Installing third-party modules

While the Magic Mirror comes with default modules, there are industrious Internet folk out there creating new, open source modules for download and addition by going to the third-party module portion of the Magic Mirror GitHub website, While extensive to list, you’ll note that there are modules for Twitter, Instagram, NFL scores, and Amazon’s Alexa, to name a few. These come with varying degrees of skill needed to set up, so it’s suggested that you assess which seems to be the best to try and then work through the installation and setup steps. Importantly, when installing a third-party module, you’re going to clone the repository into the Magic Mirror modules folder. Your steps would involve the following:

  1. Navigate to the Magic Mirror modules folder.
  2. Determine the URL of the GitHub repository you wish to clone.
  3. Clone the repository using the steps mentioned previously in the chapter.

Here is an example of what your mirror may look like once you place a two way mirror on the screen plugged into your Raspberry Pi 3:

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