

14 Hive, 2932


AAIM (Association for Information and Image Management), 256

accessing SharePoint data in Silverlight, 207211


commands to ribbon, 129131

custom tabs to ribbon, 132135

data with ECMAScript, 194

DataView web part with SPD, 407409

site columns to content types, 223224

administration, sandboxed solutions

blocking, 431432

load balancing, configuring, 430

Sandboxed Service Code, configuring, 430

Adventure Works sample databases, downloading, 472473

Ajax web parts, developing, 114120

Announcement lists, 66

Application Management section (Central Administration), 338

databases, 342

service applications, 342

site collections, 341342

web applications, 339340

application pages, writing, 142144

Approval workflow, modifying with SPD, 323326


ASP.NET, 2627

of service applications, 413

of Silverlight, 198

ASP.NET, 2627

assigning permission levels, 373375

associating Three-State workflow with custom library, 318322

authentication, claims based authentication, 361

configuring, 362369

authoring tools, 291


permission levels, creating, 372375

permissions, 369370


Backup and Restore section (Central Administration)

Farm Backup and Restore section, 347350

Granular Backup section, 350351


granular, performing, 350351

performing, 343350

benefits of RIAs, 198

BI (Business Intelligence), 447

chart web part, 449, 452453

status indicator web part, 454456

Blank Site template, 77

blocking sandboxed solutions, 431432

Blog Site template, 79

Business Intelligence Center site template, 447

business solutions provided by SharePoint, 36

bypassing security validation, 162164


Calendar lists, 68

recurring events, creating, 6971

CAML (Collaborative Application Markup Language)

