

AATC, see Advanced Automatic Train Control

Absent-event approach, 268

Abstract buffer, 278

Abstraction levels, 270271, 286

Abstract semantic space, 305

Abstract specification language, 309310

Acausal modeling, 557561

Accelerated simulation, 220, 226

Access Point Event Simulator (APES), 215

Active event set, 392

Active objects, 141

Active–passive interface connections, 265, 268

Active service model interface, 264

Activity-based simulation, 6

Activity diagrams, 131

Actor-oriented programming model, 207

Adams-Bashforth approach, 27

Advanced Automatic Train Control (AATC), 134135, 292, 293, 294

Advanced General Aviation Transport Experiment (AGATE), 334

Aerodynamic derivatives, 339

Aerospace application, 235

AES, see All-electric ship

AGATE, see Advanced General Aviation Transport Experiment

Aggregate-Level Simulation Protocol (ALSP), 373374

Algebraic equations, local singularities in, 610611

Algebraic loops, 562

Algorithms Physiologically Derived to Promote Learning Efficiency (APPLE), 380

All-electric ship (AES), 233234

Allocation Modeling (Alloc), 148

ALSP, see Aggregate-Level Simulation Protocol

Analog computers, 13

APCI, see Application Protocol Control Information

API, see Application programming interface

APPLE, see Algorithms Physiologically Derived to Promote Learning Efficiency

Application Layer, 355, 356

Application modeling, 271272

Application programming interface (API), 248, 361, 524

Application Protocol Control Information (APCI), 356

Application Service Data Unit (ASDU), 356

Application Services, 425426

Application-specific instruction set processor (ASIP), 284285, 286

Arbitrary event processes

concurrent simulation approach for notation and definitions, 402404

observed and constructed sample path coupling dynamics, 404408

speedup factor, 408409

TWA, 401, 409410

Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL), 149

Architecture modeling, 272273, 277

Army Research Institute report, 381382

Artop project code, 536

ASA, see Augmented system analysis

ASDU, see Application Service Data Unit

ASIP, see Application-specific instruction set processor

Assignment statement, 210

Asynchronous activities, TDL, 164

Atomic model, 41, 67, 113

Atomic Rational Time Advance, 70

Atomic RT-DEVS model, 114

Augmented system analysis (ASA), 391, 399400

Automatic control (autopilot), 332

Automotive applications, 232233

Automotive domain, 125

Automotive Open System Architecture (AUTOSAR), 523

behavioral level, 528

BSW and ECU level, 539540

BSW runnable, 545

deployment tools, 530

goal of, 526

methodology, 530532

RTE level, 529530

simulation and analysis, models for

in development process, 537538

VFB and behavior level, 538

Simulink model, 540544

standard SW platform, 527

SWCs, 524

timing model, 532536

use and role of, 536537

VFB level, 527528

Automotive RT simulation, modeling domains in, 503

Autopilot function in heading control, 339, 340

AUTOSAR, see Automotive Open System Architecture

Auxiliary propulsion systems, 233


Backward differentiation, 13

Balanced hybrid simulation, 2224

BART system, see Bay Area Rapid Transit system

Basic software (BSW), 524

Battery model, 552

Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system, 134, 135, 149, 150, 292, 293


class, 141

diagrams, 131, 132

Behavioral semantics, 140142

Bifurcated design process, 185187

Binding-time analysis, 110


approach, 506

components, 270

Blocking service request, 264, 265

Block-structured languages, 14

Blueprints, 125, 126

Body-worn system, 378

BON, see Business Oriented Notation

Boolean functions, 90

Boost.Fusion, 108

Bouncing ball simulation, 19

BSW, see Basic software


FIFO, 282, 283

service model, 279280

Built-in wind model, 337

Business Oriented Notation (BON), 303



implementation, 367

template metaprogramming, 106108

Canadair Regional Jet 200 (CRJ200) series, 338

CD++, 66

CDTRP, see Controller design-test-redesign platform

Centralized simulation, 56

CFD, see Computational fluid dynamics


model, 193

usage phase, 191

Charmy tool, 303

Check Train Status sequence diagram, 137

Chrona’s Validator, 215

Class diagrams, 131

domain model as, 138

UML, 133

Client/server communication ports, 528

Climate control system, 576

Clock, 308, 392


real-time simulation, 576

simulation, architecture of, 204

testing, 230

CM, see Concurrency manager

CO condition, see Constructability condition

Code encapsulation concept, 334

Code equivalence problem, 244, 245

Code generation, 170

Cognition algorithm, 190191

Cognitive modem, 188, 190

Cognitive radio (CR)

design, 187188


design of, 192194

design procedure and implementation environment, 188189

experiment results, 194196

single cognitive modem, design of, 190192

Combined continuous-discrete benchmark, 22, 23

Commands Received message, 320321

Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS), 185, 227, 333, 382, 383

Commercial simulation tools, 228

Common Intermediate Language, 110

Common random numbers (CRN), 392

Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP), 303

Communication diagrams, 131, 133

Communication-oriented design methods, 37

Complex control systems, 235

Complex electric systems, testing of, 230

Compliant model, 560

Compliant vehicle model, 559, 560

Component diagram, 131

Component Implementation, 532

Component Internal Behavior Description, 532

Compositionality, TDL, 162

Comprehensive methodology, 125

Computational approach, 36

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), 503504

Computational parts, 252, 254

Concurrency manager (CM)

emulation of, 247248

real-time, 250251

Concurrent simulation techniques, 390

Conducting mode, 1920

CONDUIT, see Control Designer’s Unified Interface

Connect-and-play capability, 334, 335

Connectors, 553, 554, 555

Conservative scheduling, 7

Conservative synchronization, 6


modeling language, 128

UML, 153

〈CONSTRAINT〉, 310, 311

Constraint matrix, 609

Constraints semantics, 305308

Constructability (CO) condition, 391, 397

Constructed sample path coupling dynamics, 404408

Context switch capabilities, 250

Continuous mathematical model, 9

Continuous models, 45, 442

continuous simulations

example of, 15

software for, 1315

time management for, 913

with discrete element, 1921

nature of, 89

Continuous simulations

example of, 15

software for, 1315

time management for, 913

Control Designer’s Unified Interface (CONDUIT), 334

Controller algorithm codes, 334335

Controller design-test-redesign platform (CDTRP)

