AAck mnemonic, 141

a/b testing, 220221

achievements, 218219

action games subcategory, 7475

actionables, feedback and, 247250

“Actraiser,” 66

Add This, 273

AdMarvel, 165

AdMeld, 165

AdMob, 36, 128, 166, 211, 270, 271

Adobe Flash Professional CS5, 222, 254, 268

ads, 165168

advertising costs, 3031

network resources, 270271

“NinJump HD,” 189191

placement, 160

unpredictable, 155

Madventure games subcategory, 7576

Adwhirl, 166, 167, 271

affiliates resources, 270271

Agile Manifesto, 101102

agile software development, 101104

Agile Software Development with Scrum (Keith), 101, 257

aisles metaphor, 137

All Things D, 270

alpha test stage, 118

analyzing apps, 4159

Anderson, Chris, 150

“Angry Birds”

ad placement, 165

“Archetype” v., 107

comparing, 4143

copycats, 51, 52

Hero Inventor Syndrome, 14

physical forces, 143

physical metaphors, 136

physics engine, 19, 43, 60, 74, 81, 83, 143

popular features, 4849

reward system, 162

top game, 36

user engagement, 158

Apalon, 272

apps. See also specific apps

adapted to iPad, 204206

feature/concept document, 19

future, 254256

news and review sites, 269270

statistics, 3337

successful, 4155

support options, 251

trend, downloaded v. available, 5

unsuccessful, 5559

app analytics, 262

app development. See development

App Gamer, 270

App of the Week, 6, 30, 125126, 271

app rankings, 57, 261

app revenue models, 127132

business-motivated reasons, 150155, 178183

risk/rewards, 124127, 155157, 183184

terminology, 146150

app revenue rollercoaster, 126127

App Store

crowded zoo, 3132

demographics, 6468

evolution, 111

keywords, 4445

metrics resources, 261262

search bar, 44

App Storm, 270

app usage, 165168, 262

App2Market, 272

AppAdvice, 270

AppAnnie, 46, 47, 57, 58, 74, 76, 261

AppData, 221

Appency, 272

AppFigures, 261

Apple, 195209

apps adapted to iPad, 204206

care, 196204

customer service, 203204

Design Awards, 271

Hall of Fame, 4, 50, 51, 107

little things matter, 200201

review process, 119

Tapbots case study, 206209

user experience (UX) and, 197199

value-added benefits, 202203

APPLE acronym, 203204

Applyzer, 46, 47, 261

Appolicious, 270

Appscout, 270

AppsFire Awards, 271

app-to-person gifting, 226

Appular, 272

Appy Awards, 271

“AppZilla,” 9091

arcade games, 76


achievements/rewards, 218

App of the Week, 125

complaints, 59

computer generated imagery (CGI) intro story, 27

concepting for, 1718

core features, 52

costs, 25

death-match action, 30

development timeline, 105107

downloadable content (DLC), paid/free, 193

example UI, 16

feature creep, 111

get good press, 126

GoPlan, 112

gyroscope controls, 134, 186187

in-house help, 14

localization, 29, 97, 113114

main launch feedback, 245

music/sound, 18

outsourcing, 14, 17

pricing, 154

quality assurance (QA), 97

risk analysis, 110

Rocket Launcher, 16

smooth five-versus-five team-based

gameplay, 30

story/art concept relationship, 40

stress test, 29

ARPPU, 222

ARPU, 222

Ars Technica, 270


costs, 26

outsourcing, 1618

recommended books, 258

artificial intelligence, 77, 143, 228

artist role, 96

asking for rating, 160

assets, outsourcing, 1518

“Asteroids,” 54


costs, 2627

outsourcing, 18

royalty-free, 269

audio engineer role, 97

Audio Jungle, 269

average lifetime per user, 222

average revenue per paying user (ARPPU), 222

average revenue per user (ARPU), 222

average session length, 222

award sites, 271


Backflip Studios, 184, 188, 191, 192

BackTweets, 273

badges, 218219

bad/good feedback, 246247

Baker, Dane, 120121

Balancing Agility and Discipline: A Guide for the Perplexed (Boehm & Turner), 101

