

.a (static libraries), 69, 539

Accessibility package, 14

Accessory setting

details, 232

editors, 211

Accounts panel

Apple ID, 298

Developer ID, 311

iOS provisioning, 300301, 303

remote repositories, 8889

version control, 80

ACTION variable, 551


for wiring menus, 331

xcodebuild, 471472

Activate/Deactivate Breakpoints, 39

Active Allocation Distribution style, 496

Activity Monitor instrument, 507508


Ad-hoc distributions, 299, 304, 315316

Add, 33

Add 4 Constraints, 175

Add an Account, 300

Add Apple ID, 298, 300

Add Breakpoint at Current Line, 36

Add Build Rule, 474475

Add Entity, 118

Add Exception Breakpoint, 150

Add Files to

availability, 326

get-file sheets, 128, 252

mogenerated directory, 328

projects, 460

target pickers, 73

Add Item, 422423

Add Localization, 383

Add Missing Constraints, 171, 364365

Add Missing Constraints in Game List Controller, 168

Add Other, 72

Add Relationship, 121

Add Remote, 8788

Add/Remove Breakpoint at Current Line, 527

Add Run Script Build Phase, 135

Add shortcut, 501

Add Target, 244

Add to targets, 128

Add User-Defined Setting, 550

Added file state, 83

Added folders, 128

Additional exported UTI properties view, 338

addWindowController method, 347

Adobe PhoneGap, 576577

Advanced attributes for models, 120

Agent applications, 411

Alert sheets

in debugging, 33

Git messages, 82

version control, 96

Alignment of labels, 170171

All 2 Constraints, 173

All Entities, 452

All Frames in Container, 173

All in builds, 462, 476

All Issues, 476

All Messages, 476

All Processes, 493

Allocation Density style, 496

Allocations & Leaks service, 501

Allocations instruments, 496, 506, 538

Allow Location Simulation, 517

Allows Editing Multiple Values Selection, 355

alltargets, 472

Also create XIB file, 158, 175

Always Presents Application Modal Alerts, 355

Always use deferred mode, 502

Analysis and measurement, 264

memory, 277278

speed. See Speed

Analysis message display, 56

analyze action for xcodebuild, 471

Anchor View, 378

Antecedents in makefile goals, 459

Antialiasing, 414

.app directory, 403

App Extensions, 493

App groups, registering, 282283

App Store

Enterprise program, 298, 315316

OS X applications, 309

program members, 302

provisioning, 297299

sandboxing, 308311

TestFlight distributions, 304305

Xcode downloads, 1013

Xcode updates, 472

.app suffix, 473

Appcelerator Titanium, 577

AppCode, 576

AppDelegate class

description, 112, 289290

OS X applications, 324

AppIcon image set, 221

Apple Developer Forums, 567

Apple developer programs, 1213, 297299

Apple Pay system, 307

AppleGlot tool, 391

Application Data popup, 517

Application IDs, 299

Application Language popup, 388, 517

Application Region popup, 517


bundles, 403405

icons, 339340

Info plist keys for, 406409

iOS. See iOS

registering, 300303

tests, 260

/Applications directory, 10, 17

applicationWillResignActive method, 290

applicationWillTerminate method, 290

Apps Groups, 307

apropos in lldb, 523

Architecture-specific build settings, 469470

archive action in xcodebuild, 471

Archives organizer, 312, 317

ARCHS, 556



Arguments panel, 516

Ask on Launch, 294

Assembly listings, 63

assert macro, 531


description, 243

XCTest, 261264

Asset catalogs, 484, 559



Assets, protecting, 303

Assets catalog, 219

adding images to, 220221

image sets, 219220

Assignments (=) in Boolean contexts, 149

Assistant editor

assembly display, 63

caller display, 58

connection checks, 176

Editor area, 162

Interface Builder, 159

jump bar, 164165

linking views, 166

localizations, 389, 393

Option-key navigation, 437

overview, 536538

Preview, 165166

views, 162, 176177

Associated Domains, 307

Associative arrays, 418, 429

Asynchronous tests, 260261

At sign (@) notation, 520

atIndexPath method, 146

ATSApplicationFontsPath key, 410

Attributes for models, 118121

Attributes Inspector, 164165

Audio package, 14

@author keyword, 448

Authorization in iOS provisioning, 299

Authorized devices in iOS provisioning, 299

Auto Layout, 185

labels, 171, 200202

localizations, 375378

overview, 186

permanent views, 202205

planning constraints, 197200

purpose, 185186

size classes, 197

size constraints, 186188

subviews, 188197

views, 167169

Automatic code completion, 22, 28, 180183

Automatic for Assistant editor, 162

Automatic Reference Counting, 58

Automatic Snapshotting, 507

Automatically continue after evaluating actions, 520

Automation instrument, 510

Autoresize limitations, 185186

Auxiliary tools, 14


@b bold comment format, 448

B2B program, 298

Background Modes, 307

backslashes () for breaking input lines, 5

Badges for test navigator, 244

Bar graphs in Debug navigator, 211213, 266267

Base localization, 373376

Baseline performance, 276

Basic button, 462

BBEdit text editor, 571

Beta distributions, 299, 304306, 315316

Billboard view

overview, 164166

size constraints, 186188

testing, 183184

Binaries, fat, 482

Binary property lists, 430

Binary stores, 336

Bindings, 343

columns to team properties, 355357

document window, 345350

filling, 350357

game array controller, 369

game table, 369370

game-table labels, 369

League table to source list, 357359

object controllers, 352354

Passer section, 363364

passer table, 365367

passer-table labels, 364365

running, 367369

storyboard segues, 343345

tables to teams, 354355

team selection, 359361

teams to tables, 361363

Blame view in Comparison editor, 99, 101102

Block Graph style, 496

Blogs, 569570

Bluetooth instrument, 509

Bookmark navigator, 440

Books, 565567

Borders for buttons, 229

Branching in version control systems, 102104

Breakpoint navigator, 150

breakpoint set, 527

Breakpoints, 35

listing, 150

lldb, 524

removing, 36

setting, 3637

tips, 525

unit testing, 254

working with, 518521

brokenByLines method, 289

@bug keyword, 448

build action in xcodebuild, 471

Build Configuration popup, 466

Build For Running, 476

Build New Instrument, 512

Build Phases tab

description, 70

libraries, 75

targets, 50, 7172, 460461

text data, 135

widget, 294295

Build Rules tab, 70, 474475

Build settings, 462463, 549550

code signing, 552553

Compiler, 556559


environment, 551552

Info.plist, 559560

Java, 560

locations, 553556

search paths, 561

source trees, 562563

Build Settings tab

build settings, 462466, 550

code size, 531

flags, 558

hierarchy, 463464

packages, 405

product names, 322

Quick Help, 436, 447

release size, 532

SDK, 112

targets, 70, 317

Building views, 161162

labels, 169171

outlets and Assistant editors, 163164

Builds and build system, 459

command-line tools, 471473

configuration files, 468471

configurations, 466467

custom rules, 474475

dependencies in widget, 294295

distribution, 314318

projects, 2223, 2930

Report Navigator, 476477

settings, 462463, 465466

settings hierarchy, 463465

structures, 459462

transcript, 476487

tricks, 539541


builtin-copy tool, 483

Bulleted lists, 456

Bumgarner, Bill, 539

Bundle Identifier setting

new projects, 19

OS X applications, 323

Bundles, 279, 401, 403

application, 403405

Info.plist keys and file, 405409

location settings, 555556

.strings files, 392

targets, 543

Button borders, 229


.c files, 462

@c comment format, 448

Call-tree detail, 271

Call-tree list, 498


segues on, 239

view controllers, 159

Canvas menu, 188

Capabilities editor, 306308

Capabilities tab, 282283, 309

Capitalization, 233

Carbon Events instrument, 510

Cascade delete rule, 122

CC, 462

Cell-based views, 348

cellForRowAtIndexPath method

custom cells, 215217

images, 218219

outlets, 208209

prototype cells, 211

table view, 145

Cells. See Tables and table cells


code signing, 552

Developer ID, 12, 311312

distribution builds, 314315

Identifiers & Profiles site, 300

iOS provisioning, 299, 303

private keys, 303

team membership, 300301

CFBundleIconFiles key, 412

CFBundleVersion, 316

Change color, 452

Check and Install Now, 445

Check for and install updates automatically, 445

Check Out, 89

Check out an existing project, 17, 80, 85, 89

checkNSErrorContent method, 248

Choose a profiling template for, 491

Choose Target, 493

clang compiler, 47

builds, 482

cross-function analysis, 5556

drawbacks, 5758

indexing, 5657

local analysis, 5355

modules, 6566

overview, 5253

precompilation, 64




Class Info settings, 440441

Class Prefix, 111

Classes (educational), 570

Classes (objects)

