Assumptions Underlying the Tests

Assumptions Underlying the Pearson Correlation Coefficient

  • Interval-level measurement. Both the predictor and criterion variables should be assessed on an interval- or ratio-level of measurement.

  • Random sampling. Each participant in the file will contribute one score on the predictor variable, and one score on the criterion variable. These pairs of scores should represent a random sample drawn from the population of interest.

  • Linearity. The relationship between the criterion and predictor variables should be linear. This means that the mean criterion scores at each value of the predictor variable should fall on a straight line. The Pearson correlation coefficient is not appropriate for assessing the strength of the relationship between two variables with a curvilinear relationship.

  • Bivariate normal distribution. The pairs of scores should follow a bivariate normal distribution. That is, scores on the criterion variable should form a normal distribution at each value of the predictor variable. Similarly, scores of the predictor variable should form a normal distribution at each value of the criterion variable. When scores represent a bivariate normal distribution, they form an elliptical scattergram when plotted (i.e., their scattergram is shaped like a rugby ball: fat in the middle and tapered on the ends).

Assumptions Underlying the Spearman Correlation Coefficient

  • Ordinal-level measurement. Both the predictor and criterion variables should be assessed on an ordinal level of measurement. However, interval- or ratio-level variables are sometimes analyzed with the Spearman correlation coefficient when one or both variables are markedly skewed.

Assumptions Underlying the Chi-Square Test of Independence

  • Nominal-level measurement. Both variables should be assessed on a nominal scale.

  • Random sampling. Participants contributing data should represent a random sample drawn from the population of interest.

  • Independent cell entries. Each participant should appear in one cell only. The fact that a given participant appears in one cell should not affect the probability of another appearing in any other cell (i.e., independence of observations).

  • Expected frequencies of five or more. When analyzing a 2 × 2 classification table, no cell should display an expected frequency of less than 5. With larger tables (e.g., 3 × 4 tables), no more than 20% of the cells should have expected frequencies less than 5.

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