Balsamiq Mockups, 267

“BarMax,” 132, 183

Basecamp, 21, 40, 112, 263, 264

Beeline, 172

Belsky, Scott, 115

Berkun, Scott, 108, 115

Best App Ever, 271

beta test stage, 118

Big Fish Games, 158, 160

Bing, 198, 240, 261, 270

board games, 7677

Boehm, Bary, 101

books, 7071, 257259

borrowing style/functionality, 5960

brain, multitasking and, 133

“Brain Trainer,” 78

brainstorming, 139140, 267268

brand support, 158159

Brooks, Frederick P., Jr., 94, 105, 258

Brooks' Law, 105

bug tracking, 95, 264, 265

Bugzilla, 264

building, for other platforms, 254

business apps category, 71

business books, 257258

business-motivated reasons. See app revenue models


“Café World,” 53

“Calculator for iPad Free,” 152153, 158

call to action, 163164

Campaign Monitor, 272

Capcom Mobile, 28, 129, 172

“Carcassonne,” 131

“Card Ace: Casino,” 77

card games, 77

care, Apple and, 196204

casino games, 7778

casual gaming pillars, 6568

categories. See also specific categories

app numbers, 3435

gameplay/feature expectations, 6991

popularity, 6465

CGI (computer generated imagery), 18, 21, 26, 27, 56, 69

chat resources, 265

Chillingo, 33

Chomp, 33

choosing niche, 3841

“Cityville,” 53

CNET, 269

Coca-Cola Fan Page, 236

cocos2D, 266

common currency, 172174


outsourced talent, 22

outsourcing, coordination with, 112

resources, 263265

Skype, 15, 20, 54, 89, 103, 112, 265

tools, 20, 21, 265

community, sense of, 227

compelling icon, 160

competition, users and, 228232

competitive feedback research, 91

competitive gifting, 225

complaints, learning from, 5859

complete, create v., 14

computer generated imagery (CGI), 18, 21, 26, 27, 56, 69

concept/feature document, 19, 40, 115116

Constant Contact, 272

constructive criticism, 246

Consumer Reports, 203

content-based app, 152, 164

controlling idea, 98100

copycatting, 51, 52

core features, 52

Corona SDK, 254, 266, 268

costs, 2331

app prices, 35, 64

customer acquisition, 221

development, 2324, 40

overruns, 32

crashes, 28, 29, 109, 118, 120, 185, 243, 245, 247


complete v., 14

for multitasking world, 132133

recommended books, 259

Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life (Tharp), 94, 259

critical path, 109110

cross-platform development, 268269

crowded zoo, 3132

customer acquisition cost, 221

customer expectations, 6392

customer service, Apple, 203204

customer support

maintenance and, 250253

resources, 274

“Cut the Rope,” 81, 136


death-match action, 30, 193, 229

decision making, research and, 3641

definition statement, 100, 202

Dell Outlet, 226227

depicting physical world, 136144


costs, 2526

Jobs on, 195

outsourcing, 1920

physical metaphors, 136144

pre-production, 116117

recommended books, 258

Design of Design: Essays from a Computer Scientist (Brooks), 94, 258

Design of Everyday Things (Norman), 94, 258

designer role, 96

development. See also agile software development

costs, 2324, 40

resources, 265269

stages, 93121

development team, 9498

“Diablo,” 228

dice games, 78

DICE Summit, 220, 239

Digital Juice, 269

DLC . See downloadable content

documentation, 4, 20, 22, 102, 268

documentation resources, 268

doing it yourself, 14

“Doodle Jump,” 17, 26, 48, 52, 59, 74

downloadable content (DLC), 129, 146148, 170171, 193

due diligence, 3940


early App Store, 59

eCPM (effective cost per thousand), 166

education apps category, 7172

educational games subcategory, 7879

education/entertainment, 179

effective cost per thousand (eCPM), 166

ego traps, 5152

Elance, 22, 24, 28, 97, 113, 114, 263

Electronic Arts, 33, 78

e-mail, 20, 112, 252253, 265, 272

emergent gameplay, 143

emotion-based gifting, 226

engagement metrics resources, 262

“Enter the Matrix,” 5556

entertainment apps category, 72

entertainment/practicality, 179

“Eternal Legacy,” 75

