Software development

In this section, we have the main code of the project written in C#:

namespace FacialRecognitionDoor
/// <summary>
/// General constant variables
/// </summary>
public static class GeneralConstants
// This variable should be set to false for devices, unlike the Raspberry Pi, that have GPU support
public const bool DisableLiveCameraFeed = true;

// Oxford Face API Primary should be entered here
// You can obtain a subscription key for Face API by following the instructions here:
public const string OxfordAPIKey = "OXFORD_KEY_HERE";

// Enter the API endpoint address.
// If you have a 'free trial' key, you can find the here:
// If you have a key from Azure, find your account here:
public const string FaceAPIEndpoint = "";

// Name of the folder in which all Whitelist data is stored
public const string WhiteListFolderName = "Facial Recognition Door Whitelist";

/// <summary>
/// Constant variables that hold messages to be read via the SpeechHelper class
/// </summary>
public static class SpeechContants
public const string InitialGreetingMessage = "Welcome to the Facial Recognition Door! Speech has been initialized.";

public const string VisitorNotRecognizedMessage = "Sorry! I don't recognize you, so I cannot open the door.";
public const string NoCameraMessage = "Sorry! It seems like your camera has not been fully initialized.";

public static string GeneralGreetigMessage(string visitorName)
return "Welcome to the Facial Recognition Door " + visitorName + "! I will open the door for you.";

/// <summary>
/// Constant variables that hold values used to interact with device Gpio
/// </summary>
public static class GpioConstants
// The GPIO pin that the doorbell button is attached to
public const int ButtonPinID = 5;

// The GPIO pin that the door lock is attached to
public const int DoorLockPinID = 4;

// The amount of time in seconds that the door will remain unlocked for
public const int DoorLockOpenDurationSeconds = 10;
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