

ABPs, see Auxiliary black pixels

Additive color model, 34

Alignment problem, 297-326

average contrast, 301

basis matrices, 300

black pixel, ineffective, 306

block length, 300

darkness thresholds, 300

discussions, 325

Hamming weights, 301, 303

misalignment deviation, 316

misalignment tolerant VCS, 319-325

algorithm, 319-322

decrypting algorithm, 321

encrypting algorithm, 320

simulations, 322-325

misalignment with integer number of subpixels, 302-309

misalignment with less than one subpixel, 309-319

large subpixels have better misalignment tolerance, 316-319

shares with slightly misalignment can still recover secret image, 310-315

nonzero coordinates, 299

original secret image, 299

pixel expansion, 297, 298

preliminaries, 299-301

recovered secret image, 299

secret image

deterministically recovered, 315

regions of deviation, 313

shifted basis matrices, 302

shifted scheme, 302

shifted share matrices, 302

visible space, calculation of, 298

Almost ideal contrast, 265

AM, see Amplitude modulation

Amplitude modulation (AM), 105

Annihilator color, 39, 42

Applications, 329-350

banking information, 329, 330, 332

barcode printing, 348, 349

Cardano cryptography, 332, 334, 337, 346

compromise, 332

lenses, 345, 346

login, 333, 338

man-in-the-middle manipulation attack, 331

nested doll, 348

online money transfers, 329, 331

password, 334

PIN, 333, 334, 337, 338

plaintext attack, 339, 341

redundancy of natural languages, 342

refraction, 343-346

secret sharing, original purpose of, 332

security versus multiple use, 339-343

symbol-orientation, 332

technical problems concerning adjustment and parallaxes, 346-347

transaction number, 331

transaction server, 329

”transparency onto screen” idea, 333

trojan-secure authentication using PIN, 334-339

trojan-secure confirmation of transactions, 333-334

unknown plaintext attack, 341

voting with receipt based on visual cryptography, 347-349

Artificial image, 368


cipher-based, 404

color image sharing, 382

cover media and, 426

fake share offerings, 405

man-in-the-middle manipulation, 331

plaintext, 339, 341

polynomial-based image sharing, 415

secret cheating, 294

secret image sharing, 427

trojan manipulation, 333

Authentication, image sharing with, 425-461

adopted techniques in proposed scheme, 434-445

canny edge detector, 440-441

edge lookup inverse halftoning technique, 441-443

error diffusion technique, 434-438

interpolation technique, 439-440

Shamir scheme for secret sharing, 443-445

Chinese Remainder Theorem, 427, 432

detection ratios of different schemes, 458

edge-based lookup table, 441

excursion skill, 437

experimental results, 453-458

Floyd and Steinberg error diffusion strategy, 434

Gaussian filter, 440

HyperText Markup Language, 426

least significant bits, 432

lookup table, 441

most significant bits, 452


binary representations of, 429

positions of, 436

proposed scheme, 445-452

reconstruction and verifying phase, 449-452

sharing and embedding phase, 445-449

related work, 428-433

Chang et al.’s scheme, 432-433

Lin and Tsai’s scheme, 428-430

Yang et al.’s scheme, 430-432

visual secret sharing, 426

Authentication Based Cheating Prevention scheme, 287

Authentication-based steganography study, 404, see also Polynomial-based image sharing