Eurogamer, 270

exchange ad solutions, 166167

expectations, managing, 3132

extras, features v., 228


F2P. See free-to-play

Facebook, 216

Connect, 232234

conventions, ignoring, 222224

cues from, 219222

Fan Pages, 235237

forced friends, 223224

page creation, 272

vanity URL, 273

viral marketing, 212

family games subcategory, 79

Fan Pages, Facebook, 235237

“Farmville,” 52, 53, 146, 170, 220, 223, 226

“Fashion Story,” 75

fast tracking, 109


concept/feature document, 19, 40, 115116

core, 52

extras v., 228

feature creep, 5, 32, 96, 111, 197

feature-based apps, 152, 165

gameplay/feature expectations, 6981

popular, 4849

pruning, 60

social interaction as, 227232


competitive feedback research, 91

converting to actionables, 247250

good/bad, 246247

main launch, 245246

soft launch preparation, 244245

Fenn, Donna, 257

“Fieldrunners,” 50, 83

fill rate, 165, 166, 167, 189

finance apps category, 7273

first-person shooter. See FPS fitness/healthcare apps category, 8485

Fitt's Law, 134

$5.99 to $9.99 apps, 131

Flash Professional CS5, 222, 254, 268

“Flight Control,” 66

Flurry, 168, 178, 221, 253, 262

focus, Apple, 202

forced friends, 223224

foreign markets, localization for, 2728

Forrester Research, 203

FPS (first-person shooter), 7, 1718, 74, 75, 107, 229. See also “Archetype”

fraction of content/high value, 162163

free apps, 123, 127129, 145, 157168.

See also lite apps

brand support, 158159

business-motivated reasons, 150151

compelling icon, 160


engage users, 157158

freemium v., 148

risks/rewards, 124, 125, 155156

Freemind, 267

freemium apps, 123, 129, 168176

business-motivated reasons, 151153

defined, 148

monetizing, 170172

risks/rewards, 124, 156

virtual currency system, 172176

free-to-play (F2P), 74, 127, 129, 148, 149, 178, 183, 215

friend spam, 223

“Fruit Ninja HD,” 75, 128, 136, 144, 164, 219, 230, 231, 232

Full Motion Video, 106

full-featured marketing solutions, 272

functional specification, 116

functionality, borrowing, 5960

fundamental costs, 2326

future, of your app, 254256


Game Center, 10, 11, 50, 73, 77, 80, 82, 83, 84, 159, 212215

“Game Finder,” 158

Game Producer's Handbook (Irish), 108, 111, 258

Gameloft, 52

games. See also specific games

apps category, 7384

concepts, 5355

emergent gameplay, 143

gameplay/feature expectations, 6891

pillars, 6568

GameSpot, 269

Gamezebo, 270

general opinion category, 246

Genius Bar, 203

“Geometry Wars,” 54

Get Apps Done, 263

Get Satisfaction, 274

gifting, 224227

GigaOM, 270

“Glo Bible,” 216, 234, 235

Gmail, 20, 112, 265

good/bad feedback, 246247

Google Analytics, 262

Google Docs, 112, 265, 268

Google Keyword Tool, 38, 44, 238, 262

GoPlan, 112

GPS apps, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90, 147, 148, 168

graphical expectations, 69

gravity, weather, objects, 143

Guru, 22, 24, 263

gyroscope, 8, 19, 53, 66, 73, 81, 120, 134, 168, 186187


half-second window, 133135

Hall of Fame, 4, 50, 51, 107

hand-drawn style, 17, 26, 48, 59

“Hanging with Friends,” 54

Hangman, 53, 54

hard-core, casual v., 66

head-to-head, 228, 229, 230, 231

healthcare/fitness apps category, 8485

Hero Inventor Syndrome, 1314

high contrast branding, 206207

high value/fraction of content, 162163

Hockenberry, Craig, 23

hole in market, 3738

HTML 5, 42, 254, 269


iAd, 128, 165, 166, 167, 168, 190, 191, 270

icon, compelling, 160

ICQ, 53, 54

“iFart Mobile,” 50

IGN, 269

iLounge, 270

in-app networks, 212, 234235. See also

Facebook; Game Center; OpenFeint; Plus+

in-app purchase, 124, 127, 149, 192

incentives, 124

indie game development, 17, 18, 23, 33, 60, 126, 170, 228

IndustryGamers, 220

in-house, 14, 15. See also outsourcing innovation, 89, 38

inspiration, recommended books, 259

instant communication, 132, 265.