managed-object. See Managed-object classes

name refactoring, 142143

object allocations by, 489

renaming, 144

specializing, 132138

clean action for xcodebuild, 471

Cloning repositories, 85

close_enough function, 189190

Close Project, 24

cocoa-dev list, 568

Cocoa Events instrument, 510

Cocoa language application frameworks

alternatives, 576577

Core Data, 111

libraries, 76

pointers, 54

Cocoa Layout instrument, 506

Cocoa Touch framework, 107, 180, 286

CocoaHeads meetings, 570

CocoaPods package manager, 574

Code completion, 22, 28, 180183

Code completion: Automatically insert closing “}”, 28

Code-folding ribbon, 535536




Code Signing Identity, 266


Code signing settings, 552553

Code snippets, 181183


buttons, 221

labels, 170, 189

views, 164

Color controls

palette, 164

well, 164

Column Sizing setting, 350

Columns, 172173

Combined for build settings, 462

Combo fields for property lists, 432

Command Line Developer Tools package, 12

Command Line Tool template, 19

Command-line tools, 11

builds, 471473

package, 14


documentation, 447449

reStructured Text, 456457

Commit editor, 8485

Commit sheet, 91


selective, 9193

version control systems, 8485, 98

Company Identifier setting, 323

Comparison editor, 99100

Blame view, 101102

Log view, 101

Compile Sources build phase, 50, 460462

Compilers and compiling, 45

build settings, 556559

clang, 5253

controllers, 148149

cross-function analysis, 5556

dynamic loading, 5253

indexing, 5657

intermediate products, 6264

linking, 5052

local analysis, 5355

precompilation, 6465

process, 4552

warnings, 2930, 539

Completes action, 42

Completion, code, 22, 28, 180183

componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet method, 254255


Condition field for breakpoints, 520

Conditionally Sets Editable, 355, 366

Configuration files, 468471

Configure Repository sheet, 85

configureView method, 178179

Conflicted file state, 8384


assignments, 533

version control systems, 8998

Connecting outlets, 163164

Connection inspector for First Responders, 332333

Connections for outlets, 177180

Connections instrument, 508

Console applications, 23

Console windows, 526


description, 188

labels, 200202

planning, 197200

size, 186188

trace document window, 499

views, 168, 186188

Contained extensions, 280

Container apps, 294

Content Compression Resistance, 203

Content Compression Resistance Priority, 204

Contents directory, 403


Continue, 39

Continuously Updates Value, 356

Controller Key setting, 354355

Controllers layers, 141

MVC model, 108, 110

object, 352354

view. See View controllers


data types, 429

property list formats, 430

Copy Bundle Resources build phase

build rules, 475

folder references, 533

sample-data.csv, 136137

targets, 74

Xcode structures, 460

Copy for dictionaries, 424

Copy items into destination group’s folder (if needed), 326

Copy Source Changes, 100

Copy Transcript for Shown Results, 477

Core Animation instrument, 506

Core Data

events, 490

model objects, 117

Core Data Cache Misses instrument, 505

Core Data Faults instrument, 505

Core Data Fetches instrument, 505

Core Data Saves instrument, 505

Counters instrument, 508

CPU Activity instrument, 509

CPU bar for speed analysis, 267

CPU perspective, 494

CPU Usage style, 496

Create a new Xcode Project, 17, 25

Create Document-Based Application, 323

Create folder references, 128

Create folder references for any added folders, 533

Create Git repository on, 20, 25, 80, 323

Create groups, 128

Create groups for any added folders, 128, 326


Create New Remote, 85

Create NSManagedObject Subclass, 124

Create Symbolic Breakpoint, 527

Credits.rtf file, 385388

Cross-function analysis, 5556

CSResourcesFileMapped key, 410

.csv data files, 246

CSV Reader, 246251

CSVError class, 253

CSVFileTests class, 247

Current Bytes style, 496

Current Views, 40

Custom build rules, 474475

Custom instruments, 511512

Custom script, 475

Custom segues, 239

Custom table cells, 214217


DarwinPorts package manager, 574

Dash styles tool, 572

Dashcode package, 14

Data access in widget, 282285

Data formatters for numbers, 367368

Data Model editor, 118

Data Model inspector, 119122

Data Protection, 308

Data types for property lists, 417419, 429431

dataSource property, 207

Date attribute, 119

Date data type

property lists, 417419, 429

Swift, 60

Debug area

breakpoints, 36

components, 23, 3133

hiding, 23, 4041

variables, 37, 254, 525

DEBUG macro, 531

Debug navigator, 31

actions, 42

Game table, 211212

speed analysis, 266268

stack trace, 151152

Debug Selected Views, 195, 292

Debug XPC services used by this application, 517

Debugging, 515

breakpoints. See Breakpoints

controllers, 149154

dependent targets, 76

lldb command line, 523525

models, 139

problem fixes, 3942

projects, 3234

scheme options, 515518

stepping through code, 3739

tips, 525528

tricks, 538539

UI Hierarchy, 521

unit testing, 254256

Variables pane, 3738

views, 521523

Debugging-symbol package, 486

Decrease Deck Size, 495

Deepest Stack Libraries style, 496

Default attribute, 120

Default - Property List XML, 427428

Defaults, sharing, 283284

Deferred Mode, 502

#define directive, 62


Definitions, 535

Delays Events, 380

Delegate design pattern, 145

delegate property, 207

Delete Rule for relationships, 121


menus, 330

projects, 24

Deny delete rule, 122


implicit, 76

makefile goals, 459460, 462

widget, 294295

Dependent targets, 7476

Deployment Target field, 111112

@deprecated keyword, 448

DERIVED_FILE_DIR, 475, 554555

Derived files, 553554

description method, 526

Descriptions for exceptions, 151

Designable views, 193

Designing widget, 281282

destination for xcodebuild, 472

Destination locations

Doxygen, 452

settings, 553555

Detail area in trace document window, 495

Detail Disclosure, 232

DetailViewController class, 113




/Developer directory, 10


Developer ID, 311314

Developer ID Application identity, 311

Developer ID Installer identity, 311


Developer programs, 1213, 297299


Developer Technical Support (DTS), 12, 568569



Development process in iOS applications, 304

Devices settings, 111, 302303

Diagnostics tab, 518

Diagrams panel, 452453

Diamond badges, 244


object properties, 233

property lists, 417419, 422, 424, 431432

didReceiveMemoryWarning method, 292293

didSet method, 247248, 378

Directives in Swift, 139

Directories for localization, 373374

Directory I/O instrument, 505

Discard All Changes, 100, 125

Discard Changes, 99100

Disclosure triangles in trace document window, 495

Disk image (.dmg) files, 1314

Disk Monitor instrument, 508

Disk space requirements, 10

Dispatch instruments, 505

Display Brightness instrument, 509

Display Pattern field, 364, 366367, 369

Display requirements, 10

Display Settings tab, 497499

Distributed source-control systems, 84


builds, 314318

iOS applications, 304

prerelease, 304306

ditto command, 481

.dmg (disk image) files, 1314

Do not show this message again, 33

Dock, 17

DOCSET_BUNDLE_ID setting, 453

DOCSET_FEEDNAME setting, 453



Docsets (documentation sets)

