Addenda A

Some Concepts and Properties of Point Set Topology

A.1. Relation and Mapping

A.1.1. Relation

Definition 1.1.1

image and image are any two sets. image is called a Cartesian product of X and Y, denoted by image, where image is a pair of ordered elements. x is the first coordinate of image, and y is the second coordinate of image. X is a set of the first coordinates of image, and Y is a set of the second coordinates of image.

Definition 1.1.2

image and image are two sets. For any image, R is called a relation from X to Y.
Assume that R is a relation from X to Y. If image, then x and y are imagerelevant, denoted by image.
Set image is called the domain of R, denoted by image.
Set image is called the range of R, denoted by image.
For image, letting image, image is called a set of images (or image) of A.
For image, letting image, image is called the preimage of B.

Definition 1.1.3

For image, letting image, T is called the composition of R and S, denoted by image.
For image, letting image, image is called the inverse of R.

Proposition 1.1.1

For image and image, we have
(1) image
(2) image
(3) image
(4) image, image and image
(5) image
Note that in (4) image rather than image.

A.1.2. Equivalence Relation

Definition 1.2.1

Assume that R is a relation from X to X (or a relation on X) and satisfies
(1) image (Reflexivity)
(2) image (Symmetry)
(3) image (Transitivity)
R is called an equivalence relation on X.
Assume that R is an equivalence relation on X. For image, letting image, image is an imageequivalent set of x.

Definition 1.2.2

For image, if image and image, then image is a partition of x.

Proposition 1.2.1

R is an equivalence relation on X. Then, image is a partition of X.

A.1.3. Mapping and One–One Mapping

Definition 1.3.1

F is a relation from X to Y. For image, if there exists a unique image such that image, then F is called a mapping from X to Y, denoted by image.
If image, F is called surjective, where image is the range of F.
For image, if image, F is called 1-1 mapping.

Proposition 1.3.1

f :image is a mapping. For image, we have




If image, then image.
For image, we have




If image, then image.
If f is surjective, then image, image.
If f is a 1-1 mapping, then image.
Where, image is the complement of A. image is the inverse of f.
If f is surjective and 1-1 mapping, then image and image.

Definition 1.3.2

Assume that X is a Cartesian product of image. Let image. Define image. image is the projection of X on image, or a set of the i-th coordinates.

A.1.4. Finite Set, Countable Set and Uncountable Set

Definition 1.4.1

A and B are two sets. If there exists a 1-1 surjective mapping from A to B, A and B are called equinumerous.
Any set that is not equinumerous to its proper subsets is a finite set.
A set that is equinumerous to the set N of all natural numbers is a countable set.
An infinite set that is not equinumerous to the set N of all natural numbers is an uncountable set.

Theorem 1.4.1 (Bernstein)

If A and the subset of B are equinumerous, and B and the subset of A are also equinumerous, A and B are equinumerous.

A.2. Topology Space

A.2.1. Metric Space

X is a non-empty set. image is a mapping, where R is a real set. image, d satisfies:
(1) image and image
(2) image
(3) image
Then, d is a distance function on X and image is a metric space.

Definition 2.1.2

image is a metric space. For image, image. image is called a spherical neighborhood with x as its center and image as its radius, or simply image neighborhood.

Proposition 2.1.1

image is a metric space. Its spherical neighborhoods have the following properties.
(1) image, there is one neighborhood at least. image, have image.
(2) image, for any two spherical neighborhoods image and image, there exists image such that image.
(3) If image, then there exists image.

A.2.2. Topological Space

Definition 2.2.1

X is a non-empty set. image is a family of subsets of X. If image satisfies the following conditions
(1) image
(2) image, image
(3) image, image
then image is a topology of X. image is a topologic space. Each member of image is called an open set on image.
image is a metric space. For image and image, if there exists image, then A is an open set on X. Let image be a family of all open sets on X. It can be proved that image is a topology on X. image is called a topologic space induced from d.

Definition 2.2.2

image is a topologic space (image always indicates a topologic space below). For image and image, if image, then U is called a neighborhood of x denoted by image.
For image, the set of all neighborhoods of image is called a system of neighborhoods of x, denoted by image.

Proposition 2.2.1

image is a topologic space. For image, image is a neighborhood system of x. We have
(1) image and image, then image.
(2) If image, then image.
(3) If image, there exist image such that for image have image.

