The trouble is that you think you have time.


Everyone complains that there isn’t enough time. We act as though time were a fixed quantity, and it isn’t. Time expands and contracts depending on what we are doing. The irony is that being overly busy makes time seem to go even faster. If you want to feel like you have more time, do less. When I was leading a seminar in Kansas City, I met a musician who, in his travels around the world, lost his passport and his wallet and ended up living with a few people on the beach in Hawaii, picking fruit and catching fish and mussels. He felt that he had all the time in the world. He had no calendar or watch, and the weather was always lovely. After what seemed like a couple of years, he went in search of civilization and found his way back to the mainland. He was astounded to discover that he had only been gone for four months. The less you do, the more slowly time passes. Since most folks don’t feel doing less is a viable solution, the following are some simple ways to create more time in your life.

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