See also Skype

intellectual property, 154, 219

IntoMobile, 270

intro story, “Archetype,” 27

inventory app example, 140141

investor, pretend, 41


development resources, 265266

iOS Human Interface Guidelines, 198, 200, 202, 205

porting, 268, 269

programming books, 258

iPad, apps adapted to, 204206


Application List, 270

blog, 270

Hall of Fame, 4, 50, 51, 107

limited memory, 135

multitasking tool, 133

World, 270

iPhoneclub, 270

Irish, Dan, 108, 111, 258

iSmashPhone, 270

iTunes, 200201

iTunes Affiliate Program, 271

iWork Suite, 197, 198


JIRA, 264

Jobs, Steve, 2, 3, 107, 116, 195, 197, 204

JumpTap, 128, 271



keep it simple, stupid (KISS), 66

Keith, Clinton, 101, 257

keywords, 38, 4445, 238, 262

k-factor, 221222

kids games subcategory, 7980

Kinect, Microsoft, 8, 139

“K ingdoms at War,” 82

KISS (keep it simple, stupid), 66

Kontagent, 221, 222, 262


Lai, Albert, 221

launch/release candidates, 118120

leaderboards, 83, 84, 218, 229, 234, 244

leadership traits, 9495

learning, complaints/mistakes, 5759

leisure, productivity v., 65

lifestyle apps category, 85

lightweight software development, 101.

See also agile software development

limited memory, 135

lite apps, 127129. See also free apps

business-motivated reasons, 153155

call to action, 163164


limiting content, 161163

“Mahjong Towers Touch HD,” 160165

paid apps integration with, 187191

paid apps v., 149, 153155

risks/rewards, 124, 156157

little things matter, 200201

live chat, 216, 228, 229

lobbies, 214, 229

localization, 2728, 29, 97, 113115, 244.

See also translation

“LogMeIn Ignition,” 181, 182

long tail strategy, 150, 169170

The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less for More (Anderson), 150

Lopp, Michael, 196

Luhn, Matthew, 98

Luminosity, 78


Maclife, 270

MacRumors, 269

Macworld, 2, 270

“Mafia Wars,” 220

“Mahjong Towers Touch HD,” 149, 160165, 188

MailChimp, 272

main launch feedback, 245246

maintenance, 250253

Making Ideas Happen: Mastering Project Management (Berkun), 115

managing expectations, 3132

“Managing the Development of a Large Software System” (Royce), 101

ManiacDev, 269


Baker on, 120121

coordinating, 119121

costs, 2930

development team, 98

hole, 3738

maintenance v., 250253

recommended books, 258259

resources, 269274

marketing requirements document (MRD), 115116 article, 165

massively multiplayer online (MMO), 56

“Matchlings,” 17, 24, 135

matchmaking, 106, 214, 229

Maya, 16

medals, 218219

mediation ad solutions, 166167

medical apps category, 85

meeting customer expectations, 6891

memory, iPhone, 135

mentality, paid app, 184187

metaphors. See physical metaphors

metrics, 220222, 261262


Bing, 198, 240, 261

improvements, 198

Kinect, 8, 139

Office, 197, 268

Project, 21

Visio, 40

microtransactions, 129, 146, 147, 169170, 171172. See also freemium apps

Mikogo, 265

milestones, 109

Millward Brown, 195

MindMeister, 267

minimizing risks, 157

mistakes, learning from, 5758

MMO (massively multiplayer online), 56

Mobclix, 57, 165, 166, 271

mobile social game solutions, 266267.

See also Game Center; OpenFeint; Plus+

mockups, 40, 115, 117, 196, 267

Mockups To Go, 267

modern App Store, 911

“Moron Test,” 48, 50, 57, 58, 72

MotionX, 148

MRD (marketing requirements document), 115116

multiplayer, social connection and, 229230

multitasking world, 132133


apps category, 86

“Archetype,” 18

games subcategory, 80

MyAppName, 98, 99

The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering (Brooks), 105


N4G, 270

navigation apps category, 8687

negotiating rate, outsourced talent, 2223

new/old game concepts, 5355

news apps category, 87

news/review sites, 269270

Nexage, 165

niches, 3841, 6061, 126

99-cent apps, 64, 123, 124, 125

.99 to $2.99 apps, 130

“Ninjump HD,” 158, 184, 187192

Nintendo, 6, 65, 66

Non Stop Music, 269

non-disclosure agreement, 23

non-premium apps, 178181, 183184

non-premium mentality, 185187

Norman, Donald A., 94, 258

nothing useful category, 247

“N.O.V.A,” 52, 75


objects, gravity, weather, 143

oDesk, 24, 263

offer wall, 167

Office software, 88, 197, 268

old/new game concepts, 5355, 31, 33, 34, 36, 64, 70, 131, 181, 183, 261, 270, 271

