TIP 78


       Let us open up our natures, throw wide the doors of our hearts and let in the sunshine of good will and kindness.


Most people don’t have any problem giving gifts or compliments, but for some reason, we find it difficult to accept them. Graciously accepting is one secret to attracting more of what you want. It is not only impolite but also unattractive to reject a gift or compliment by saying things like, “You shouldn’t have,” “It was really nothing,” “Oh, this old thing?” or, “I just bought it on sale.” There is no need for you to do anything or make any explanation. Simply say, “Thank you!” and smile. Any other comment is a subtle way of telling the person that she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Plus, rejecting the compliment is insulting to both you and the giver. The art of graciously accepting a compliment may take some practice but is well worth learning.

Think about it in reverse. Imagine that you went out and bought a gift for a friend. You give it to her, and how do you feel? You feel really good, right? In fact, it probably feels even better to give a gift than to receive one. You feel all warm and wonderful inside, and then the recipient says, “Oh, no. You shouldn’t have.” This actually diminishes the pleasure of giving. When you say, “Thank you,” you grant the giver full satisfaction.

The same goes for compliments. Anything you say to counter or diminish the compliment is just like giving the gift back. How rude. Stop doing that. Just say, “Thank you.” Let the giver enjoy the experience. Accept the gift, the compliment, the acknowledgment, or the thanks graciously. After some practice, this will come naturally to you. Look for opportunities to acknowledge people. As an experiment give three genuine compliments a day this week to different people and notice how they respond. Then notice how you feel about the response. You will discover that you want to give more to those who accept graciously because they make you feel great. Open up your heart and start receiving graciously. In addition to accepting graciously, it is also a good idea to be gracious. Say thank you often and appreciate the people in your life.

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