Auxiliary black pixels (ABPs), 9

distribution, 13

predetermined, 15


Barcode printing, 348, 349

Bayer’s matrix, 104, 105

BCB, see Borland C++ Builder

Binary error diffusion, 3

Binary secret sharing scheme (BSS), 266

Blue noise error diffusion, 3-5

Borland C++ Builder (BCB), 85

Bounds, see Contrast bounds

BSS, see Binary secret sharing scheme


Canny edge detector, 440-441

Cardano cryptography, 332, 334, 337, 346

Characteristic parameters, 132

Cheating prevention, 281-296

analysis of cheating prevention schemes, 294

Authentication Based Cheating Prevention scheme, 287

authentic conditions, 294

Boolean matrix, 282

cheating prevention schemes, 287-293

HCT1 and HCT2, 287

HT, 289-290

PS1 and PS2, 292

TCH, 290

contrast conditions, 283

experiment, 288, 291

Generic Algorithm, 290

preliminaries, 282-286

cheating in VC, 285

visual cryptography, 282-285

prevention of shares against cheating, 294

security conditions, 283

Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT), 427, 432

Chord-areas, 68

Cipher-based attacks, 404

Clark-Wilson security model, 382

Clustered-dot ordered dither, 104

CMY model, see Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow model

Color images, 31-56

additive color model, 34

CMY model, 34, 35

color superposition, 32-39

annihilator color, 39

color vision and color models, 32-37

darkening problem, 38

identity color, 39

lattices, 37-38

formal models for colored VCS, 40-44

annihilator color, 42

annihilator presence, 43

base matrices, 44

contrast property, 40, 42

distribution matrices, 41

models for B&W-VC, 40

models for Color-VC, 40-43

safety property, 40

SC, ND, and General models, 43-44

secret palette, 41

security property, 42

shares palette, 41

strong contrast property, 42

weak contrast property, 42

light energy, 33

other schemes, 54-55

RGB model, 34, 35

schemes for general model, 52-54

annihilator presence, 52

secret palette, 52, 53

shares palette, 52

(2, 2)-threshold schemes, 52-53

(2, n)-threshold AS schemes, 54

schemes for ND model, 50-52

annihilator presence, 51

concatenation of matrices, 50

upper bound, 52

schemes for SC model, 44-49

BDD schemes, 47

CDD schemes and lower bound, 48-49

contrast property, 48

KY and YL schemes, 47-48

pixel expansion, 45, 47

sharing passwords, 46

trick, 45

VV schemes, 45-46

technically incorrect expressions, 33-34

Color visual cryptography, see also Color images

annihilator color, 39, 42

annihilator presence, 43

base matrices, 44

contrast property, 40, 42

distribution matrices, 41

efficiency within, 386

formal model, 40-44

models for B&W-VC, 40

models for Color-VC, 40-43

progressive, 387

safety property, 40

SC, ND, and General models, 43-44

secret palette, 41

security property, 42

shares palette, 41

strong contrast property, 42

weak contrast property, 42

Commutative operation, 187

Contrast bounds, 223-253

approximate inclusion exclusion, 227-232

asymptotic optimal k-out-of-n schemes, 241-243

black subpixels, 226

Boolean matrices, 225, 233

bound, sharp, 231

contrast, importance of, 224

contrast trade offs for extended visual cryptography schemes, 244-251

designs and codes, 232-236

enhancing of contrast by nonstandard models, 251

Fisher’s inequality, 235

Hadamard matrix, 235

integer vector, 246

optimal contrast, 230

optimal 3-out-of-n schemes, 236-240

pairwise balanced design, 234

pixel expansion, 236

Plotkin bound, 232

preliminaries, 225-227

visual cryptography scheme, formal definition of, 223

Contrast property, 40, 42, 48

CRC, see Cyclic Redundant Code

CRT, see Chinese Remainder Theorem

Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow (CMY) model, 34, 35

Cyclic Redundant Code (CRC), 405, 415

Cylinder shares, 87, 92


Darkening problem, 38

Data hiding

authentication codes, 427

halftone images, 356

LSB scheme, 409

secret image sharing, 382

shares involved in, 396

Data Hiding by Conjugate Error Diffusion (DHCED), 359-363

Data Hiding by Stochastic Error Diffusion (DHSED), 356-359

DBS, see Direct binary search

Decoded image

composition of shares, 14

contrast loss, 7, 19

HVC expansion, 19

parallel error diffusion, 16

quality degradation, 387

shares, 21, 22

Decomposing circle, 70

Decrypting algorithm, 321

Density pattern, 104

Deterministic model, 129, 133

