

ABX index, 116

Agtmael, Antoine van, 43-44, 176

AIG (American International Group), xxii, 152, 191

Arnott, Rob, 165


Bank of America, xxi, 152, 196

Bank of International Settlements (BIS), 59

Bank of Japan, 57

Bank One, 77, 139-144

BankAmerica, 77

banks. See also specific banks

bank runs, 139-144

banking reforms, 197

banks too big to fail, 76-82

decline of, 6-7, 196-197

deposit insurance, 140

government stakes in, 181

impact of money market funds on, 26-30

market recovery, 179-184

Northern Rock, 140

stress tests, 183

Barbarians at the Gate, 52

Baruch, Bernard, 186

Basel II Accord, 80

Bear Stearns, xx-xxi, 127-129, 143-146

Beim, David, 83

bell curve distribution of market returns, 19

Bent, Bruce, 25

Bernanke, Ben, 133, 148

bibliography, 215-221

BIS (Bank of International Settlements), 59

Black Wednesday (UK), 62-64

Black-Scholes theorem, 85

BNP Paribas, xx

Boesky, Ivan, 48

Bogle, Jack, 17, 71, 101

Bolton, Anthony, 12


bond market after Shanghai Surprise, 124-126

junk bonds, 48-54

Bovespa, 98, 102

Bretton Woods system (gold standard), 33

BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, and China), xix, 97-103

Brown, Gordon, 181

Bryan, William Jennings, 32

bubbles. See investment bubbles

Buffett, Warren, 102

Bush, George W., 159


Calomiris, Charles, 83

career risk, 73-74

carry trade, 55-61

Carter, Jimmy, 37

Cashin, Art, 160

CDOs (collateralized debt obligations), 116, 128-129

Centre for Capital Market Dysfunctionality, 15

Charles Schwab, 72

Chicago Board Options Exchange Vix Index, 121

Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 65


fiscal policy, 175-177

stop in rise of renminbi, 150

Cisco Systems, 92

Citicorp, 76-77

Citigroup, xxii, 141-142, 179-181

Clinton, Bill, 77

closet indexing, 22-24, 198

collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), 116, 128-129

Comerci (Controladora Comercial Mexicana SAB), 171

commodities, 104-111

The Community Bankers U.S. Government Money-Market Fund, 29


in government institutions, loss of, 158-162

restoring, 183-184

Controladora Comercial Mexicana SAB (Comerci), 171

corporate raiders, 117

Corrigan, Gerald, 118

Countrywide Financial, 136

Cramer, Jim, xx, 133


market recovery, 179-184

NASDAQ crash of 2000, 90-96

credit default swaps, 112-118

credit derivatives, 113

credit market

credit default swaps, 112-118

credit derivatives, 113

cyclically adjusted price/earnings ratio, 188


decoupling, 98-99, 171-178

Deng Xiaoping, 56

deposit insurance, 140

diversification, 6

by asset classes, 163-166

by risk, 166-169, 200

dot coms, 90-93

Douglas, Michael, 48

Dramer, Jim, 163

Drexel Burnham Lambert, 51

Dye, Tony, 15


ECB (European Central Bank), 148, 150

Einstein, Albert, 76

Ellis, Charles D., 16

emerging markets

alignment of disparate markets, 46

BRICs (for Brazil, Russia, India, and China), 97-103

decoupling, 171-178

history of, 40-41

investment in, 41-45

rebranding of LDCs to emerging markets, 43

endnotes, 202-214

ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Savings Act), 20, 70

ETFs (exchange-traded funds), 100

European Central Bank (ECB), 148

European Monetary System, 63

exchange-traded funds (ETFs), 100


fair value accounting, 182

Fannie Mae, xvii, xxi, 50, 149, 153, 181

Fidelity Magellan Fund, xvi, 11-13

First Chicago NBD, 77

Fitch, 80

foreign exchange, 62-67

framing, 23

Freddie Mac, xvii, xxi, 50, 149, 153, 181

Fukuyama, Francis, 55

Fuld, Richard, 152

fund managers, reforming compensation system for, 198-199


effect on banking industry, 196-197

ETFs (exchange-traded funds), 100

Fidelity Magellan Fund, 11-13

hedge funds, 83-89

defined, 84