A.2.3. Induced Set, Close Set and Closure

Definition 2.3.1

For image, if image, image, then x is called an accumulation (limit) point of A.
Set image of all accumulation points of A is called an induced set of A.

Proposition 2.3.1

For image, we have
(1) image
(2) image image
(3) image
(4) image

Definition 2.3.2

For image, if all accumulation points of A belong to A, then A is a close set.

Proposition 2.3.2

A is close image is open.

Proposition 2.3.3

Assume that image is a family of all close sets on image. We have
(1) imageimage
(2) If imageimage, then imageimage.
(3) If image1image image, then image.

Definition 2.3.3

For image, letting image, image is called a closure of A.

Proposition 2.3.4

For image, we have
(1) image
(2) image
(3) image
(4) image

Definition 2.3.4

For image, define image.

Proposition 2.3.5

For image, we have
(1) image
(2) image

A.2.4. Interior and Boundary

Definition 2.4.1

For image, letting image, image is called the interior (core) of A.

Proposition 2.4.1

For image, we have
(1) A is open image
(2) image
(3) image
(4) image
(5) image
(6) image

Definition 2.4.2

For image, if image, image and image, x is called a boundary point of A. The set of all boundary points of A is called boundary of A, denoted by image.

Proposition 2.4.2

For image, we have
(1) image
(2) image
(3) image
(4) image
(5) image

A.2.5. Topological Base and Subbase

Definition 2.5.1

image is a topologic space. For image and image, if there exists image such that image, then image is a base of image.

Proposition 2.5.1

image is a space. image is a topologic space induced from d. Then, image ={all spherical neighborhoods of x, image } is a base of image.

Proposition 2.5.2

image is a family of open sets on image. Then, image is a base image and image, there is image such that image.

Proposition 2.5.3

image is a family of subsets of X and satisfies
(1) image
(2) If image, for image, there exists image such that image.
Then, let image be a topology of X and image be a base of image.

Definition 2.5.2

image is a space. image is a sub-family of image. If image, letting image, i.e., image is a family of sets composed by the intersections of any finite number of elements in image, then image is a base of image, and image is a subbase of image.

A.2.6. Continuous Mapping and Homeomorphism

Definition 2.6.1

image is a mapping. If image, then f is a continuous mapping.
If image, image and image, have image, then f is continuous at x.

Proposition 2.6.1

For image, the following statements are equivalent.
(1) f is a continuous mapping
(2) If image is a base of Y, then image, image.
(3) image is a preimage of any close set F in Y; image is close in X.
(4) image is a subbase of Y; image, have image.
(5) image, have image.
(6) image, have image.

Proposition 2.6.2

For image, the following statements are equivalent.
(1) f is continuous at x.
(2) For all neighborhoods image of image, there exists image such that image.

Proposition 2.6.3

If image and image are continuous, then image is continuous.

Definition 2.6.3

image and image are two spaces. If there exists image, where f is a 1-1 surjective and bicontinuous mapping, i.e., both f and image are continuous, then f is called a homeomorphous mapping from X to Y, or X and Y are homeomorphism.

A.2.7. Product Space and Quotient Space

Definition 2.7.1

image and image are two topologies on X. If image, image is called smaller (coarser) than image.
image is a family of topologies on X. If there exists image such that image, image, then image is called the smallest (coarsest) topology in image.
Similarly, we may define the concept of the largest (finest) topology.

Proposition 2.7.1

Assume that image, image. There exists the smallest (coarsest) topology among topologies on X that make each image continuous.

Proposition 2.7.2

Assume that image, image. There exists the largest (finest) topology among topologies on X that make each image continuous.

Corollary 2.7.2

Assume that image. There exists the largest (finest) topology among topologies on image that make image continuous. The topology is called the quotient topology with respect to image and image.

Definition 2.7.2

For image, letting image, image is called the subspace of image.

Definition 2.7.3

Assume that image, where image indicates the product set. image is a family of topologic spaces. Let image be a projection. image is the smallest topology among topologies on image that make image continuous. image is called the product topologic space of image, denoted by image.

Proposition 2.7.3

Assume that image is a product topologic space of image. Letting image, image is a subbase of image.

Proposition 2.7.4

Assume that image is a product topologic space of image. image is continuous image, image is continuous.