installing, 455456

overview, 444445

searching, 442

Document class, 323324

Document Extension setting, 323

Document outlet sidebar, 176

Document outline view, 159

Document Versions: Allow debugging when using document Versions Browser, 517

Document window, building, 345350

Document.xcdatamodeld file, 324

Documentation, 435

docsets, 444445

Documentation window, 439444

downloading, 11

Doxygen, 449456

help menu, 438439

Open Quickly, 437438

Quick Help, 435437, 446449

reStructured Text, 456458

Documentation and API Reference settings, 438

Documentation sets (docsets)

installing, 455456

overview, 444445

searching, 442


application bundles, 409

icons, 339340

OS X, 321322

Dollar sign ($) setting, 533

Dot panel in Doxygen, 454

DOT_PATH setting, 454

Double Length Pseudolanguage, 388, 391


docsets, 444445

packages, 1415

Xcode, 1314

Downloads panel, 11, 15, 445

Doxygen generator, 446

basic settings, 450454

comments, 449

docset installation, 455456

expert settings, 453

preparation, 449450

running, 454455


.dSYM packages, 485

DTPerformanceSession framework, 504

DTrace Data Import, 512

DTrace Script Export, 512

DTrace tool, 511512

DTS (Developer Technical Support), 12, 568569

Duck-typing, 58

Dynamic libraries (.dylib), 539

Dynamic loading, 5253


@e keyword, 448

Edges for views, 228

Edit All in Scope, 57

Edit Breakpoint, 520521

Edit Find Options, 90

Edit for targets, 493

Edit Instrument sheet, 511

Edit ‘Reads/Writes’ Instrument, 511

Edit Scheme, 76, 270, 387


build settings, 465466

property lists, 419429

view controllers, 144147

Editing tab, 22, 28, 180

Editor area, 32, 162

Editor control, 42

Editor menu, adjusting, 532

Editor Style control, 118

Editor table, 233235

passing data to, 235237

retrieving data from, 237239

Editor view controllers, 233235

Editors, 227

Assistant. See Assistant editor

Capabilities, 306308

Commit, 8485

Comparison, 99102

Data Model, 118

linking, 231232

Merge, 97

Project, 375

Property List, 406, 422429

RTF, 385386

segues, 240

static table cells, 232233

Target. See Targets and Target editor

text, 571572

Version, 99

ellipses (...) for file paths, 5

@em keyword, 448

emacs text editor, 572

Email Link, 444

Embed in Application, 280, 286

Embedded view controllers, 229231

Enable for Development button, 302


Enable user interface debugging, 521

#end directive, 139

Energy Usage instrument, 509

enqueueGame method, 274

Enterprise developer program

ad-hoc distributions, 304

Apple developer programs, 298299

build settings, 315

Entities, 117

models, 118

OS X applications, 326330

Entitlement chains, 306

Enumerated lists, 456457

Environment settings, 551552

Epsilon values, 262

Equality assertions, 262263


compiler, 2930

debugging. See Debugging

displaying, 53, 55

unit testing, 254

Errors Only, 476

Escape key shows code completions, 181

Event Profiler instrument, 508

Events, 490, 508

EXC_BAD_ACCESS message, 32

Exception breakpoints, 150

@exception keyword, 448

Exceptions, 150154

assertions, 263264

temporary, 309



existingPasserByName function, 329330

Expand Variables Based, 516

expectationWithDescription method, 260

Expert tab in Doxygen, 451453

Export Accounts, 303

Export as a Mac Application, 539

Export button in Documentation window, 443

Export Developer ID-signed Application, 312

Export for Localization, 396

Export Items, 303

Export Snapshot, 95

Exported UTIs category, 336

expression, 524

expression interpreter, 524

Extended Detail area, 495496

Display Settings, 497499

Record Settings, 496497

Extensions.swift file, 129

extern keyword, 535


F-keys, 39

Face to face support, 570

Family popup for labels, 170

Fat (universal) binaries, 482

Features, turning off, 22

Fetched Properties table, 118

fetchedResultsController method, 146

Field lists in reStructuredText, 457

File Activity instrument, 505

File Attributes instrument, 505

File Format menu, 336

File inspector tab, 72

File Locks instrument, 505

File Types column, 385


adding to targets, 7173

configuration, 468471

renaming, 534

searching, 535

sharing, 284285

states, 8283

File’s Owner setting, 332, 354

Filesystem instruments, 505506

Fill With Test Data, 334

Filled Line Graph style, 496

Filling bindings, 350357

fillViewContents method, 284

fillWithData, 332336

Filtering stack trace, 151152

Find and Replace, 89, 425

Find for property lists, 425

Find Implicit Dependencies, 76

Find in Project, 93

Find in Workspace/Project, 425

Find navigator, 144


bundles, 403

docset versions, 445

instruments, 491

iOS apps, 405

packages, 402

Fink package manager, 574

First Responders, 332333

Fix-it popover, 148

Flatten Recursion, 498

FlushGameQueue method, 274

FlushGameQueues method, 274


new projects, 20

references, 533

Font field for labels, 169170

Fonts & Colors panel, 32

Fonts for widget, 292

forAllPassersInContext method, 274

Format menu, deleting, 330

Formats tab for strings, 399

Formatters for numbers, 367368

Forums, 567568

FOSS (free and open-source) software, 574

Foundation command-line program, 53

Fraction Digits setting, 367

frame in lldb, 524


benefits, 52

in compiling, 51

header files, 64, 74

libraries in, 76, 285290

Objective-C, 114

overview, 279

playgrounds, 189

testing, 243

Frameworks directory, 405


Frameworks groups in iOS projects, 114

Free and open-source software (FOSS), 574

free function, 489

French localization, 375

Credits.rtf file, 385388

locales, 383385

Main.storyboard, 389392

process, 382

resources, 392394

strings, 394397

fulfill method, 261


fullViewContents method, 293294

Function keys, 39


Game Center mediator, 306

Game table, 207

first run, 211213

Model-to-View support, 210

outlets, 207208

protocol methods, 208209

prototype cells, 211

table cells, 214217

GameDB class, 287289

GameDetailController class, 376382

GameListController class, 144

billboard view, 164, 166, 201

connections, 177180, 215

outlets, 175177

tables, 207

widget, 281

gameTableClicked method, 381

Garbage collection, 558

Gatekeeper, 12, 311314

gcc compiler, 53









GCC_WARN_flags, 559


General editor for iOS projects, 111

General settings

automatic features, 22

controllers, 148

icons, 221

images, 221

Info.plist file, 405

instruments, 501502

iOS projects, 113

Issue Navigator detail, 56

libraries, 76

property lists, 419

registering apps, 300

Target editor, 224

GENERATE_DOCSET setting, 453

Generate Test Data build phase, 137

Generic team provisioning profiles, 302

genstrings utility, 395396

Gestures for navigation, 537538

Get Started with a playground, 18

Git version-control system, 25, 575

OS X applications, 323

repositories. See Repositories

servers, 88

Xcode with, 8384

GitHub, 575

.gitignore files, 81

Global hot key combinations, 501

GNU General Public License, 53

Goals for makefiles, 459

GPS instrument, 509

GPU Driver instrument, 506

GPU Frame Capture, 518

Graphics, 217

assets catalog, 219221

icons and launch images, 221225

image views, 218219

table cells, 217218

Graphics instruments, 506

Graphics package, 14

Graphs in Debug navigator, 211213

GraphViz package, 449

GROUP, 551

Group from Selection, 124, 161

Group popup, 26

Grouped style, 232

Groups, framework, 114


Handoff, 307

hAny bar, 200202

Hardware capabilities, 309

Hardware IO package, 14

hCompact, 202


HeaderDoc format, 446, 456

Headers, 29

library targets, 74

prefix, 6465

Heads-up (HUD) window, 176

HealthKit framework, 308

Heights Equally, 203

