Chapter 3

Information Synthesis in Multi-Granular Computing


Humans usually learn things starting from local fragments, and gradually integrating them to form a global picture. On viewing an object from different abstraction levels, or different angles, they integrate the fragmentary and one-sided observations into systematic and overall understanding. This process is called information synthesis. Thus, information synthesis is the integration of information from different grain-size worlds. This is also one of the main issues in multi-granular computing. We present a mathematically synthetic model and use the model to deal with the synthesis of domains, topological structures, semi-order structures, and attribute functions respectively.


attribute function; domain; information synthesis; semi-order structure; topological structure

Chapter Outline

3.1. Introduction

In Chapter 1, we presented a mathematical model, quotient space based model, for multi-granular computing. We show that a problem can be described by a triplet image. And we also discussed how corresponding quotient domain image, quotient structure image, and quotient attribute image are constructed from original domain X, structure T and attribute f, respectively, i.e., a coarse grained space is constructed from a fine one.
In Chapter 2, we discussed one of the main characteristics of human problem solving, i.e., the multi-granular computing from coarse to fine, rough to detailed, and global to local hierarchically. Recall the example that we have mentioned, one always draws a draft of the whole building first, and then goes into its details, when designing a building. In our model, the analysis correspondingly goes from high to low abstraction levels through a hierarchical structure. The key issue of the computing is to establish the relationship between the quotient space and its original one.
However, the other scheme of multi-granular computing appears to be reverse, i.e., one usually learns things starting from local fragments, and gradually integrating them to form a global picture. On viewing an object from different abstraction levels, or different angles, integrate the fragmentary and one-sided observations into systematic and overall understanding. This process is called information synthesis, fusion, or combination.
Let us examine some examples.

Example 3.1

Gathering a series of information from topographic survey, geological prospecting, and seismic method, etc., in some region, then to predict mineral deposit of the region, is an information synthesis problem.

Example 3.2

Having front, top and side views of an object A, to determine its shape in three-dimensional space is an information synthesis problem. Here, each of the three views of the object is regarded as one of its quotient space representations. It is known that ‘projection’ is one of the typical approaches to quotient space representations. If object A is quite simple, its shape can be uniquely decided by its three views. Otherwise, we need some additional information, for example, some auxiliary views, cross-section views, or comments.

Example 3.3

A doctor takes a patient's temperature and pulse, examines the beat of the patient's heart using his stethoscope, and asks some questions. Then, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescription. The process can be viewed as making a global decision from local observations. Each observation is a local understanding of the whole patient's physical condition in some abstraction level.
From the three examples, we can see that these problems can be transformed to that of constructing a synthetic problem representation from its quotient space representations. The key issue of information synthesis is to establish the relationship between the original space and its quotient space representations.
The aim of this chapter is to establish a mathematical model for information synthesis. The model is then applied to uncertain reasoning, planning, and other multi-granular computing problems.

3.2. The Mathematical Model of Information Synthesis

Given an unknown problem space image, we have the knowledge of its two abstraction levels denoted by image and image, where image and image are quotient spaces of X. A natural question to ask is how to have a new understanding of X from the known knowledge.

Example 3.4

Assume that S is an object. Its front and top view are triangle image and image, respectively (see Fig. 3.1). How about its shape in three-dimensional space?
Figure 3.1 Two Projections of an Object
Only from its two projections (or two quotient spaces) in the example, we can't know its shape definitely, since there are infinite kinds of objects whose front and top views are identical with the two given triangles. If our domain is confined to be convex polyhedrons, S should be a kind of cone with A as its vertex, and its bottom consists of a convex polygon contained in quadrilateral BCDE, as shown in Fig. 3.1. If an additional constraint is given, for example, the volume of the object is maximal; the unique S can be identified.
Conversely, if less information is observed, for example, we only know that the front and top views of object S are arbitrary triangles, that is, the exact shape of the triangles is unknown, the constraints on the shape of S will be more relaxed.
In a word, if we are given the knowledge about A in some abstraction levels, generally, we can only have a new understanding about A at the level that is just one (finer) level below them. The complete details of A may not necessarily be known.
We may have the synthetic rules as follows.
Assume that image and image are the knowledge about image in two different abstraction levels. The synthesis of image and image is defined as a new abstraction level of A, denoted by image, which satisfies the following three basic synthetic principles.
(1) image and image are quotient spaces of image
(2) image and image are quotient structures of image corresponding to image
(3) image and image are projections of f on image and image, respectively.
Space image also needs to satisfy some optimal criteria generally.
We next discuss the synthesis of domain, structure and attribute function, respectively.