Proposition 2.7.5

Assume that image is a product topologic space of image. Then, series image on X converges to image, series image on image converges to image.
Where, the definition of convergence is that for image, if image, there exists image such that when image, image. Then image is called to be converging to image, denoted by image.

Definition 2.7.4

image is an equivalence relation on image. Let image be a nature projection image image, and image be the finest topology that makes image continuous. image is called the quotient space of image with respect to R. Where, image may be indicated by image, or image.

Proposition 2.7.6

Assume that image is a quotient topologic space of image with respect to R. Then, image.

Definition 2.7.5

For image, letting image, image is called the quotient topology of image with respect to f. We have a topologic space image and image is a congruence space of image and f.

Proposition 2.7.7

image is an open (close) surjective mapping. Then, image.

Proposition 2.7.8

image is an congruence space of image and f. Assume that image and image. Then, image is continuous image is continuous.

A.3. Separability Axiom

A.3.1. image, image, image Spaces

Definition 3.1.1

image is a space. For image, there is image such that image, or there is image such that image, X is called image space.

Definition 3.1.2

image is a space. For image, there must be image such that image, X is called image space.

Definition 3.1.3

image is a space. For image, there must be image such that image, X is called image space, or image space.

Proposition 3.1.1

X is a image space image, image, where image is the closure of singleton image. It means that the closures of any two different singletons are different.

Proposition 3.1.2

image is a topologic space. The following statements are equivalent.
(1) X is a image space.
(2) Each singleton on X is a close set.
(3) Each finite set on X is a close set.

Proposition 3.1.3

image is a image space image, the intersection of all neighborhoods containing x is just image.

Proposition 3.1.4

image, X is a image space. Then, image, image is an infinite set.

Proposition 3.1.5

image is a image space. Then, the convergent series on X has only one limit point.

Proposition 3.1.6

image is a image space image the diagonal image of product topologic space on image is a close set.

3.2. image, image, Regular and Normal Space

Definition 3.2.1

In space image,image, A is close. For image, if there exist open sets image and image, image, such that image, then X is called a image space.

Definition 3.2.2

In space image, for image, if there exist open sets image and image such that image, then X is called a image space.

Proposition 3.2.1

image is a image space image and image, there exists image such that image.

Proposition 3.2.2

image is a image space image for any close set A in X and any open set u that contains A, i.e., image, there exists open set image such that image.

Proposition 3.2.3

image is a image space image For close sets image, there exists a continuous mapping image such that image and image.

Proposition 3.2.4 (Tietz Theorem)

image is a image space image For any close set image and any continuous function image on A, there exists a continuous expansion image of image on X.

Definition 3.2.3

If image is a image and image space, then X is called a regular space.

Definition 3.2.4

If image is a image and image spaces, then X is called a normal space.

Proposition 3.2.5

image is a normal space image is a regular space image is a image space image is a image space image is a image space.

A.4. Countability Axiom

A.4.1. The First and Second Countability Axioms

Definition 4.1.1

If image has countable base, then X is said to satisfy the second countability axiom.

Definition 4.1.2

If in image, for image, there exists countable local base, then X is said to satisfy the first countability axiom.

Proposition 4.1.1

Real space R satisfies the second countability axiom.

Proposition 4.1.2

If image is a metric space, then X satisfies the first countability axiom.

Proposition 4.1.3

If image satisfies the second countability axiom, then X satisfies the first countability axiom.

Proposition 4.1.4

image is a continuously open and surjective mapping. If X satisfies the second (or first) countability axiom, then Y will satisfy the second (or first) countability axiom.

Definition 4.1.3

If image has property P and any sub-space of X also has the property P, property P is called having heredity.
If for image has property P and their product space image also has property P, then P is called having integrability.
The relation among separation axiom, countability axiom, heredity and integrability is shown in Table 4.1.1.

Table 4.1.1

image image image image image image image Separable Distance
heredity × ×
integrability × √(countable)


Where, image and image are the first and second countability axioms, respectively.
√ (countable) means that the product space of the countable number of metric spaces is metrizable.

Proposition 4.1.5

For image, if X is countable, then f is continuous at image image, have image.

A.4.2. Separable Space

Definition 4.2.1

If image and image, then D is called dense in X, or D is a dense subset of X.

