ReadToEnd – select clauses
select num – SortedDictionary
select num, LINQ, 412
SelectAll, RichTextBox, 82
SelectedIndexChanged, 52
SelectedItem, ListBox, 119
SelectedPath, FolderBrowserDialog, 91, 94
SelectedRtf, RichTextBox, 81
SelectedText, RichTextBox, 81
SelectionAlignment, RichTextBox, 80
SelectionBackColor, RichTextBox, 80
SelectionBullet, RichTextBox, 80
SelectionCharOffset, RichTextBox, 80
SelectionColor, RichTextBox, 80
SelectionFont, RichTextBox, 80
SelectionHangingIndent, RichTextBox, 80
SelectionIndent, RichTextBox, 80
SelectionLength, RichTextBox, 79
SelectionProtected, RichTextBox, 80
SelectionRightIndent, RichTextBox, 80
SelectionStart, RichTextBox, 79
, 48
event handlers, 278
Separator, ToolStrip, 68
separators, menus, 58
SerialPort p, 480
Server Data Type, LINQ to SQL
Properties window, 427
Source, 432
Server Explorer, 425
ServiceController, 480
, 273
properties, 272
SetAttributes, File, 355
SetAudio, Clipboard, 369
setCode, 273
, 353
File, 355
SetFileDropList, Clipboard, 369
SetImage, Clipboard, 369
, 353
File, 355
, 353
File, 355
SetText, Clipboard, 369
drawing, 360–362
switch, 362
data type, 128
literal suffix characters, 131
ShortcutKeys, ToolStripMenuItem, 58
shortcuts, 474
Debug menu, 154
menus, 59
Show, 105
non-modal display, 106
ShowColor, FontDialog, 95
ShowDialog, 92, 105
DialogResult, 116
modal display, 106
WPF, 461–466
ShowEffects, FontDialog, 95
dialogs, 116
forms, 110
ShowReadOnly, OpenFileDialog, 95
side effects, 140, 474
SimpleEdit, Form Designer, 57
Size, 25
.sln, IDE, 7
smart tags, 69
SmoothingMode, Graphics, 441
snap lines, Form Designer, 27–28
SolidBrush, 443445
solutions, applications, 7
Solution Explorer
Form Designer, 103
forms, 103
Visual Studio IDE, 10
Solution Name, New Project, 6
arrays, 199, 200, 328
BindingSource, 407
SortedDictionary, 203
, 38
Dock, 40
RightToolStripPanelVisible, 69
robustness, 259–265
switch statement, 223225
Root, DirectoryInfo, 352
RootDirectory, DriveInfo, 350
RootFolder, FolderBrowserDialog, 94
rounding errors, 129–130
Rtf, RichTextBox, 81
runtime, 359, 474
libraries, .NET Framework, 9
custom date/time format, 183
sortable date/time format character, 181
same name variables, 164–165
SaveFile, 84
RichTextBox, 82
SaveFileDialog, 89, 90, 480
directories, 92
FileName, 91
FilterIndex, 97
properties, 96
data type, 128
literal suffix characters, 131
scalability, WPF controls, 451
scope, 163–173, 474
accessibility, 167–168
classes, 163–167
do loop, 234
methods, 163, 473
variables, 165–166
nested, 166–167
restricting, 168
Scroll, 52
Second, DateTime, 190
Seconds, DateTime, 191
select clauses, 474
LINQ, 419
queries, 429
596906bindex.indd 507 4/9/10 7:34:34 AM
SortedList – syntax
system requirements – ToolStripButtons
ystem requirements, 483484
StringCollection, 371
, 260
using, 260
SoundPlayer, 371
ToString, 303
, 93
custom date/time format, 183
short time format character, 181
, 332
, escape sequence, 132
, short time format character, 181
ab order, dialogs, 116
, 480
able adapter, databases, 398
, 480
, 25
B. See terabyte
emplates, WPF, 450451
erabyte (TB), 128, 475
Switch decision
statement, 224
, 25
Label, 26
RichTextBox, 81
ToolStripMenuItem, 58
ext, drawing, 363
, 25
, 19–20, 22, 38, 480
Anchor, 3940
BackColor, 23
database records, 400
Modifiers, 112
RadioButton, 409
RichTextBox, 79
ToolStrip, 68
WPF, 461
extboxes, menus, 58
SortedList, 202–203
SoundPlayer, System.Media, 371
, 459
LINQ to SQL, 427, 432
Source, 433
Split, string, 176
, 71
ToolStrip, 68
SplitContainer, 44, 480
splitter, 44, 474
SQL Server, 397
LINQ to SQL, 424
SQL Server Express, 397
SQL Server Management Studio, 425
ss, custom date/time format, 183
stack, 474
Stack, 204
StackPanel, 458459
Start Debugging, 7–8
StartCap, Pen, 443
StartsWith, string, 176
startup forms, 107
statement, if decision statement, 220
loops, 233
foreach loops, 231
for loops, 230
methods, 243
while loops, 232
statementsIfFalse, if-else decision
statement, 221
statementsIfTrue, if-else decision
statement, 221
static methods, 352, 355, 369, 475
StatusLabel, StatusStrip, 70
StatusStrip, 70–77, 480
clocks, 70
Component Tray, 57
Form Designer, 70