Hello World project, 19

building and running, 2223

creating, 1922

deleting, 24


application bundles, 410

help menu, 438439

lldb, 523525

Quick Help, 435437, 446449

help breakpoint, 523

help command, 523

Help menu, 438439

HFS+ filesystem, 544545

Hidden binding, 364

Hide Missing Symbols, 271, 273, 497498

Hide/Show Debug Area button, 38

Hide system calls in the stack trace button, 499

Hide System Libraries, 271272, 498

Hide Toolbar, 526

Hiding Debug area, 41

Highlight setting, 357

HOME, 551

Homebrew package manager, 449, 574

HomeKit framework, 308

Hooking up outlets, 177

Hopper Disassembler tool, 47, 572573

Hosted extensions, 280

Hosting apps, 294

Hot key combinations, 501

HTML and Doxygen, 453454

HUD (heads-up) window, 176


@i comment format, 448

@IBAction type

linking controls to actions, 177

unwind segues, 238

@IBDesignable type, 193

@IBInspectable type, 193

@IBOutlet type

array controllers, 352

constraints, 188

MacStatView, 379

outlets, 175177

removing, 542

view controllers, 163, 166

iCloud capabilities, 306


applications and documents, 339340

launch images, 221225

Identifier popup, 229

#if directive, 139

Ignored file state, 82

Image sets, 219220

Image Views, 218219

Images. See Graphics

Images.xcassets catalog, 220

OS X applications, 324

overview, 113

Implicit dependencies, 76

#import directive, 62

Import Energy Diagnostics from Device, 509

Import Localizations, 397

In-app purchases, 306

In-house distributions, 304, 315

In Project, 535

In Workspace, 535

#include directive, 62, 470

Increase Deck Size, 495

Indentation tab, 22, 28

Indexed attribute, 120

Indexing, 5657

Individuals in Apple developer programs, 298

Info.plist file, 324, 431432

advertising in, 306

application keys, 406409

background modes, 307

builds, 315316, 485

bundles, 403, 405406, 409, 415

gloss effect, 223

localizations, 406

OS X applications, 324

packages, 401402

property lists, 420, 422

settings, 559560

strings, 398

Info tab

application keys, 409410

builds, 466467, 469

Info.plist file, 405

localizations, 375

property lists, 419420

Quick Help, 436

schemes, 515516

tests, 245


INFOPLIST_FILE, 314, 405, 559



InfoPlist.strings file, 387, 398, 406


Inherited setting, 533





Input lines, breaking, 5

Input/output instruments, 506

Insert Pattern, 90

insertNewObject method, 147

Inspectable properties, 189, 196

install action for xcodebuild, 471472


docsets, 455456

Xcode, 11

installsrc action, 472

instantiateController method, 345

Instruction, 527

Instruments, 504

behavior, 504

Core Data, 505

custom, 511512

Dispatch, 505

filesystem, 505506

graphics, 506

input/output, 506

iOS energy, 509

master tracks, 506

overview, 489490

recording, 500503

running, 490491

saving and reopening, 503504

speed analysis, 268272

system, 507509

templates, 512513

threads/Locks, 509510

trace, 509

trace document window, 492500

tricks, 538

UI automation, 510

user interface, 510

Integer Digits setting, 368

Intentions for views, 168

Inter-App Audio service, 307

Interface Builder

Auto Layout, 186

class names, 143

constraints, 187188

designable views, 193

game detail, 378380

inspectable properties, 189, 196

linking views, 166

localizations, 385, 389

outlets, 175, 177, 208

permanent views, 202

property editing, 332

scene editing, 172

size classes, 197

table views, 349

view controllers, 158161, 163, 238

widget, 291

Interface Builder tab, 42, 160

Intermediate compiler products, 6264

Interpreted languages, 53

Invert Call Tree, 271272, 497498

I/O Activity instrument, 506


application bundles, 406409, 412415

Auto Layout. See Auto Layout

capabilities, 306308

energy instruments, 509

measurement and analysis. See Measurement and analysis model. See Models

MVC design pattern, 107110

as packages, 405

porting from, 326330

prerelease distributions, 304

provisioning. See Provisioning

scheme options, 517518

starting projects, 110112

table cells. See Tables and table cells

templates, 112114

unit testing. See Unit testing

view controllers. See View controllers

widget extension. See Widget

“iOS Debugging Magic (TN2239)”, 538

iOS Enterprise developer program

Apple developer programs, 298

build settings, 316

iOS icon is pre-rendered, 223

iOS Simulator

limitations, 213, 266

memory, 507

speed analysis, 266

templates, 513

tests, 252


iprofiler, 504

ISO-standard languages, 373

Issue navigator, 29

Issue Navigator Detail, 56

Issues: Show live issues, 53

Items of New Constraints, 175


Java, Build settings for, 560

JetBrains AppCode, 576

Join a Program, 298

JSON format for property lists, 430431

Jump bars

Assistant editor, 164165

description, 160161


Kaleidoscope tool, 573

Keep in Dock, 491

Key Bindings panel

controllers, 148

key equivalents, 227228

Preferences window, 533534

Key Equivalent field, 331

Key-Value Coding (KVC), 180, 233234

Key-Value Observation (KVO), 351, 353, 361

Key-value pairs

localizations, 389

property lists, 422

Keyboard panel, 39, 412, 501

Keyboard Shortcuts tab, 412

Keychain sharing, 306

keyPathsForValuesAffectingCurrentTeamName method, 362

Keys for applications, 406415

KVC (Key-Value Coding), 180, 233234

KVO (Key-Value Observation), 351, 353, 361



building views, 169171

constraints, 200202

tags, 215

Language & Region panel, 373

Language & Text panel, 399

Language popup, 111

Language setting, 323

Language tab, 373

Launch behavior for bundles, 410411

Launch due to a background fetch event, 518

Launch images, 221225

Launch storyboards, 224

LaunchScreen.xib layout, 113


Auto Layout. See Auto Layout

localizations, 375378

Layout guides for views, 168

layoutSubviews function, 194195

Leading edges of views, 228

LeagueDocument class, 333334

LeagueViewController class, 344, 347, 358360, 363

LeagueWindowController class, 345347

Leaks instrument, 507, 538

Left-side group for labels, 169171

Levels for build settings, 464465

libcrypto API, 9


adding, 7576

dynamic, 5253

instruments, 499500, 504

object, 51, 347348

static, 69, 539

targets. See Library targets

/Library/Developer directory, 1112

Library navigator, 444

Library palette, 504


Library targets, 69

adding, 6971

debugging, 76

dependent, 7476

description, 7071

headers, 74

membership, 7173

Library window, 499500

limitPinner function, 129

Line Graph style, 496

Line wrapping: Wrap lines to editor width, 22

Link Binary With Libraries build phase, 5051, 66, 75, 460

Linking and linkers

editing, 51

editors, 231232

process, 5052

tricks, 540

views, 166167

Lion, 308

lipo tool, 482

Lists in reStructured Text, 456457

Live Rendering, 193

lldb debugger

command line, 523525

linking description, 53

LLDB Quick Start Guide, 525

.lldbinit files, 525

llvm library, 53, 149

loadGames function, 272274, 334335


document window, 345347

dynamic, 5253

LeagueDocument data, 333334

loadSampleData method, 287288

loadStatViews method, 380

loadView method, 158

Local analysis, 5355

Local remote repositories, 8788

Local variables, 37

Locales, 383385

Localizable Strings file, 385

Localizable.strings file, 395396

Localization Debugging: Show non-localized strings, 517

Localizations, 368, 373

adding, 374376

application bundles, 408409

base, 374376

French. See French localization

game detail, 376382

Info.plist, 406

locales, 383385

modules and namespaces, 382

overview, 373374

strings, 398399


Doxygen, 452

settings, 553556

Locks instruments, 509510

Log Message, 520

Log view for Comparison editor, 99, 101