Proposition 4.2.1

Assume that D is a dense subset in image. image and image are two continuous mappings. Then, image image on D.

Definition 4.2.2

If image has dense countable subsets, X is called a separable space.

Proposition 4.2.1

If image satisfies image, then X is separable.

Proposition 4.2.2

If a separable metric space satisfies image, then it must be image.
The relation among image, image and metric spaces is shown below.
Where, A image C indicates that property A with the addition of property B infers property C.

A.4.3. Lindelof Space

Definition 4.3.1

image is a family of sets and B is a set. If image, then image is called a cover of set B. When image is countable or finite, image is called a countable or finite cover.
If a family image of sets covers B and sub-family image of image also covers B, then image is called a sub-cover of image.
If each set of cover image is open (closed), then image is called an open (closed) cover.

Definition 4.3.2

In image, for any open cover of X, there exists countable sub-cover, X is called a Lindelof space.

Proposition 4.3.1

If image satisfies image, then X is a Lindelof space.

Corollary 4.3.1

An n-dimensional Euclidean space image is a Lindelof space.

Proposition 4.3.2

If image is a Lindelof space, then X satisfies image.

Proposition 4.3.3

If any sub-space in image is a Lindelof space, then each uncountable subset A of X must have accumulation points of A.

A.5. Compactness

A.5.1. Compact Space

Definition 5.1.1

In image, if each open cover of X has its finite sub-covers, then X is called a compact space.

Definition 5.1.2

Assume that image is a family of sets. If each finite sub-family in image has non-empty intersection, then image is said to have the finite intersection property.

Proposition 5.1.1

image is compact ⇔ each family of close sets that has the finite intersection property in X has non-empty intersection.

Proposition 5.1.2

image is a continuous mapping. If X is compact, then image is also compact.

Proposition 5.1.3

Each close subset of a compact set is compact.

Proposition 5.1.4

If image, is compact, then their product space is compact as well.

A.5.2. Relation between Compactness and Separability Axiom

Proposition 5.2.1

A compact subset in image is close.

Proposition 5.2.2

A compact image space is a normal space.

Proposition 5.2.3

image is a continuous mapping. If X is compact and Y is image, then f is a close mapping, i.e., mapping a close set to a close set.

Proposition 5.3.4

image is a continuous and 1-1 surjective mapping. If X is compact and Y is image, then f is homeomorphous.

Proposition 5.2.5

If image and image is an n-dimensional Euclidean space, then A is compact image A is a bounded close set.

Proposition 5.2.6

image is a continuous mapping. If X is compact, there exist image such that image, image.

A.5.3. Some Relations in Compactness

Definition 5.3.1

A topological space image is countably compact if every countable open cover has a finite subcover.

Definition 5.3.2

A topological space image is said to be limit point compact if every infinite subset has a limit point.

Definition 5.3.3

A topological space image is sequentially compact if every infinite sequence has a convergent subsequence.
In metric space, especially in n-dimensional Euclidean space, the four concepts of compactness, limit point compactness, countable compactness, and sequential compactness are equivalent.

A.5.4. Local Compact and Paracompact

Definition 5.4.1

In image, for each point on X there exists a compact neighborhood, and X is called a local compact space.

Definition 5.4.2

Assume that image and image are two covers of X. If each member of image is contained by some member of image, then image is called the refinement of image.

Definition 5.4.3

In image, image is a cover of subset A. If image, there exists image such that image only intersects with the finite number of members in image, then image is called a the local finite cover of A.

Definition 5.4.4

In image, for each open cover of image on X, there exists local finite cover image, where image is the refinement of image, then X is called a paracompact space.

Proposition 5.4.1

Each locally compact and image space are normal spaces.

Proposition 5.4.2

Each paracompact normal space is a regular space.
The relation among compactness, paracompactness and local compactness is shown below.

A.6. Connectedness

A.6.1. Connected Space

Definition 6.1.1

Assume that image. If image, then image and image are separate subsets.

Definition 6.1.2

In image, if there exist non-empty separate subsets image and image on X such that image, then X is said to be disconnected. Non-disconnected spaces are called connected spaces.

