Making Generic Classes
The section on collection classes in Lesson 16 explained how to use generic collection classes.
For example, the following code defines a list that holds
Employee objects:
public List<Employee> Employees = new List<Employee>();
This list can only hold Employee objects, and when you get an object out of the list, it has the
Employee type instead of the less specific object type.
Lesson 16 also described the main advantages of generic classes: code reuse and specific type
checking. You can use the same generic
List<> class to hold a list of strings, doubles, or
Person objects. By requiring a specific data type, the class prevents you from accidentally adding
Employee object to a list of Order objects, and when you get an object from the list you know
it is an
In this lesson, you learn how to build your own generic classes so you can raise code reuse to a
whole new level.
Many other things can be generic. You can probably guess that you can build
generic structures because structures are so similar to classes. You can also
build generic methods (in either generic or non-generic classes), generic inter-
faces, generic delegate types, and so on. This lesson focuses on generic classes.
A generic class declaration looks a lot like a normal class declaration with one or more generic
type variables added in angled brackets. For example, the following code shows the basic dec-
laration for a generic
TreeNode class:
class TreeNode<T>
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LESSON 28 Making generic classes
The <T> means the class takes one type parameter, T. Within the class’s code, the type T means
whatever type the program used when creating the instance of the class. For example, the following
code declares a variable named
rootNode that is a TreeNode that handles strings:
TreeNode<string> rootNode = new TreeNode<string>();
If you want the class to use multiple type parameters, separate them with commas. For example,
suppose you want to make a Matcher class that takes two kinds of objects and matches objects in
the two kinds. It might match
Employee objects with Job objects to assign employees to jobs. The
following code shows how you might declare the
Matcher class:
public class Matcher<T1, T2>
The following code shows how you might create an instance of the class to match Employees
Matcher<Employee, Job> jobAssigner = new Matcher<Employee, Job>();
Many developers use T for name of the type in generic classes that take only
one type.
If the class takes more than one type, you should use more descriptive names so
its easy to tell the types apart. For example, the generic
Dictionary class has
two type variables named
TKey and TValue that represent the types of the keys
and values that the
Dictionary will hold.
Inside the class’s code, you can use the types freely. For example, the following code shows more of
TreeNode class’s code. A TreeNode object represents a node in a tree, with an associated piece
of data attached to it. The places where the class uses the data type
T are highlighted in bold.
class TreeNode<T>
// This node’s data.
public T Data { get; set; }
// This node’s children.
private List<TreeNode<T>> children = new List<TreeNode<T>>();
// Constructor.
public TreeNode(T data)
Data = data;
// Override ToString to display the data.
public override string ToString()
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Using Generic Constraints
if (Data == null) return “”;
return Data.ToString();
Notice how the class uses the type T throughout its code. The class starts with a Data property of
T. This is the data (of whatever data type) associated with the node.
Each node also has a list of child nodes. To hold the right kind of
TreeNode objects, the children
variable is a generic
List<TreeNode<T>>, meaning it can hold only TreeNode<T> objects.
The class’s constructor takes a parameter of type
T and saves it in the objects Data property.
To make displaying a
TreeNode easier, the class overrides its ToString method so it calls the
ToString method provided by the Data object. For example, if the object is a TreeNode<string>,
then this simply returns the string’s value.
The previous example overrides the TreeNode class’s ToString method so it calls the Data object’s
ToString method. Fortunately all objects have a ToString method so you know this is possible, but
what if you want to call some other method provided by the object?
For example, suppose you want to create a new instance of type
T. How do you know that
T provides a constructor that takes no parameters? What if you want to compare two objects
of type
T to see which is greater? Or what if you want to compare two type T objects to see if they
are the same? (An important test for the
Dictionary class.) How do you know whether two type T
objects are comparable?
You can use generic constraints to require that the types used by the program meet certain criteria
such as comparability or providing a parameterless constructor.
To use a generic constraint, follow the normal class declaration with the keyword
where, the name
of the type parameter that you want to constrain, a colon, and the constraint. Some typical con-
straints include:
A class from which the type must inherit
An interface (or interfaces) that the type must implement
to indicate that the type must provide a parameterless constructor
to indicate that the type must be a value type such as the built-in value types (int, bool)
or a structure
to indicate that the type must be a reference type
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LESSON 28 Making generic classes
Separate multiple constraints for the same type parameter with commas. If you want to constrain
more than one type parameter, place a new
where clause on a new line.
For example, the following code defines the generic
Matcher class, which takes two generic type
T1 and T2. (Note that this code skips important error handling such as checking for null
values to keep things simple.)
public class Matcher<T1, T2>
where T1 : IComparable<T2>, new()
where T2 : new()
private void test()
T1 t1 = new T1();
T2 t2 = new T2();
if (t1.CompareTo(t2) < 0)
// t1 is “less than” t2.
The first constraint requires that type parameter T1 implement the IComparable interface for the
T2 so the code can compare T1 objects to T2 objects. The next constraint requires that the T1
type also provide a parameterless constructor. You can see that the code creates a new
T1 object and
uses its
CompareTo method (which is defined by IComparable).
The second
where clause requires that the type T2 also provide a parameterless constructor. The
code needs that because it also creates a new
T2 instance.
In general you should use as few constraints as possible because that makes your class usable in as many
circumstances as possible. If your code won’t need to create new instances of a data type, don’t use the
new constraint. If your code wont need to compare objects, don’t use the IComparable constraint.
In addition to building generic classes, you can also build generic methods inside either a generic
class or a regular non-generic class.
For example, suppose you want to rearrange the items in a list so the new order alternately picks
items from each end of the list. If the list originally contains the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, then the
alternated list contains 1, 6, 2, 5, 3, 4.
The following code shows how a program could declare an
Alternate method to return an alter-
nated list. Note that you could put this method in any class, generic or not.
public List<T> Alternate<T>(List<T> list)
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Try It
// Make a new list to hold the results.
List<T> newList = new List<T>();
return newList;
The Alternate method takes a generic type parameter T. It takes as a regular parameter a List
that holds items of type
T and it returns a new List containing items of type T.
This snippet creates a new
List<T> to hold the results. (Note that it does not need to require the
T to have a default constructor because the code is creating a new List, not a new T.) The code
then builds the new list (not shown here) and returns it.
The following code shows how a program might use this method:
List<string> strings = new List<string>(stringsTextBox.Text.Split(‘ ‘));
List<string> alternatedStrings = Alternate<string>(strings);
alternatedStringsTextBox.Text = string.Join(“ “, alternatedStrings);
The first statement defines a List<string> and initializes it with the space-separated values in the
The second statement calls
Alternate<string> to create an alternated List<string>. Notice how
the code uses
<string> to indicate the data type that Alternate will manipulate. (This is actually
optional and the program will figure out which version of
Alternate to use if you omit it. However,
this makes the code more explicit and may catch a bug if you try to alternate a list containing some-
thing unexpected such as
Person objects.)
The third statement joins the values in the new list separated by spaces and displays the result.
Generic methods can be quite useful for the same reasons that generic classes are. They allow code
reuse without the extra hassle of converting values to and from the non-specific
object class. They
also perform type checking, so in this example, the program cannot try to alternate a
List<int> by
In this Try It, you build a generic Randomize method that randomizes an array of objects of any
type. To make it easy to add the method to any project, you add the method to an
class. To make the method easy to use, you make it
static, so the main program doesn’t need to
instantiate the class to use it.
You can download the code and resources for this Try It from the book’s web
page at or You can find
them in the Lesson28 folder of the download.
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