3.3. The Synthesis of Domains

Assume that image and image are quotient spaces of image. image and image correspond to equivalence relations image and image, respectively.
Define the synthetic space image of image and image as follows, where image is an equivalence relation corresponding to image


Example 3.5

X is the staff members of an organization.
Based on education received, the X is classified as follows, and is called a-classification.
image = {those with the educational level below middle school}
image = {those with university educational level}
image = {those with graduate school educational level}.
X can also be classified in terms of age, and is called b-classification.
image = {whose age is younger than 25}
image = {whose age is in between 25 and 35}
image = {whose age is older than 35}.
The synthesis of these two classifications is that x and y belong to the same synthetic class image x and y belong to both the same a-class and the same b-class.
If there is no additional information, from these two partitions, we can only have education-level-based and age-based partitions. No more information such as sex can be known.
It is known that all equivalence classes on X form a semi-order lattice, under the set inclusion relation image if image.
In terms of the semi-order lattice, the synthesis of image and image can be defined as follows.

Definition 3.1

Assume that image and image are two equivalence relations on X. If image is the least upper bound of image and image in the semi-order lattice, then image is the synthesis of image and image. Meanwhile, the synthesis can also be defined by partition. If image and image are two partitions with respect to image and image, respectively, then the synthesis image of image and image can be represented by


We next show that the two definitions above are equivalent.


If image, then image and image.
Where, symbol ‘∼’ denotes an equivalence relation on image.
From Example 3.5, we have the synthesis of both educational-level- and age-based partitions as follows.
image ={those with the educational level below middle school and age below 25},
image ={those with the educational level below middle school and age being in between 25 and 35},
image ={those with the educational level below middle school and age being older than 35}….,
image ={those with graduate school educational level and age being older than 35}.
Obviously, space image defined above satisfies the synthetic principles. That is, both image and image are quotient spaces of image. image is the finest space, which we can get from quotient spaces image and image. It is also the coarsest one among the spaces which satisfy the synthetic principles. That is, it is the least upper bound. Since in some sense it is optimal, it is reasonable to regard image as a synthetic space of image and image.

3.4. The Synthesis of Topologic Structures

We now discuss the synthesis of structures. As mentioned before, there are three kinds of common structures. That is, topologic, semi-order, and operation-based structures. In this section, we only discuss the synthesis of topologic structures.
Assume that image and image are quotient spaces of image. Structure image, the synthesis of image and image, is defined as follows.

Definition 3.2

The synthetic structure image of image and image is the least upper bound of image and image, in the semi-order lattice that consists of all topologic structures on X.
Obviously, image satisfies the synthetic principles. That is, image and image are the quotient topologies of image on quotient spaces image and image, respectively. image is the coarsest one, among the topologies whose quotient topologies are image and image.
image can be constructed as follows.
Let image. image is the topology with B as its base, i.e., image consists of all possible sets obtained from any union operations on the elements of B.

Example 3.6

image, image and image are given. Then image, where image is the least upper bound of image and image, i.e., the synthetic topology of image and image.

3.5. The Synthesis of Semi-Order Structures

Semi-order is a common structure. Especially when X is a finite domain, many structures can be represented by a directed acyclic graph that can be described by a semi-order. So semi-order is one of the most popular structures.

