
ThinkUp, shown in Figure 22-13, is an open-source tool created by Gina Trapani and used by a variety of people and brands, including the White House, to track metrics. Open source means that the tool is free of charge to use and that other people can work on the code to customize it to their needs or add features. Other famous open-source tools include WordPress, the popular blogging platform.

ThinkUp captures your metrics from social networks like Google+, Twitter, Facebook, and more to see how that social traffic is driving users to your site and products. It creates an online report that you can either choose to keep private, only allowing your staff to log in and view the data, or make public. Making the data public allows you to share information gleaned from public outreach and campaigns or issues like those of the White House.

Figure 22-13: ThinkUp is a tool even the White House uses.


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