benchmark plants of, 473474

categorization of modes, 468470

experimental setup of developed, 471, 472

plant emulator card with PIC microcontroller, 470471

structure and functions of, 466467

taxonomy of real-time simulation modes, 463, 464, 467468

verification and validation of

benchmark plants, 475

controller design-test-redesign procedure, 475482, 483

mixed operating modes, 482, 484

Controller prototype, 224225

Controller synthesis case, 463

Control station, 350

Control system

application, 164

tester simulator, 444

Conventional simulations, 183, 190, 192

Cooperative robotic system, 57

Core elements, 145

Co-simulation, 214, 223

COTS, see Commercial-off-the-shelf

Coupled models, 66, 72, 73, 113, 114

CR, see Cognitive radio

Crankshaft position sensor, 545

CRC, see Cyclic redundancy check

Critica infrastructures (CI), 351

CRJ200 series, see Canadair Regional Jet 200 series

CRN, see Common random numbers Cryptography, 352

CSP, see Communicating Sequential Processes

Custom Computer Services C Program Compiler Version 4.084 software, 466

Cyber defense technology experimental research (DETER), 350, 352

Cycle accurate models, 260

Cyclic redundancy check (CRC), 350, 354


DAE, see Differential algebraic equations

DARPA, see Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

DAS, see Digital Analog Simulator

Data aggregator, 350, 359360

Data dependencies, resolving, 172

Dataflow-oriented design approach, 37

Data generation, 100101

Data Link Layer, 354, 355356

DC, see DynamicsController

DDSBE, see Debriefing Distributed Simulation-Based ExercisesDeadlock system, 393

Debriefing Distributed Simulation-Based Exercises (DDSBE), 381

Debugging, 208211

Decision-making model, 57

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 334, 373

Defense Modeling and Simulation Office (DMSO), 374, 375

Defense sector, 382383

Defense training community, 373


based representation, 275

mechanism, 276

Delta event list, 276277

Department of Defense Architecture Framework, 126

Department of Energy (DOE), 351

Deployed execution, 56

Deployment diagrams, 131

DES, see Discrete event systems

Description logic (DL), 298

Design methodology, 246, 252256

Design space exploration (DSE), 244

DETER, see Cyber defense technology experimental research

DEVS, see Discrete Event System Specification

DEVSJAVA models, 47, 50, 51, 53, 189

DieCast, 420421

Differential algebraic equations (DAE)