DHCED, see Data Hiding by Conjugate Error Diffusion

DHSED, see Data Hiding by Stochastic Error Diffusion

Digital rights management, 382

Direct binary search (DBS), 14, 19

Dispersed-dot ordered dither, 104, 105

Distribution matrices, 41


Edge-based lookup table (ELUT), 441

Effective block, 83

Elementary blocks, 69, 74, 81

ELUT, see Edge-based lookup table


algorithm, 102, 194, 320

histogram equalization before, 115

photograph visual cryptography, 107

process, photograph images, 119

progressive visual cryptography, 388

random grids, 186, 190

security of key used for, 382

segment code, 332

TiOISSS, 473

transparency of shadow, 117

visual cryptography scheme, 223

Error diffusion

binary, 3

blue noise, 3-5

constant, 15

constrained, 4

Floyd and Steinberg strategy, 434

halftone, see Halftone error diffusion

image decoding, 19, 21

image sharing with steganography, 434-438

kernel, 352

multitone, 5

parallel, 16

photograph visual cryptography, 105

samples of error filters, 106

steganography in halftone images, 352-356

visual secret sharing, 5-9

construction of VSS scheme, 8

notion and formal definitions, 5-8

EVC, see Extended visual cryptography

EVCS, see Extended Visual Cryptography Scheme

Excursion skill, 437

Extended block, 59

Extended visual cryptography (EVC), 19

Extended Visual Cryptography Scheme (EVCS), 96, 99


Floyd-Steinberg error filter, 4

FM, see Frequency modulation

Forbidden sets, 256

Frequency modulation (FM), 105


Galois Field, 390, 431, 466

GAS, see General Access Structure

Gaussian filter, 440

General Access Structure (GAS), 99


Hadamard matrix, 235

Halftone error diffusion, 1-28

auxiliary black pixels, 9

binary error diffusion, 3

blue noise error diffusion, 3-5

blue noise halftoning algorithms, 4

Boolean matrix, 7

contrast condition, 8

contrast of decoded image, 8

diffused past errors, 4

direct binary search, 14, 19

discussion, 19-20

comparison with other methods, 19

image decoding, 19-20

improvement of image quality, 19

error diffusion constant, 15

extended visual cryptography, 19

Floyd-Steinberg error filter, 4

halftone visual cryptography, 3, 4

halftone VSS construction using error diffusion, 9-16

distribution of SIPs and ABPs, 11-14

generation of halftone shares via error diffusion, 14-16

share structure, 9-11

halftone VSS construction using parallel error diffusion, 16-17

Hamming weight, 7

human visual system model, 18

image quality

discrepancy, 18

improvement in, 19

uniform, 18

local geometric distortion, 26

multitone error diffusion, 6

parallel approach, 17

preset pixels, 16

quality of halftone shares, 17-18

quality index, 18

quantization errors, 15, 16

reconstructed image, 26

scheme robustness, 20

secret information pixels, 9

security condition, 8

share image quality, 21

simulation results, 20-26

thresholding block, 19

visual cryptography, 2-3

visual secret sharing, 5-9

construction of VSS scheme, 8

notion and formal definitions, 5-8

Halftone images, steganography in, 351-380

artificial image, 368

black pixels, 366, 367

Data Hiding by Conjugate Error Diffusion, 359-363

Data Hiding by Stochastic Error Diffusion, 356-359

data hiding techniques, 356

halftone pixel, probability distribution of, 353, 366

image halftoning, 351

intensity curves, 371

Jarvis kernel, 354, 355, 356, 370

least significant bit, 356

ordered dithering, 351, 352

output halftone value, 353

performance analysis, 363-377

review of error diffusion, 352-356

Steinberg kernel, 353, 355, 356

summary, 377-379

toggling, 360, 362

trial halftone value, 361

watermarking data, 352

Halftone visual cryptography (HVC), 4

constrained error diffusion, 4


image decoding, 19

SIP location, 11

visually pleasing halftone image, 18

Hamming weight, 7, 301, 466

Histogram linearization transformation, 115

HTML, see HyperText Markup Language

Human visual system (HVS), 18, 464

HVC, see Halftone visual cryptography

HVS, see Human visual system

HyperText Markup Language (HTML), 426


Ideal contrast, 250, 256

Identity color, 39

Image decoding, see Decoded image

Image halftoning, 351, see also Steganography in halftone images

Image secret sharing, 381-402, see also Steganography, image sharing with

approaches for image sharing, 389-396

color image sharing based on Lagrange interpolation, 389-392

