Adjusting on the Go: Shift on the Fly Listening

Many things are, to quote Stephen Colbert, “truthy” about metrics. One of these things is the frequency at which incoming data can shift and dramatically change — shift on the fly or as you go, if you will. Another is the way tracking metrics can create a sea change in your overall strategy, causing a need for you to be able to shift on the fly as well.

When you’re operating in shifting conditions, your strategy needs to use your metrics to accommodate those shifts. And if your strategy is strong and you have practiced metrics enough to trust your gut when you need to, it will include a plan of action for changing the metrics when they aren’t working well or telling you what you need to know.

remember.eps Metrics may not always tell you what you want to hear. When a metric gives you an answer you don’t like, it doesn’t mean that metric isn’t working. It’s your data trying to help you do something better. Remember to look at your data with an open mind and a willingness to change.

One way to adjust to shifting conditions is to calibrate your metrics. Know that date ranges and goals are important in looking at data. Depending on what answer you seek or the goal you want to achieve, it’s important to select the right the date range or other criteria.

If you need to measure performance over a long period of time, look at data by month and week, not by days stretched out over a period of months. Narrowing your focus gives you better answers to the questions “What is this data telling me?” and “What can I do to improve my results using it?” And knowing the answers to those questions increases the success of your goals and campaigns every time.

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