Chapter 22

Ten Metrics Tools

In This Chapter

arrow Discovering tools you can use to monitor your metrics

arrow Figuring out which tools work best for your needs

Tools and services are a bit different. When we talk about tools, I mean those programs and Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions that help you measure your metrics. Services, on the other hand, are often tools and teams that measure your metrics for or with you with less involvement from you.

In this chapter, I cover a few tried-and-true tools you can use to measure metrics. Trust me when I say this list is far from complete!

What I’ve done is take the tools that have been around for a while or are used frequently and chosen ten that I thought would have the most impact on your metrics. I encourage you to do a search on your favorite search engine and see whether you can find additional solutions that may be a fit for your needs.

Additionally, things in the tech world move pretty fast. Once this book hits shelves, there will be at least one new tool worth investigating, possibly more. Half of the battle in conquering social media metrics is being aware of the new technology and knowing when it is appropriate for your business to try it out.

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