1. I have the time to invest in myself.

    Yes image    No image

2. I keep my word and promises to myself and others without struggling.

    Yes image    No image

3. There is a big gap between where I am now and where I want to be.

    Yes image    No image

4. I am willing and able to do the work required.

    Yes image    No image

5. I am willing to give up self-sabotaging behaviors that limit my success.

    Yes image    No image

6. I am willing to try new concepts even if I’m not sure they will work.

    Yes image    No image

7. I have the support I need to make big changes in my life.

    Yes image    No image

8. Coaching is the appropriate discipline for the changes I want to make (as opposed to therapy, medical treatment, or 12-step programs).

    Yes image    No image

9. I am fully responsible for my own life and the decisions I make.

    Yes image    No image

If you answered no to two or more of these questions, coaching will probably not be effective for you. Once you have addressed these issues, you will be ready to begin. (Some clients pursue therapy and coaching at the same time. I recommend you discuss this with your therapist if you have any concerns.)

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