3.5.1. The Graphical Constructing Method of Quotient Semi-Order

In Chapter 1, we have introduced a method for constructing quotient semi-order. The constructing process follows the line: semi-order image right-order topology image quotient topology image quotient quasi semi-order. Finally, the quotient semi-order on quotient space [X] is defined by the quotient quasi semi-order. It has been proved that the approach is complete. That is, if there is a quotient semi-order in [X] such that its natural projection p is order-preserving, then the quotient semi-order can be obtained by the approach. And in the ‘minimum’ sense, the quotient semi-order obtained is unique and optimal. But the approach, after all, is not straightforward, since the quotient semi-order must be defined by means of topology.
We next present a direct method for constructing quotient semi-order, when [X] is finite.

Definition 3.3

image is a semi-order space. D is a subset of product space image and satisfies:
(1) image,
(2) image, there exists a sequence image of finite elements in D such that image.
Then, D is called a semi-order base of T.
The condition (2) above can be restated as image, there exists a sequence image of finite points such that image and image.

Example 3.7

image is a semi-order space as shown in Fig. 3.2. Then, a set image of its edges is a base of T.
Figure 3.2 A Semi-Order Base

Proposition 3.1

image is a semi-order set consisting of a directed acyclic graph. The set D of directed edges of the directed graph is one of its semi-order bases.

Definition 3.4

image is a semi-order space consisting of a directed network, [X] is a quotient space of X. Define a quasi semi-order on [X] as follows:


Obviously, if there is no directed loop on the directed network corresponding to the quasi semi-order on [X], then, in fact, the quasi semi-order is a semi-order. Thus, there exists a quotient semi-order on [X]. From the definition of quotient semi-order, it is easy to know that the quotient semi-order has order-preserving and is minimal.

Proposition 3.2

image is a semi-order space consisting of a directed network. [X] is a quotient space of X. If the quasi semi-order on [X] defined by Definition 3.4 is a semi-order, then the semi-order is the same as the quotient semi-order [T] defined in Section 1.3.
From Definition 3.4, we know that constructing a directed network image (it might have directed loops) from a directed network image is identical with the ‘compression’ operation of directed graph on graph theory.
If there are directed loops on image, compressing the nodes on each directed loop into one node, then we have a directed network without loops that just corresponds to the semi-order space with respect to R obtained by the mergence method in Section 1.4.

Example 3.8

image is a semi-order space as shown in Fig. 3.3(a). Let image.
Compressing image into image, as shown in Fig. 3.3(b), then we have a directed loop. Merging the directed loop into one node, we have a semi-order space image, as shown in Fig. 3.3(c). The semi-order corresponding to image is just the quotient semi-order obtained by the mergence method.
Figure 3.3 The Compression of a Directed Network
Now, we find the least upper bound of quotient semi-order of space image with respect to R, by using the decomposition method presented in Section 1.4.
image is a quotient space corresponding to R.
Decomposing image, we have image.
Decomposing image, we have image.
Similarly, image.
We have the least upper bound image of semi-order spaces with respect to image, as shown in Fig. 3.4.
When [X] is finite, it’s known that a quotient semi-order can directly be constructed by using directed networks. Moreover, when [X] is an infinitely countable set, the direct approach is still available.

3.5.2. The Synthesis of Semi-Order Structures

Assume that image and image are two quotient spaces of X. If there exist semi-orders on image and image, then we have two semi-order spaces image and image. Now, we find their synthetic semi-order space image that satisfies the synthetic principle, i.e., image is the least upper bound of image and image, image and image are quotient semi-orders of image on image and image, respectively.
Figure 3.4 The Decomposition of a Directed Network
Now, the following two questions must be answered. In what condition does the synthetic semi-order space exist? If it exists, then how to construct such a space image.
1. The synthetic procedure of semi-order spaces-topology based method
Semi-order spaces image and image are given. The synthetic procedure is as follows.
(1) Find the least upper bound of image and image denoted by image.
(2) Find the right-order topologies corresponding to image and image, denoted by image and image, respectively.
(3) Find the synthetic topology image of image and image on image. And topology image is the least upper bound of image and image on image.
(4) Find the semi-order from image, and denoted by image.
Finally, image is the synthetic semi-order space.