list data, querying, 246248, 250251

CAS (Code Access Security), 438

categorizing events, 238

Central Administration, 337

Application Management, 338

site collections section, 341342

web applications section, 339340

Backup and Restore section

Farm Backup and Restore section, 347350

Granular Backup section, 350351

General Applications section, 355

Content Deployment section, 358

InfoPath Forms Services section, 356

Search section, 357

SharePoint Designer section, 357

Monitoring section, 344

Health Analyzer section, 345

Reporting section, 346

Timer Jobs section, 345

Security section

General Security section, 352353

Information Policy section, 354

Users section, 352

System Settings section

Email and Text Messages section, 343

Farm Management section, 343344

Servers section, 343

Upgrade and Migration section, 354

chart web part, 449, 452453

claims based authentication, 361

configuring, 362369


ClientContext, 186

mapping client object model to server side classes, 185

security-related, 372

SPContext, 159160

SPFarm, 155

SPQuery, querying list data, 246248

SPSecurity, 160162

SPSiteDataQuery, querying list data, 250251

SPWebConfigModifications, modifying web.config, 177178

SPWebService, 155

SPWindowService, 155

client object model, 184

classes, mapping to server side classes, 185

Client.svc, 184

context, 186

creating data, 190

deleting data, 191

DLL locations, 185

ECMAScript, 192

data, adding, 194

data, deleting, 195

data, updating, 195

hosting page requirements, 193

site title, displaying, 193194

exceptions, 191

ExecuteQuery() method, 188

lambda expressions, 189

Load() method, 187

LoadQuery() method, 189190

site title, retrieving, 186187

updating data, 190

Client.svc, 184

ClientContext class, 186

CodePlex, 154

columns, 66

site columns, 215

creating, 215, 218221

fields, creating, 232237

command line shells, PowerShell, 358359


adding to ribbon, 129131

PowerShell, 358359

communities, 7


ASP.NET and SharePoint, 2627

user controls and custom controls, 92

components of service applications, 414

composites, 910

configuration database, 32


claims based authentication, 362369

content type synchronization, 271275

document sets, 261262

Hold and eDiscovery, 283285

in-place records management, 288290

PerformancePoint Services, 470471

retention library, 280282

Sandboxed Service Code, 430

sandboxed solutions

load balancing, 430

resource restrictions, 433436

search scopes, 383388

SharePoint 2010 Search, 379383

terms, 266268

web parts with editor parts, 106108

connected web parts, developing, 112114

console applications

lists, creating, 214215

writing, 4143

consuming Visio diagrams with Visio Services, 457462

Contacts lists, 74

content, 8, 378. See also content types

ECM, 256

Document IDs, 258

document sets, 259262

Managed Metadata Service, 263264

enterprise keywords, 269271

external content types

creating, 300

creating with SPD, 299306

creating with Visual Studio, 307315

master page placeholders, 136138

new types, creating in SPD, 405406

organizing with managed metadata, 268269

tagging, 266268, 417421

term sets, managing, 264266

Content Organizer, 285

content routing rule, creating, 286288

content types, 221

creating, 222

with features, 225228

site columns, adding, 223224

synchronizing, 271275


in client object model, 186

retrieving, 159160


custom controls

developing, 9597

web part connections, 112114

web parts, 103105, 109120

delegate controls, developing, 100102

safe controls, safe mode processing, 98100

user controls, developing, 9294

crawl database, 378379


Ajax web parts, 114120

content routing rules, 286288

content types, 222

with features, 225228

with SPD, 405406

custom controls, 9597

custom fields, 232237

custom lists with SPD, 401402

custom timer jobs, 172176

data with client object model, 190

delegate controls, 100102

document sets, 259

event receivers, 179180

external content types, 300

with SPD, 299306

with Visual Studio, 307315

form templates, 493496

data source, specifying, 496499

form libraries, 493494

publishing to Training Feedback form library, 502505

Submit button behavior, specifying, 500502

list templates, 228229

lists with console application, 214215

master pages, 139142

with SPD, 400

page layouts, 293, 296

PerformancePoint Service applications, 470

permission levels, 372375

PPS dashboards, 476483

Silverlight Hello World application, 200205

site columns, 215, 218219

with features, 220221

with SPD, 404405

user controls, 9394

workflows with Visual Studio, 327333

custom actions, writing, 125127

custom controls

developing, 9597

safe mode processing, 98100

versus user controls, 92

web parts, 103

Ajax web parts, 114120

Image Viewer web part, 103105

visual web part, 109112

web part connections, 112114

custom errors, disabling, 61

custom fields, creating, 232237

custom list definitions, creating, 228229

custom lists, 6667

creating in SPD, 401402

custom page layouts, creating, 293296

custom searches, writing with query object model, 392395

custom tabs, adding to ribbon, 132135