Logic tests, 260

Login button.png, 404


vs. breakpoints, 518519

builds, 476477

lproj system, 373374

LSApplicationCategoryType key, 410

LSBackgroundOnly key, 410

LSEnvironment key, 410

LSFileQuarantineEnabled key, 411

LSFileQuarantineExcludedPathPatterns key, 411

LSGetAppDiedEvents key, 410

LSMinimumSystemVersion key, 411

LSMinimumSystemVersionByArchitecture key, 411

LSMultipleInstancesProhibited key, 411

LSRequiresIPhoneOS key, 412

LSUIElement key, 411

LSUIPresentationMode key, 411


Mac App Store. See App Store

Mac Developer identity, 312

Mac OS X. See OS X

“Mac OS X Debugging Magic (TN2124)”, 538





Machine instructions, 49

MacOS directory, 404

MacPorts package manager, 574

MacStatView class, 376

Mailing lists, 568

Main.storyboard file, 112, 389392

MainInterface.storyboard file, 290

Makefile goals, 459

makeWindowControllers method, 344345

malloc function, 489

MallocDebug application, 489

Manage Flags, 508

Manage PM Events, 508

Manage Schemes editor, 317

Managed-object classes, 117, 123

creating, 124128

source control and product files, 136138

specializing, 132138

test data, 134136

Managed object contexts, binding, 352353

managedObjectContext property, 353

Maps capability, 306307

Margins in reStructured Text, 456458

MARK directive, 208

Mark Heap, 538

Mark Selected Files As Resolved, 84

Master branches in version control systems, 102103

Master-Detail Application template, 161162

Master tracks instruments, 506

MasterViewController class, 112, 141143

Matching, 144

Mavericks version, 911

Maximum attribute, 120, 368

MDM (Mobile-Device Management) systems, 304

measureBlock method, 246, 276

Measurement and analysis, 264

memory, 277278

speed. See Speed

Meetings, 570

Membership, target, 7173

Memory, 277278

instruments, 506507

problems, 538

RAM, 49

requirements, 10

Memory Monitor instrument, 508

Menus, wiring, 330331

file types, 336338

First Responders, 332333

icons, 339340

League Files, 338339

LeagueDocument data, 333334

managed documents, 334335

targets and actions, 331332

testing commands, 335336

Merge editor, 97

Merge from Branch, 104

Merge into Branch, 104

Merges in version control systems, 8998


analysis, 56

Documentation window, 444

logs, 520

Objective-C compilers, 544

Metadata in Git, 82

Method names, refactoring, 142

Min Length setting, 120

Mini instruments, 502

Minimum attribute, 120, 368

missing-braces-and-parentheses warning, 149

MKDirectionsApplicationSupportedModes key, 415

Mobile-Device Management (MDM) systems, 304

Modal scenes, 227233

Mode settings

Doxygen, 452

object controllers, 352

Model Key Path field, 354, 366367

Model-to-View support, 210

Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, 107108

controllers, 110

models, 108

views, 108110


attributes, 118121

debugging, 139

entities, 118

implementing, 117

managed-object classes. See Managed-object classes

OS X applications, 325330

relationships, 120123

Modified file state, 8283 file, 66


Modules, 6566

localizations, 382

Swift in, 289

symbols, 250

Modules extension, 52

mogenerator tool, 126128, 573

More Developer Tools, 14

Mouse buttons, 5

Mouse pointer variables, 37

Move Breakpoint To, 525

Multiple Values Placeholder, 356

MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern, 107108

controllers, 110

models, 108

views, 108110


Name labels, 169170


product, 322

refactoring, 142143

Namespaces, localizations, 382

nan (not a number), 35




Navigation panel for gestures, 537538

Navigators, 21

Breakpoint, 150

Debug, 211212

detail settings, 56

Documentation window, 439440

Issue navigator, 29

Library, 444

Project, 36

Report, 476

Symbol, 57

NDEBUG macro, 531

Net resources, 567570

Network Activity instrument, 509

Network Activity Monitor instrument, 508

Network capabilities, 309

New Branch, 102

New File assistant, 2627

New Folder

Doxygen, 452

subclasses, 124

New OS X Icon, 339340

New Project assistant, 1920, 27

iOS, 110

OS X, 328

New Scope, 535

New Target assistant, 69, 280

New Trace assistant, 491

newton_sqrt function, 189

Next Run, 494

.nib files, 143

nm tool, 63

No Access, 309

No Action delete rule, 121

No Selection Placeholder field, 356

Normalizing entities, 326

Not a number (nan), 35

not-enough-fields.csv file, 252

Notification Center widget, 290, 294295


NSAppleScriptEnabled key, 411

NSApplicationShowExceptions setting, 528

NSArray class, 151

NSArrayController class, 352353

NSBundle class, 373, 392

NSCoder Night meetings, 570

NSController class, 352

NSError class, 5455

NSFetchedResultsController class, 113, 129130, 144, 207

NSFileWrapper class, 402

NSHumanReadableCopyright key, 408, 410

NSLocalizedString class, 395

NSJSONSerialization class, 431

NSLog function, 519520

NSMainNibFile key, 407

NSManagedObject class, 145

MVC model, 107

subclass creation, 124

widget design, 281

NSManagedObjectCollector class, 353

NSManagedObjectContext class, 289

NSNull class, 431

NSObject class, 107

NSPersistentDocument class, 334, 353

NSPrincipalClass key, 407

NSRTFDPboardType file type, 402

NSScrollView, 544

NSServices key, 412

NSSplitView class, 357

NSSplitViewController class, 358

NSString class, 180

NSSupportsSuddenTermination key, 411

NSTextFields, 370

NSTextView, 544

NSZombieEnabled setting, 518

Null Placeholder, 356

Nullify delete rule, 122


data formatters, 367368

property lists, 417418, 429


.o files, 460

-O3 optimization, 540

objc-language list, 568

Object allocations by class, 489

Object controllers, 352354


Object files, 5051

objectAtIndexPath method, 144

Objective-C programs

assertions, 261262

characteristics, 5758

choosing, 111

compiler messages, 544

data types, 417418

namespaces, 382

optimization settings, 540

optional arguments, 395

renaming symbols in, 141143

shared libraries, 286

source files, 50

support for, 62


observeValueForKeyPath method, 360361

-Ofast optimization, 540

-Onone optimization, 540

Open another project, 18

Open GL ES, 518

Open in instruments, 504

Open Keyboard Shortcut Preferences, 501

Open Quickly, 261, 437438, 532

Open Recent, 24

OpenCL facility, 53

OpenGL ES Analyzer instrument, 506


compiler, 4849

speed, 272275

tricks, 540541

Option key, 537538

Optional for libraries, 75

Options panel, 1920

Options tab

localizations, 388

schemes, 516

Ordered for relationships, 121

Ordered lists, 417418

Organization Identifier, 110, 280

Organization Name setting

iOS projects, 110

new projects, 19

OS X projects, 323

Organizational Identifier setting, 19

Organizations in Apple developer programs, 298

Organizer window

derived files, 554

snapshots, 95

trash, 24

Orientation constraints, 197198

-Os optimization, 540

OS X, 321

application keys, 409412

bindings. See Bindings

bundles. See Bundles

capabilities, 306307

entities, 326330

frameworks. See Frameworks

goals, 321322

localizations. See Localizations

models, 325330

porting from iOS, 326330

property lists. See Property lists

sandboxing, 308311

starting applications, 322325

storyboard segues, 343345

wiring menus, 330340

OSAScriptingDefinition key, 412

OTA (over-the-air) installations, 304





otool tool, 63

outlet collections, 201


building views, 163164

code completion and snippets, 180183

connections, 177180

hooking up, 177

overview, 175176

table view, 207208

Output panel in Doxygen, 452

Over-the-air (OTA) installations, 304

Overlay for instruments, 497


@p code-text comment, 448

Package managers, 574

Packages, 401

