Appendix 1.A Expressing Variances and Covariances Among Observed Variables as Functions of Model Parameters

Let us denote img the population variance/covariance matrix of variables y and x, then

(1.22) equation

where the diagonal elements are variances of the variables y and x, respectively; and the off-diagonal elements are covariances among y and x. In SEM it is hypothesized that the population variance/covariance matrix of y and x can be expressed as a function of the model parameters img, that is:

(1.23) equation

where img is called the model implied variance/covariance matrix.

Based on the three basic SEM equations [Equation (1.1)], we can derive that img can be expressed as functions of the parameters in the eight fundamental SEM matrices. Let us start with the variance/covariance matrix of y, then the variance/covariance matrix of x and the variance/covariance matrix of y and x, and then finally assemble them together.

The variance/covariance matrix of y can be expressed as:

(1.24) equation

were img is the variance/covariance matrix of the error term img.

(1.25) equation

Assuming that img is independent of img, then

(1.26) equation

where img is the variance/covariance matrix of the latent variable img; img is the variance/covariance matrix of the residual img. Substituting Equation (1.26) into Equation (1.24), we have:

(1.27) equation

This equation implies that variances/covariances of the observed y variables are a function of model parameters such as factor loadings img, path coefficients img and img, the variances/covariances img of the exogenous latent variables, residual variances/covariances matrix img, and the error variances/covariances img.

The variance/covariance matrix of x can be expressed as:

(1.28) equation

Assuming that img is independent of img, then

(1.29) equation

where img is the variance/covariance matrix of the error term img. Equation (1.29) implies that variances/covariances of the observed x variables are a function of model parameters, such as the loadings img, the variances/covariances img of the exogenous latent variables, and the error variances/covariances img.

The covariance matrix among x and y can be expressed as:

(1.30) equation

Assuming that img and img are independent of each other and independent of the latent variables, then

(1.31) equation

Thus, the variances and covariances among the observed variables x and y can be expressed as in terms of the model parameters:

(1.32) equation

where the upper right part of the matrix is the transpose of the covariance matrix among x and y. Each element in the model implied variance/covariance matrix img is a function of model parameters. For a set of specific model parameters from the eight SEM fundamental matrices that constitute a SEM model, there is one and only one corresponding model implied variance/covariance matrix img (Hayduk, 1987).

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