Example 3.9

Given image and image as shown in Fig. 3.5. Where



find the synthetic semi-order space image.
(1) Find image,image, where
(2) Find the right-order topologies image and image of image and image, respectively. Their corresponding topologic bases are
(3) Find the synthetic topology image. Its corresponding topologic base is
(4) Find the semi-order image induced from image. We finally have image, as shown in Fig. 3.5.
Figure 3.5 The Synthesis of Semi-Order Spaces
Obviously, the quotient semi-order structures of image on image and image are just image and image, respectively.

Theorem 3.1

image and image are quotient spaces of X. image and image are semi-order spaces. image is constructed by the preceding procedure. Then, image satisfies the following conditions.
(1) image is a semi-order on image
(2) Mapping image is order-preserving
(3) image is the coarsest one among semi-order structures which satisfy the conditions (1) and (2).


Since image is the least upper bound of image and image. For image there exist image and image such that image.
Let image be a minimum open set on image containing image.
Obviously, image is a minimum open set on image containing x, since topology image is the least upper bound of image and image.
Assume that image, image. We next show that image.
Let image and image, where image and image. From image, we have image.
Thus, image and image is an open set containing image. Then, image.
Similarly, image
Since image is a semi-order on image, we have image.
Similarly, image, i.e., image is a semi-order on image.
Next, we show that image is order-preserving.
Assuming image, we have image.
By letting image, we have image, i.e., image.
Carrying out operation image on image, we have image since image is a set on image.
From image,
That is, image is order-preserving.
Similarly, image is order-preserving.
Finally, we show that image is the coarsest one.
Assume that image satisfies the conditions (1) and (2) of Theorem 3.1 and image is coarser than image.
Let image and image be the corresponding right-order topologies of image and image, respectively. Since image is coarser than image, we know that image is coarser than image. And both image and image are quotient topologies of image. This contradicts that image is the coarsest one among topologies whose quotient topologies are image and image, or image is the least upper bound of image and image.
Therefore, image is the coarsest one among semi-order structures which satisfy the conditions (1) and (2).
From Theorem 3.1, it’s known that image is the coarsest one among semi-order structures which satisfy the conditions (1) and (2). This means that image provides the maximum information regarding the relation among the elements on image, when the only known knowledge is image and image. Therefore, image is the ‘optimal’ synthetic structure.
2. The direct method for synthesizing semi-order spaces
In the above topology-based method, we first synthesize the right-order topologies corresponding to the given two semi-order structures image and image, then find the synthetic semi-order. This is not a straightforward method. We now provide a new approach that constructs the synthetic semi-order from semi-order structures image and image directly.

Directed Method

image and image are semi-order spaces, image is their synthetic semi-order space.
(1) Find the least upper bound image of spaces image and image.
(2) For image let image and image, where image and image.
Define image and image. Especially, if image, then image. The relation defined above is denoted by image.
We now show that image is just the same semi-order on image as that obtained by the above topologic method.

Proposition 3.3

image and image are semi-order spaces. The structure image on image obtained from the direct method is identical with semi-order image on image constructed by the topologic method.








We have image.

Example 3.10

Spaces image and image are the same as that in Example 3.9, i.e.,





Find the synthetic space image by the direct method.


image, where




Find image from the direct method.
Since image and image, we have image.
Again image and image, we have image.
Since image and image are incomparable and image, then image and image are incomparable as well.
Finally, we have image as the same as is shown in Fig.3.5.
Theoretically, since a semi-order structure can be transformed into a topologic structure, the former can be regarded as a special case of topologic structures. For example, the order-preserving property between a semi-order space and its quotient space, in essence, mirrors the continuity of projecting a topologic space on its quotient space. In addition, the ‘coarsest’ property of the synthetic semi-order represents the ‘coarsest’ property of the synthetic topology.
Although there is no difference between semi-order and topologic structures in theory, the former has widespread applications in reality. Especially, when domain X is a finite set, a semi-order can be represented by a directed network. Based on the network representation, a quotient semi-order can be obtained from its original semi-order directly. And a synthetic semi-order can also be obtained from semi-order structures directly; there is no need to transform it into topologic structures. This will make things convenient for the applications.

