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Bucket policies follow the same JSON document structure as IAM policies, but have an additional principal field. The principal is the user or entity for which a policy statement is applicable. There is no principal for an IAM policy as it is attached to an IAM user. The IAM user who executes that policy is the principal in the case of an IAM policy. 

Consider the following examples when using Principal in bucket policies:

  • A root user can be represented as follows:
"Principal" : {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::135301570106:root"
  • An IAM user can be represented as follows:
"Principal" : {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::135301570106:user/testuser"
  • A canonical user ID can be represented as follows:
"Principal" : {

Canonical IDs were used in the previous recipe, Creating S3 access control lists

  • An anonymous user can be represented as follows:
"Principal" : "*"

Let's quickly go through some more important details relating to S3 bucket policies:

  • Currently, we have around 50 bucket policy actions, including those that work on an object (for example, s3:PutObject), a bucket (for example, s3:CreateBucket), or a bucket sub-resource (for example, PutBucketAcl). 
  • The current list of bucket sub-resources with permissions includes BucketPolicy, BucketWebsite, AccelerateConfiguration, BucketAcl, BucketCORS, BucketLocation, BucketLogging, BucketNotification, BucketObjectLockConfiguration, BucketPolicyStatus, BucketPublicAccessBlock, BucketRequestPayment, BucketTagging, BucketVersioning, EncryptionConfiguration, InventoryConfiguration, LifecycleConfiguration, MetricsConfiguration, ReplicationConfiguration, and AnalyticsConfiguration.
  • We cannot specify an IAM group as a principal in an S3 bucket policy. If we add a group instead of a user, we will get an error: Invalid principal in policy.
  • Here are some S3-specific condition keys available for use in conditions within a policy: s3:x-amz-acl, s3:x-amz-copy-source, s3:x-amz-metadata-directive, s3:x-amz-server-side-encryption, s3:VersionId, s3:LocationConstraint, s3:delimiter, s3:max-keys, s3:prefix, s3:x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id, s3:ExistingObjectTag/<tag-key>, s3:RequestObjectTagKeys, s3:RequestObjectTag/<tag-key>, s3:object-lock-remaining-retention-days, s3:object-lock-mode, s3:object-lock-retain-until-date, and s3:object-lock-legal-hold.
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