leverage, 85

LTCM (Long-Term Capital Management), 83-89, 153

market-neutral hedge funds, 129-131

short selling, 84

structure of, 84

index funds

bell curve distribution of market returns, 19

closet indexing, 22-24, 198

commodities, 104-111

development of, 16

disadvantages of, 20-22

as force for inefficiency, 21

MSCI World emerging markets index, 44

“random walk,” 17-18

risk management, 18

money market funds

The Community Bankers U.S. Government Money-Market Fund, 29

explained, 25

growth of, 27

impact on banks, 26-30

The Reserve Fund, 26

private equity funds, 117

quantitative equity funds, 127-132


Galbraith, J. K., 1, 139, 158

Geithner, Timothy, 182

General Motors, 113

The General Theory (Maynard), 194

Glass-Steagall Act, 77

Global Equity Opportunities fund, 130

GMO, 15

gold standard

effect on U.S. economy, 33-34

history of, 32-33

problems with, 33-34

shift to oil standard, 35-38

Goldman Sachs, 80, 97, 105, 130

Google, 91

Gorton, Gary, 104, 107

government institutions

loss of confidence in, 158-162

as necessary condition for properly functioning markets, 160

purchase of stakes in troubled banks, 181

Graham, Ben, 187

Grant, James, 35-37

The Great Crash 1929 (Galbraith), 158

Great Moderation, 121-122

Greenspan, Alan, xviii, 65, 69, 87-88, 93, 133


hedge funds, 83-89

defined, 84

leverage, 85

LTCM (Long-Term Capital Management), 83-89, 153

market-neutral hedge funds, 129-131

short selling, 84

structure of, 84

herding, 5, 9-15, 198-199

Hickman, Walter Braddock, 51

High-Grade Structured Credit Strategies Enhanced Leverage fund, 127-129

history of stock market, xvi-xxii


carry trade, 59

emerging market in, 46


index funds

bell curve distribution of market returns, 19

closet indexing, 22-24, 198

commodities, 104-111

development of, 16

disadvantages of, 20-22

as force for inefficiency, 21

MSCI emerging markets index, 44

“random walk,” 17-18

risk management, 18

institutionalization of U.S. stock market, 9-15

insurance, deposit insurance, 140

International Swaps and Derivatives Association, 114

investment bubbles

formation of new bubbles, 186-193

history of, 3-4

in Japan, 56-59

investment, institutionalization of, 9-15

irrational exuberance, 69-74



investment bubble and crash, 56-59

yen carry trade, 60-61

Johnson, Lyndon, 50

JP Morgan, xxi, 144, 154

junk bonds, 48-54


Kapuscinski, Ryszard, 171

Kaufman, Henry, 81

Keynes, John Maynard, 194

KIKO (Knock-In, Knock-Out), 172

Kindleberger, Charles P., 179

Kondratieff, Nikolai, 108


Lamont, Norman, 62-63

LDCs (Lesser Developed Countries) model, 40

Lee, Jamie, 189


ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Savings Act), 20

Glass-Steagall Act, 77

Lehman Brothers, xxi, 152-156

Lesser Developed Countries (LDCs) model, 40

leverage, 85

Levitt, Arthur, 71-73

Lewis, Michael, 51, 85

Liar’s Poker (Lewis), 51, 85

LIBOR (London Inter-Bank Offer Rate), 135

Lieberman, Joseph, 106

Lo, Andrew W., 127, 130

London Inter-Bank Offer Rate (LIBOR), 135

long/short hedge funds, 129-131

LTCM (Long-Term Capital Management), xix, 83-89, 153

Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio, 98


Magellan Fund (Fidelity), xvi, 11-13

Mandelbrot, Benoit, 20-21

market recovery, 179-184

market resurgence of 2009, 186-193

market-neutral hedge funds, 129-131

Markit ABX index, 116

McCain, John, 159

Melcher, Jim, 14

Meriwether, John, 85

Merkel, Angela, 161

Merrill Lynch, xxi, 25, 152

Merton, Robert, 85


devaluation of currency in 1982, 40-42

Tequila Crisis, 65-67

Milken, Michael, 51-54, 107

Minsky, Hyman P., 120-122

Mississippi Bubble (France), 3

money market funds