color image sharing based on moving lines, 392-396

improved algorithm, 399

Shamir’s secret sharing scheme, 389

battlefield plans, 382

bichromatic construction, 384

Clark-Wilson security model, 382

color image reconstruction, 386, 395

color image sharing

compressed domain processing, 399

primitive example of, 385

color visual cryptography, efficiency within, 386

construction methods, 384

digital rights management, 382

experiment and evaluation, 397-399

fixed pixel expansion, 387

Galois field, 390

image halftoning, 387

Lagrange interpolation, 389, 391, 397, 399

loss of key, 382

lossless recovery scheme, 386

monochromatic construction, 384

Peak-Signal-to-Noise Ratio, 388

plurality of ways, 388

redundancy in protection, 382

secret key, backup mechanism to, 382

secret sharing system, 382

state of the art, 384-388

threshold cryptography scheme, 382

X-position parameter, 396

Image secret sharing scheme (ISSS), 463

Image sharing with steganography and authentication, 425-461

adopted techniques in proposed scheme, 434-445

canny edge detector, 440-441

edge lookup inverse halftoning technique, 441-443

error diffusion technique, 434-438

interpolation technique, 439-440

Shamir scheme for secret sharing, 443-445

Chinese Remainder Theorem, 427, 432

detection ratios of different schemes, 458

edge-based lookup table, 441

excursion skill, 437

experimental results, 453-458

Floyd and Steinberg error diffusion strategy, 434

Gaussian filter, 440

HyperText Markup Language, 426

least significant bits, 432

lookup table, 441

most significant bits, 452


binary representations of, 429

positions of, 436

proposed scheme, 445-452

reconstruction and verifying phase, 449-452

sharing and embedding phase, 445-449

related work, 428-433

Chang et al.’s scheme, 432-433

Lin and Tsai’s scheme, 428-430

Yang et al.’s scheme, 430-432

visual secret sharing, 426

Ineffective block, 83

Inverted-Pattern-LSB information hiding algorithm (IPLA), 410

IPLA, see Inverted-Pattern-LSB information hiding algorithm

ISSS, see Image secret sharing scheme


Jarvis kernel, 354, 355, 356, 370


Lagrange interpolation, 389-392

Least significant bit (LSB), 356, 432

computed check bits and, 433, 448

data bits, 452

data hiding, 409

embedding technique, 356

image sharing, 432

modified, 432

scheme, inverted pattern, 409-410

Lookup table (LUT), 428, 441

LSB, see Least significant bit

LUT, see Lookup table


Mach-Zehnder interferometer, 155

Man-in-the-middle manipulation attack, 331

Maximal contrast schemes, 260

Maximum distance separable (MDS) codes, 163

MDS codes, see Maximum distance separable codes


additive color, 34

Clark-Wilson security, 382

colored VCS, 40-44

annihilator color, 42

annihilator presence, 43

base matrices, 44

contrast property, 40, 42

distribution matrices, 41

models for B&W-VC, 40

models for Color-VC, 40-43

safety property, 40

SC, ND, and General models, 43-44

secret palette, 41

security property, 42

shares palette, 41

strong contrast property, 42

weak contrast property, 42

Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow, 34, 35

deterministic, 129, 133

human visual system, 18

nonstandard, contrast bounds, 251

probabilistic, 131

Red, Green, and Blue, 34, 35

Monochromatic-colored shares, 213

Most significant bits (MSBs), 452

MSBs, see Most significant bits

Multiple secrets, visual cryptography for, 57-93

absolute location of block, 73

black block, 83

Borland C++ Builder, 85

chord-areas, 68

cylinder shares, 87, 92

decomposing circle, 70

decryption process, human visual ability to perform, 57

distortion, 83, 87

effective block, 83

elementary blocks, 69, 74, 81

encoded shares, 58, 61, 66

encoding patterns, 59

extended block, 59

ineffective block, 83

Naor and Shamir’s basic visual secret sharing scheme, 59-61

new problems, 91


binary, 59, 60

corresponding, 62, 64, 68, 73

encoding set of, 73

expansion, 59, 80

reconstructed, 59

private key, 91

random shares, 58

secret binary images, 58

sector blocks, 66

transforming circle, 90

visual multiple-secret sharing schemes, 68-91

comparison and discussions, 87-91

encoding circle share A, 69-71

encoding circle share B, 71-80

experimental results, 85-87

Feng et al.’s scheme, 83-84

general algorithm, 80-83

informal description, 68-69