Proposition 6.1.1

In image, the following conditions are equivalent.
(1) X is disconnected
(2) X can be represented by the union of two non-empty and mutually disjoint close sets, i.e., image, image, where image and image are non-empty close sets
(3) X can be represented by the union of two non-empty and mutually disjoint open sets.
(4) There exists non-empty both open and close proper subset on X.

Definition 6.1.3

For image, if A is regarded as a sub-space of X, then it’s connected; A is called a connected subset of X.

Proposition 6.1.2

image is disconnected image there exist non-empty separate subsets image and image on X and image.

Proposition 6.1.3

Assume that Y is a connected subset on image. If image and image are separate subsets on X,image, then image or image.

Proposition 6.1.4

Assume that image is a connected subset. Let image. Then, B is a connected subset, especially image is connected.

Proposition 6.1.5

Assume that image is a family of connected sets on image and image. Then,image is connected.

Proposition 6.1.6

image is a continuous mapping. If X is connected, then image is connected on Y.

Proposition 6.1.7

If image are connected spaces, then their product space image is also connected.
From image is connected, image is connected.

Proposition 6.1.8

If image is continuous, X is connected, and there exist image such that image, then for image, there must have image such that image.

Proposition 6.1.9

If image is a continuous mapping, where image is a unit circle, then there exists image such that image, where image.

A.6.2. Connected Component and Local Connectedness

Definition 6.2.1

Assume that image and image are two points on topologic space image. If there exists a connected set image such that image, then image and image are called connected.
The connected relation among points on image is an equivalence relation.

Definition 6.2.2

Each equivalent class with respect to connected relations on image is called a connected component of X.

Definition 6.2.3

For image, if A is regarded as a sub-space, its connected component is called a connected component of subset A of X.

Definition 6.2.4

In image, for each neighborhood u of image, there exist connected neighborhood image such that image, then X is called local connected at point x. If for image image is local connected at x, then X is called a local connected space.

Proposition 6.2.1

In image, C is a connected component of X, then
(1) If Y is a connected subset on X and image, then image.
(2) C is a connected subset.
(3) C is a close set on X.

Proposition 6.2.2

In image, the following statements are equivalent.
(1) X is a local connected space.
(2) Any connected component of any open set of X is open.
(3) There exists a base on X such that its each member is connected.

Proposition 6.2.3

image is a continuous mapping. X is local connected. Then, image is also local connected.

Proposition 6.2.4

If image are local connected spaces, then their product space is also local connected.

Proposition 6.2.5

If image is a connected open set, then A must be a connected component of image.

A.6.3. Arcwise Connected Space

Definition 6.3.1

image is a continuous mapping and is called an arc (or path) that connects points image and image on image, where image and image are called start and end points of arc image, respectively. If image, then f is called a circuit.
If f is an arc on X, then image is called a curve on X.
For image, if there exists an arc image such that image and image, then X is an arcwise connected space.
For image, regarding A as a sub-space, if A is arcwise connected, then A is an arcwise connected subset of X.

Definition 6.3.2

For image, if there is an arc on X that connects image and image, then image and image are arcwise connected.
All points on X are an equivalent relation with respect to arcwise connected relations.

Definition 6.3.3

The points on image that belong to an equivalent class with respect to arcwise connected relations are called an arcwise connected component of X.

Proposition 6.3.1

If image is arcwise connected, then X is connected.

Proposition 6.3.2

image is a continuous mapping. If X is an arcwise connected space, then image is also an arcwise connected space.

Proposition 6.3.3

If image are arcwise connected spaces, then their product space is also an arcwise connected space.

Corollary 6.3.3

image is an arcwise connected space.

Proposition 6.3.4 (Bond Lemma)

Assume that image are close sets and image. image and image are continuous mappings. image, i.e., image and image are the same on image. Let image. Then, image is continuous.

Proposition 6.3.5

For image, if A is an open connected set, then A is arcwise connected.

Definition 6.3.4

In image, image for any neighborhood image of x, if there exists a connected neighborhood image such that image, then X is called local arcwise connected.

Proposition 6.3.6

If image is local arcwise connected and A is connected, then A is arcwise connected.

Proposition 6.3.7

If image is local arcwise connected and image is an open connected subset, then A is arcwise connected.

Proposition 6.3.8

The continuous image of a local arcwise connected space is also local arcwise connected.

Proposition 6.3.9

If image are local arcwise connected, then their product space is also local arcwise connected.

