11. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) with One Between-Subjects Factor

Introduction: The Basics of Multivariate Analysis of Variance280
 The Aggression Study280
 A Multivariate Measure of Association282
 Overview of the Steps Followed in Performing a MANOVA282
Example with Significant Differences between Experimental Conditions283
 Writing the SAS program284
 Notes Regarding the SAS Program286
 Results from the SAS Output287
 Steps in Interpreting the Output292
 Formal Description of Results for a Paper294
Example with Nonsignificant Differences between Experimental Conditions294
 Results from the SAS Output294
 Summarizing the Results of the Analysis295
 Formal Description of Results for a Paper296
Assumptions Underlying Multivariate ANOVA with One Between-Subjects Factor296


This chapter shows how to enter data and prepare SAS programs that will perform a one-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) using the GLM procedure. You can think of MANOVA as an extension of ANOVA in that it allows for the inclusion of multiple criterion variables in a single computation. This chapter focuses on the between-subjects design in which each participant is assigned to only one condition under the independent variable. You are shown how to summarize both significant and nonsignificant MANOVA results.

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