Step 2

Then, you need to discover the IP address of the bridge on your network. You can do this in a few ways:

  1. Use a UPnP discovery app to find Philips Hue in your network.
  2. Use our broker server discover process by visiting (


  1. Log in to your wireless router and look up Philips Hue in the DHCP table.
  2. Follow the Hue app method. Download the official Philips Hue app. Connect your phone to the network the Hue bridge is on. Start the Hue app (the iOS described here). Connect the bridge to your WiFi network with an Ethernet cable. Use the app to find the bridge and try to control the lights. If all is working, go to the settings menu in the app. Go to My Bridge. Then, go to Network settings. Switch off the DHCP toggle. The IP address of the bridge will show. Note the IP address and then switch DHCP back on:

This is the IP address of the bridge and the DHCP:


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