Definition 6.3.5

image is a metric space. For image and image, if there exist a set of points image such that image, then image is called a imagechain that connects points image and image.
The above materials are from [Xio81]. The interested readers can also refer to [Eis74].

A.7. Order-Relation, Galois Connected and Closure Space

A.7.1. Order-Relation and Galois Connected

Definition 7.1.1

Assume that ‘image’ is a binary relation on image and satisfies reflexivity and transitivity properties, i.e.,image, image and image, if image and image, then image, ‘image ’ is called a pre-order or quasi-order on image.
Especially, if ‘image ’ satisfies transitivity and anti-reflexivity, i.e., for image, image does not hold, then ‘image ’ is a strict pre-order on image denoted by ‘image ’ generally.

Definition 7.1.2

If a pre-order relation satisfies anti-symmetry, i.e., image, image, then imageis called a partial order relation on image. image is called a partial ordered set.
If a pre-order relationimagesatisfies symmetry, i.e.,image, image, thenimageis called an equivalence relation on image. Symbolimageis not used to denote equivalence relations generally.

Definition 7.1.3

Assume thatimageis a semi-order (partial-order) relation on image. For any two elements image, if their supremum image and infimum image exist, then image is a lattice. For a lattice image, image and image are used to represent the supremum and infimum of two elements image and image generally.
Especially, if for any image, image and image exist, then image is called a complete lattice.

Definition 7.1.4

image is a semi-order set. image, if self-mapping image satisfies the following conditions
(1) image (increasing property)
(2) image (order-preserving)
(3) image (idempotent)
Then, image is a closure operator on image. Correspondingly, if a self-mapping image on image satisfies order-preserving, idempotent and decreasing property, i.e., image, then image is called an interior operator on image.

Note 7.1.1

image is a closure operator on image. A set image of images is just a set composed by all fixed points of image, i.e., image. Elements of image are called to be closed under the mapping image. Especially, if image is a complete lattice, then image is also a complete lattice.

Note 7.1.2

Assume that image is a closure operator on a complete lattice image, where image is any given set and image is a power set of image. Then, image uniquely corresponds to a family image of subsets of image and image satisfies (1) image, (2) image, image, image is called a Moore family on image, and two-tuple image is a closure system.
Please refer to Davey and Priestley (1992) for more details.
Galois Connection (Davey and Priestley, 1992)
Definition 7.1.5
Assume that image and image are a pair of semi-order structures. image and image are a pair of mappings. The domains of image and image are image and image, respectively. If image and image satisfy
For image and image, image.
Then, image is called a Galois connection between image and image as shown below,


Proposition 7.1.1

image is a Galois connection between image and image, where image and image. If image and image, then we have the following conclusions.
(1) image
(2) image
(3) image
Conversely, assume that image and image are a pair of mappings between image and image. For image and image, the above two conditions (1) and (2) hold. Then, image and image are a Galois connection between image and image.

Proposition 7.1.2

Assume that image is a Galois connection between image and image, where image and image. Then the combination mapping image is a closure operator on image, and image is an interior operator on image.

A.7.2. Closure Operation and Closure Space

The concept of closure operation that we previously introduced is under the order theory sense. The terms of closure operation, closure space and related properties that we will introduce below have the topologic sense, especially under E. Cech sense, i.e., based on set theory and always assuming that there does not appear paradox (Cech, 1966).

Definition 7.2.1

image is a domain. If mapping image satisfies the following three axioms, where image is a power set of image,
(cl1) image
(cl2) image, image
(cl3) image and image, image
then, image is called a closure operation on image. Correspondingly, two-tuples image is a closure space, and image is a image closure of subset image. If not causing confusion, the closure image of subset image is denoted by image.

Proposition 7.2.1

If image is a closure space, then
(1) image
(2) For image and image, if image, then image
(3) For any family image of subsets of image, have image

Definition 7.2.2

image is a set composed by all closure operations on image, i.e., image =image is a closure operation on image}. Define a binary relationimageon image as


If image holds, then closure operation image is said to be coarser than image. Equivalently, image is said to be finer than image.

Theorem 7.2.1

Binary relationimageis a semi-order relation on image. image has a greatest element image and a least element image. That is, for image, if image, then image, otherwise image; and image. Furthermore, for any subset image of image and image, we have image, i.e., image is order complete with respect toimage.

