.

Theorem 1.2

Under the supremum and infimum operations defined by Definitions 1.13 and 1.14, V (or W) composes a complete semi-order lattice.


First, we prove that W is a complete semi-order lattice.
image is any subset from W, X′ is the supremum of image, and image is a nature projection. From Lemma 1.2, a minimal topology T′ exists on X′ such that it makes all mappings continuous. Since image is continuous, image is an open mapping, i.e., open sets are mapped as open sets. We have that all open sets on image are mapped as open sets on image. From Definition 1.12, we have image. T′ is the upper bound of image. Since T′ is the coarsest topology, we have that image is the supremum of A.
Similarly, for any subset B, there exists its infimum. Therefore, W is a complete lattice.
Similarly, we can prove that V is a complete semi-order lattice.
Obviously, V is a sub-lattice of W and a complete lattice obtained by the supremum and infimum operations over elements of U. And W is a complete lattice composed by elements of U and all lower topologies of the induced quotient topologies on U. The Properties and Relations of U, V and W

Complete semi-order set U is a basic quotient space structure in quotient space-based theory. Given a space image, using the induced quotient topology we can construct all quotient spaces of U. Conversely, a quotient space constructed by the induced quotient topology must be an element (space) of U. In other words, with respect to the operation of constructing quotient spaces by the induced quotient topology, U is closed. The completeness of U provides a theoretical foundation for the constructing quotient space method by induced quotient topology.
The combination method of quotient spaces is the main one in quotient space theory. V is the maximal complete lattice that can be produced by using the supremum and infimum operations over the induced quotient topologies of U. This is just a combination method of quotient spaces and similar to the method that quotient topologies are produced by topological bases. The supremum and infimum operations over induced quotient topologies of U are closed on V, which ensures the completeness of the family of quotient spaces that is produced by the combination method.
If the quotient spaces are not only constructed by domain granulation (quotient sets) but also by topology granulation in U, then we have W, the complete lattice composed by all possible quotient spaces from the above method and from the supremum and infimum operations over the quotient spaces.
In order to discuss the relation among U, V and W, we introduce the concept of ‘minimal open set’ below.

Definition 1.16

Given a topologic space image. For any open set B, if a non-empty bipartition image exists such that one of them is an open set at most, B is called a minimal open set.

Lemma 1.3

For any open set A, it either a discrete topology or a minimal open set.


Otherwise, assume that A is not a minimal open set. For image, constructing a non-empty bipartition image of A, since any singleton image of A is an open set, A is a discrete topology.
Obviously, image. We’ll prove below that in general the relation among U, V and W is a proper subset one. For example, in Section, quotient space image is in V but not in U, so U is a proper subset of V.

Theorem 1.3

Given a topologic space image. The necessary and sufficient condition of U=V should satisfy one of the following conditions.
(1) image
(2) T is a trivial topology
(3) T is a discrete topology.


If image, obviously, image.
⇐ Sufficient condition: Since image is a trivial (or discrete) topology, i.e., all quotient topologies on any quotient set image are trivial or discrete, image.
⇒Reduction to absurdity: Assume that T is neither a trivial nor a discrete topology. We show below that image. Let image. From Lemma 1.3, for each image, a non-empty bipartition of image exists and one of its bipartition is an open set at most, i.e., a minimal open set. The open set is left, otherwise image is divided into a set of singletons. After the treatment, T is denoted as image, where image is either a singleton or a minimal open set.
If T has only one component image, then T is a trivial topology. This is a contradiction.
If each image is a singleton, then T is a discrete topology. This is also a contradiction.
Thus, there exist some image’s such that image. Let image be the one having the minimal cardinality among image’s. Now we discuss the following two cases.
(1) image and any proper subset on X is not a minimal open set, then image must be a singleton. Let image. Since image, there must exist a set in C and D with cardinality > 1. If image, construct a partition image of C. We have a partition image. Set D is not open, otherwise, from Lemma 1.3, D is a singleton. This is a contradiction. Set image is not open as well, otherwise, image is a minimal open set. This is also a contradiction.
Then, we have induced quotient topologies image and the supremum topology image.
On the other hand, we have the supremum image of image and image. Since image is the induced quotient topology from image, image, then image. This is a contradiction.
If C is a singleton, there exists a non-empty bipartition image on image. Construct image. Then, image are not open. Otherwise, assume that image is an open set. From Lemma 1.3, image is either a discrete topology or a minimal open set. But the former is impossible since C is a singleton. The latter is impossible as well since image is a proper sunset of X. This is a contradiction. Therefore, image are not open sets.
Similarly, image are not open sets either.
We have image. Then image.
On the other hand, image, we have image,image
Then, image. This is a contradiction.
(2) image. Letting image, there exists a image at least such that it is not an open set. Construct a partition image, image.
(2.1) If both image and image are not open sets, the induced quotient topology from image and image is image. The supremum of image is image.
On the other hand, image is the supremum of image. The induced quotient topology is image.
(2.2) If one of image is an open set, in assuming that image is an open set, then image is not open. Otherwise, image is open. This is a contradiction. Therefore, we have image (or when image is an open set, we have image). Its supremum is image (or image when image is open). Since image is the induced quotient topology of image, we have image.
Finally, image. This is a contradiction.
Using Theorem 1.3, we can make the following conclusion: a space may belong to lattice W but not to V.

Example 1.8

Given X={1,2,3,4}, T is a discrete topology. From Theorem 1.3, we have U and V corresponding to (X,T). Letting image, we have image. Thus, image, V is a proper subset of W.
The three semi-order lattices given in the section correspond to three different multi-granular worlds. The completeness of the lattices provides a theoretical foundation for the translation, decomposition, combination operations over the multi-granular worlds.
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