customization (web parts), 105106


Dashboard Designer (PerformancePoint), 475

launching, 474

PPS dashboards, creating, 476483


adding with ECMAScript, 194195

creating with client object model, 190

deleting with client object model, 191

Silverlight, consuming in SharePoint, 207211

updating with client object model, 190

data source, specifying for form templates, 496497, 499

databases, 342

SQL, 32, 35

DataView web parts

adding with SPD, 407409

columns, sorting with SPD, 409410

paging, implementing with SPD, 411


in Visual Studio, 62

SharePoint solutions, disabling custom errors, 61

decomposition tree, 483

default values, specifying for form templates, 496499

delegate controls, developing, 100102

deleting data

with client object model, 191

with ECMAScript, 195

developer dashboard, 62

monitoring performance, troubleshooting, 168, 171172


Ajax web parts, 114120

connected web parts, 112114

custom controls, 9597

delegate controls, 100102

full trust proxy, 438441

user controls, 9294

validators, 441444

diagrams (Visio), consuming with Visio Services, 457462

disabling custom errors, 61

disadvantages of RIAs, 198

Discussion Board lists, 71


farms, servers and services, 157158

lists in SharePoint site, 152153

site title with ECMAScript, 193194

disposable objects, 164166

Dispose Checker tool, 166167

DLL locations for client side API, 185

Document Center template, 85

Document IDs, 257258

document libraries, 67

document sets

configuring, 261262

creating, 259

document workspaces, 78

downloading Adventure Works sample databases, 472473


ECM (Enterprise Content Management), 256

Document IDs, 258

document sets

configuring, 261262

creating, 259

enterprise keywords, 269271

managed metadata, 268269

Managed Metadata Service, provisioning, 263264

term sets, configuring, 264266

ECMAScript, 192

data, adding, 194

data, deleting, 195

data, updating, 195

hosting page requirements, 193

site title, displaying, 193194

editing site layouts in SPD, 402403

editor parts, web parts configuration, 106108

enterprise keywords, 262, 269271

Enterprise Wiki template, 88

error handling, exceptions, 191

event receivers, 178, 237

creating, 179180

list item event receivers, writing, 239245


categorizing, 238

list events, 238

of SharePoint features, 60

Excel Services, 462466

Excel Services application, 416417

exceptions, 191

ExecuteQuery() method, 188

external content types, creating, 300

with SPD, 299306

with Visual Studio, 307315


farm management, 343344

Farm scoped features, 58

farm solutions, 44, 4750

farms, displaying servers and services, 157158

FAST Search Server for SharePoint 2010, 378

feature receivers, 59

features, 56

communities, 7

composites, 910

content, 8

content types, creating, 225228

events, 60

Farm scoped features, 58

insights, 89

of web content management system, 293

authoring tools, 291

ribbon interface, 291

search, 8

site columns, creating, 220221

sites, 7

virtualization, 1617

fields, creating, 232237

file system, writing application pages, 142144

Find by Document ID web part, 258

folders, 14 Hive, 2932

folksonomy, 262

form libraries, creating, 493494


InfoPath, 487

list forms, modifying, 488493


creating, 493496

data source, specifying, 496499

form libraries, creating, 493494

publishing to Training Feedback form library, 502505

Submit button behavior, specifying, 500502

full trust proxy, developing, 438441


General Applications section (Central Administration), 355

Content Deployment section, 358

InfoPath Forms Services section, 356

Search section, 357

SharePoint Designer section, 357

Geneva Framework, 362

granular backups, performing, 350351

Group Work Site template, 79, 83


hardware requirements for SharePoint 2010 installation, 1011

Hello World Silverlight application, creating, 200205

history of SharePoint, 67

Hold and eDiscovery, configuring, 283285

home page of search center site, 388

hosting Silverlight applications in SharePoint, 205207


IIS (Internet Information Server), 26

Image Viewer web part, 103105

implementing DataView web part paging with SPD, 411

improvements to web content management system, 293

in-place records management

configuring, 288290

Content Organizer, 285

content routing rule, creating, 286288

Hold and eDiscovery, configuring, 283285

Records Center Site template, 278280

retention library, configuring, 280282

InfoPath, 487

form templates

creating, 493496

data source, specifying, 496499

form libraries, 493494

publishing to Training Feedback form library, 502505

Submit button behavior, specifying, 500502

list forms, modifying, 488493

inheritance, 371

insights, 89

installing SharePoint

hardware requirements, 1011

on single Windows Server 2008 R2 machine, 1216

interface of SPD, 397

Navigation pane, 398


JavaScript client object model. See ECMAScript

lambda expressions, 189


Dashboard Designer, 474

SPD, 397

layouts, modifying site layouts in SPD, 402403

libraries, 65, 213

custom, associating Three-State workflow, 318322

document libraries, 67