Shyu et al.’s scheme, 68-83

visual secret-sharing schemes, 58

visual two-secret sharing schemes, 62-68

Wu and Chang’s scheme, 64-68

Wu and Chen’s scheme, 62-64

white block, 83


Nested doll, 348

Noise-encoding, 104

Nonzero coordinates, 299


Online money transfer, 329, 331

Optimal contrast, 230

Ordered dithering, 104, 351, 352

Output halftone value, 353



sharing, 46

trojan-secure authentication, 334

Peak-Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), 388

Photograph images, extended visual cryptography for, 95-126

amplitude modulation, 105

basic visual cryptography schemes, 96-103

Bayer’s matrix, 104, 105

contrast condition, 100

extended condition, 100

extended visual cryptography scheme, 99-101

General Access Structure, 99

(k, n) visual secret sharing schemes, 96-99

random grids, 101-103

reconstructed image, relative difference of, 100

relative difference of shadow images, 100

security condition, 100

shadow images, relative difference of, 100

uniform scheme, 98

basis matrices, 98

binary mage, encryption algorithm for, 102

Boolean matrix, 96, 99

clustered-dot ordered dither, 104

continuous-tone image, 108

dynamic ranges, 114

encryption, process of, 119

extended condition, 100

Extended Visual Cryptography Scheme, 96, 99

frequency modulation, 105

fundamentals of photograph visual cryptography, 103-108

clustered-dot ordered dither, 104

density pattern, 104

digital halftoning, 103-105

dispersed-dot ordered dither, 104, 105

error diffusion, 105

image quality and related parameters, 106-107

iterative and search-based methods, 105

noise-encoding, 104

ordered dither, 104

photograph visual cryptography with basic schemes, 107-108

pixel expansion, 106

pseudo-contours, 104

relative difference, 107

thresholding, 104

tone levels, 106

General Access Structure, 99

gray-scale value, 117

histogram linearization transformation, 115

misalignment tolerance, 116

misalignment-tolerant photograph visual cryptography, 116-120

results, 120

theory and implementation, 116-119

noise-encoding, 104

ordered dither, 104

pixel expansion, 97

progressive visual cryptography, 386

random dither, 104

reconstructed image, 97, 100

relative difference, 97

secret image, 96

secret information pixels, 112

shadow images, 96, 113

shares, 96

superimposition of random grids, 102

thresholding, 104

triplet, constraint values of, 114

uniform scheme, 98

variations of photograph visual cryptography, 109-115

approaches to photograph visual cryptography, 109

continuous-tone subpixel, 115

error and secret diffusion, 113-114

positive and negative shadow images, 112-113

random-dot shadow images, 111

secret information pixels, 112

similar shadow images, 111-112

simultaneous iterative search, 114

tone adjustment, 114-115

watermarking technique, 111

PISSS, see Polynomial-based ISSS


annihilated, 52

binary, 59, 60

expansion, 21, 45, 47, 59, 80

alignment problem, 297, 298

color images, 45, 47

contrast bounds, 236

image secret sharing, 387

photograph visual cryptography, 106

probabilistic visual cryptography schemes, 128, 133, 138, 142

visual cryptography schemes with reversing, 256

visual secret sharing, 21, 111, 175

preset, 16

reconstructed, 59

reverse coding of, 148

secret information, 9, 112

Plaintext attack, 339, 341

Polynomial-based image sharing, 403-424

authentication-based steganography study, 404

cipher-based attacks, 404

Cyclic Redundant Code, 405, 415

experimental results, 418-420

evaluating authentication, 419-422

fidelity analysis, 418-419

fake shares, 409, 415, 422

Inverted-Pattern-LSB information hiding algorithm, 410

pixel recovery, 406

polynomial-based sharing scheme, 405-407

Lagrange interpolation scheme, 406-407

Shamir’s secret sharing scheme, 405-406

preliminaries and related works, 407-412

inverted pattern LSB scheme, 409-410

Lin-Tsai scheme, 407-409

scalable secret image sharing, 410-412

Thien-Lin scheme, 407

Yang et al.’s scheme, 409

random bit string, 408

Revised Algorithm of High-Capacity and Applications, 412

Secret Embedding and Detecting Algorithm, 416, 418

steganography, purpose of, 404

stego-block, 408, 409

stego-image imperceptibility, 404

Target Secret Image Recovery Algorithm, 416, 417

Wang et al.’s scheme, 412-418

main algorithms, 416-418