index of, 606607

simulating, 600602

Differential equations in mathematical model, 13

Digital Analog Simulator (DAS), 13

Digital signal processors (DSPs), 26, 182, 188, 227

Digital system models, 6

DIS, see Distributed Interactive Simulation

Discrete-based hybrid simulation, 2122

Discrete event modeling, 274

Discrete event simulation, 204, 205

Discrete event systems (DES), 391, 392394

Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS), 53, 183

atomic model, 65

cognitive network, 194

formalism, 67, 18

as formalized aid to system design, 4445

formal verification, 6869

graph, 67

model-based system design, 40

rational time-advance, 6970

real-time, 112114

real-time distributed systems, design aid and verification for

DEVSJAVA models, 50, 51, 53

P2P-based distributed real-time systems, 5556

P2P-based network, 52, 54

RTI, 50

UML-RT, 49

real-time distributed VE, design aid for, 4549

and RT-DEVS, 4044

simulation, metaprogramming application to, 115117

verification methodology, 7180

Discrete modeling, 48

Discrete optimization approach, 412

Discrete simulation, 78

Discrete-time compensation techniques, 222

Discrete-time simulation, 220, 455

DiskSim, 428, 432

Dismounted Infantry Virtual After Action Review System (DIVAARS), 381

Distributed AAR, human effort required for, 380381

Distributed generation (DG), integration of, 230

Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS), 373374

Distributed real-time

cooperative robotic systems, 5659

simulations, 25

system semantics, ontology for, 307

Distributed real-time simulation-based training, 372373


defense sector, 382383

effectiveness assessment, lack of, 381382

fidelity, 377379

instructional strategies, 379380

instructor workload, 380381

interoperability, 375377

Distributed SBT, 373375, 382

Distributed simulation, 56, 390

DIVAARS, see Dismounted Infantry Virtual After Action Review System

DL, see Description logic

DML, see Domain Modeling Language

DMM, see Dynamic metamodeling

DMSO, see Defense Modeling and Simulation Office

DNP3.0, 350, 351, 354356

attacking, 356

modeling, 357358

protocol, 358

RINSE, 352354

TCP/IP, 363

DO-178B standard, 235

Domain architectures, 376

Domain Modeling Language (DML), 353

and EMS configuration, 365

network topologies, 364

PowerWorld, 360

Domain-specific languages (DSLs), 101105

Domain specific modeling language (DSML), 421422

Domain-specific optimization, 111

Domain, TDL, 173174

DO-254 standard, 235

Drive cycle simulations, 576

Drive design pattern, integrator as, 456

Driver function, 84

DSE, see Design space exploration

DSLs, see Domain-specific languages

DSML, see Domain specific modeling language

dSPACE platform, 572

DSPs, see Digital signal processors

D-UML, 155

Duration constraints, 147

Dymola, 571

Dynamic allocation scheme vs. fixed resource allocation vector, 414

Dynamic consistency, 297

Dynamic engine thermal model, 574

Dynamic metamodeling (DMM), 300

Dynamic resource allocation, 412415

DynamicsController (DC), 201, 203


Earliest deadline first (EDF), 249

ECC, see Engine cycle calculation

ECD++ toolkit, implementation on, 8488

E-code, 167, 174

ECS, see Engine Controller System

ECU, see Electronic control unit

EDF, see Earliest deadline first

EDSLs, see Embedded domain-specific languages

Education application, real-time simulation, 236237, 238

Efficient system design, 35

EGR valve, see Exhaust gas recirculation valve

Eiffel, 304

Electric train networks, 233234

Electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulators, 223

Electronic control unit (ECU), 124, 530531

Elementary specification 〈ELEM-SPEC〉, 308, 310, 311


controller model, DEVS graph, 77, 78

model states, 75

RTA-DEVS models, 74

timed automata model, 76

E-machine, 165, 171

Embedded code, 165

Embedded domain-specific languages (EDSLs), 103, 104

Embedded DSLs, 103105

Embedded real-time (RT) software systems, 63

Embedded simulation, 441

Embedded system, typical architecture of, 201

Emergency Brake, 150

component, 293, 295, 320, 321

state-machine diagrams for, 152

Emerging applications, real-time simulation, 237239

Energy Management System (EMS), 365366, 367

Engine Controller System (ECS), 211, 213

Engine cycle calculation (ECC), 506507

Engineering systems development process, 333

Environmental Model, 150, 294

Environment inputs, 79

Environment timed automata model, 91


controller DEVS model hierarchy, 82

robot, 81

robotic application

DEVS model specification, 8184

ECD++ toolkit, implementation on, 8488

e-puck models, executing, 8889

Epuck0 atomic component

external transition function of, 8586

state diagram, 83

ESL, see European Simulation Language

Ethernet Capture Effect, 420, 424425

Euler integration method, 10, 26, 27

Euler method, 15

European Simulation Language (ESL), 17, 23

Event-based models, 442

Event-based simulation, 6

Event Matching algorithm, 400

Event routing, 117

Event-triggered activities, 164

Event Triggering Constraint, 534

Execution Order Constraint, 534

Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve system

actuation method of, 513, 514

Newton’s Second Law, 514515

Expanding fidelity, 378

Experimental frames (EFs), 56, 58, 59

Expert analysis, 364

Explicit algorithms, 590

vs. implicit algorithms, 12

Explicit solvers, 590

Extension mechanisms, UML, 139

External transition functions, 67, 73, 75, 85, 117

Extract ECU-Specific Information, 531

ExtractHistory() function, 316


Factory acceptance test (FAT) simulation, 444445

Failures Divergence Refinement (FDR), 303

Fair play concept, 377

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), 195

Fast-switching power electronic devices, simulation of, 231

FAT simulation, see Factory acceptance test simulation

FCS, see Flight control system development process

FD-DEVS, see Finite and Deterministic DEVS

FDR, see Failures Divergence Refinement

Feasibility assumption, 401

Federal Communications Commission, 187

Federated Architecture, 524

Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), 26, 227

FIFO, see First in first out

Filterbank sensing module, 190

Finite and Deterministic DEVS (FD-DEVS), 68

Finite state machine (FSM), 162, 442, 614615

First column modes, 464, 467

First in first out (FIFO), 248, 282, 283

First-order method, 11

FITE, see Future Immersive Training Environment

Fixed-cost simulation, 591

Fixed-cost solver, 586587

Fixed-step implicit solver, 590

Fixed-step solver, 584

Fixed time-step simulation, 220

Fixed vs. variable step routines, 1112

Flat fading wireless channel, 194

Flight control system (FCS) development process, 331332

challenges of, 341

code encapsulation concept, 334

design case study, 338341

Flight training device (FTD), 337

Flow dependency, UML, 142

FlowNet, 46

FMI, see Functional Mockup Interface

Formal composition techniques, 421422

Formal design methods, 36

Formalized system design, 37, 39

Formal system specification language, 36

Formal techniques, 64

Forward Euler method, 505

4-speed automatic gearbox, 572

Fourth-order Runge-Kutta methods, 11

FPGAs, see Field-programmable gate arrays

Freeze mode, TDL module, 173

FSM, see Finite state machine

FTD, see Flight training device

Functional languages, 106

Functional Mockup Interface (FMI), 571

Function Call Creation, 543544

Function-Call Subsystem, 170, 171, 172

Fundamental design method, 37

Future Immersive Training Environment (FITE), 378


Game-based learning (GBL), 443

Generic Component Model (GCM), 149

Generic Quantitative Analysis Modeling (GQAM), 149

Generic Resource Modeling (GRM), 148

Global Purpose Simulation System (GPSS), 102

gnu debugger plugin, 208, 209, 210

GNU GCC compiler, 247, 250

Governing equations, 20

Gradient-based optimization approach, 412

Graphical user interface for platform, 467


Handwritten simulator, 117

Hardware co-simulation, 214

Hardware description languages (HDL), 244

Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL), 182, 200, 225226, 228, 518

methods, 502, 570

combustion engines, advantages of, 512513

and RCP, combining, 229

simulation, 56, 463464, 468

motor drive, 236

testing, 583

Hardware-in-the-loop (HITL) model, 333

Hardware Resource Modeling (HRM), 149

Hardware/software (HW/SW), 244

HDL, see Hardware description languages

Heterogeneous embedded systems, 261

Heterogeneous models of computation/communication, 155

HEV, see Hybrid electric vehicle

Hierarchical coupled model, 42

High-Level Application Modeling (HLAM), 148

High-level architecture (HLA)

protocol, 374

simulations, 25

High-speed real-time (HSRT)