The Community Bankers U.S. Government Money-Market Fund, 29

explained, 25

growth of, 27

impact on banks, 26-30

The Reserve Fund, 26

Moody’s, 80

moral hazard, 6, 78, 134, 183, 196

Morgan Stanley Capital International emerging markets index, 44

Morgan, JP, 133

Morningstar, 12


CDOs (collateralized debt obligations), 115, 128-129

securitized mortgages, 48-51

subprime mortgages, 116

MSCI World market index, 44


NASDAQ crash of 2000, 90-96

NationsBank, 77

negative feedback loop. See reflexive markets

Nikkei 225, 56

Nixon, Richard, 34

Northern Rock, 139-140


O’Neill, Jim, 97-98

Obama, Barack, 159


negative correlation between oil and share prices, 108

Peak Oil theory, 107

price spike of 2008, 146-149

shift from gold standard to oil standard, 35-38

OPEC oil price hike of October 1973, 35

overconfidence, 6, 73


Paine Webber, 78

Pandit, Vikdram, 179

Paulson, Hank, 80, 153, 181

Paulson, Henry, 158

Peak Oil theory, 107

Peston, Robert, 139

Petajisto, Antti, 22

pi Economics, 189

Poole, Bill, 134

Portillo, José López, 40-42

PPIP (Public-Private Investment Program), 182

Prince, Chuck, 124

principal/agent splits, 5

private equity funds, 117

Public-Private Investment Program (PPIP), 182

Puche, Jaime Serra, 66


quantitative easing, 182

quantitative equity funds, 127-132

“random walk” (index funds), 17-18

rating agencies, 80

Ready Assets money market fund (Merrill Lynch), 25

Reagan, Ronald, xvii

Reed, John, 76

reflexive markets, 145-151


banking reforms, 196-197

diversification by risk, 200

moral hazard, 196

reforming compensation system for fund managers, 198-199

Reid, Jim, 115

The Reserve Fund, 26, 154

risk management


by asset classes, 163-166

by risk, 166-169, 200

index investing, 18

RJR Nabisco, 52

Rogers, Jim, 104

Rouwenhoorst, Geert, 104


Salomon Brothers, 51, 85

Scholes, Myron, 85

securitized mortgages, 48-51

Shanghai Surprise, 1, 120-126

Shiller, Robert, 90, 187

short selling, 84

SIVs (structured investment vehicles), 141-142

Soros, George, 63, 145-146, 180

South Korea, 46

South Sea Bubble (England), 3

Standard & Poor’s, 80

Stansky, Robert, 12, 22

Stewart, Jon, 163

stock market timeline, xvi-xxii

stock market, institutionalization of, 9-15

stress tests, 183

structured investment vehicles (SIVs), 141-142

subprime crisis, 7

subprime mortgages, 116

Swiss Banking Corporation, 78

Swiss franc carry trade, 59

synchronization of world markets

2010 and after, 194-195

explained, 1-3


T-bills, 135-136

TALF (Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility), 181

TARP (Troubled Assets Relief Plan), 158-160

TED spread, 135-137

Templeton, John, 40

Tequila Crisis (Mexico), 65-67

Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF), 181

tesobonos, 66, 90

timeline of stock market, xvi-xxii

“too big to fail” banks, 76-82

Travelers Group, 76

Trichet, Jean-Claude, 148

Troubled Assets Relief Plan (TARP), 158-160


crisis of confidence in summer 2007, 135-138

need for, 133-134

Tulip Mania (Holland), 3

2009 market resurgence, 186-193


U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 71

UBS Phillips & Drew, 15, 78

United Kingdom, Black Wednesday, 62-64


Vanguard, 71

Viniar, David, 131

Vinik, Jeffrey, 12, 22

Vix Index, 121


effects of low volatility, 121-122

measuring, 121

rise with Shanghai Surprise, 120, 123-126

Volcker, Paul, 26, 37, 41, 65, 87, 121


Wall Street, 48

Weill, Sandy, 76-77

Whitney, Meredith, 142

Woolley, Paul, 15

world markets, synchronization of

2010 and after, 194-195

explained, 1-3


Xiaoping, Deng, 56

Y2K scare, 91

Zedillo, Ernesto, 65

zero-sum game, 64

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