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We can also use SAML identity provider configurations in AWS IAM to establish trust between AWS and SAML-compatible identity providers, such as Shibboleth or Microsoft Active Directory Federation Service (ADFS). Steps to set up federated sign-in with ADFS in IAM can be summarized as follows:

  1. Download the FederationMetadata.xml file from our ADFS server.
  2. Go to the IAM dashboard.
  3. Create an identity provider as follows:
    1. Click on Identity providers from the left sidebar.
    2. Click on Create Provider.
    3. For Provider Type, select SAML.
    4. For Provider Name, give a meaningful name.
    5. For Metadata Document, click Choose File and upload the FederationMetadata.xml file we downloaded in step 1.
    6. Click Next Step.
    7. Review and click Create to complete creation of the authentication provider.
  1. Create a role in IAM that federated users can assume via SAML 2.0 as follows:
    1. Click on Roles from the left sidebar of the IAM dashboard.
    2. Click on Create role.
    3. For Select type of trusted entity, select SAML 2.0 federation.
    4. For SAML provider, select the identity provider we created in step 3.
    5. Select Allow programmatic and AWS Management Console access. The values for the Attribute and Value fields will be populated automatically. Click Next: Permissions.
    6. Choose one or more permission policies for our new role. Click Next: Review
    7. For Role name and Role description, provide a meaningful name and description for our role.
    8. Create further roles as per steps 1 to 8, as required. 
Users (as defined in the identity provider) should assume an AWS role during the sign-in process. You need to follow the documentation for Active Directory (AD) and ADFS to complete the preceding steps for setting up a federated sign-in through AD and ADFS.
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