hybrid simulations, 2526

multirate simulation, 2830

numerical integration for, 2628

HIL, see Hardware-in-the-loop

HITL model, see Hardware-in-the-loop model

HLA, see High-level architecture

HMI, see Human-machine interface

HSCB, see Human Social Culture Behavior

HSRT, see High-speed real-time

Human-machine interface (HMI), 443

Human Social Culture Behavior (HSCB), 378

HW/SW, see Hardware/software


DSLs, 103

model, 4, 20

Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), 574

Hybrid simulations

examples of, 1924

real-time, 2430

software for, 1619

time management for, 16

Hydraulic cylinder drives model, 454

Hydraulic models, 588

Hydraulic simulation models, 600

Hydraulics models, 607

Hydraulic steering system, 575

Hydraulic system models, 603



ICE simulation, see Internal combustion engine simulation

IEDs, see Intelligent electronic devices

if statements, 17, 18

Implicit algorithms vs. explicit algorithms, 12

Implicit solvers, 590

Incompressible fluid models, network equations for, 602603

In-cylinder pressure

closed-loop control, 518

feedback control, 518519

Infinite-state systems, 68

Informal methods, 64

Inline- integration method, 512

Input events filtering, 117

Instructional Systems Design (ISD), 374

Instruction set simulators (ISSs), 200, 214, 244, 246

Instructions generation, 101

Integrated Architecture, 524

Intelligent electronic devices (IEDs), 350

InteractionFragment, 317

Interactive flight control system development test bed, 334338, 346

Interdisciplinary domains, 128, 154

Intermodel communication, 264, 265, 268

Internal combustion engine (ICE) simulation, 504

Internal constraint forces, 603

Internal DSLs, see Embedded domain-specific languages (EDSLs)

Internal transition function, 67, 86

Interoperability, 363, 375377

Inter-runnable communication, 543

Interrupt management, 251252

Interrupt service routine (ISR), 206, 207, 251

Invariability assumption, 401

Inverse models, 566568

Invertible systems, 403

Isaac scenario, 430, 431

ISD, see Instructional Systems Design

ISR, see Interrupt service routine

ISSs, see Instruction set simulators

Issue New Commands, 138

ITEA2 EUROSYSLIB projects, 570

ITEA2 MODELISAR projects, 570, 571


Jacobian matrix, 609

Java, 277, 278, 557

Junction pressures, 605606


Lab setup, 361363

Language syntax, 528

Large-scale systems, 426

cooperative robotic, 58

formal composition techniques, 421422

simulation techniques, 422423

Legacy code, modeling and simulating, 214215

Linear quadratic regulation (LQR) approach, 341

Linear simulation result, 343

Linear undamped pendulum, 490491, 493

Linear velocity constraints, simulation with, 604606

Link Trainer, 373

Linux RTAI operating system, 574

LISP Code, 106

Live, virtual, and constructive (LVC), 375

Live Virtual Constructive Architecture Roadmap (LVCAR), 376

Lock-free synchronization approach, 164

Logical architecture models, 126, 133

Logical execution time (LET), 162, 163

Logical models, 127

LOOP operator, 136

LQR approach, see Linear quadratic regulation approach

LVC, see Live, virtual, and constructive

LVCAR, see Live Virtual Constructive Architecture Roadmap


MAC layer module, 190

Main mode, TDL module, 173

Markov chains, 398

Markov processes, 400

MARTE systems, see Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded systems

Mass matrix, 602

Mathematical models, 8, 9, 443

MathWorks MATLAB®, 617

MathWorks®, 581

MathWorks Simulink®, 611

MathWorks Symbolic Math Toolbox™, 605

MATLAB®, 189

code, 193194

7.04 code, 466

commands, 586

version 7.6 platform, 337

Matrix polynomial equations, 608609

MBE, see Model-based engineering

MC, see MotorController

MDA®, see Model-Driven Architecture®

Mean value engine models (MVEMs), 507

Mechatronics applications, 236, 237

Memory emulation, 434435

MessageOccurrenceSpecification, 316

Message Origination Time Tag (MOTT), 137

Metaclass, 139

Meta-metaclass Class, 130

MetaML language, 106

Metamodeling architecture, 129131

Meta Object Facility (MOFTM), 130

Metaprogram, 100, 101, 116

C++ template, 107

definition of, 99

to DEVS simulation, application of, 115117

techniques, comparison of, 111112

text generation, 100101

MetaProgramming Library (MPL), 108

Metasimulator, 115

Metropolis, 215

MIDAS, see Modified Integration DAS

Minimum order dynamic equations, 607608

Minimum order momentum equations, 605

Missing events, 403

Mixed-mode integration, 512, 571

Mixed modes, 467

Mobile audio processing platform

accuracy, 286

ASIP, 284285

overview of, 284

Modbus protocol, 350, 351, 364


composability, 377

configuration, 569570

continuity, 40, 184, 185

methodology, 57

dynamics, 613614

validation/verification, 510

Model-based design (MBD), 36, 227230, 583

Model-based diagnostics, EGR valve system, 517

Model-based engineering (MBE), 289290

in embedded systems, 124125

multiview models and consistency challenges, 290292

process, 125127

Model-based system design, 40

Model-checking algorithm, 68

Model-Driven Architecture® (MDA®), 291


acausal modeling, 557561

applications from, 572576

compiler, 567

example of, 552556

history of, 551552

inverse models, 566568

language, 551

model configuration, 569570

open platform, 556557

real-time language extensions and interfaces, 570571

symbolic manipulation, 561566

tool-specific features, 571572

website, 552

Modelica Association, 551

Modelica standard library (MSL), 552, 555, 567

Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded (MARTE) systems, 139140, 290, 294, 319