LINQ (Language-Integrated Query), querying list data, 251253

list events, 238

list forms, modifying, 488493

list item event receivers, writing, 239245

list templates, creating, 228229

listing servers and services in farms, 157158

lists, 65, 213

Announcement lists, 66

Calendar lists, 68

recurring events, creating, 6971

columns, 66

Contacts lists, 74

custom lists, 6667

creating in SPD, 401402

Discussion Board lists, 71

displaying in SharePoint site, 152153

document libraries, 67

external lists, creating, 300

with SPD, 299306

with Visual Studio, 307315

in meeting work-spaces, 76

permissions, 370

querying with CAML, 246251

querying with LINQ, 251253

Survey lists, 7476

Task lists, 7173

load balancing for sandboxed solutions, 429

Load() method, 187

LoadQuery() method, 189190

local mode load balancing, 429


managed metadata, 262, 268269

Managed Metadata Service, 417421

provisioning, 263264

managed services, service applications, 38

managed terms, 262

managing term sets, 264266

master pages, 135

content placeholders, 136138

creating, 139142

creating in SPD, 400

structure, 136

meeting workspaces

lists, 76

template, 82, 85

Metadata Content Managers, 262


ExecuteQuery(), 188

Load(), 187

LoadQuery(), 189190


Approval workflow with SPD, 323326

list forms, 488489, 491493

master pages in SPD, 400

site layouts with SPD, 402403

web.config with SPWebConfig-Modifications class, 177178

monitoring performance, troubleshooting, 168172

Monitoring section (Central Administration), 344

Health Analyzer section, 345

Reporting section, 346

Timer Jobs section, 345

MOSS (Microsoft Office SharePoint Server), 183

My Site Host template, 87


navigation elements

quick launch menu, 147

top navigation bar, 145147

Navigation pane (SPD), 398

new content types

creating, 222

creating with SPD, 405406

site columns, adding, 223224

null checks, 113


Object Browser (Visual Studio), 153

object model, 152153

and server architecture, 155

and site architecture, 158

disposable objects, 164166

objects, security-related, 372

organizing content, managed metadata, 268269

Out of the Box Three-State workflow, associating with custom library, 318322


page layouts, creating, 293296

performance, troubleshooting monitoring performance, 168172

PerformancePoint Services, 469

Adventure Works sample databases, 472473

configuring, 470

Dashboard Designer, 474475

PPS dashboards, creating, 476483

unattended user account, configuring, 470471

performing backups, 347, 349350

granular backups, 350351

permission levels, creating, 372375

permissions, 369370

personalization, 105106

portals, 413

PowerShell commands, 358359

programming server-side object model, 152153

project templates (Visual Studio 2010), 1819


Managed Metadata Service, 263264

records library, 278280

publishing form templates to Training Feedback form library, 502505

Publishing Portal template, 87


query component (search), 379

query object model, writing custom searches, 392395

querying lists

with CAML, 246251

with LINQ, 251253

Quick Launch menu, 147


Records Center Site template, 278280

retention library, configuring, 280282

Records Center template, 86

records library, provisioning, 278280

records management

Content Organizer, 285

content routing rule, creating, 286288

Hold and eDiscovery, configuring, 283285

in-place records management, configuring, 288290

Records Center Site template, 278280

retention library, configuring, 280282

recurring events, creating, 6971

remote mode load balancing, 429

reports, 346

resource monitoring, configuring, 435436

restrictions for sandboxed solutions, 55, 437438

results page of search center site, 389

retention library, configuring, 280282


context information, 159160

site title through client side object model, 186187

RIAs (rich Internet applications), 197

benefits of, 198

Silverlight, hosting in SharePoint, 205207

ribbons, 127 291

commands, adding, 129, 131

custom tabs, adding, 132135

routing, Content Organizer, 285

content routing rule, creating, 286288


safe mode processing, 98100

safeguarding against XSS, 120121

SAML (Security Assertions Markup Language), 362

Sandboxed Service Code, configuring, 430

sandboxed solutions, 51, 428429

blocking, 431432

full trust proxy, developing, 438441

load balancing, 429430

resource restrictions, configuring, 433436

restrictions, 55, 437438

Sandbox Service Code, configuring, 430

validators, developing, 441444

web part, creating, 5254

scoped features, 58

scopes, SharePoint 2010 Search, 384

search center site, 388

home page, 388

results page, 389

web parts, 390392

search feature, 8

search queries

content, 378

options, 377

writing with query object model, 392395

search scopes, configuring, 383388

Search Server 2010, 378

Search Server 2010 Express, 378



permission levels, creating, 372375

permissions, 369370

CAS, 438

claims based authentication, 361

configuring, 362369

elevating, 161162

safe mode processing, 98100

XSS, protecting against, 120121

security context, 160162

security object model, 372

Security section (Central Administration)

