TIP 10


       Life isn’t all beer and skittles, but beer and skittles, or something better of the same sort, must form a good part of every Englishman’s education.


It is amazing how quickly our lives can become drab and colorless if we do not have something to look forward to. We wait far too long for that once-a-year vacation or that special event. That just isn’t enough. Or it might be enough, but being successful is not about having just enough—it’s about abundance. You need an abundance of good things to look forward to—as a bare minimum at least one thing every day. And don’t overlook the simple things, which are often the most rewarding.

To get you thinking, here are some things you could look forward to: a half-hour alone, a walk in the woods with your significant other, a bike ride through the park, bringing a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers home to your husband or wife, watching an old movie and eating popcorn with your buddies, taking a bubble bath with your rubber ducky or, better yet, your honey bunny. Crack open a bottle of champagne and celebrate the sunset. Tinker with the car in the garage. Buy flowers for your office to brighten up your day. Write in your journal or diary. Bring in chocolates and pass them around to everyone at the office. Play a round of golf. Call a friend you haven’t heard from in a while. Take your assistant out for lunch. Take your boss out to lunch or for a drink after work. Ride your Harley. Buy a magazine you’ve never read before. Eat your favorite fried chicken dinner with mashed potatoes. Enjoy lunch with a friend from work. See a play, an opera, or a jazz band. Get a manicure on your lunch break. Hire a housekeeper so that you have a clean house when you open your door after a long day at work. Try out a new restaurant. Every day you need something to look forward to. Put it in your calendar if you have to, but make sure you have something special to look forward to every day. This will make even the drabbest of days more fun and keep you from slipping into the doldrums or from losing your appreciation for life. There are many wonderful things to enjoy about life.

Sometimes, instead of lots of little things, one big thing to look forward to can make all the difference. Byron, a 56-year-old business owner, found his days so busy and so full of work that he felt he had no time for play or fun stuff. He was depressed and seeing a psychiatrist. I suggested that he create something to look forward to that would make life worth living. He was not terribly optimistic. But then, almost miraculously, he found a house in the mountains that he loved. It inspired him. Byron thought he’d be able to write a book in this house, it was in such a beautiful part of the country. He bought the house and his whole attitude shifted. He had something to look forward to, a goal that made life worth living. Now even though he is still facing some difficult challenges ahead, Byron feels that even in the worst case, he could make it through the experience because he has this house in the mountains to move into. While this is an extreme case, it shows the importance of having something to look forward to every day of your life.

Marjorie had a great life. She shared a beautiful home with a loving and supportive boyfriend. She was starting an exciting new business that she loved, and she was taking courses that interested her. But she discovered that she didn’t want to get out of bed in the morning. I suggested she design an ideal morning. Next week she shared it with me: She would get up at 8:00 a.m. and do a 20-minute meditation. Then she would go for a half-hour walk in the woods around her house. After that she would shower and have fresh-baked muffins and hot tea out on the veranda while she wrote in her journal. She realized that she needed quiet time alone in the morning to collect her thoughts and make her plans for the day. Marjorie also realized that all the elements of her ideal morning were possible to do every day. Now Marjorie is glad to get up and start the day because she gives herself the time to enjoy it.

What is your ideal morning? What about your ideal evening? What would your life be like if every day you started with an ideal morning and ended with an ideal evening? Treat yourself with as many elements of your ideal day as possible, and you will be happier and more energized throughout the day. Take a few minutes right now to write down in vivid detail your ideal day from the moment you wake up in the morning until you fall asleep at night. Remember, this is your ideal, so don’t limit yourself in any way. (My ideal morning has a maid knocking on my door and bringing in fresh croissants, fruit, and a pot of hot tea. This hasn’t happened—yet!)

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