basics, 145149

example of, 150152

nonfunctional properties annotations in, 147

semantics, 149150

SysML and, 144145

TimedConstraints in, 148

Modeling and simulation (M&S), 36, 42, 56, 64, 373

Modeling and Simulation Coordination Office (MSCO), 374

Modeling languages, requirements for, 127129

Models of computation (MoC), 172

clocked synchronous, 275

discrete-time, 270

process states, 268

service model concept, 269

Modern simulator, 237

Mode transition, 614615

Modified Integration DAS (MIDAS), 13

Modules, 162

Module Sender, 165, 173, 174

Monte Carlo simulations, 226

MotorController (MC), 201, 203

Motor timed automata model, 90

MPSoCs, see Multiprocessor systems-on-chip

M&S, see Modeling and simulation

MSCO, see Modeling and Simulation Coordination Office

MSL, see Modelica standard library

MSPLs, see Multistage programming languages

Multidisciplinary approach, 236

Multidomain physical system modeling, 576

Multiparadigm language, 106

Multiple simulation tools, 223

Multiprocessor systems-on-chip (MPSoCs), 243

Multirate benchmark simulation, 29

Multirate simulation, HSRT, 2830

Multistage programming concept, 99

Multistage programming languages (MSPLs), 105108

MVEMs, see Mean value engine models


Next-generation Expeditionary Warfare Intelligent Training (NEW-IT), 380

NFP, see Nonfunctional Properties Modeling

Node-i-thread-i models, 53

Node model, 186

NoEvent operator, 563

Noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH), 558

Nonconducting mode, 2021

Non-domain-specific optimization, 111

Nonfunctional properties, 128, 154

Nonfunctional Properties Modeling (NFP), 145146

Noninterruption condition, 392

Nonlinear aircraft model, 339, 340

Nonlinear model for simulation, 341, 342

Nonlinear resistor, 564, 565

Nonlinear simulation, 344

Non-real-time applications, 16

Notion of service, 261

service model, 263

n-stage executions, 99

Numerical integration algorithm, 5, 12

types of, 911

NVH, see Noise, vibration, and harshness


OB condition, see Observability condition

OBD, see On-Board Diagnostics

Object Management Group® (OMG®), 124, 130, 140, 143, 144, 290

Object orientation concept, 456

Object-orient design approach, 38

Object-oriented formal system specification language, 39

Object-oriented modeling language, 18

Observability (OB) condition, 396

Observed sample path coupling dynamics, 404408

OCP, see Open control platform

ODE, see Ordinary differential equations

Offline simulation, 231232

OMG®, see Object Management Group®

On-Board Diagnostics (OBD), 513

Ontology, core elements of, 305, 306

Open control platform (OCP), 334

OpenModelica, 557

Open platform, 556557

OpenVPN client, 362

Operating system (OS), 243

emulation layer, 253

Optimistic synchronization, 6

Optimizing real-time simulation, code generation and metaprogramming

concepts and definitions, 99100

DSLs, 101105

MSPLs, 105108

partial evaluation, 108111

text generation, 100101

Ordinary differential equations (ODE), 551, 561, 562, 600

Original equipment manufacturers (OEM), 124, 571

OS, see Operating system

OutMotor output port, driver interface function for, 8788

Output mapping, DEVS, 84

Overspecialization, 110


PADS, see Parallel and distributed simulation

PanFS system, 431, 432

Pantelides algorithm, 562

Parallel and distributed simulation (PADS), 371

Parallelism, 101, 188

Parameter abstraction, of small masses, 602

Parametric diagrams, 144

ParkingController (PC), 203

Partial evaluation, 108111

Passive objects, 141

Passive service model interface, 264

Patient visual object, 48

PC, see ParkingController

Perfect controller, 568

Modelica code, 569

Perfect controller model variant, 569

Perturbation effects, disturbance and parameter, 478

Perturbed fluid-aerodynamic force (moment), 339

Petri net-based approaches, 37, 39

Petri net programs, 101

Phantom event sources, 409

Physical DC motor plant, 477, 480

Physical simulators, adaptation of, 4

Physical system components, 185

PIC microcontroller 18F452, 466, 470

driver card, 475, 476

PID, see Proportional-integral-derivative

PIL, see Processor-in-the-loop

Pilot-in-the-loop (PITL) model, 333

PIM, see Platform-independent model

PITL model, see Pilot-in-the-loop model

Plant emulator card, hardware of, 470, 471, 472

Platform-based design approach, 215

Platform-independent model (PIM), 291

Platform mapping, 170

Platform model, 262, 272273

ASIPs, 285

mapping, 281

Platform specific model (PSM), 291

Plug-and-play capability, 334, 335

Pneumatic system, 589

Poisson process, 188

Polled report-by-exception, 368

Polynomial equations, solving systems of, 609610

Portability, 161

Ports, TDL, 162

Port syntax, 528

Port-type incompatibility, 116

Positive mode, 615

POSIX-Thread, see Pthreads

PowerDEVS, 19

Power electronic converters, 224

Power generation applications, 230232

Power grid, 350351

Power network creation, 364365

Power plant simulation, 229

PowerWorld, 350

EMS, 367

sample design, 364365

State Server, 360

pow function, 106

P2P-based distributed real-time systems, 5556

P2P-based network, 52, 54

P-Port, 527

Pressure-controlled servo valve, 611612, 615

DAE equations, 615617

model dynamics, 613614

mode transition, 614615

simulation results, 617619

Primary users (PUs), 187, 193, 196

Process-based models, 443

Process-based simulation, 6

Processor-in-the-loop (PIL), 512

Process trainer simulations, 444

Process Wait, 274275

Producer–consumer application

abstract buffer, 278

body of producer service model, 278279

buffer service model, 279280

framework, 277

processing element, 281, 282, 283

Profile diagrams, 140

Profile mechanism, 139

UML, 143145

Program generator, definition of, 99