General Security section, 352353

Information Policy section, 354

Users section, 352

security validation, bypassing, 162164

server architecture and object model, 155

Server Explorer (Visual Studio), 153

server-side object model, 152153

and server architecture, 155

and site architecture, 158

disposable objects, 164166

servers in farms, listing, 157158

Service Application Framework, 156

service applications, 38, 342

architecture, 413

components of, 414

Excel Services application, 416417

Managed Metadata Service, 417421

PerformancePoint, creating, 470

User Profile service application, 421425

services in farms, listing, 157158

shared services, 413

service applications

components of, 414

Excel Services application, 416417

Managed Metadata Service, 417, 421

User Profile service application, 421425

SharePoint 2010

farms, 35

history of, 67


hardware requirements, 1011

on single Windows Server 2008 R2 machine, 1216

web applications, 27

SharePoint 2010 Foundation, 377

SharePoint 2010 Search

configuring, 379383

scopes, creating, 384

SharePoint Manager 2010, 154


applications, hosting in SharePoint, 205207

architecture, 198

Hello World application, creating, 200205

SharePoint data, accessing, 207211

site architecture and object model, 158

site collections, 35, 341342

sandboxed solutions, 428429

site columns, 215

adding to content types, 223224

creating, 215, 218219

with features, 220221

creating in SPD, 404405

fields, creating, 232237

Site Content Types gallery, viewing, 221

site layouts, modifying in SPD, 402403

site templates

Blank Site template, 77

Blog Site template, 79

Document Center template, 85

document workspaces, 78

Enterprise Wiki template, 88

Group Work Site template, 79, 83

meeting workspace template, 82, 85

My Site Host template, 87

Publishing Portal template, 87

Records Center template, 86

Team Site template, 77

site title

displaying with ECMAScript, 193194

retrieving through client side object model, 186187

sites, 7, 35

lists, displaying, 152153


custom errors, disabling, 61

farm solutions, 44, 4750

provided by SharePoint, 36

sandboxed solutions, 51

restrictions, 55

web part, creating, 52

sorting DataView web part columns with SPD, 409410

SPContext class, 44, 159160


Approval workflow, modifying, 323326

content types, creating, 405406

custom lists, creating, 401402

DataView web part

adding, 407, 409

columns, sorting, 409410

paging, 411

external content types, creating, 299306

launching, 397

master pages, modifying, 400

site columns, creating, 404405

site layouts, modifying, 402403

user interface, 397

Navigation pane, 398

SPD (SharePoint Designer), 2223

SPDisposeCheck tool, 166167

SPFarm class, 43, 155

SPQuery class, querying list data, 246248

spreadsheets, Excel Services, 462466

SPSecurity class, 160162

SPSecurity.RunWithElevated-Privileges delegate, 373

SPServer object, 155

SPSiteDataQuery class, querying list data, 250251

SPUCWorkerProcess.exe, 429

SPWebApplication class, 43

SPWebConfigModifications class, modifying web.config, 177178

SPWebService class, 155

SPWindowService class, 155

SQL Server, databases, 32, 35

SSPs (shared service providers), 413

status indicator web part, 454456


of master pages, 136

of search center site, 388

home page, 388

results page, 389

web parts, 390392

STS (Security Token Service), 362

stsadm tool, 48

Submit button, specifying form template behavior, 500502

Survey lists, 7476

synchronizing content types, 271275

synonyms, 266268

Systems Settings section (Central Administration)

Email and Text Messages section, 343

Farm Management section, 343344

Servers section, 343


tabs, adding to ribbon, 132135

tagging, 262, 266268

content, 417421

Task lists, 7173

taxonomy, 262

Team Site template, 77


form templates

creating, 493496

data source, specifying, 496499

form libraries, creating, 493494

publishing to Training Feedback form library, 502505

Submit button behavior, specifying, 500502

list templates, creating, 228229

site templates

Blank Site template, 77

Blog Site template, 79

Document Center template, 85

document workspaces, 78

Enterprise Wiki template, 88

Group Work Site template, 79, 83

meeting workspace template, 82, 85

My Site Host template, 87

Publishing Portal template, 87

Records Center template, 86

Team Site template, 77

term sets, 262

managing, 264266

Term Store Management tool, 264266

terms, 262

enterprise keywords, 269271

synonyms, configuring, 266268

Three-State workflow, associating to custom library, 318322

timer jobs, 3637, 345346

creating, 172176

top navigation bar, 145147

Training Feedback form library, publishing form templates to, 502505

troubleshooting monitoring performance, 168172


unattended user account (PerformancePoint), configuring, 470471

unsafe updates, allowing, 162164



with client object model, 190

with ECMAScript, 195

security, bypassing, 162164

Upgrade and Migration section (Central Administration), 354

user controls

developing, 9294

versus custom controls, 92

user interface

Central Administration

Application Management section, 338342

Backup and Restore section, 347350

General Applications section, 355358

Granular Backup section, 350351

Monitoring section, 344346

Security section, 352354

System Settings section, 343344

Upgrade and Migration section, 354

custom actions, writing, 125127

master pages, 135

content placeholders, 136138

creating, 139142

structure, 136

navigation elements

Quick Launch menu, 147

top navigation bar, 145147

of SPD, 397

Navigation pane, 398

ribbons, 127

custom commands, adding, 129131

custom tabs, adding, 132135

User Profile service application, 421425


validators, developing, 441444


Site Content Types gallery, 221

WSP file contents, 4950

virtual directories, 2932

virtualization, 1617

Visio Services, consuming Visio diagrams, 457462

Visual Studio

workflows, creating, 327333

debugging, 62

external content types, creating, 307315

list templates, creating, 228229

Object Browser, 153

Server Explorer, 153

Visual Studio 2010

SharePoint 2010 support, 1721

SharePoint project templates, 1819

visual web parts, 109112


web applications, 339340

features, 57

web content management system

features, 293

authoring tools, 291

ribbon interface, 291

page layouts, creating, 293296

Web Part Manager, 103

web part pages, 121

web parts, 103

Ajax web parts, 114120

chart web part, 449, 452453

configuring with editor parts, 106108

customization, 105106

DataView web part

adding with SPD, 407409

columns, sorting with SPD, 409410

paging, implementing with SPD, 411

Find by Document ID, 258

Image Viewer web part, 103105

personalization, 105106

for sandboxed solution, creating, 5254

of search center site, 390392

status indicator web part, 454456

visual web part, 109112

web part connections, 112114

writing, 44, 4748

web.config, modifying with SPWebConfigModifications class, 177178

wiki pages, 121122

Windows PowerShell, 358

commands, 358359

Windows Server 2008 R2 machine, installing SharePoint, 1216

workflows, 317

creating with Visual Studio, 327333

Three-State, associating with custom library, 318322

WPF (Windows Presentation Framework), 198


application pages, 142144

custom actions, 125127

custom search queries with query object model, 392395

list item event receivers, 239245

web parts, 44, 4748

WSP files, 428429

viewing contents, 4950


XSS, protecting against, 120121

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