downloading, 1415

RTFD, 401402

PaintCode tool, 573574

@param parameter comment, 448

Passbook system, 307

Passer Array controller, 363364

Passer class, 212, 231232

passer_rating function, 131, 256

Passer ratings project overview

building, 2930

controllers, 154155

creating, 2529

debugging, 3234

running, 3032

test case, 35

PasserEditController class, 228, 233235

PasserEditTableController class, 230, 233

passerGameHeader method, 394

PasserListController class, 160, 162, 231, 233, 236

Passing data to editor, 235237

Paste for dictionaries, 424

.pch files, 65

Peak Graph style, 496497


compiler, 4849

speed, 272275

tricks, 540541

XCTest, 276277

Performance bar charts, 31

Persistent State: Launch application without state restoration, 517

Personal VPN system, 307

Phases, build, 460461

PhoneGap framework, 576577

pinComparables function, 129

pip package, 446

Pixels for icons, 223

Plain style, 232


apps, 107110

constraints, 197200

platform in lldb, 523


Playback head in trace document window, 494

Player billboard, 186188

Playgrounds, 17, 189191


Plists. See Property lists

plutil tool, 428430

po command, 526

Point Graph style, 496

Pointers in Cocoa programming, 54

Points for icons, 223


Quick Help, 436437

variable values, 37

Portals for iOS, 304

Porting from iOS, 326330

POSIX working directory, 517

Precompilation, 6465

Prefer Margin Relative, 173174

Preferences window

Apple ID, 298

automatic features, 22

behaviors, 4042

bindings, 148

code completion, 28, 180

code-folding ribbon, 535536

controllers, 148

docsets, 444445

downloads, 11, 15

fonts, 32

indentation, 28

instruments, 501

Issue Navigator detail, 56

key equivalents, 533

navigational gestures, 537538

remote repositories, 85, 8889

source trees, 563

team membership, 300301

version control, 80

warnings and errors, 53

Prefix files, 6465

Prefix headers, 6465

prepareForSegue function, 234236, 283284, 381

Prepares Content, 352

Preprocessing xcconfig files, 470471

Preprocessors, 6263

Prerelease distributions, 304306

Prerelease versions, 13

Present As Popover connections, 239

Preview, 9495

Preview assistant, 168, 172

Preview view, 165166

Previous Run, 494

print_ln function, 191

Private keys for certificates, 303

Private role, 74

Probes, 511

process in lldb, 524

Process instrument, 508

Processor requirements, 10

Product files in managed-object classes, 136138



Product Name setting, 19, 322


Profile action, 490491


applications, 268

provisioning, 299303

Program members, 302



Project editor

library targets, 6970

localizations, 375


-project for xcodebuild, 472


Project navigator, 36

Project role, 74

ProjectBuilder, 1

Projects list for builds, 460

Projects overview

building, 2223, 2930

creating, 1922, 2529

debugging, 3234

deleting, 24

Doxygen settings, 452453

running, 2223, 3032

templates, 112114

Projects panel

derived files, 554

snapshots, 95

Properties for entities, 117

Property List editor, 406

limitations, 427429

working with, 422426

Property lists, 417

binary, 430

data types, 417419, 429431

editing, 419429

limitations, 431

localizations, 392394

specialized, 431432

text, 429430

Protecting assets, 303

Protocol methods, 208209

Prototype cells, 211, 214

Provide Feedback link, 445

Provisioning, 297, 299

asset protection, 303

capabilities editor, 306308

distribution builds, 314318

Gatekeeper and Developer ID, 311314

OS X Sandboxing, 308311

prerelease distributions, 304306

profiles, 299303

registering apps, 300303


Public role, 74

Pull, 96

Push, 8889, 96

Push segues, 162

Pushing to remote repositories, 8889

pwrite function, 511


Quick Help facility, 435

comment syntax, 447449

generating, 446447

inspector, 435436

popovers, 436437

Quick Help for Selected Item, 436, 439

QuickLook eye, 191


lldb, 523

OS X, 33

Quit Xcode, 24


Raises For Not Applicable Keys, 354356

RAM, 49

rating_components function, 256257

RatingTest class, 256260

Read Access, 309

Read/Write Access, 309

Reads/Writes instrument, 506, 511512

Recent Executables, 493

Recent for builds, 476

Record button, 501

Record for instruments, 504

Record Options, 502503

Record Settings tab, 496497

Recording instruments, 500503

Rectangles, layout, 171

Refactoring feature, 57

class names, 142143

method names, 142

Reference Language column, 384385


folders, 533

repositories, 87

Registered developers, 1213, 302


app groups, 282283

apps, 300303

team membership, 300

Regular expressions

refactoring method names, 142

searches, 89

traps, 542

Relationships, 117118, 120123

Relative to Group, 534

Release Notes section, 438

Remote repositories, 8487

Remotes tab, 88


breakpoints, 36

Xcode, 1112

Renamed file state, 83


classes, 144

symbols, 141143

Renaming service, 534

Render As Template Image, 221

Rentzsch, Jon “Wolf”, 126

Reopening instruments, 503504

Replace All, 144

Replace All in File, 9091

Report Navigator, 476477


cloning, 85

remote, 8487

Xcode Server, 8586

Required for libraries, 75

Requirements, 910

resizableImageWithCapInsets method, 221

Resolve Auto Layout Issues menu, 202203, 229

Resource forks, 401

Resource Manager, 401


books, 565567

Developer Technical Support, 568569

face to face, 570

localizing, 392394

net, 567570

sites and blogs, 569570

software, 570576

Resources directory, 403

Respect language direction, 388

Responder chains, 331

reStructured Text (reST) language, 446, 456458

restview package, 446

Retain cycles, 277

Retrieving data from editor, 237239

@return keyword, 448

Return Value, 525

Reveal in Library, 440

Rich text file directory (RTFD) package, 401402

Right-clicking, 5

Right-side group for labels, 169170

Right to Left Pseudolanguage, 388, 391

Root view controller segues, 162, 239

Routing App Coverage File, 518

Row Height setting for table cells, 215

RTF editor for localizations, 385386

RTFD (rich text file directory) package, 401402

Rules, build, 474475

Run-Edit-Print Loop (REPL), 189

Run scheme editor, 515

Run Script editor, 135


Doxygen, 454455

instruments, 490491

projects, 2223, 3032

tests, 252254

Running Application settings, 493


sample code, 5

sample-data.csv file, 136138, 252, 265, 333

Sampler instrument, 508


benefits, 310

disadvantages, 310311

OS X, 308311

Save as Template, 503

Save-file dialog for targets, 73

Save for iOS App Store Deployment, 539

Save Screen Shot, 224

Saving instruments, 503504

Scale for track area, 495

Scan recursively, 452

scanf function, 32, 4748


modal, 227233

view controllers, 158161

Schedules for instruments, 509

Scheme control, 74

Scheme editor, 76

instrument templates, 270

tests, 245

scheme for xcodebuild, 472


builds, 317

options, 515518

Scopes, defining, 535


SDKs (software development kits), 9

build settings, 469470

iOS projects, 112

Search Documentation for Selected Text section, 439

Search paths for settings, 561


Documentation window, 440443

files, 535

help, 438

version control, 9091

@see documentation comment, 448


passer list, 231

types, 239240

unwind, 238

view controllers, 158161

views, 162

Select Statistics to List settings, 497

Selection Indexes setting, 366

Selective commits, 9193

sender method, 232, 235

Separate by Category, 497

Separate by Thread, 497

Services menu, 501, 542

Set Baseline, 276

setUp method

CSV testing, 248

performance testing, 276

unit testing, 257

setupPlayers function, 194

Shadow Offset, 170

Shadows for labels, 170


Share Breakpoint, 525

Shared libraries in frameworks, 285290