Programming language, 125, 126

Progressive simulation-based design (PSBD), 182

CR network

design of, 192194

design procedure and implementation environment, 188189

experiment results, 194196

single cognitive modem, design of, 190192

for networked real-time embedded systems

bifurcated design process for, 185187

conventional simulation, 183

model continuity, 184, 185

physical system experiment, 184

virtual environment simulation, 183184

Promela model, 303

Proportional-integral-derivative (PID), 566, 567

control structure, 341

Proportional-integral-derivative-based closed-loop control, 495

ProtocolMessage class, 353, 363

ProtocolSession class, 353, 363

Prototype Verification System (PVS), 304

Prototyping modes, 468

PSBD, see Progressive simulation-based design

Pseudo-Transport Layer, 355, 356

PSM, see Platform specific model

Psychological fidelity, 377

Pthreads, 244, 247

as real-time concurrency model, 248250

Ptolemy, 207

Ptolemy II integration, 172174

PVS, see Prototype Verification System

Python, 249, 250

integration, 251


QoS-aware system, 52

Quality of service (QoS), 144

Quantitative performance estimation, 262

Quasi-Boolean logic, 301

Queries semantics, 305308

〈QUERY〉, 311

Queuing models, 56

Queuing Network Analysis Package 2 (QNAP2), 102


RACER tool, 298

RACOoN tool, 298

Random sensor inputs, environment model, 92

Rapid control prototyping (RCP), 224225

Rapid prototyping

model, 333

of motor controller, 235

Rational Rose tool, 300

Rational time-advance DEVS (RTA-DEVS), 64, 72, 73

component, 74

external transition, 77

R&D, technological and instructional, 374

Reaction forces, 605606

Realizability, 128, 153

Real-time applications, 16

Real-time atomic model, 44

Real-time behavior, in validator tool, 201203

Real-time concurrency manager, 250251

Real-time concurrency model, Pthreads as, 248250

Real-time DEVS (RT-DEVS), 4044, 68, 112114

Real-time distributed systems, 35

design aid and verification for

DEVSJAVA models, 50, 51, 53

node-i-thread-i models, 53

P2P-based distributed real-time systems, 5556

P2P-based network, 52, 54

QoS-aware system, 52

RTI, 50

service queue AM, 51

task generation model, 53

UML-RT, 49

formal approaches to, 3739

Real-time distributed VE, design aid for, 4549

Real-time embedded systems, 184

Real-time hybrid simulations

high-speed, 2526


multirate simulation, 2830

numerical integration for, 2628

timing issues in, 2425

Real time immersive network simulation environment (RINSE), 350, 352, 365366

C++ implementation, 367

OpenVPN server, 362

State Server, 360361

view, 366

Real-time interface (RTI), 50

Real-time language extensions and interfaces, 570571

Real-time OS (RTOS), 243245

Real-time parts, 252, 254

Real-time scheduler, 250

Real-time simulation, 24, 26, 9798, 181, 443, 572

adjusting models to, 596597

aerospace application, 235

all-electric ships and electric train networks, 233234

automotive applications, 232233

benefits of, 583584

challenges of, 584

code generation and metaprogramming

concepts and definitions, 99100

DSLs, 101105

MSPLs, 105108

partial evaluation, 108111

text generation, 100101

discrete-time simulation, 220

education application, 236237, 238

electric drive and motor development and testing, 235236

emerging applications, 237239

examples of, 581583

HIL, 225226

MBD using, 227230

mechatronics applications, 236, 237

modes, 463

moving from desktop to, 585586

power generation applications, 230232

rapid control prototyping, 224225

SIL, 226

simulator bandwidth requirements, analysis of, 223224

technology, 226227

timing and constraints, 221223

tool, 389, 390

Real-time (RT) system, 139140, 244, 249, 315

Real-time systems simulator (RTSS), 336337

Real-time systems simulator and a flight training device (RTSS-FTD), 336, 337

Real-time (RT) techniques, 502

for automotive systems, 503505

in engine simulation

data preparation, 508510

executable simulator, 511512

modeling combustion engines approach, 506508

model verification and validation, 510511

implementations in automotive industry, 512513

component diagnostics, 513

EGR valve, 513517

in-cylinder pressure feedback control, 518519

Real-time units, 148

Real-Time Workshop® Embedded Coder™, 168

Reduced order state vector, 604605

Reengineer legacy systems, 211213

REF operator, 137

Register transfer level, 260


techniques, 509

testing, validator, 211, 212

Regular event list, 276

Relative velocity time dilation, 420

Relay, 350

Remote terminal units (RTUs), 350, 351

Renewable energy sources (RES), 230

Report-by-exception, 368

polling, 368

Reporting phase, 190

Requirement R11, 297

Requirement R12, 297

Requirement validation and verification (RV&V), 332333

R-E-R mode, implementation of, 487

Reset Timer to Wait Commands, 322

Residual function, 109, 110

Residual program, 108, 117

Resource models, 128, 154

Reverse debugging, 209, 211

Rigid drivetrain, 559

Rigid vehicle model, 559, 560

RINSE, see Real time immersive network simulation environment

Robot controller timed automata model, 89

Robotic systems, 57

Robot-in-the-loop simulation, 58, 193

Round-robin, 248

R-Port, 527528

R-R-R operating mode, 468

RTA-DEVS, see Rational time-advance DEVS

RT-DEVS, see Real-time DEVS

RTE, see Run-time environment

RTL model, 285, 286

RTOS, see Real-time OS

RTSS, see Real-time systems simulator

RTSS-FTD, see Real-time systems simulator and a flight training device

RT system, see Real-time (RT) system

RT techniques, see Real-time techniques

RTUs, see Remote terminal units

RUBiS, 430, 431

Rule-based approaches, 297298

Run, definition of, 307

Runge-Kutta methods, 11, 27

Run-time environment (RTE)

