How it works...

In this recipe, we created an AWS Organizations master account and a few OUs under it. The AWS Organizations service dashboard has three tabs now. The Accounts tab contains the account name, email, account ID, and status for all accounts, including the master account. The master account is denoted by a star next to the account name. We can create OUs and manage the hierarchy structure of OUs and accounts in the Organize accounts tab.

We can create sub-OUs within an OU. We can move an account to an OU by navigating to the root or OU that currently contains the account, selecting the account, and choosing Move. The third tab, Policies, within the Organizations dashboard allows us to create and manage policies. We can attach a policy to an OU by going to the Organize accounts tab, selecting the OU from the list, and then attaching the policy in the details pane. 

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