
Throughout the book, bold type will indicate tool-specific keywords and also which menus to select, for example, the menu selection to create a new project is shown below.

Unlabelled Image

The instruction sequence will be, File > New > Project. The words in bold indicate which successive menus to select from the top tool bar as shown above.

A right mouse button click will be written as rmb. For example, select the part in the schematic and rmb > rotate.

Bold type is also used to name any dialog box and windows that may appear. For example the Create PSpice Project window is shown below.

Unlabelled Image

Limits of OrCAD Demo Lite DVD

The latest OrCAD demo version is OrCAD Lite 17.2 that is free to download or order from the OrCAD and Cadence websites:

OrCAD 17.2 Lite includes all the key features of the full version and is limited only by the size and design complexity. You can use the Lite version for most of the exercises in this book but there are some limits that have changed from previous versions.

OrCAD 17.2 Lite

For PSpice simulation, circuits are limited to 75 nodes, 20 transistors, no subcircuit limits, 65 digital primitives, 10 transmission lines (ideal or nonideal) with no more than four pairwise coupled lines.

The Model editor is limited to diode models for device characterization and parameterized part creation. Model Import Wizard only supports two pin parts and models.

All PSpice libraries, including parameterized libraries from the full version, are included.

There is no limit to stimulus generation using the Stimulus editor.

The Magnetic Parts Editor can only be used to design power transformers. The Magnetic Parts Editor supplied database cannot be edited and only contains a single magnetic core.

You cannot use Level 3 of Core model (Tabrizi), MOSFET BSIM 3.2 or MOSFET BSIM models.

The PSpice DMI models are not supported in the Lite Version of the simulator.

IBIS import is not supported.

Device model interface (DMI) is not supported.

Advanced Analysis

Smoke analysis—Can only use diodes, resistors, transistors, and capacitors.

Optimizer—Can only use Random and MLSQ engines. Random engine is limited to 5 runs only. Only a maximum of two component parameters can be optimized. Limited to only one measurement specification and one curve-fit specification. Only one error calculation method is supported for optimizing curve-fit specification.

Parametric plotter—Can sweep the values of only two design and/or model parameters. Only Linear sweep is supported. A maximum of 10 sweeps are allowed. Can evaluate the influence of changing parameter values only on one measurement expression or a trace.

Display Plot is not available.

Monte Carlo/Worst Case analysis—Only one measurement specification is allowed. A maximum of three devices with tolerance are supported. A maximum of 20 Monte Carlo runs are supported.

Sensitivity analysis—Only one measurement specification is allowed. A maximum of three devices with tolerance are supported. A maximum of 20 runs are supported.

Encrypted parameterized models cannot be simulated.

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