Let's try some interesting modifications

In the previous section, we just created a display that instantly swaps all pixel colors on any CheerLights update.

NeoPixels are individually addressable LEDs, which means you can create a lot more interesting display with your CheerLights. Let's try to create a displays that slowly updates all your pixels gradually as the color changes in a fluid motion. To do this, update the code in your setNeoPixelsColor() function to the following:

    void setNeoPixelsColor() {
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < strip.numPixels(); i++) {
strip.setPixelColor(i, cheerLightsRed, cheerLightsGreen, cheerLightsBlue);

This will create a flowing motion update of color every time there is a color change.

You may try other interesting combinations of displays. As an exercise, try to make a shimmering effect if the color is not updated in a while. 

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