Step Into (F11), Debug menu, 154
Step Out ([Shift]+F11), Debug menu, 154
Step Over (F10), Debug menu, 154
streams, 343–344, 475
StreamReader, 345–346
EndOfStream, 346
ReadLine, 345
ReadToEnd, 345
using, 346
StreamWriter, 344345
Close, 344
Dispose, 344
IDisposable, 344
using, 346
Write, 344
WriteLine, 345
, 459
WPF, 453
string, 175–185
“” (double quotes), 132
blank, 434
data type, 129
Format, 176–184
methods, 175–177
ToString, 177–184
string[], 321
string operators, 140–141
, 370–371
System.Collections, 371
string.Format, 184
strong type checking, 475
struct, generic constraints, 333
Structured Query Language (SQL), 4
structures, 210211, 475
classes, 211–212, 269–270
nullable data types, 430
values, 269
styles, WPF, 450, 456458
submenus, Type Here, 58
SubmitChanges, 428
Substring, string, 176
decision statements, 223–225
shapes, 362
syntax, methods, 242–245
596906bindex.indd 508 4/9/10 7:34:34 AM
SortedList – syntax
system requirements – ToolStripButtons
system requirements, 483484
StringCollection, 371
, 260
using, 260
System.Media, SoundPlayer, 371
System.Object, ToString, 303
System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult, 93
custom date/time format, 183
short time format character, 181
<T>, 332
, escape sequence, 132
T, short time format character, 181
tab order, dialogs, 116
TabControl, 480
table adapter, databases, 398
TableLayoutPanel, 480
Tag, 25
TB. See terabyte
templates, WPF, 450451
terabyte (TB), 128, 475
testValue, Switch decision
statement, 224
Text, 25
Label, 26
RichTextBox, 81
ToolStripMenuItem, 58
text, drawing, 363
TextAlign, 25
TextBox, 19–20, 22, 38, 480
Anchor, 3940
BackColor, 23
database records, 400
Modifiers, 112
RadioButton, 409
RichTextBox, 79
ToolStrip, 68
WPF, 461
textboxes, menus, 58
TextChanged, 52
TextDataFormat, 375
Graphics, 441
TextureBrush, 443445
constructors, 294–295
PrintVisual, 462
this.Close(), 73
RichTextBox, 82
3D drawing, WPF, 450
3GL, 4
throwing, errors, 254–255
Tick, 52
TimeOfDay, DateTime, 190
Timer, 20, 480
Interval, 52
, 189
DateTime, 190–191
methods, 190–191
properties, 190–191
Title, OpenFileDialog, 95
ToArray, IList, 415
Today, DateTime, 190
ToLocalTime, 188
DateTime, 189
ToLongDateString, 182
ToLongTimeString, 182
ToLower, string, 176
Layout, 28–29
Visual Studio IDE, 10
controls, 21
Dialogs tab, 91
LINQ to SQL, 432
MenuStrip, 57
Printing tab, 91
Visual Studio IDE, 10
ToolStrip, 67–70, 480
Form Designer, 68
objects, 68
ToolStripButtons, 47
streams, 343–344, 475
StreamReader, 345–346
EndOfStream, 346
ReadLine, 345
ReadToEnd, 345
using, 346
StreamWriter, 344345
Close, 344
Dispose, 344
IDisposable, 344
using, 346
Write, 344
WriteLine, 345
, 459
WPF, 453
string, 175–185
“” (double quotes), 132
blank, 434
data type, 129
Format, 176–184
methods, 175–177
ToString, 177–184
string[], 321
string operators, 140–141
, 370–371
System.Collections, 371
string.Format, 184
strong type checking, 475
struct, generic constraints, 333
Structured Query Language (SQL), 4
structures, 210211, 475
classes, 211–212, 269–270
nullable data types, 430
values, 269
styles, WPF, 450, 456458
submenus, Type Here, 58
SubmitChanges, 428
Substring, string, 176
decision statements, 223–225
shapes, 362
syntax, methods, 242–245
596906bindex.indd 509 4/9/10 7:34:35 AM
ToolStripContainer – values
var – Windows Presentation Foundation
fields, 406
literal, 131–133
localization, 390391
Margin, 455
nullable data types, 430
parameters, 249
properties, 157
structures, 269
variables, 105, 127, 130
watches, 155–156
data types, 413
INQ, 412
loops, 231
using, 293
ariables, 105, 127–149
arrays, 196
calculations, 136–145
data types, 127–130
DateTime, 187–188
declaring, 130
delegates, 276
dialogs, 117
event handlers, 107–108
form instance, 105
method scope, 165–166
private, 109
public, 109
range, 412, 474
reading, 153–154
same name, 164–165
values, 105, 127, 130
watches, 155–156
erbatim string literals, 133, 475
ertical Spacing, Format menu, 29
Image, 455, 459
Rectangle, 464
irtual, 475
, 25
MenuStrip, 403
isual C#, 3, 475
Windows Forms, 6
ToolStripContainer, 69–70, 480
RichTextBox, 73
ToolStripMenuItem, 58
ToolStripMenuItems, 47
ToolTip, 20, 304, 480