Definition 7.2.2

image is a closure space. Mapping image, induced by closure operation image, is called an interior operation, denoted by image. Its definition is as follows


Correspondingly, image is called imageinterior of image, or simply interior.

Proposition 7.2.3

image is a closure space. If image is defined by Definition 7.2.2, then
(int1) image
(int2) image, image
(int3) image and image, image
Assume that image image satisfies axioms int1int3. Define an operation image as follows


It can be proved that image is a closure operation on image and image. If image is a set of mappings image on image that satisfy axioms int1int3, then there exists one-one correspondence between image and image. Or a closure operation and an interior operation are dual.

Definition 7.2.3

image is a closure space.image is a dual interior operation of image. For image, if image, then image is called a close set. If image, or equivalently, image, then image is called an open set.

Proposition 7.2.4

image is a closure space. image is a dual interior operation of image. We have
(1) image
(2) For image and image, if image, then image.
(3) For any family image of subsets of image, have image

Definition 7.2.4

A topological closure operation on image is a closure operation image that satisfies the following condition


If image is a topological closure operation, then closure space image is a topological space.

Proposition 7.2.5

If image is a closure space, then each condition shown below is the necessary and sufficient condition that image is a topological space.
(1) The closure of each subset is a close set
(2) The interior of each subset is an open set
(3) The closure of each subset equals to the intersection of all close sets that include the subset
(4) The interior of each subset equals to the union of all open sets that include the subset.

Theorem 7.2.2

Assume that image is a family of subsets of set image that satisfies the following conditions
(o1) image, image
(o2) image, image, i.e., image is closed for any union operation
(o3) image, image, i.e., image is closed for finite intersection operation.
Let image is a closure operation on image and the set composed by all open sets of image is just image.
Then, there just exists a topological closure operation image on image such that image is the roughest element on image.

Theorem 7.2.3

Assume that image is a family of subsets of set image that satisfies the following conditions
(c1) image, image
(c2) image, image, i.e., image is closed for any union operation
(c3) image, image, i.e., image is closed for finite intersection operation.
Then, there just exists a topological closure operation image on image such that image is just a set that composed by all close sets on image.
Using open set as a language to describe topology, axioms (o1) ∼ (o3) are used. However, conditions (cl1) ∼ (cl4) are called axioms of Kuratowski closure operator. Kuratowski closure operator, interior operator that satisfies axioms (int1) ∼ (int3) and (int4):image image, open set and neighborhood system are equivalent tools for describing topology. For describing non-topologic closure spaces, only closure operations, interior operations and neighborhood systems can be used, but open set or close set cannot be used as a language directly. In some sense, closure spaces are more common than topologic spaces. We will discuss continuity, connectivity and how to construct a new closure space from a known one below.
A closure operation image on a domain set image is defined as a mapping from image to itself, where domain image and codomain image. Closure operation image is completely defined by binary relation image, i.e., image and image, image. Obviously, we have image.
Compared to image, relation image more clearly embodies the intuitive meaning of closure operation, i.e., what points are proximal to what sets. Naturally, the intuitive meaning of continuous mappings is the mapping that remains the ‘image is proximal to subset image’ relation.

Definition 7.2.5

image is a mapping from closure space image to closure space image. For image and image, if image, have image holds, then image is called continuous at image. If image is continuous at any image, then image is called continuous.

Theorem 7.2.4

image is a mapping from closure space image to closure space image. The following statements are equivalent.
(1) f is a continuous mapping
(2) For image, image holds.
(3) For image, image holds.

Definition 7.2.6

image is an 1-1 correspondence (bijective mapping) from closure space image to closure space image. Both image and image are continuous mappings. Then, image is called a homeomorphous mapping from image to image, or image is a homeomorph of image.

Definition 7.2.7

If there exists a homeomorphous mapping from closure space image to image, then image and image are called homeomorphous closure spaces.

Definition 7.2.8

If a closure space image has property image such that all spaces that homeomorphous to image have the property, then image is called the topological property.
Obviously, the homeomorphous relation is an equivalent relation on the set composed by all closure spaces.

Definition 7.2.9

image is a closure space. For image, if there exist subsets image and image on image such that image, and if image, then image or image, then image is called a connected subset of image.