one-day retention, 222

one-week retention, 222

online collaboration, 20, 33, 40, 112, 265, 268

online resources, 261274

Open Office, 268

OpenFeint, 10, 50, 73, 77, 78, 80, 83, 84, 212,213,214, 215216


physical metaphors, 141

rough budget v., 4041

size, 3738

optional costs, 2631

outsourced talent, 2023

outsourcing, 1523

communication, coordinating with, 112

design, 1920

Elance, 22, 24, 28, 97, 113, 114, 263

Get Apps Done, 263

Guru, 22, 24, 263

oDesk, 24, 263

QA, 28

resources, 263

overruns, cost, 32


paid apps, 123, 184193. See also premium apps

business reasons, 178183

lite apps integration with, 187191

lite apps v., 149, 153155

mentality, 184187

price expectations, 129132

types, 178179

upsell, 188189


paper prototyping, 267

paying users, percentage, 222

percentage of paying users, 222

PhoneGap, 254, 269

photography apps category, 8788

Photoshop, 50

physical forces, 143

physical metaphors, 136147

physics engine, 19, 43, 60, 74, 81, 83, 143

Picasso approach, 5960

pillars, gaming, 6568

Piper Jaffray, 177

Pixar, 98

pixel-perfect mockups, 196

planning resources, 263265

planning stage, 104107

“Plants vs. Zombies,” 83

Plus+, 10, 212, 213, 215216, 218, 228, 267

Pocket Gamer, 270

“Pocket God,” 49, 52, 72, 74, 136

popular features, 4849

portfolio, outsourced talent, 22

porting, 204206, 268, 269

post-production, 117118

post-release, 119, 254256

PR Leap, 271

practicality/entertainment, 179

premium apps

considerations, 181183

defined, 178179

freemium v., 152

price ranges, 129132

risks/rewards, 184

premium currency, 172176

premium mentality, 187

pre-production, 116117

press release submission, 271272

pretend investor, 41

“Pretty Pet Salon,” 79, 80

price expectations, paid apps, 129132, 271

prioritizing for updates, 249250

proactive, 157

producer role, 9596

production, 93119. See also development

productivity, 65, 88

profitability, niches and, 41

programmer role, 96


costs, 2425

iOS, books, 258

outsourcing, 19

project management, 257258, 263265

prototyping, 24, 40, 96, 106, 109, 111, 115, 116, 267268

PRWeb, 271

public relations costs, 2930

puzzle games subcategory, 8081


Q&A with Dane Baker, 120121

quality assurance (QA), 2829, 97


racing games subcategory, 81

rate negotiation, outsourced talent, 2223

rating, asking for, 160

reciprocation rule, 224225

recommended books, 257259

reference apps category, 8889

release candidates, 118120

releasing new content, 253254

reports category, 247

research, 3361

app statistics, 3337

competitive feedback, 91

decision making, 3641

mixing/matching, 5960

resources, 261262

successful apps, 4155

unsuccessful apps, 5559

resources, 261274

retention, 56, 136, 144, 150, 185, 186, 204

revenue models. See app revenue models revenue share, 14

reviews. See also feedback

Apple's review process, 119

get good press, 126

news sites and, 269270


achievements/medals/badges, 218219

app revenue models, 124127, 155157, 183184

virtual object gifts, 224227

Reynolds, Brian, 220


app revenue models, 124127, 155157,


calculation, 110111

minimizing, 157

Rocket Launcher, 16

role-playing games, 16, 25, 28, 73, 75, 80, 8182, 146

rollercoaster, app revenue, 126127

rough budget, opportunity v., 4041

rough planning, 40

royalty-free audio, 269

Royce, Winston, 100, 101

rule of thirds, 108

Runic Games, 228


Sample Swap, 269

scaling, 253256

scheduling, 107115

scheduling formula, 108109

ScoreLoop, 254, 268

screen sharing resources, 54, 265

Scrum, 101, 257. See also agile software development

SDKs (Software Development Kits), 15, 254, 266, 268

search bar, App Store, 44

search engine optimization (SEO), 38, 41, 44, 45, 255, 262

search engine terms, useful, 261, 262, 263, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 274

sense of community, 227

SEO (search engine optimization), 38, 41, 44, 45, 255, 262

sessions per user, 222

“Settlers of Catan,” 67

“Shape Shift,” 67, 68

ShareThis, 273

sharing toolbars, 273274

simplicity, 89, 207208

“Sims Social,” 223, 224

“The Sims,” 55, 65, 68

simulation games subcategory, 82

single ad network solutions, 166

Skype, 15, 20, 54, 89, 103, 112, 265 blog article, 152

smooth five-versus-five team-based gameplay, 30

“Smurf's Village,” 28, 29, 68, 79, 82, 129, 146, 147, 170, 172176, 179, 183, 223, 225

social endorsing, 239240

social features, 228

social game solutions, 266267. See also

Game Center; OpenFeint; Plus+ social integration, 50

social interaction, as features, 227232

social media, 211, 272274

social networking, 211241.