, 38
Dock, 40
TopToolStripPanelVisible, 69
ToShortDateString, 182
ToShortTimeString, 182
ToString, 182
DateTime, 189, 191
LINQ queries, 429
objects, 178
overriding methods, 303, 333
string, 177–184
System.Object, 303
TotalDays, DateTime, 191
TotalFreeSpace, DriveInfo, 350
TotalHours, DateTime, 191
TotalMilliseconds, DateTime, 191
TotalMinutes, DateTime, 191
TotalSeconds, DateTime, 191
TotalSize, DriveInfo, 350
ToUniversalTime, 188
DateTime, 189
ToUpper, string, 176
TrackBar, 481
Scroll, 52
transforming data, 416
transforming LINQ query, 475
TreeNode, 331–333
TreeView, 397, 481
Trim, string, 176
TrimEnd, string, 176
TrimStart, string, 176
try-catch, exceptions, 252–254
try-catch-finally, 253
tryingToLogin, loops, 237
tt, custom date/time format, 183
2GL, 4
Type Here, submenus, 58
Type, LINQ to SQL Source, 433
types, forms, 104
U, universal sortable full date/time format
character, 182
u, universal sortable short date/time format
character, 181
data type, 129
literal suffix characters, 131
data type, 129
literal suffix characters, 131
unary operators, overloading, 312
Undo, RichTextBox, 82
upper bound, 196, 475
user interface, event handlers, 451
username, 237
data type, 128
literal suffix characters, 131
, 371
CreateGraphics, 439
Graphics, 441
StreamReader, 346
StreamWriter, 346
System.Diagnostics, 260
variableInitialization, 293
UTC. See Coordinated
Universal Time
UtcNow, DateTime, 190
v, escape sequence, 132
ValidateNames, SaveFileDialog, 96
Value, control names, 24
ValueChanged, 52
values, 470
arrays, 196–197, 263
data types, 128
casting, 134
checked, 134
Convert, 135
Parse, 135–136
596906bindex.indd 510 4/9/10 7:34:35 AM
ToolStripContainer – values
var – Windows Presentation Foundation
fields, 406
literal, 131–133
localization, 390391
Margin, 455
nullable data types, 430
parameters, 249
properties, 157
structures, 269
variables, 105, 127, 130
watches, 155–156
data types, 413
LINQ, 412
variableDeclaration, foreach
loops, 231
using, 293
variables, 105, 127–149
arrays, 196
calculations, 136–145
data types, 127–130
DateTime, 187–188
declaring, 130
delegates, 276
dialogs, 117
event handlers, 107–108
form instance, 105
method scope, 165–166
private, 109
public, 109
range, 412, 474
reading, 153–154
same name, 164–165
values, 105, 127, 130
watches, 155–156
verbatim string literals, 133, 475
Vertical Spacing, Format menu, 29
VerticalAlignment, Image, 455, 459
ViewBox, Rectangle, 464
virtual, 475
Visible, 25
MenuStrip, 403
Visual C#, 3, 475
Windows Forms, 6
Visual Studio, 475
code snippets, 4
dataset, 397
IDE, 3–18, 10
customization, 13
placeholders, 323
WPF, 449
VisualBrush, Window, 464
VolumeLabel, DriveInfo, 350
VScrollBar, 49, 481
watches, debugging, 155–156
WebBrowser, 481
where (num % 2==0), LINQ, 412
where clause, 475
LINQ, 412–415
where, generic constraints, 333
while, loops, 232–233
, 459
Pen, 443
StackPanel, 459
WPF, 453
Window, 451, 453
VisualBrush, 464
Windows Forms, 6
windows, pinning, 12
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF),
359, 449–460
applications, 451–454
controls, 450, 454455
scalability, 451
DirectX, 450
Expression Blend, 449
FixedDocument, 466
FlowDocument, 466
Label, 461
PrintDialog, 461–466
PrintDocument, 466
printing, 461–468
PrintVisual, 461–466
Properties window, 453
U, universal sortable full date/time format
character, 182
u, universal sortable short date/time format
character, 181
data type, 129
literal suffix characters, 131
data type, 129
literal suffix characters, 131
unary operators, overloading, 312
Undo, RichTextBox, 82
upper bound, 196, 475
user interface, event handlers, 451
username, 237
data type, 128
literal suffix characters, 131
, 371
CreateGraphics, 439
Graphics, 441
StreamReader, 346
StreamWriter, 346
System.Diagnostics, 260
variableInitialization, 293
UTC. See Coordinated
Universal Time
UtcNow, DateTime, 190
v, escape sequence, 132
ValidateNames, SaveFileDialog, 96
Value, control names, 24
ValueChanged, 52
values, 470
arrays, 196–197, 263
data types, 128
casting, 134
checked, 134
Convert, 135
Parse, 135–136
596906bindex.indd 511 4/9/10 7:34:36 AM
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