secret image sharing, 412-414

set-up authentication, 414-415

Polynomial-based ISSS (PISSS), 464, 465

Private key, 91

Probabilistic visual cryptography schemes, 127-153

base matrices, 131

black subpixel, reconstructed, 141

canonical probabilistic schemes, 133-135

characteristic parameters of scheme, 132

constructing probabilistic schemes, 142-147

(2, n)-threshold probabilistic schemes with any pixel expansion, 144-147

(n, n)-threshold probabilistic schemes with any pixel expansion, 142-143

contrast thresholds, 130

cryptographic paradigm, 128

deterministic models, 128

distribution matrix, 129

novel probabilistic schemes, 142

open problems, 150

pixel expansion, 128, 133, 138

probabilistic schemes with Boolean operations, 147-150

(2, n) scheme for binary images (Wang), 147-149

(n, n) scheme for binary images (Wang), 149-150

probabilistic schemes with no pixel expansion, 135-138

reconstructed black pixel, 141

reconstruction phase, 148

reverse coding of pixel, 148

security property, 137

subpixels, 129

trading pixel expansion with probabilities, 138-141

cardinality of collections, 140

probabilistic schemes with given pixel expansion, 138-141

reconstructed black subpixel, 141

visual cryptography schemes, 129-133

deterministic model, 129-131

probabilistic model, 131-133

Progressive visual cryptography, 388

PSNR, see Peak-Signal-to-Noise Ratio


Qualified sets, 256

Quantization errors, 15, 16

diffusion to grayscale pixels, 16, 17

excessive, 15

grayscale image, 4

SIP-caused, 11


RAHA, see Revised Algorithm of High-Capacity and Applications

Random dither, 104

Random grids, visual cryptography and, 185-221

binary image, 189, 198, 208, 213, 219

binary random pixel, 186

commutative operation, 187

generic procedure, 191

gray-level image, encryption, 206

light transmission, 202, 203, 204

mathematical induction, 199

monochromatic-colored shares, 213

random grids, 186-188

random pixel, random grid, and average light transmission, 186-187

superimposition of random grids, 187-188

subtractive model, primitive colors in, 206

visual cryptograms of random grids, 189-219

algorithms of (n, n)-VCRG for binary images, 196-205

algorithms of (n, n)-VCRG for gray-level and color images, 206-207

definition of light contrast and performance evaluation, 194-196

definition of VCRG, 189-190

experiments for (2, 2)-VCRG, 193-194

experiments for (n, n)-VCRG, 207-219

(2, 2)-VCRG algorithms for binary images, 190-193

Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) model, 34, 35

Reversing, visual cryptography schemes with, 255-279

almost ideal contrast VCS with reversing, 262-265

basis matrices, 260, 277

binary secret sharing scheme, 266

black pixels, perfect reconstruction of, 256, 260

concatenation of matrices, 261

efficiency of VCS, 276

forbidden sets, 256

ideal contrast VCS with reversing, 265-278

comparisons, 276

construction using binary secret sharing scheme, 266-268

construction using non-perfect black VCS, 276-278

construction using perfect black VCSs, 268-276

scheme by Cimato, De Santis, Ferrara, and Masucci, 269-271

scheme by Hu and Tzeng, 271-273

scheme by Yang, Wang, and Chen, 274-275

maximal contrast schemes, 260

no loss of resolution, 257, 266

pixel expansion, 256

qualified sets, 256

reversing, 262

shares, 255

stacking operations, 268

subtransparency, 272

VCS with reversing, 256

visual cryptography schemes, 258-262

(k, k)-threshold visual cryptography schemes, 259-260

perfect black visual cryptography schemes, 260-262

white pixel, 275, 276

XOR, 271

Revised Algorithm of High-Capacity and Applications (RAHA), 412

RGB model, see Red, Green, and Blue model


Safety property, 40

Secret Embedding and Detecting Algorithm (SEDA), 416, 418

Secret information pixels (SIPs), 9, 15, 112

Secret key, backup mechanism to, 382

Secret palette, 41

Secret sharing (SS), 2, 382, see also Image secret sharing

Sector blocks, 66

Security property, 42

SEDA, see Secret Embedding and Detecting Algorithm

Shadow images

positive and negative, 112-113

random-dot, 111

relative difference of, 100

similar, 111-112

Shares palette, 41

Shifted scheme, 302

Shifted share matrices, 302, 306, 308

SIPs, see Secret information pixels

SS, see Secret sharing

Steganography, image sharing with, 425-461

adopted techniques in proposed scheme, 434-445

