Space is almost infinite. As a matter of fact, we think it is infinite.


In Part One, you increased your natural power by eliminating the energy drains and adding energy boosters. Now it is time to create the space for what you want. The more successful you become, the easier it is to attract new things and opportunities, so you had better make some room. Otherwise, where on earth are you going to put it? If you want a new relationship, you may need to let go of an old one first. If you want a new client, it may be time to clean out your files at work. If you’d like some new clothes, go clean out that closet. Anytime you want something new to come into your life, it helps to create some space for it. In fact, it really doesn’t even matter what you get rid of. After all, matter at its essence is simply energy, so anything you throw out will give you more space. You can clean out the garage and get a new business client. Ever notice how great you feel after you clean out the closet? This principle is based on a law of physics: nature abhors a vacuum. Create a vacuum and the universe will quickly send new things to fill your empty space.

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