events, 525, 542

level for AUTOSAR process, 529530

simulation at, 538

RV&V, see Requirement validation and verification


Safety control component, 150

Sample path constructability, 395

ASA, 399400

CO condition, 397

G/G/1/3 and G/G/1/2, state transition diagrams, 397, 398

OB condition, 396

problem, 391

SC approach, 398399

Sample simulation, 554

Sargent Circle, 510, 511

SC, see Standard Clock; System calls

SCADA system, see Supervisory control and data acquisition system

Scalable Simulation Framework (SSF), 352

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL) devices, 361

Scicos, 557

SDK, see Software development kit

SEC, see Software-Enabled Control

Secondary Base (SB) station model, 189

Secondary users (SUs), 187188, 193, 196

S-E-E mode, 475

Select function, 117

SemiLinear operator, 563

Sender/receiver communication ports, 528

Sensing phase, 190

Sensitive server, 412

SEP, see Systems engineering process

Sequence diagram, 136

for Check Train Status, 137

for computing and delivering train commands, 151

Sequential function chart, 456

S-E-R mode, 475

noise disturbances in, 480482

Service models, 263264


composition, 270271

states, 268

interfaces, 263, 264265

Service queue AM, 51

Service requests, 266267

S-function, 171, 172, 337, 338

SiE-WG, see Simulation in Europe Basic Research Working Group

Signatures detection algorithms, 432

SIL, see Software-in-the-loop

SimHydraulics models, 582, 588

Similarity assumption, 401

SIMNET, see Simulation Network

Simple Time package, 134

Simplified Communication diagram, 138

Simplified linearized dynamics model, 336

Simplified model-based engineering process, 126

Simplified vehicle models

compliant and, 559

with rigid drivetrain, 559

Simscape™, 581

Simscape physical network, 590, 593

Simula language, 8

Simulated motor drive, 235


depth of, 454455

differential algebraic equations, 600602

GBL, 443444

languages for, 445446

modeling process, 441443

for operator training, 440441

of plant and machinery, 444445

real time, 443

recent developments and trends, 446

techniques, 422423

time step, 224

tools, 215

tool selection and program coding, 455457

training, 457458

VE, 57

Simulation engine

discrete event simulation, 274275

event lists, 276277

time representation, 275276

Simulation in Europe Basic Research Working Group (SiE-WG), 551

Simulation Language for Alternative Modeling (SLAM), 102

Simulation Network (SIMNET), 373

Simulation-specific instructional strategies, 379

Simulation speed

ASIPx1-system model, 286

investigated system models, 287


technology, real-time, 226227


control program, reduction of states, 453

hardware configuration of, 448

hardware expense, 452

machine states reduction, 452453

requirement analysis of, 447448

system design of, 448451

Simulator bandwidth requirements, analysis of, 223224

Simulink®, 590

and MATLAB®, integration with, 168172

model, 540544

(version 7.1) platform, 337

and Ptolemy II integration, 174

S-function, 171

Simulink extension Stateflow®, 168

Simultaneous internal events scheduling, 117

Single cognitive modem, 191, 197

design of, 190192

simulation model of, 190

Single-step vs. multistep methods, 12

Singular value decomposition (SVD), 604

6-degree-of-freedom (DOF), 573

Sketching, 125

SLERT, see Suse Linux Enterprise Real-Time

Slot selection, 163

Smart grid, 350

Smooth operator, semantics of, 563

Soft real-time systems, 584


modules, 335336

protocols, 375376

Software components (SWCs), 524

Software co-simulation, 214

Software-defined radio (SDR), 182

Software development kit (SDK), 556

Software-Enabled Control (SEC), 334

Software-in-the-loop (SIL), 200, 201, 226, 512, 570

simulation, 464, 468

Software platform architecture, 524

Software Resource Modeling (SRM), 149

Sol, 572

Solid-state drive (SSD) flash drives, 435

Solver Configuration block, 590, 591, 593

Solver settings, tuning, 586596

Solver technology, 582

Source code, 552, 553

S parallel servers, queueing system with, 410

〈SPEC〉, 312, 313314, 321

Speedup factor, 408409

SPIN model checker, 303

Spring-damper element, 559

SR models, see Synchronous reactive models

SSF, see Scalable Simulation Framework

S-S-S modes, 468, 469

Stability derivatives, 339

STA modeling framework, see Stochastic Timed Automaton modeling framework

Standard Clock (SC)

approach, 398399

method, 391

State event, 16

State-free approach, 507

State invariability assumption, 401, 402

State-machine diagrams

for Emergency Brake, 152

for Train Controller, 138

Statement-structured languages, 14

State-of-the-art real-time simulators, 222

State-of-the-art technology, 232

StateSelect language element, 564

State Server, 360361

State-Space Nodal, 220

State-transition approach, 2728

Static consistency, 297

Static polymorphism, 117

Station AATC system, 294

Stepwise model refinement approach, 183

Stereotypes, 139

Stiff systems, 13, 454

Stochastic clock structure, 394

Stochastic Timed Automaton (STA) modeling framework, 392

Subassembly, 449450

Substation, 350

Superfluous operation, removal of, 117

Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system, 350, 351, 352, 361, 363, 364