Definition 7.2.10

image is a continuous mapping from closure space image to closure space image. If image is a connected subset, then image is a connected subset on image.
Below we will discuss how to generate a new closure operation from a known closure operation, or a set of closure operations. Two generated approaches are discussed, the generated projectively and generated inductively. The product topology and quotient topology discussed in point topology are special cases of the above two generated approaches in closure operation.

Definition 7.2.11

image is a set of closure spaces. For any image, the closure operation on image generated inductively by mapping image is defined as follows


The above closure operation is the finest one among all closure operations that make image continuous.
The closure operation on image generated inductively by a set image of mappings is defined as follows


The above closure operation is the finest one among all closure operations that make each image, image continuous.

Proposition 7.2.6

image is a closure space. image is an equivalence relation on image, and its corresponding quotient set is image, where image, image. The closure operation image generated inductively by image is defined as a quotient closure operation on image. And for image,


Definition 7.2.12

image is a set of closure spaces. For any image, the closure operation on image generated projectively by image is defined as follows


The above closure operation is the coarsest one among all closure operations that make image continuous. The closure operation on image generated projectively by a set image of mappings is defined by image. It is the coarsest one among all closure operations that make each image, image continuous.
Note that image is not necessarily the image. And the latter is not necessarily a closure operation, unless a set image of closure spaces satisfies a certain condition (Cech, 1966).

A.7.3. Closure Operations Defined by Different Axioms

Two forms of closure that we mentioned previously are denotes by closure operator and closure operation, respectively. The former is under order theory sense and the latter is under topologic sense. In fact, the term of closure does not have a uniform definition. In different documents it might have different meanings. We introduce different definitions of closure, quasi-discrete closure space, Allexandroff topology, etc. below.
image is a domain. Assume that image is a given mapping. For image, image is called the closure of subset image. image is called the most general closure space. image is a dual mapping of image, i.e., image. image is called the interior of subset image. For convenience, for image, the following axioms are introduced (Table 7.3.1).
(CL0) image
(CL1) image image image
(CL2) image
(CL3) image
(CL4) image
(CL5) for any family image of subsets on image, image.
where, (CL1)+(CL3) are equivalent to axiom (CL3)′: image.

Table 7.3.1

(CL0) (CL1) (CL2) (CL3) (CL4) (CL5)
Neighborhood space
Closure space
Smith space
Cech closure space
Topological space
Alexandroff space
Alexandroff topology


: the axiom satisfied by definition ◊: the property induced by definition.

Using the dual interior operation image of image, we have the following equivalent axioms (CL0)∼(CL5). For image, we have
(INT0) image
(INT1) image image image
(INT2) image
(INT3) image
(INT4) image
(INT5) for any family image of subsets on image, image.
where, (INT1)+(INT3) are equivalent to INT3′: image.

Note 7.3.1

Under the general order theory sense, the closure space is defined by axioms (CL1), (CL2) and (CL4). For example, the closure operation defined by Definition 7.1.4 is called closure operator. When considering the inclusion relation between a power set and a subset, the axiom (CL0) may be or may not be satisfied.

Note 7.3.2

Under the Cech’s sense, the closure space is called pre-topology and is defined by axioms (CL0)∼(CL3). In Definition 7.1.4, axioms (CL0) and (CL3) are replaced by (CL3)’. The topology described by the Kuratowski closure operator that satisfies axioms (CL0), (CL2), (CL3)’ and (CL4) is equivalent to the above description, since axiom (CL3)’ may induce axiom (CL3), and (CL4)+(CL3) may induce (CL3)’. The distinction between the closure space in the Cech’s sense and the topologic space in general sense is the satisfaction of the idempotent axiom or not. So the former is the extension of the latter.

Note 7.3.3

Axiom (CL5) is called Alexandroff property. The topologic space that satisfies the Alexandroff property is called Alexandroff topology. In Cech (1966) and Galton (2003), axiom (CL5) is called quasi-discrete property. The Cech closure space that satisfies quasi-discrete property is called quasi-discrete closure space.

Note 7.3.4

To describe the closure space, except closure and interior operations, the neighborhood and the filter convergent sequence can be used equivalently. In Table 7.3.1, the neighborhood and Smith spaces (Kelly, 1955; Smith, 1995) originally are described by neighborhood language; we use the equivalent closure axioms.
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