Shared Memory instrument, 507

Shared User Defaults Controller, 354

sharedGameDB method, 287


defaults, 283284

files, 284285

Shift key, 538


function keys, 39

instruments, 501

lldb, 524

Show All Results, 441

Show Bounds/Layout Rectangles, 188

Show Bounds Rectangles, 164

Show: Code folding ribbon, 22, 535

Show Definitions, 466, 550

Show Detail connections, 239

Show environment settings in build log, 549

Show Find Options, 542

Show Group Banners, 500

Show/Hide...debugger, 40

Show/Hide navigator, 40

Show HTML output, 454

Show In Finder, 24, 539

Show live issues, 22, 148

Show navigator, 42

Show non-localized strings, 392

Show Package Contents, 10, 402, 405, 445

Show Raw Values & Keys, 432

Show Setting Names, 466, 550

Show Setting Titles, 550

Show Slicing, 221

Show tab named, 42

Show this window when Xcode launches, 18

Show Values, 550

Signals from exceptions, 150

Signatures in iOS provisioning, 299

Signing identities, 299, 487

SimpleCSVFile, 246

Simulate Document, 350

Simulate Location, 39

Sites, 569570

Size and Size Inspector, 168, 173

columns, 350

constraints, 186188, 197200

table cells, 215

views, 164165

Size classes, 197


Sleep/Wake instrument, 509

Snap Track to Fit, 271, 495

Snapshot Now, 507


projects, 95

VM Tracker, 507

Snippets, 181183

Software development kits (SDKs), 9

build settings, 469470

iOS projects, 112

Software resources, 570571

AppCode, 576

assessment, 577578

Cocoa alternatives, 576577

helpers, 572574

package managers, 574

text editors, 571572

version control, 575576

Sort Descriptors binding, 365366

Sorting tables, 365

Source code

description, 45

Doxygen, 452

property lists, 427

Source control. See Version control systems

Source Control menu, 8182, 86, 8889

Source files with names matching, 475

Source Locations settings, 553

Source trees settings, 562563

Sources & Binaries, 449

SourceTree version control system, 575

Specialized property lists, 431432

Speed, 265266

Debug navigator, 266268

instruments, 268272

memory, 277278

optimization, 272275

Spin Monitor instrument, 508

Splash screens, 224

Split views, 357

Spotlight box, 120

SQLite, 117, 336

SRCROOT, 135, 472, 553

Stack Libraries style, 496

Stack Overflow forum, 568

Stack traces, 31

displaying, 151

filtering, 151152

trace document window, 499

Stacked for instruments, 497

Staged file state, 83


iOS projects, 110112

Xcode, 1718

startMeasuring method, 276

States of files, 8283

Static libraries (.a), 69, 539

Static table cells, 228, 232233

Statistics to Graph settings, 512

Stats view, 291292

StatView, 191197

Step Into (F7), 39, 527528

Step Out (F8), 39

Step Over (F6), 39, 527

Stepping through code, 3739, 527528


debugging, 33

instruments, 501

iOS, 155

stopMeasuring method, 276

Store in External Record File, 120

Storyboard editor, 240

.storyboardc files, 143

Storyboards, 224

segues, 240, 343345

for view controllers, 158161

Strategy control, 494

Strings and .strings files

localizations, 389392, 394399

property lists, 417418, 429430



application bundles, 407, 410, 412413

builds, 459462

Structured directory trees, 403

Style settings

buttons, 229

instruments, 496

models, 118

table cells, 232

Sublime Text 2 text editor, 571572

Subscripts, 129130

Subviews from layouts, 188197

Sudden Termination instrument, 504

Suggest completions while typing, 180

Supporting Files group, 113

Suppressing warnings, 155


Swift programming language

assertions, 261263

books about, 566567

chained expressions, 139

choosing, 111

class names, 123

class qualifiers, 361

collections, 177

data types, 418

directives, 139

exceptions, 263

HeaderDoc comments, 446

managed-object classes, 127

mangled names, 150

memory management, 277

modules, 6566, 114, 250, 289

namespaces, 382, 543

Objective-C comparisons, 5762

optimization, 540

pinner functions, 131

playgrounds, 18, 189

renaming classes, 144

reStructured Text, 456458

subscripts, 129

support limitations, 63, 126

system libraries, 66

Switch-Branch sheet, 103

Switch to Branch, 103

Symbol navigator, 57

Symbols, 49

modules, 250

renaming, 141143

tokens, 5354


Syntax-aware indenting settings, 22, 28

System Calls instrument, 509

System instruments, 507509

System Language, 388


System Preferences application

function keys, 39

gestures, 2930, 440

instruments, 501, 506

localizations, 373, 387

System Processes, 493


Tab, 42

Table Cell View, 355

Table of contents sidebar, 440

Table View Cell, 355

Tables and table cells, 207

custom, 214217

graphics. See Graphics

modal scenes, 228

OS X, 347350

outlets, 207208

prototype, 211

static, 228, 232233

table views, 145146, 174175, 229230

tableView function, 207, 209, 216


creating, 159

Documentation window, 440

switching, 42


labels, 215

version control, 542


Targets and Target editor

ad-hoc variants, 317

asset-catalog file, 221

build phases, 50, 460461

build rules, 474

build settings, 462463

bundles, 543

capabilities, 309

code size, 531

components, 6970

configuration files, 467469

dependencies, 76

device families, 414

displaying, 244

icons, 221, 316

images, 221, 414

Info.plist file, 324, 405406, 408

instruments, 501

iOS projects, 111112

levels, 464465

libraries. See Library targets

in lldb, 523524

new projects, 2627

packages, 405406

product names, 322

property lists, 419420

provisioning profiles, 300

Quick Help, 436, 447

registering apps, 300

storyboards, 224

trace document window, 492493

widget, 280

wiring menus, 331332

xcodebuild, 471472

Team Admins in Apple developer programs, 298

Team Agents in Apple developer programs, 298

Team array controller, 352353

Team class, 327

Team Members in Apple developer programs, 298, 300

Team Provisioning Profiles, 302

TeamDetailController, 358363

teamGameHeader method, 394395

teamWithName function, 328

tearDown method, 246, 248, 276


instruments, 270, 503, 512513

iOS projects, 112114

Temporary exceptions, 309

Terminal application, 24

test action for xcodebuild, 471

Test data for unit testing, 252

Test navigator, 244246

Test suites, 243

testCalculation method, 257

testExample method, 246

testFileReadsCompletely method, 249

TestFlight beta distributions, 305306


unit. See Unit testing

views, 183184

testNoSuchFile method, 249

testPerformanceExample method, 246, 276

testTooManyFieldsError method, 253254

Text Color control, 170

Text Editing panel, 22, 180, 536

Text editors, 571572

Text for property lists, 417418, 429430

TextEdit application, 401402

TextMate 2 text editor, 571

TextWrangler text editor, 571

3rd Party Mac Developer Application identity, 312

3rd Party Mac Developer Installer identity, 312

Third-party package managers, 575


in debugging, 527

lldb, 524

Threads instruments, 509510

Threads perspective, 494

Time Profile commands, 501502

Time Profilers for instruments, 268272, 496, 508

Timeline Assistant, 191

Titanium API, 577


buttons, 228229

columns, 350

menu items, 331

Today widget, 290294

TodayViewController, 291293

@todo documentation comment, 448

Toggle Instruments Recording, 501

Tokens, 5354

too-many-fields.csv file, 252


modal scenes, 228

trace document window, 492494

Tools in Interface Builder, 159161

Top Functions filter, 498

Top Layout Guide, 228

Trace document window, 492

Detail area, 495

Extended Detail area, 495499

Library area, 499500

toolbar, 492494

Track area, 494495

Trace documents, 268269

Trace Highlights, 499

Trace instruments, 509

Track area in trace document window, 494495