3.6. The Synthesis of Attribute Functions

For a problem space image, given the knowledge of its two abstraction levels image and image, we intend to have an overall understanding about image.
Assume that the overall understanding of image is represented by image. We are now going to discuss how to construct image from image and image such that it satisfies the synthetic principles.

3.6.1. The Synthetic Principle of Attribute Functions

Given a problem space image and its quotient spaces image and image. Let image, be nature projections. image is an equivalence relation with respect to quotient space image.
Fixing projection image, image is uniquely defined. When T is a topology, including a semi-order, fixing image, image is also uniquely defined.
Once the approach of constructing the global attributes of set A from its local information is determined, projection image is uniquely defined too.
Conversely, two spaces image and image are given. Let image. Their synthetic space image must satisfy the following three conditions at least


In general, the solution satisfying constraints (3.1) is not unique. In order to have a unique solution, additional optimization criteria have to be provided generally. In Section 3.3, the optimization goal of the synthetic space image is represented by ‘the least upper bound’ criterion. In Section 3.4, the optimization goal of the synthetic topology is indicated by ‘the coarsest’ criterion.
We now present the synthetic principle of attribute functions as follows.
Given image and image, find the synthetic space image satisfying the following conditions.


where image image, is a natural projection.
(2) Assume that image is a given optimization criterion. Then


where, the min (max) operation is carried on all attribute functions in image which satisfy Formula (3.2).
We next show the rationality of the above synthetic principles.
The condition (1), i.e., image, is necessary. That is, the projections of image on image and image must be identical with the given image and image, respectively. As shown in Example 3.4, the corresponding projections of the object S synthesized from the given front and top views have to be identical to the given triangles image and image at least, respectively, as shown in Fig. 3.1.
In fact, the solution satisfying constraint (3.2) is not unique. This is not necessarily a bad thing. For example, when designing a mechanical part, we have to consider several requirements and each requirement can be regarded as a kind of constraint on its abstraction level. Generally, the design result satisfying these requirements is not unique. This means there is plenty of room for designers’ imaginations. The design works will benefit from the variety of the results. But this is an obstacle to a computer while it is not intelligent enough. So in computer problem solving, some sort of optimization criteria are needed.
Condition (2) above is one such optimization criterion. As long as it is given, the computer will be able to find the optimal solution. For example, we design a container in order to satisfy the requirements shown in Fig. 3.1. That is, its front and top views are triangles image and image, respectively. For human designers, under such requirements, an infinite variety of designs can be envisioned. But, in order to have a solution by a computer, a specific criterion must be provided. For example, if taking the maximal volume of the container as a criterion then a cone ABCDE shown in Fig. 3.1 will be turned out.
Generally, the optimal synthetic criteria are domain-dependent and hard for computers to implement. In reality, we can only have some so-called satisfactory solutions. This is one of the main ideas in artificial intelligence.
In fact, in the real world, the situation is more complicated. For example, the information that we have in some abstraction level is not precise. Therefore, we have to handle the imprecise or incomplete information.
We are given spaces image and image. Let image be a synthetic space.
Let image be a space consisting of all attribute functions on image. Assume that there exists a metric image in each image such that image, image, image, is a metric space.
Now, if the observation in level image is not precise, so Formula (3.2) may not hold accurately. Similar to the method of least-squares, we establish the following relation.


where, image, is a natural projection. And


where, the operation min is carried on all functions on image.
If function image satisfying Formula (3.5) is still not unique, an additional criterion is needed, for example, an additional function image. By letting


where, the operation min is carried on all functions on image as well.
Attribute function image that obtained from image and image by Formulas (3.4) and (3.5), or by Formula (3.6), is a synthetic one.
As mentioned above, the optimization synthetic criteria are generally domain-dependent, and there is a great variety of methods for extracting global information from local ones, i.e., a variety of image functions. Therefore, it is hard to have a universal optimization criterion.

3.6.2. Examples

In this section, we will explain the computed tomography, CT for short, by our synthetic model in order to have a better understanding of the model.

