TIP 90


       Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.


Sometimes my clients are feeling strapped financially and think that the only way to have any fun is to spend money. This is just a pure lack of creativity. To get you thinking, here is a list of fun things to do that won’t break the bank. Feel free to add whatever you think would feel good that won’t ruin your spending plan.

  1. Sit by a river, pond, or lake for at least 20 minutes.

  2. Take a chair or blanket to your backyard or the local park and have a picnic. Bring a good book or your journal to write in.

  3. Go to a museum and get inspired by some great art.

  4. Go to a flower shop and smell all the flowers. Buy one perfect rose.

  5. Check out books and music for free from your local library.

  6. Take fun classes like painting, drawing, or dancing from the local parks and recreation department.

  7. Sit on the beach and sip lemonade.

  8. Take a weekend retreat to a monastery where they don’t charge you much to stay.

  9. Sit in a beautiful cathedral or church and pray or meditate.

10. Go to the botanical gardens.

11. Find the secret, fabulous places in your city.

12. Have afternoon tea at an elegant old hotel.

13. Plant a flower, herb, or vegetable garden, or a window box.

14. Go to a pet store or animal shelter and pet the puppies.

15. Stargaze.

16. Watch the sunset with a friend and share a bottle of wine or champagne.

17. Dine out at a fancy restaurant for lunch or the early bird special instead of dinner.

18. Have a hot-fudge sundae with the works.

19. Watch a movie and make popcorn instead of going out to the theater.

20. Volunteer as an usher at plays, concerts, and symphonies and see the show for free.

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