4.8 Discrete-Time SC Processes

In this section, discrete-time spectrally correlated processes are defined and characterized (Napolitano 2011). For the sake of generality, a joint characterization of two processes x1(n) and x2(n) in terms of cross-statistics is provided. The characterization of a single process can be obtained as a special case by taking x1x2.

The discrete-time processes x1(n) and x2(n) are said to be second-order jointly harmonizable if (Loève 1963)

(4.182) equation

with img spectral covariance of bounded variation:

(4.183) equation

Under the harmonizability assumption, we have

(4.184) equation

where χi(ν) is the integrated spectrum of xi(n). We can formally write dχi(ν) = Xi(ν) (Gardner 1985, Chapter 10.1.2), (Papoulis 1991, Chapter 12-4), where

(4.185) equation

is the Fourier transform of xi(n) to be considered in the sense of distributions (Gelfand and Vilenkin 1964, Chapter 3), (Henniger 1970), provided that χi(ν) does not contain singular component (Hurd and Miamee 2007).

Definition 4.8.1 Let x1(n) and x2(n) be discrete-time complex-valued second-order jointly harmonizable stochastic processes. Their Loève bifrequency cross-spectrum is defined as

(4.186) equation

where subscript x denotes img and, in the sense of distributions (Gelfand and Vilenkin 1964, Chapter 3), (Henniger 1970),

(4.187) equation

provided that χi(ν) and img do not contain singular components. img

Definition 4.8.2 Let x1(n) and x2(n) be discrete-time complex-valued second-order jointly harmonizable stochastic processes not containing any additive finite-strength sinewave component. The processes are said to be jointly spectrally correlated if their Loève bifrequency cross-spectrum can be expressed as

(4.188) equation

where img is a countable set, img, and img and img are complex-and real-valued, respectively, periodic functions of ν with period 1. img

From (4.188) it follows that discrete-time jointly SC processes have spectral masses concentrated on the countable set of support curves

(4.189) equation

where mod 1 is the modulo 1 operation with values in [− 1/2, 1/2). Moreover, the spectral mass distribution is periodic with period 1 in both frequency variables ν1 and ν2.

Two equivalent representations for the Loève bifrequency cross-spectrum hold, as stated by the following result.

Theorem 4.8.3 Characterization of Discrete-Time Jointly Spectrally Correlated Processes (Napolitano 2011, Theorem 3.1). Let x1(n) and x2(n) be discrete-time jointly SC processes. Their Loève bifrequency cross-spectrum (4.188) can be expressed in the two equivalent forms

(4.190a) equation

(4.190b) equation


(4.191a) equation

(4.191b) equation

provided that img is locally invertible in every interval of width 1, img is the periodic replication with period 1 of one of the local inverses, and both img and img are differentiable.

Proof: See Section 5.9. img

For discrete-time jointly SC processes with Loève bifrequency cross-spectrum (4.190a), (4.190b), the bounded variation condition (4.183) reduces to

(4.192) equation

From (4.190a) and (4.190b), according to notation in (Lii and Rosenblatt 2002), the following alternative representation for the Loève bifrequency cross-spectrum of discrete-time jointly SC processes can be easily proved.

(4.193a) equation

(4.193b) equation

where the functions img, img, img, and img are such that

(4.194) equation

(4.195) equation

(4.196) equation

(4.197) equation

Without lack of generality, it can be assumed that two support curves img and img, with kk′, intersect at most in a finite or countable set of points (ν1, ν2).

In the general case of support functions img with nonunit slope for every k, analogously to the continuous-time case (see (4.20a) and 4.20b), two spectral cross-correlation density functions (4.191a) and (4.191b) should be considered, depending on which one of ν1 and ν2 is taken as independent variable in the argument of the Dirac deltas in (4.190a) and (4.190b)

From (4.182), (4.190a), and (4.190b), it follows that the second-order cross-moment of jointly SC processes can be expressed as

(4.198a) equation

(4.198b) equation

Second-order jointly ACS signals in the wide-sense are characterized by an almost-periodic cross-correlation function. That is (Section 1.3.8)

(4.199) equation

where the Fourier coefficients

(4.200) equation

are referred to as cyclic cross-correlation functions and

(4.201) equation

is the countable set of cycle frequencies img in the principal domain [− 1/2, 1/2). By double Fourier transforming both sides of (4.199) with n1 = n + m and n2 = n, the following expression for the Loève bifrequency cross-spectrum is obtained

(4.202) equation


(4.203) equation

are the cyclic spectra. From (4.202) it follows that discrete-time jointly ACS processes are obtained as a special case of jointly SC processes when the spectral support curves are lines with slope ±1 in the principal frequency domain (ν1, ν2) img [− 1/2, 1/2]2. If the set img contains the only element img, then the cross-correlation function (4.199) does not depend on n (for the considered choice of (*)) and the processes x1(n) and x2(n) are jointly WSS. In such a case, the Loève bifrequency cross-spectrum has support contained in a diagonal of the principal frequency domain.

More generally, the processes x1(n) and img are said to exhibit joint almost-cyclostationarity at cycle frequency img if the (conjugate) cross-correlation function is not necessarily an almost-periodic function of n but contains a finite-strength additive sinewave component at frequency img. In such a case, the cyclic cross-correlation function (4.200) is nonzero for img.

In (Akkarakaran and Vaidyanathan 2000), (Izzo and Napolitano 1998b), it is shown that multirate transformations, such as expansion and decimation, of ACS processes lead to ACS processes with different cyclostationarity properties. In contrast, in Section 4.10 it is shown that a discrete-time ACS process and its expanded or decimated version are jointly SC.

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