Example 3.11

As shown in Fig. 3.6, T is a biological tissue under study, by placing an X-ray and photosensitive film DE alongside the tissue so that it lies perpendicular to the incident rays. When the X-ray traverses from left to right along the x-axis, an image on film DE of X-ray attenuation during this traverse is obtained. The image of the tissue's structure can be reconstructed by using a computer to analyze a set of these recorded images. This is the basic principle of computed tomography (Kak and Slaney, 2001).
When a beam of X-rays penetrates any structure shown in Fig. 3.6, attenuation occurs, the degree of the attenuation is related to: (a) the atomic number of the element of which the structure is composed, or the effective atomic number of a complex structure and (b) the concentration of the substances forming that structure. Thus, the density of electrons, or effective electron density, determines the degree to which a given beam of X-rays will be attenuated. Therefore, from the attenuation of the X-ray the structure of a tissue being tested can be known.
In Fig. 3.6, we now assume that image is the attenuation coefficient of that tissue at (x,y) in one of its cross-sections. When X-ray passes through the given structure, the density of the beam emerging from the other side of the structure will depend on image. The one-dimensional image recorded in film DE is


when X-ray traverses along the x-axis.
Figure 3.6 The Principle of CT
In terms of hierarchical model, the attenuation coefficient image can be regarded as an attribute function of a problem space image, where image is a part of two-dimensional Euclidean space, e.g., a cross-section of a tissue as shown in Fig. 3.6.
From Formula (3.7), we can see that image is a projection of image on X. It forms a new space image, where image is a quotient space of image by considering each line perpendicular to the x-axis as a point, i.e., an equivalence class. Thus, image is a line segment DE on the x-axis. The relation between attribute functions image and g(x) is the following.


where image
For each line image intersecting the x-axis with angle image, we have a projection image.
For all image, we have a set image of projections. Then, we obtain a set of quotient spaces denoted by image, image.
The point is how to find image from a set image,image of quotient spaces. This is the same problem that CT intends to solve.
From the hierarchical model viewpoint, it is to find a synthetic space from a given set image of quotient spaces. That is, given image, we find a image such that it satisfies:


where image : Ximage is a projection, image is a domain of image (s).
Letting image, we have


In mathematics, it can be proved that a set of equations (3.8) has a unique solution. So there is no need of additional criteria in the synthetic model. The synthetic attribute function can be obtained by solving Formula (3.8) directly.
From the theorems of Fourier transform, we have the following theorem.

Theorem 3.2

The Fourier transform of the one-dimensional projection of a two-dimensional function is identical with the distribution on the central section of the Fourier transform of that function.
The theorem can be stated by the following mathematical formulas.
The Fourier transform of function image is as follows.


The projection of image on X is


The Fourier transform of image is


Let image, we have image.
By Fourier inverse transform of image, we have


Therefore, from a given set image, we have a Fourier transform image. Meanwhile, from the Fourier inverse transform of image, we finally have image. In CT, image corresponds to the image of the biological tissue being radiographed. Thus, the computed tomography is a special case of our synthetic problem, while there is no need for the optimal criteria.

Example 3.12

In reality, the reconstruction of image by the method indicated in Example 3.11 may not be feasible, since an infinite number of projections are needed. For this reason, Kashyap and Mittal (1975) presented a minimization approach to algebraic equations. We first briefly explain their approach in the way of our hierarchical model.
(1) Discretization
Assume that the domain X of image is a square. Then, each edge of the square is equally divided into n intervals. We have a mesh consisting of n×n blocks. Regarding each block as a point, the value of image at its center is considered as the value of image in that block.
Regarding each block as an equivalence class, the mesh is a quotient space denoted by X. Taking the value of image at the central point of each block as the value of image in the block, which is called the inclusion principle, one of the basic approaches for constructing global information as mentioned in Chapter 2.
(2) Projection
image indicates the value of image at the central point of the ij-th block (the block at the i-th row and the j-th column). Arranging image according to the dictionary order of subscript (i,j), we have a n2-dimensional vector f as follows.