See also Facebook; Twitter

apps category, 89

multiplayer and, 229230

viral channels, 235240

viral marketing, 212, 240

soft launch preparation feedback, 244245

Software Development Kits. See SDKs

sound, 18, 144

special effects costs, 27

split testing, 220221

sports category, 83, 8990

spreadsheet, feedback and, 247249

Stack Overflow, 23

standard conventions, “Tweetbot,” 208209

statistics, 3336, 37

Steam, 170

Stock Music, 269

strategy games subcategory, 83

stress test, 29

style, borrowing, 5960

Subatomic Studios, 50

subscription reasons, 171

successful apps, 4155

suggested fixes category, 247

summary decisions, 4041

“Super Mario Bros.”, 68


T3, 270

talent, outsourced, 2023

“Tap Zoo,” 75, 190

Tapbots case study, 206209

TapMetrics, 262

targeted gifting, 225

targeted opinion category, 246

teleconferencing, 265

10 to 3 to 1, 196

$10.99 and more apps, 131132

Tenderapp, 274

TestFlight, 97, 266

testing, 28, 117118, 220221

“Tetris,” 55, 65, 67, 68

“Texas Poker,” 77

Tharp, Twyla, 94, 259

$3.99 to $4.99 apps, 130

3D Studio Max, 16

Timely, 273

toolbars, sharing, 273274

Top 100, 13, 24, 37, 45, 51, 125, 126, 130, 165, 168, 170, 182, 187

Top App Charts, 261

“Torchlight,” 228

touch devices, physical metaphors, 138139

touch screens, user tendencies, 134

TouchArcade, 30, 246, 270


game concepts, 5455

gaming pillars, 6568

transitions, “Tweetbot,” 208

translation, 27, 28, 88, 97, 112, 114, 147.

See also localization

travel apps category, 90

trim list, metaphor, 142143

trivia games subcategory, 8384

TUAW, 270

TubeMogul, 255, 274

Turner, Richard, 101

“Tweetbot,” 206208

Twitter, 136, 273

client example, 4345

implementation, 232234

viral channels, 237238

viral marketing, 212

“Twitteriffic,” 2324, 51


UI (user interface)

“Archetype,” 16

game/app design costs, 25

“Tweetbot,” 207208

underdog, 126

unlockables, 161, 162, 204, 237

unsuccessful apps, 5559

updates, 249250, 253

Upstarts! How GenY Entrepreneurs are Rocking the World of Business (Fenn), 257

useful search engine terms, 261, 262, 263, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 274

users. See also app usage

actions, physical metaphors, 141142

competition and, 228232

engagement, free apps, 157158

scenarios, 140141

sense of community, 227

tendencies, touch screens, 134

user experience (UX)

Apple and, 197199

game/app design costs, 25

half-second window, 133135

user interface. See UI

utilities category, 9091

UX. See user experience


Valadares, Jeferson, 168

value-added benefits, Apple, 202203

vanity URL, 273

video conferencing resources, 265

video marketing, 274

Villain team, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, 21, 24, 29, 30, 120121, 127, 247

viral channels, 235240

viral marketing, 212, 240. See also social

networking virtual currency system, 172176

virtual object gifting, 224227

vision statement, 98

visual expectations, 69

visual styles, 4950

voiceover, 18, 27


walkthrough, niche choosing, 6061

Wall Street Journal, 2, 203

waterfall development method, 100101

weapon, “Archetype,” 16

weather, gravity, objects, 143

weather apps category, 91

website metrics resources, 262

Wii, 6

winning lottery, 125126

Wired magazine, 150

word games subcategory, 84

WP Social, 273

WYSIWYG, paid apps, 124


Xbox Live Arcade, 67, 218


“Yahtzee Adventures,” 55, 78

YouTube, 30, 46, 211, 212, 235, 239, 241, 246, 247, 255, 274

YouVersion, 216, 234, 235


Zendesk, 251, 274

Zoho Projects, 263264

Zynga, 53, 54, 77, 190, 219, 220, 225, 229, 233

“Zynga Poker,” 77, 190, 225, 233

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