How to do it...

We can set up a simple Apache web server on an EC2 instance at launch using EC2 user data as follows:

  1. Go to the EC2 dashboard and click on Instances from the left sidebar. Click on the Launch Instance button at the top of the page, select Amazon Linux 2 AMI, set Type to t2.micro, and click Next: Configure Instance Details.
  2. On the Configure Instance Details page, leave the Network, Subnet, and Auto-assign Public IP settings with their default values and scroll down to the Advanced Details section.
  3. In the User data textbox under the Advanced Details section, enter the following text:
sudo su
yum update -y
yum install -y httpd
systemctl start httpd.service
systemctl enable httpd.service

The Advanced Details section should look as follows:

  1. Click Next: Add Storage, leave the defaults as is, and click Next: Add Tags.
  2. Add a tag with Key set to Name and Value set to UserDataDemo. Click Next: Configure Security Group.
  3. Create a new security group with HTTP rules for everyone, and then SSH from our local IP.
  4. Click on Review and Launch and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the EC2 launch.
  1. Run the instance's public DNS name or public IP from a browser. We should get the default Test Page response from the Apache server:

We can SSH into the EC2 machine and run the following commands in order to set up a custom index.html file instead of the default landing page:

sudo su
cd /var/www/html
echo "<html><h1>My Web Server</h1></html>" > index.html

If we go back to the browser and refresh the page after making the preceding change, we should see the following output:

We can also create the index.html file with the EC2 user data itself. 

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