canny edge detector, 440-441

edge lookup inverse halftoning technique, 441-443

error diffusion technique, 434-438

interpolation technique, 439-440

Shamir scheme for secret sharing, 443-445

authentication codes, 427

Chinese Remainder Theorem, 427, 432

detection ratios of different schemes, 458

edge-based lookup table, 441

excursion skill, 437

experimental results, 453-458

Floyd and Steinberg error diffusion strategy, 434

Gaussian filter, 440

HyperText Markup Language, 426

least significant bits, 432

lookup table, 441

most significant bits, 452


binary representations of, 429

positions of, 436

ProbVSS scheme, 427

proposed scheme, 445-452

reconstruction and verifying phase, 449-452

sharing and embedding phase, 445-449

related work, 428-433

Chang et al.’s scheme, 432-433

Lin and Tsai’s scheme, 428-430

Yang et al.'s scheme, 430-432

visual secret sharing, 426

Steganography in halftone images, 351-380

artificial image, 368

black pixels, 366, 367

Data Hiding by Conjugate Error Diffusion, 359-363

Data Hiding by Stochastic Error Diffusion, 356-359

data hiding techniques, 356

halftone pixel, probability distribution of, 353, 366

image halftoning, 351

intensity curves, 371

Jarvis kernel, 354, 355, 356, 370

least significant bit, 356

ordered dithering, 351, 352

output halftone value, 353

performance analysis, 363-377

review of error diffusion, 352-356

Steinberg kernel, 353, 355, 356

summary, 377-379

toggling, 360, 362

trial halftone value, 361

watermarking data, 352

Steinberg kernel, 353, 355, 356

Symbol-orientation, 332


TAN, see Transaction number

Target Secret Image Recovery Algorithm (TSIRA), 416, 417

Threshold cryptography scheme, 382

TiOISSS, see Two-in-one ISSS

Transaction number (TAN), 331

Transforming circle, 90

TSIRA, see Target Secret Image Recovery Algorithm

Two-decoding-option image sharing method, 463-485

contrast condition, 466

experimental results and comparisons, 478-481

Galois Field, 466

gray-level secret image, 474

halftone secret image, 473

Hamming weight, 466

human visual system, 464

image secret sharing scheme, 463

new (k, n)-TiOISSS, 470-478

design concept, 471-472

lossless TiOISSS, 473-478

perfect-reconstruction phase, 477

polynomial-based ISSS, 464

preliminaries, 465-467

PISSS, 465-466

VCS, 466-467

previous works, 468-470

Jin et al.’s TiOISSS, 468

Lin and Lin's TiOISSS, 468-470

prime number, 465

secret image, no distortion in, 470

white pixels, 471

Two-in-one ISSS (TiOISSS), 464


Uniform scheme, 98


VCRG, see Visual cryptograms of random grids

Visual cryptograms of random grids (VCRG), 185, see also Random grids, visual cryptography and

Visual secret sharing (VSS), 426

applications to steganography, 2

basic properties, 107

block diagram, 15

comparison with other visual cryptography schemes, 108

definition, 2

example, 98

halftone error diffusion, 5-9

construction of VSS scheme, 8

notion and formal definitions, 5-8

innocent-looking images, 3

k-out-of-n, 2

multiple-secret sharing schemes, 68-91

pixel expansion, 21, 111, 175

principles, 426

printed text, 318, 322

ProbVSS scheme, 427

two-secret sharing schemes, 62-68

VSS, see Visual secret sharing



active, 356

data, 352

state-of-the-art, 388

technique, 111

visibility, 363

White block, 83


XOR-based visual cryptography, 155-183

AND operation, 175

binary vector, 160

bitmap block truncation coding, 176

black image, change into white image, 156

Droste’s algorithm, 167

final shadows, 180

Hamming distance, 158

Mach-Zehnder interferometer, 155

maximum distance separable codes, 163

nonoverlapping blocks, 180

OR operation, 157

preliminaries, 156-157

random mage, 180

scheme with contrast, 159

secret image, reconstruction of, 177

secret sharing scheme using Boolean operation, 174-181

(k, n) scheme, 178-181

(2, n) scheme, 175-176

(n, n) scheme, 176-178

security, 172

temporary shadows, 179

visual cryptography scheme using polarization of light, 158-168

(k, n) scheme, 159-168

(2, n) scheme, 158-159

(n, n) scheme, 159

visual cryptography scheme with reversing, 168-174

(k, n) VC scheme using cyclic-shift operation, 168-170

scheme for general access structure, 171-174

XOR operation, 168, 175

X-position parameter, 396

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