TIP 100


       We may allow ourselves a brief period of rejoicing.


Now is the time to rejoice and celebrate your new life. You have accomplished a tremendous amount, and you won’t realize just how much until you take stock and write it all down. List all the shifts and changes you have made, the new people and friends you have attracted, the new things you are doing, the beauty of your home. Take time to bask in the love you feel for yourself. You can pat yourself on the back and give yourself some acknowledgment for all that you have done. The more you appreciate the success you have already achieved, the more success you will attract. Tough life, isn’t it?

Most people don’t take any time at all to rest on their laurels. It all goes back to the puritan work ethic; we feel guilty stopping for a moment and celebrating our successes. We also have this hang-up that if we love ourselves, we will become vain, egotistical, snotty, and all manner of horrible things. This is ridiculous. People who are vain, egotistical, and self-centered are all those things precisely because they don’t love themselves profoundly enough. It is just a front for deep-seated insecurity and a lot of unmet needs. It is impossible to love yourself too much. In fact, the more you love yourself, the more love you have to give to others. That is how it works. So celebrate your success. Throw a big party and invite all your friends over, or, better yet, have a friend throw a party for you.

I had one client who did just that. When Simon started my coaching program, he was two months away from bankruptcy and financial ruin and didn’t realize it. He was unemployed and struggling to get his own business going. He was separated from his wife, but she didn’t want to get divorced, even though she had been unfaithful. And, he had lost his faith. After seven months of coaching, Simon had turned his life around. He was legally divorced. He had a full-time job and was making an excellent income. He had cut his expenses in half. His sideline business was doing well. He had time to volunteer and coach children to help them live their dreams and time to play tennis. Simon had even reconnected to his faith and joined the local choir. The theme for his party was freedom. Have a party. Go forth and celebrate your new life! Enjoy your freedom to be!

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