Then, image is a problem space after the discretization.
We draw a radial lk that intersects the horizontal line at angle image. From vertexes A and B, we draw two lines perpendicular to lk at points C and D, respectively. Then, line CD is divided into n intervals equally. From each end point of the intervals we draw a line perpendicular to lk and have n regions of square X (Fig. 3.7). From left to right, the regions are denoted by image, respectively.
Let image.
Obviously, image is a quotient space of X.
Define image.
That is, image is the sum of image over the range of region image, or denoted by image for short.
Define image.
Figure 3.7 The Discrete Method of CT
Therefore, image is a quotient space of image.
Given t projections image, we find their synthetic space image. This is just the problem that CT intends to solve.
(3) Minimization
Changing the subscript of the vector f, we have image. Let image be a image matrix. Then


From the synthetic principles, f must satisfy the following formula.


where, image.
From linear algebra, we know that if image, then Equation (3.9) has a unique solution. The f obtained from Equation (3.9) is the synthetic attribute function, or the image of biological tissue being examined after discretization.
If t>n generally, there is no solution to Equation (3.9). Similar to the method of least-squares, we construct a metric function image in t × n dimensional Euclidean space. Let


The synthetic attribute function f is the one that makes the right hand side of Formula (3.10) minimum.
If t<n, Equation (3.9) has an infinite solution. It is necessary to introduce an optimal criterion such as


where C is a positive semi-definite matrix related to local smoothness, f′ is a n2-dimensional column vector. The synthetic attribute function f is the one that satisfies constraint (3.9) and makes the right hand side of Formula (3.11) minimum.
From Lagrange multiplier procedure, we have


Finding the minimum of Formula (3.12), we have


Where, BT is the transposed matrix of B. Formula (3.12) is simplified to


Since (I+C) is not singularity, we have


That is,


Since when t<n, B is not singularity, using pseudo-inverse we have


where, ‘#’ denotes the pseudo-inverse operation, image is the transpose of matrix B.
Finally, we have image, where image. f is the synthetic attribute function, i.e., the function corresponding to the sectional images after discretization in computed tomography.
Next, we give a mathematical example which can be regarded as an application of the synthetic model.

Example 3.13

X is a linear normed space. Given a image, since itself may be rather complicated, we project f on a simpler space, for example, a real number axis. Assume Aimage X, where X is a conjugate space of X, i.e., X is a space consisting of all linear bounded functionals on X. For image, functional image is known. The problem is how to deduce f from g(f). By the synthetic viewpoint, it means that constructing f from the known image,image.
Let L(A) be a linear sub-space on X containing A. Fixed f, image varying within L(A), then image is a linear functional on L(A), and is denoted by image. Assuming image,image.
Assume further that image is a canonical mapping which embeds X within X∗∗ and there exists c1. By letting image, image is just the synthesis of image,image.
Assume that X is a Euclidean space.
A set of equations is given below.


We can write Formula (3.14) in vectorial form image. Each row can be represented by image, i=1,2…m.
Regarding vector image as a point in space En and image as a value of linear functional image at point x. Letting image, L(A) is a sub-space supported by m vectors.
If image, Formula (3.14) has a unique solution, i.e., image. If image is a proper subset of image, Formula (3.14) has an infinite number of solutions. Then, we introduce an optimal criterion


image is the optimal solution with a minimal image. From the geometrical point of view, image on image has a shortest distance from x, and is regarded as the real value of x.
The example shows that solving a set of equations, or a constraint satisfaction problem, can be regarded as information synthesis.
In Chapter 4, uncertain reasoning will be studied by the synthetic model.

3.6.3. Conclusions

In this section, we present a synthetic model under the quotient space theory.
Spaces image and image are given. image is their synthetic space. We have
(1) The synthesis of domains: X3 is the least upper space of X1 and X2
(2) The synthesis of topological structures: T3 is the least upper topology of T1 and T2.
(3) The synthesis of attribute functions: f3 satisfies the following condition image, where image, is a natural projection. If image and image have error, then the above formula will be replaced by the following formula.


Where image is a metric function on image,image is all attribute functions on image, and the min operation is carried out on all attribute functions f on X3.
If the solution is not unique, a proper optimal criterion must be added in order to have an optimal solution.
The synthetic model can be applied to constraint satisfaction problems, reasoning processes, etc.
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