parameterless constructor A constructor that takes no parameters.
parse To try to find structure and meaning in text.
Pascal casing A naming convention where multiple words are strung together with the first letter of
each word capitalized as in
TextBox and ProgressBar.
pixel A single point on the screen or in an image. The word pixel comes from “picture element.”
polymorphism The ability to treat an object as if it were of another parent class.
precision specifier Number that affects the way a formatting character works. For example, the
format D10 formats an integer value with digits only (no thousands separators) padded on the left
with zeros if necessary so it is 10 digits long.
programming language A language used by programmers to build programs. Contrast this with
machine language, which is at a much lower level intended for use by the computer.
projecting LINQ query A LINQ query that uses a select clause to return data other than the values
over which the query ranges.
queue A list that lets you add items at the front and remove them from the back. Also called a
FIFO list or FIFO. (FIFO stands for first-in-first-out.)
raise An object raises an event to tell the program that something interesting occurred.
range variable The variable that a LINQ query uses to range over the data in the data source.
recursion The process of a method calling itself.
recursive method A method that calls itself.
refactoring Restructuring a program to make it more reliable, easier to read, or easier to maintain
without changing its outward behavior.
reference type A data type such as a class reference that refers to an item instead of holding the item
itself. Variables referring to class instances are reference variables. Contrast this with a value type.
relatively prime Two numbers are relatively prime if their greatest common divisor is 1.
run time The time when the program is running. Contrast this with design time.
scope A variable’s scope is the code that can “see” or access the variable.
select clause A clause in a LINQ query that determines what data is returned for the selected data.
shortcut Key combination such as [Ctrl]+S or [Ctrl]+N that immediately activates a menu
side eects Consequences that last after a method has finished. Side effects make code harder to
understand and debug, so you should try to avoid writing methods with nonobvious side effects.
splitter An area that you can click and drag to adjust the sizes of the areas on either side of the splitter.
stack A list that lets you add items at the front and remove them from the front. Also called a LIFO
list or LIFO. (LIFO stands for last-in-first-out.)
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static method A shared method that is provided by the class itself rather than an instance of the
class. You invoke it as in
stream An ordered series of bytes, sometimes representing a file.
strong type checking Requiring values to have specific data types such as
Person or string
instead of more general types such as
structure Defines a data type with properties, methods, events, and other code encapsulated in a
package. After you define a class, you can make as many instances of that class as you like. Very
similar to a class except classes are reference types while structures are value types.
terabyte (TB) 1,024 gigabytes.
this A special object reference that means “the object that is currently executing this code.”
throw A program throws an exception to indicate that something bad has happened that it cannot
handle. Other code higher up in the call stack can catch the exception and take action.
transforming LINQ query See projecting LINQ query.
upper bound An array’s largest index. Because C# arrays start with lower bound 0, the upper bound
(for one-dimensional arrays) is one less than the array’s length.
value type A data type that holds its data, not a reference to it. Primitive data types such as
int and
float, as well as structures, are value types. Contrast this with a reference type.
variable A named piece of memory that can hold a piece of data.
verbatim string literal A string literal that begins with
@“ and ends with a corresponding closing
. It doesn’t process escape sequences so it can contain special characters such as , carriage
returns, and tabs.
virtual Keyword that marks a method so it can be overridden in a derived class.
Visual C# The combination of C# used in the Visual Studio development environment. It’s what
this book is all about.
Visual Studio A development environment for building programs in several programming languages
including Visual C#, Visual Basic, Visual C++, and F#. Home page:
where clause A clause in a LINQ query that filters the data to return only selected items.
XAML (eXtensible Application Markup Language) A language that defines the user interface for
WPF applications.
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