TIP 16


       Simplicity! Simplicity! Simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand; instead of a million, count half a dozen, and keep your accounts on your thumb-nail.


Now that you’ve lightened your material load, you might want to take a look at some other ways to simplify your life. If you feel your schedule is too busy, overcrowded with stuff to do and people to meet, it is time to simplify.

Everything in your life takes up a certain amount of your energy, whether it is actual physical stuff or work, social obligations, or family commitments. The more energy you have available, the more successful and attractive you’ll become. Most people think that being super busy and having an overbooked schedule is a sign of success. What they don’t realize is that they are too busy to notice what is happening around them and that they may miss key opportunities. This is a powerful incentive to be extremely selective about how you use your time and energy. Successful people reserve time in their schedules so that they have a buffer zone when things don’t go according to plan (which is the way most things go, so you might as well account for it from the start).

The best little book I’ve read on simplicity is Simplify Your Life, by Elaine St. James. She suggests such things as consolidating your checking accounts, moving to a smaller house, getting up an hour earlier, getting rid of the lawn and putting in ground cover, buying in bulk, dropping call-waiting, building a simple wardrobe, and a whole host of other practical pointers to help you simplify every area of your life.

You can also take advantage of technology to simplify your life—but make sure it actually saves you time. While most people enjoy the convenience of a cell phone, one of my clients felt she never had a moment of privacy, and so she simplified her life by turning her phone off and checking her messages only twice a day. Make sure the latest advances in technology improve the quality of your life. It is often worth taking the time to learn how to use the systems you have more effectively.

What are some ways you could simplify your life? Think of ways you can automate and leverage technology to streamline your life. Here are 10 ways to simplify your life:

  1. Set up direct debit of monthly bills.

  2. Pay bills and do your banking online.

  3. Use mint.com to track your budget online automatically.

  4. Do your shopping online (in the United Kingdom you can get groceries delivered!).

  5. Check voicemail, messages, social media, and e-mails only once or twice a day.

  6. Get up an hour earlier to go for a walk, meditate, or write in your journal.

  7. Walk or bike to work.

  8. Downsize the house.

  9. Use an appointment system online such as appointlet.com.

10. Hire a housekeeper or cleaner.

Now go ahead and list 10 ways you could start to simplify your life today!

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