Watching Out for the Pitfalls

The white label option for analytics (or any other service) comes with some hazards. Many say that outsourcing analytics undermines a brand’s credibility. Customers want to work with a company that knows their stuff, not one that outsources. Customers expect you to be able to answer questions about analytics. To that end white label services that include help desk support may be your best bet if you must go this route. A better route, of course, is to use this book to master analytics and social media metrics and then move on to the many other excellent publications out there designed to help you learn.

tip.eps If you do go the white label route, make sure that you have a plan in place for scale. A successful package solution can scale up very quickly, which can catch companies unaware. You don’t want to hurt your business by growing faster than your infrastructure can handle.

If your white label solution is hosted on your server and not theirs, look into cloud server services that can scale up with traffic in real time. This way, you don’t have a server crash when you get popular or when your site gets linked to on Reddit or StumbleUpon. In fact, make sure that the hosted solution has a plan in place on their server for this scenario also.

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