Track Display, 497

Trailing edges in views, 228

Transcripts for builds, 476487

Transient attribute, 120

Trash, 24


Assistant editor, 536538

building, 539541

code-folding ribbon, 535536

general, 531535

instruments and debugging, 538539

Truncation, 367

Two developer-program memberships, 315

2010-data-calculated.csv file, 252

Type menu for instruments, 497

Typographic conventions, 5


UI automation instruments, 510

UI Hierarchy view, 521

UI-layout editors, 158

UI panel, 521

UIAppFonts key, 413

UIApplication class, 260

UIApplicationDelegate protocol, 112

UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend key, 414

UIBackgroundModes key, 414

@UIDesignable views, 292

UIFileSharingEnabled key, 414

UIImage class, 221

UIImageView class, 218

UIInterfaceOrientation key, 413

UILabel class, 171

UILaunchImageFile key, 414

UILaunchImages key, 414

UILaunchStoryboardName key, 412

UIMainStoryboardFile key, 412

UINavigationController class, 161162

UINewsstandApp key, 414415

UIPrerenderedIcon key, 414

UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key, 413

UIRequiresPersistentWiFi key, 413

UIScrollView class, 347

UIStatusBarHidden key, 413

UIStatusBarStyle key, 413

UISupportedExternalAccessoryProtocols key, 413

UISupportedInterfaceOrientations key, 413

UITableView class, 129130, 145, 215, 229, 347

UITableViewCell class, 145, 211, 214, 217, 231

UITableViewController class, 113, 229230

UITableViewDataSource class, 208

UITableViewDelegate class, 236

UIView class, 109110, 166, 215

UIViewController class, 110, 141, 157158, 175, 207, 229230

UIViewEdgeAntialiasing key, 414

UIViewGroupOpacity key, 414

Umbrella headers, 66

Undefined attributes, 119

Unformatted field, 368

Uniform Type Identifiers (UTIs), 336338

Unit testing

asynchronous tests, 260261

CSV Reader, 246251

overview, 243244

test navigator, 244246

testing and debugger, 254260

XCTest assertions, 261264

Universal (fat) binaries, 482

Unknown file state, 84


Unmerged file state, 83

Unmodified file state, 83

Unresolved addresses, back-filling, 51

Untracked file state, 82

Unwind segues, 238

Update Frames, 171, 173, 203

Update Frames menu, 175

URLs for application bundles, 409

Use Base Internationalization, 375

Use Core Data

iOS projects, 111

OS X applications, 323

Use dot tool, 452

Use scalar properties for primitive data types, 124

Use Storyboards, 323

USER, 551

User and System Libraries style, 496

User Info settings for models, 120

User information for application bundles, 407408

User interface instruments, 506, 510

User presentation in application bundles, 413414

Uses Lazy Fetching, 352

Using popup for build rules, 475

/usr/bin directories, 11

UTExportedTypeDeclarations key, 409, 432

Utilities.swift file, 129131

Utility area, 72, 159

UTImportedTypeDeclarations key, 409


Validates Immediately, 356

Validation field for attributes, 120

Value Transformer field, 354, 364

Value With Pattern binding, 364

valueForKeyPath method, 134


build. See Build settings

Debug area, 32

Variables pane, 3738, 526

verbal conventions, 5

Version control systems, 25, 7980

branching, 102104

commits, 8485

file state, 8283

managed-object classes, 136138

merges and conflicts, 8998

remote repositories, 8487

software, 575576

tags, 542

Version editor, 99102

working with, 8182

Xcode with Git, 8384

Version Control with Subversion, 575

Version editor, 99102

Versioned bundles, 403

Versioning, 120

Versions covered, 4

Versions version control system, 575576

vi text editor, 572

View control, 31, 42, 119

View controllers, 141

adding, 157158

building views. See Building views

editing, 144147

embedded, 229231

outlets. See Outlets

storyboards, scenes, and segues, 158161

table views, 174175

View Debugging, 517

View Details, 301

View menu, deleting, 330

View Processes by Queue, 521

View Processes by Thread, 521

View selector, 23

View UI Hierarchy, 521

viewDidLoad method, 231, 233235, 292, 380, 393394


Auto Layout. See Auto Layout

building. See Building views

cleaning up, 171174

constraints, 168, 186188

debugging, 521523

linking, 166167

MVC model, 107110

table, 145146, 174175, 229230

testing, 183184

viewWithTag function, 215

VM Operations instrument, 509

VM Tracker instrument, 507


waitForExpectationsWithTimeout method, 261

wAny bar, 200202

@warning documentation comment, 448


compiler, 2930, 539

disclosure triangles, 208

displaying, 53, 55

suppressing, 155

Watchdog timer, 265

watchpoint commands, 524, 526527

Welcome to Xcode window, 1718

What’s New in Xcode section, 439

Widget, 279

build dependencies, 294295

data access, 282285

designing, 281282

extension, 290294

result, 295296

shared libraries, 285290

target, 280

widgetPerformUpdateWithCompletionHandler method, 293

Widths Equally, 203

WiFi instrument, 509

Wildcard patterns in searches, 89

windowDidLoad method, 346347, 360

Wireless Accessory Configuration, 308

Wiring menus, 330331

file types, 336338

First Responders, 332333

icons, 339340

League Files, 338339

LeagueDocument data, 333334

managed documents, 334335

targets and actions, 331332

testing commands, 335336

Wiring OS X applications. See Bindings

Wizard tab for Doxygen, 451, 453

WORA (write-once-run-anywhere) apps, 577

Workflows, 4

Working Directory: Use custom working directory, 517

-workspace for xcodebuild, 471472

Wow feature of Assistant editor, 536



Write-once-run-anywhere (WORA) apps, 577


x-code-users list, 568

X11 package, 454

.xcassets files, 220

images, 559

OS X applications, 324

overview, 113

xcconfig files, 468471

.xcdatamodeld file, 324

XCNotificationExpectationHandler class, 261

Xcode icon, 17

Xcode Overview section, 438

xcode-select tool, 11, 472473

Xcode Server

Accounts panel, 300

repositories, 80, 8586

xcode-users list, 568


xcodebuild tool, 463464, 468469, 471472

.xcodeproj package, 471

xcrun tool, 473

XCTAssert assertion, 250

XCTAssertEqual assertion, 250, 262

XCTAssertEqualObjects assertion, 263

XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy assertion, 257, 262

XCTAssertFalse assertion, 262

XCTAssertGreaterThan assertion, 263

XCTAssertGreaterThanOrEqual assertion, 263

XCTAssertLessThan assertion, 263

XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual assertion, 263

XCTAssertNil assertion, 262

XCTAssertNotEqual assertion, 261

XCTAssertNotEqualObjects assertion, 263

XCTAssertNotEqualWithAccuracy assertion, 262

XCTAssertNoThrow assertion, 263

XCTAssertNoThrowSpecific assertion, 263

XCTAssertNoThrowSpecificNamed assertion, 264

XCTAssertNotNil assertion, 250, 262

XCTAssertThrows assertion, 263

XCTAssertThrowsSpecific assertion, 263

XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed assertion, 264

XCTAssertTrue assertion, 262

XCTest assertion macro, 243

XCTest class, 250

assertions, 261264

performance, 276277

XCTestCase class, 243, 260261

XCTestExpectation class, 261

XCTFail assertion, 262

XCUnitTest class, 244245

Xemacs text editor, 572

XIB files, 143, 344

linking, 158

owners, 175

xliff files, 396397


property lists, 405, 421, 427431

refactoring names, 143

stores, 336

XPC services, 517518


Yosemite Server, 80

Yosemite version, 910

command-line tools, 11

gestures, 380

modules, 338

state-restoration feature, 335

storyboards, 343

support, 1314

Xcode Server, 80


Zombie technique, 518

Zoom In, 228

Zoom Out, 227


instruments, 495

Interface Builder, 159

Zuckerberg, Mark, 578

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