SUs, see Secondary users

Suse Linux Enterprise Real-Time (SLERT), 575

SVD, see Singular value decomposition

Swapping features, 335, 336

SWCs, see Software components

Symbolic analysis, 562

Symbolic manipulation, 561566

Synchronization Timing Constraint, 535

Synchronized Lorenz chaotic systems

analog hardware implementation of, 482, 484

master-slave synchronization of, 484, 485488

Synchronous generators, 230231

Synchronous reactive (SR) models, 525

SysML, 144

System call emulation, 246248

System calls (SC), 246

input/output, 248

System Configuration

Description, 531

Input, 530531

System-level performance estimation, 260261

System model, 262, 273274

Systems engineering process (SEP), 331332

RV&V, 332333

System simulation concept, 333


Table lookup method, 358

Tag definition, 140

Tagged values, 140

Task activation, 162, 163

Task clientTask, periodic execution of, 167

Task execution profile plots, 212

Task generation model, 53

Tasks inc, periodic execution of, 167

Task source code annotation, 207

Task splitting, 163164

Taylor series, 10, 11

TCIP, see Trustworthy Cyber Infrastructure for the power Grid

TCP/IP, see Transmission Control protocol/Internet protocol

TCP Nagle algorithm problem, 432

TDL, see Timing definition language

TDL-Machine, 212, 213

TDLModule actor, 173

TDL toolchain, 174

TDL:VisualCreatortool, 169, 170

TE, see Trap emulator

Tearing algorithm, 562

Technical architecture models, 126, 127, 133

Technology integration, 367

Template instantiation, 106

Text generation, 100101

Thermal network model, 552

Thread-context switching, 278

Thyristor converter, 222

Time-based models, 442

Time coherence, 377

Time-constrained DEVS (TC-DEVS), 69

Time constraint, 147

Timed automata (TA), 38, 64, 65, 71, 75, 89, 90, 215, 392

environment model, 91

UPPAAL, controller model in, 77, 78

TimedConstraints, in MARTE, 148

TimedDescriptionEvent, 532

Time determinism, 161

Timed event, 16

Timed-functional model, 203

Time dilation, 420421

with DieCast

CPU scheduler and network emulation, 429

Ethernet Capture Effect, 430

paravirtualized vs. fully virtualized VMs, 428429

TDF and SF, 426427

motivation for, 423424

Application Services, 425426

Ethernet Capture Effect, 424425

large-scale system, 426

in physical memory, 432435

TimedInstantObservation, 151

TimedObservation, 147

Timed Petri nets, 215

Time management

for continuous simulations, 913

for discrete simulation, 78

for hybrid simulations, 16

Time model, UML, 154

Time, real-time systems, 128129

Time safety, TDL, 161

Time synchronization/model composability, 377

Time-triggered activities, 164

Time-triggered system, 161

Time Warp, 8

Time Warping Algorithm (TWA), 391, 401, 405408

extensions of, 409410

for real-time optimization, 410415

Timing definition language (TDL), 160, 211

language constructs, 162164

MATLAB® and Simulink®, integration, 168172

modules, example of, 164166

properties, 161162

Ptolemy II, integration, 172174

toolchain, 166168

for MATLAB® and Simulink®, 168169

Timing diagrams, 131, 134

toMSG(), 316

Touch sensor model, 48

Traceability, 128, 153

Trade-off involving solver choice, 594

Traditional offline simulation software, 230

Train Controller, 150

Training simulator

control program, reduction of states, 453

hardware configuration of, 448

hardware expense, 452

machine states reduction, 452453

requirement analysis of, 447448

system design of, 448451

Transaction-level modeling, 265

Transformation methodology, 71

Transition, 318

Translation-based approaches, 298, 301

Transmission Control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP), 350, 354

Transmitter emulator, 493, 494

Transparent distribution, 161

Transport Canada Authority, 337

Trap emulator (TE), 246

structure of, 247

for thread, 250

Trapezoidal rule, 592

Truncation error, 11

Trustworthy Cyber Infrastructure for the power Grid (TCIP), 352

Tuning parameters, 364

TWA, see Time Warping Algorithm


Ultra flexible reversing mill, 440

UML, see Unified Modeling Language

UML-RT, 143144

UML4SysML, 144

UML 2.x, 149

Unified Modeling Language (UML), 38, 124, 290

AATC system, 134135

BART system, 134, 135

behavioral semantics, 140142


checking, 297301

management, example of, 315322

notion of, 312315

requirements, 296297

extension mechanism, 139140

Issue New Commands, 138

metamodeling architecture, 129131

modeling logical and technical architectures with, 133134

real time, extensions for, 142145

REF operator, 137

requirements modeling with, 131133

semantics, 301304

abstract specification language, 309310

notational preliminaries and system formalization, 308309

queries and constraints, 305308

specification language semantics, 310312

sequence diagram, 136

for Check Train Status, 137

Unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV), 29, 30

Unsolicited report-by-exception, 368

Untimed automaton, 392


deadlock, verification for, 91

elevator verification results in, 80

model checker, 77

TA model, 69, 77, 78

tool, 92

Utility function, 190

UUV, see Unmanned underwater vehicle


Validator library, 207

Validator tool suite

basic features of, 205

co-simulation, 214

embedded system validation and verification with, 208213

legacy code, modeling and simulating, 214215

real-time behavior in, 201203


architecture of, 203205

setup of, 206207

solid system verification and validation, 200201

Value determinism, 161

Value Specification Language (VSL), 145146, 320

Variable monitoring, 205

Variable-order algorithms, 13

Variable-step solver, 586, 590

Variable vs. fixed step routines, 1112

Vehicle dynamics module, 336

Vehicle model architecture, 570

Verification, validation, and accreditation (VV&A), 375

Verilog, 285

Vertical consistency, 297, 313, 324325

VFB, see Virtual Functional Bus

Virtual calls dispatch, 116117

Virtual data aggregators, 363

control flow, 359360

Virtual DNP3 protocol, 358

Virtual environment simulation, 183184, 187, 192, 193, 195

Virtual Functional Bus (VFB), 526

level for AUTOSAR system, 527528

view, 533

Virtualizing hosts, 359361

Virtual Power System TestBed (VPST), 352

Virtual relays, 358359, 364

Virtual robots, 58

Virtual startup simulation, 444

Virtual Test Bed (VTB), 30

Virtual-time simulation mode, 88

Visual objects, behavior validation of, 47

VPST, see Virtual Power System TestBed

V-shape diagram, 332

VSL, see Value Specification Language

VTB, see Virtual Test Bed

VV&A, see Verification, validation, and accreditation


waitFor(event), 275

waitFor(service request, event type), 275

waitFor(time), 274

WaitPoint, 529

WARPED libraries, 423

when clause, 17

Wide open throttle (WOT), 560, 561


Xchek model, 301

X3D Scripts, 49

Xen, 426

xlinkit, 300

XML Metadata Interchange (XMI®), 300


Y-chart approach, 261


Zero-crossing events, 587

Ziegler-Nichols method, 479, 483

Zonal electric distribution systems (ZEDS), 234

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